Chapter 294 Winning
"Shen Sang, I heard that football ene was first discovered by others?"

The person who asked the question was a science and technology reporter from the Asahi Shimbun. If he hadn't acted, Shen Guanglin would probably have to talk longer.

This is Shen Guanglin's strategy, which is to make the provocateur feel impatient.

"It's impolite to interrupt someone else's speech." Shen Guanglin frowned.

"I'm sorry, but I still want to ask you to tell me your opinion on this matter."

The reporter bowed in apology, but did not back down, he acted impolitely with polite gestures.

"Although you are really rude, I don't intend to forgive you. However, there is no dispute over who discovered footballene first, because it is clearly marked in international journals, and the discoverer is me—Shen Guanglin, who discovered it. Football! You don't need to 'listen' either because it's just you talking and no one else."

Shen Guanglin doesn't need to be polite to those who interrupt his speech. It is useless to back down at this time, and the correct answer is to bravely go back.

"However, Mr. Sumio Iijima had taken the diffraction pattern of the footballene structure earlier. Therefore, he should have discovered the footballene first."

Another reporter took over and continued to question Shen Guanglin. They came here specifically for this matter, and they will definitely not give up on this.

Shen Guanglin took a sip of water unhurriedly, cleared his throat, and then continued:

"I don't know Sumio Iijima, what is he doing? A photographer? If anyone takes a photo at random and completes a scientific discovery, then there are no unsolved mysteries in the world. If you know what it is, what is the difference between not shooting it?"

This sentence is indeed sharp enough!
Iijima Sumio took a photo of Soccerene and posted it in Fuso's journal, but he really didn't know what it was, so of course it was useless.

Sure enough, the reporter stopped talking, and it was time for the next person to continue bringing up the topic.

"Mr. Eiji Osawa predicted the existence of C60 as early as ten years ago. From this perspective, he is the first person to discover footballene."

"You also said that it is a prophecy, not an actual discovery. And that kind of speech is not even a prophecy, it can only be considered a conjecture. If any conjecture can be regarded as a scientific achievement, I can produce [-] of them every day. A conjecture, a conjecture without a theoretical basis is actually a fantasy, a fantasy that has not been proven, how can we talk about discovery.”

Shen Guanglin had rehearsed this set of speech many times, and they really cooperated to ask the questions Shen Guanglin wanted.

Shen Guanglin went on to say: "Now, I don't need to say more. I am the only one who not only provided the real object, but also provided the theoretical calculation basis. Therefore, I am the discoverer of C60. I guess you won't listen to me if I say that." , let alone reporting. But it doesn’t matter, I also brought my own video equipment, if you report it out of context, I can still actively contribute to other media.”

Depend on!
This person is too disgusting.

Fusang media did not intend to report truthfully, but Shen Guanglin said these words in front of them, obviously belittled them.

Face to face!

It's time for the professionals to challenge this. There's nothing journalists can do about it.

After all, technology journalists have limited professional knowledge reserves, and only professionals can ask more professional questions.

Quickly ask him down!Don't let him continue to be arrogant.

"Shen Sang, I am a colleague of Mr. Iijima Sumio. Here I want to correct some of your prejudices and misunderstandings. Mr. Iijima not only captured the physical diffraction pattern of footballene, but also performed enough theoretical calculations. This is the process. If you don’t believe me, you can verify it yourself. At that time, you were in West Germany for an academic visit. I guess you don’t know much about what happened in Fusang. Therefore, Mr. Iijima also participated in this physical discovery. At most, they are independent Discovery, so you can't enjoy this achievement alone."

It seems that they intend to take a step back, and sharing the results is also an option they can accept.

They are acceptable, but Shen Guanglin cannot.

With their own achievements, they can benefit from touching porcelain, obviously thinking too much.

"Now is an era of frequent international exchanges, and the world is getting smaller. There is a saying called a global village.

As you said just now, I was far away in West Germany when I discovered this achievement, so I didn't know the scientific research status of Fusang, so I might have preempted it.

In fact, what you said is not right at all!

Although I was far away in West Germany at the time, I knew very well the progress and dynamics of football ene in Fuso, because Lucas from the Free University of Berlin came here for a period of academic visits, and he was researching C60 here. "

Shen Guanglin told the story slowly, expressing that he knew the ins and outs of the matter.

"It was Lucas who learned about Mr. Iijima's scientific research results and then leaked it after he went to West Germany. I saw in the West German media that a Chinese student was expelled from their school. I don't know if this has something to do with it." connection?"

Sure enough, the media has no bad intentions, and they are ready to confuse the public.

Anyway, no matter what you say, we don't have to believe it, we just want to report according to the results we want.

Shen Guanglin wasn't angry either, he knew they would do this trick.

He also prepared a long composition, which was specially used to refute their unreasonable troubles.

"I know what you think, but you deliberately ignored one of the most important elements, which is the timing. Time is the key to judge who first discovered the scientific research results."

Then, Shen Guanglin presented a very detailed chain of evidence:
When did he discover footballene, when did he complete the theoretical calculation, and under what circumstances did he 'accidentally' leak this discovery to Lucas, and when did Lucas appear in Fusang, in Fusang Where and how long did they stay in total, and I mailed out the thesis the day after Lucas left West Germany for Fusang, and the postmark was still there.

Evidence is presented in chronological order. It is clear to everyone who is doing bad things, right?

Moreover, Shen Guanglin waited for Lucas and Iijima Sumio for three months before they showed their 'preliminary results'.

At this time, Shen Guanglin has completed several rounds of verification tests, and even the physical and chemical properties of footballene have been developed to a great extent.

"So, who are the people who steal the fruits of other people's labor? Isn't that an obvious answer, and will you report it truthfully?"

Shen Guanglin asked a fatal question.

No one answered.

"Lucas is now ruined, but I don't know if Mr. Iijima has participated in it like him. Who initiated the current competition for discovery rights? When there is an avalanche, no snowflake is innocent."

The stage was silent.

The content of Shen Guanglin's short composition is too full and detailed, not only with text description, but also with photos, audio and video as evidence.

It seemed that he was just waiting for others to steal the fruits of his labor.

"Why did you prepare such complete materials? Is there some conspiracy?"

"We have an old saying in Huaxia, and I think you all know it. It is called that you must not have the heart to harm others, and you must not have the heart to guard against others."

The press conference broke up badly.

Fortunately, Iijima Sumio didn't come forward directly, so he saved the last face.

Shen Guanglin didn't take advantage of the fire or add insult to injury, because he didn't have time to stay here anymore, he was going to Citigroup, and he won an award, the Franklin Award.

(End of this chapter)

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