Start with a college teacher

Chapter 293 Academic Disputes

Chapter 293 Academic Disputes
Shen Guanglin had reported in advance that he was coming to Beijing.

Therefore, even in the middle of the night, someone was waiting for him.

It's a good feeling.

Before I knew it, my sister looked even better.

Sleepy eyes, lazy posture, but the appearance of waiting in vain is really beautiful, cute and cute.

If you are a man, don't be cowardly.

At noon the next day, Shen Guanglin drove to pick up two female "assistants" for breakfast, and explained the upcoming work and arrangements by the way.

It was also at this time that Du Lala saw Teacher Shen's "object", and felt that what he said was true, and that she really should feel ashamed.

She is also a woman, why can she look so good-looking?

If it wasn't for the fact that Li Li's chest was a little flatter, Xiao Du would not have had the confidence to stand in front of her.

In terms of height, appearance, and temperament, except for her curves, she has no advantage at all.

If there is gain, there must be loss. After all, she has a peaceful place. If she thinks about it this way, she still has a way to survive.

The group had a midday "breakfast" near the school. Shen Guanglin and Li Li "disappeared" again, without a trace of whereabouts.

In the end, it was Huya girl who took Xiao Du to go through the admission procedures.

With the admission invitation letter issued by the school and Shen Guanglin's face, Xiao Du's admission procedures went smoothly.

Moreover, it was very easy for Xiao Du to find an international student from Jinmen to help her with Japanese tutoring. This was also contacted in advance when she was in China. After all, she doesn’t know anything when she just started, and she has to learn everything from scratch. .

After settling Du Lala, Shen Guanglin should "retire". After all, he doesn't care about her body, this is just part of the deal, there is no need to be courteous in vain.

Shen Guanglin accompanied Li Li to the school for two days, doing everything that should be done like an ordinary couple.

After all, a tech star is not a style star. Not many people on campus know him, but how can such a good-looking girl find such a boyfriend? I really want to beat him to death.

Shen Guanglin didn't have the consciousness of being a public enemy of the world, he played around in the world every day, and sometimes dared to touch his buttocks in public.

Of course, they couldn't do what Wang Banbi sang, singing the ballads that no one cares about on the street, under the bridge and in the fields.

However, Shen Guanglin did feel that he was a little neglected.

This time when he came here, the treatment he received was different from before. The school did not arrange for Shen Guanglin to give a lecture at the first time. This is not their usual style.

Everyone maintained a very strange silent posture, it seemed that the calm water was full of undercurrents.

During the few days when Shen Guanglin was in the capital, the school pretended that he hadn't been there.

In the end, it was Shen Guanglin's friend Xiaolin Cheng who opened his mouth and told the truth: "The school has been very hesitant recently, because the academic circles have started to dispute your academic achievements. Many people are on the side of Iijima, so the school is not easy to disclose support you."

What is there to argue about? Shen Guanglin's scientific discoveries have been recognized by the international academic community, so what's the point if you don't recognize them.

"What about you? What's your point of view?" Shen Guanglin asked Xiang Xiaolincheng, if he made a wrong choice, then he would stop being friends.

Fortunately, Xiao Lincheng still chose to respect the facts: "I believe in academic conventions."

The usual academic practice is that whoever publishes the paper first is the first to discover the scientific fact.

Unless you can prove that you have obtained this result through independent research, and you also need to prove that your scientific findings have nothing that can be questioned.

Iijima Sumio did not meet these conditions.

Because, the real situation is that he only discovered this scientific phenomenon under the "reminder" of Lucas, and Lucas "stolen" the scientific research idea from Shen Guanglin.

However, Fusang's competitive spirit is very poor, as is his academic spirit.

It is true that Sumio Iijima was the first to take the electron diffraction pattern of footballene, and he also has complete records of the process of rediscovering footballene. However, if he does not falsify the experiment time, these things are actually station Can't stand.

Because of the lack of continuity.

However, Fuso’s academic community doesn’t care about this. They only know that Iijima was the first to release the electron diffraction diagram, and he also put forward the theoretical calculation basis, which is enough.

You can't wake up a person who is pretending to be asleep.

Now almost their entire academic circle is pretending to be asleep, and they are still refusing to wake up.

However, controversy always accompanies a scholar's academic career. Shen Guanglin has long been mentally prepared, and he is even prepared for more outrageous provocative behavior.

However, these days in Kyoto have been calm, no one has mentioned the football ene, and no one has approached him. This is probably a short-term balance.

The business in Kyoto is over, and Shen Guanglin is going back to Tokyo to nourish his kidneys. He and Takeda still have some things to discuss about the production of football ene.

Sure enough, when they heard that Shen Guanglin had come to Tokyo, the Fusang media couldn't sit still.

Because, over the past six months, everyone has become more and more aware that footballene is really a very, very large scientific discovery, so big that everyone feels that this achievement is a scientific achievement that can impact the Nobel Prize.

And Shen Guanglin's monopoly on the right of discovery has made many scholars who have done pre-research hate it.

Not only Iijima Sumio, but even Eiji Osawa came to grab the results, because he described the idea of ​​C1971 molecules in his book "Aromaticity" in 60.

However, before Shen Guanglin, no one connected C60 with the electron diffraction pattern of concentric circles.

Now, Sumio Iijima and Eiji Osawa have come together and finally achieved a perfect closed loop.

Eiji Osawa predicted the existence of C60, and Sumio Iijima saw an example by taking electron diffraction images. They were the first to discover footballene.

As for, what is the opportunity for their combination?It's hard to say.

Don't ask, you will turn your face if you ask.

However, of course Shen Guanglin would not give in.

He has his own ambition, he wants to become the first Chinese scientist to win the Nobel Prize, for this reason, he does not hesitate to be an enemy of everyone.

At this stage, there are not many scientific research achievements worthy of the Nobel Prize in China, and not many people mention artemisinin.

The media often reports that the really famous one is probably the artificially synthesized crystalline bovine insulin.

The point of this sentence is "crystallization", not bovine insulin.

The first person to make artificial bovine insulin was the German Zahn in 1963;
The second person to do this was American Katsoyannis in 1964;
Scientists from Huaxia Academy of Sciences successfully synthesized crystalline bovine insulin on the basis of the two. The crystalline bovine insulin they produced had the highest activity and the best performance, which caused a sensation.

However, in some media reports, there are roughly two reasons why we did not receive an award for this scientific research achievement:
[-]. Our country refuses to be nominated due to ideological reasons;

Second, our country has lost the award qualification due to the excessive number of applicants.

In fact, both of these points are untenable.

The real historical fact is: In 1978, Yang Zhenning recommended this achievement to the Nobel Prize jury, but he did not win the award.

At that time, China gave great cooperation and support to this matter, and Mr. Qian Sanqiang personally made the decision to recommend Comrade Niu Jingyi to apply for the Nobel Prize on behalf of all the personnel involved in the research of artificial total synthesis in my country.

Therefore, why the artificially synthesized crystalline bovine insulin did not win the award, there is also a high probability that it does not have much "use".

Because the artificial insulin used by diabetics is produced by scientists using transgenic technology. They implanted the human insulin gene into the genome of E. coli, allowing E. coli to continuously synthesize human insulin for our use.

Therefore, the artificial synthesis of bovine insulin has not been substantially promoted, so it has not been widely recognized by the society.

Shen Guanglin was different. The achievements he selected were all in hard currency, and they were all the ones that would make a big splash. It made people think that it was completely unreasonable for such achievements not to be awarded.

However, even so, he encountered difficulties in his work in Tokyo, so that his daily viewing of movies was not smooth.

Fortunately, Takeda is a company that only cares about "interests" but not "morality".

They know that Shen Guanglin is the one who has gone the farthest in the field of football ene. Even if Iijima Sumio is the pioneer, their partner can only be Shen Guanglin.

Fuso media and academia didn’t think so. They were eager to help Sumio Iijima and Eiji Osawa get back their scientific research results. It would be best if Shen Guanglin could admit that this was the best way to return the property to its original owner.

Too much thinking is really not a good thing.

Forced to do so, Shen Guanglin still held a press conference.

"Asahi Shimbun", "Yomiuri Shimbun", "Mainichi Shimbun", "Tokyo Shimbun", all came under siege.

Not only that, there were also many scholars and people from academic institutions present at the meeting. They wanted to put pressure on Shen Guanglin to surrender.

"I'm also very happy to hear that everyone wants to discuss academic issues with me, and I have long wanted to find an opportunity to communicate with you. It is my ambition to promote academics, and the popularization of scientific and technological knowledge starts bit by bit. For example , the footballene I discovered last year is an unprecedented discovery, and its application prospects are too wide.”

Shen Guanglin talked on and on for more than an hour, until someone couldn't bear to interrupt him.

(End of this chapter)

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