Start with a college teacher

Chapter 290 Futures Trading

Chapter 290 Futures Trading
A week passed without a single sales call.

No wonder the advertising fee is so cheap at this stage. If you are careless, no one will watch the advertisement.

Spend money to make you lonely.

For this reason, Xiao Lao Zhang, who has not yet graduated from university, is a little embarrassed.

Shen Guanglin wanted to return the 500 yuan he paid for the director's fee. It must be because his commercials were not shot well enough, which made him unattractive.

However, how could advertising be really bad? This is a strong alliance.

Now, how many people are looking forward to the broadcast of the commercial every day, just waiting for the Lushan girl Zhou Yun to appear.

Especially her small eyes and talking eyebrows are simply too attractive.

However, I don't know what's the matter, the response is quite good, but no one calls to buy a refrigerator, and no one even asks.

Just when a group of people felt that there was no hope, the door of the office was pushed open with a "bang".

"Boss, someone is coming to pick up the goods!"

It was the deputy chief of the security department who pushed the door and rushed in. He usually doesn't talk much, but this is the most he talks.

This man used to be a soldier. He was a hero during the South Vietnam War. After returning, he was placed in the factory. He has outstanding combat skills.


"Someone wants to pick up the goods! It's coming in a big car, and it's just outside."

The deputy section chief continued the topic just now.

A group of people immediately cheered up and rushed out of the office.

Sure enough, there were two large trucks parked outside, and the people from the security department and a few people in bright clothes were standing together smoking. To be precise, the other party was smoking, but the people from the security department confiscated them.

That's more or less.

"The person in charge is finally here! The man came all the way from the capital, thanks to the fact that it's not too far away, otherwise I wouldn't have dared to come here. I said, why don't you even leave a phone number when you advertise."

A young man with a Beijing accent was complaining and stretched out his hand to shake hands with them. The two attendants next to him were guarding a heavy box, which probably contained important items, such as money.

What?Didn't leave a sales call?
No wonder there hasn't been a phone call for so long.

The boss who purchased the goods also went to the Beijing TV station to ask for the manufacturer's address and contact information, and he directly killed him.

"Come on, tell me how much your refrigerator costs. 198 liters is really big enough. I want a large 198-liter refrigerator. If the quality is good enough, I will order more."

Customer is God.

The three of Shen Guanglin hurriedly let the boss into the office to drink tea and chat while drinking.

The other party refused and insisted on going to their warehouse to see the goods, preferably their production line.

Of course no problem.

This beautiful production line is for visiting, and the warehouse is also newly built, clean and tidy is the first element.

The rows and rows of products are really spectacular.

The owner's surname is Pan, and his family should have some background. The box is indeed full of money, and he is a buyer.

Boss Pan looked carefully, and also checked the raw materials for production. Even the back panel of the refrigerator is stamped with hot-dip galvanized steel sheet, and the material is good.

Moreover, the compressor is imported from Fuso, and the production line is imported from West Germany, which is even better.

"What about the sales price?"

Xiao Huang hurriedly handed over the price policy table made by Shen Guanglin, and wanted to explain it, but he said that he didn't need it, just read it by himself.

Suggested retail price of 2000 yuan?No, it's too cheap.

Factory initial price 1800?Expensive.



If the number of 1000 units is calculated, it is only 900 yuan per unit, which is lower than the purchase price of other domestic brands of refrigerators.

"The price is very reasonable, but I can only get 100 units with the money I bring now. Can you give me a time limit, such as half a year or a year, when I sell enough 1000 units, then convert how much I should get. And , can the retail price be set higher, such as 2680, 2880?"

of course can.

Everything is negotiable.

What's the bottom line?There is no bottom line.

The suggested retail price is of course just a suggestion. Isn’t it free for shipping, storage, and logistics?

Then it's time for small talk.

After careful questioning, this brother Pan is not from a "unit", but an ordinary "private entrepreneur".

It is estimated that, just like Shunzi and the others, they are full-time dumpers. Another way of saying it can be called "speculation dumping".

Why did Shunzi go there recently? Why doesn't she have any business acumen?

The refrigerator was loaded smoothly.

In fact, two trucks can't hold much cargo. There are no such large trailer trucks with a length of 17.5 meters.

However, Boss Pan was still generous, and he bought a whole 20 yuan in one go, which is almost [-] units.

Successful completion of the first order!
Everyone is busy for the next week.

The TV commercials should be adjusted quickly, not only to sell corporate culture, but also to bring goods.

Quickly, quickly add the phone number to the TV commercial.

Sure enough, calls for orders and consultations began to flow incessantly.

More and more people visit the factory and place orders by the way.

It only took three days, and the inventory in the warehouse was emptied, and it was time to think of a new way to sell.

All kinds of calls are still coming in an endless stream, especially the state-owned units in other provinces, who can't help but want to try something new after seeing the advertisement.

"We don't use industrial coupons. The purchase price is 1800. There are discounts. The specific policy is"

The other party didn't wait for this side to finish talking, and immediately said: "Help me send 50 refrigerators to Henan No. [-] Department Store, and I will pay you when they are sold out."

"I'm sorry, our company's refrigerators don't pay on credit, and we need to pay a deposit before we can arrange production. We need to pay the full amount before delivery."

"What do you mean?"

"It means that our spot stock has been sold out, and now the production schedule has arrived two months later, and we will not be able to have the stock until then."

Now the one who answered the phone was a girl with a nice voice but an ugly face.

Just by listening to the sound, you can pinch out water if you are tender, and if you see a real person, you can pinch out human life.

"How can this work!"

"That can't be helped, sir, we are on a first-come, first-served basis."

Some people flatly refused, some cursed but still placed the order resentfully.
Most of the people who come to place an order come to inspect and then make a decision.

The result of the decision is naturally to place an order, even if it arrives later, it will definitely sell well.

Moreover, after they returned from their investigation, they had a good meal of bragging, which was almost the same level: the production equipment of this electrical appliance factory was so powerful that it was almost as if a live pig was sent in and a bundle of sausages came out.

Of course, in order to satisfy the sales enthusiasm of dealers and friends, all customers who order more than 100 units will be given a free refrigerator as a prototype by the manufacturer, which is also convenient for them to go back and collect orders.

A courageous manufacturer!

Of course, it is not completely out of stock now, after all, new products come off the assembly line every day.

Except for Boss Pan in the capital, it wasn't that the people who came later didn't get the goods at all, they just didn't get all of them.

If there are 100 units in order, there are still twenty or thirty units in stock, and let people try the water to see if the refrigerator works well.

In this way, every unit that wants to purchase goods first takes a part of the spot goods and then orders a part of "futures" before leaving.

Moreover, all orders are paid with a 30% deposit, and the factory issued a bill of lading, which also gave the pick-up number and the expected pick-up date, saving you from running around, and then you can queue up to pick up the goods according to the number up.

However, the bill of lading is anonymous, and only the bill is recognized but not the person.

The most important thing in Huaxia is smart people.

Some people opened an account, took the spot goods and left, the futures list was in their hands and waited to pick up the goods, and some people put their minds to it.

Because the delivery date is also on a first-come, first-served basis, otherwise it can be called futures.

Some merchants from other places, they came really late, the list was placed at the back, and the equipment was more expensive, but it doesn't matter, they can buy some orders from the "predecessors".

The seniors didn't lose money either, they opened an account, as long as they shipped, they counted as sales, and they also earned part of the price difference.

So who is at a loss?

(End of this chapter)

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