Start with a college teacher

Chapter 296 New Head

Chapter 296 New Head

What?How could this be?
Not only was Lao Li's request not met, but another thing happened that made him very dissatisfied: he was going to be killed.

"Old Li, the physical examination revealed that your blood pressure is a little abnormal. You are really too tired. So, this time you go to Citigroup for inspection, you should take a good rest and leave the tiring work to young people."

It's just so dramatic.

The old comrades relied on the old to sell the old, and sold themselves.

After all, this is an inspection project that Capital University applied for.

After all, Shen Guanglin is a professor at Capital University, so he must protect his own people.

No matter how unwilling Lao Li was, he had no other choice after the matter had come to this point.

If you don't go, don't go, I will report you later!

Those who accompanied the capital university knew that Shen Guanglin was the main member of the investigation group, but the others didn't know, or the peddler didn't want them to know. Now, it's better to let them know.

The 16-member tour group still boarded the plane as scheduled, starting the first step of traveling to Citigroup.

Moreover, the appointment of a new head has already been made, and Shen Guanglin has been appointed as the new head. He will lead the comrades to complete the feat of inspecting Citigroup.

Once the power is in hand, the order will be followed.

Professor Xiao Shen said, now that there is one less person in our group, we can just save the cost, and each person can share more or less, so that the itinerary plan is more generous.

Makes sense!

Anyone else want to quit?
Just now, the two people who complained about old Li's grievances suddenly stopped, and they couldn't do anything wrong.

Everyone's mood became cheerful again.

Xiao Shen is a nice person, um, yes, really nice.

Shen Guanglin still took Li Rong to the first-class cabin he booked, and there was no way to get away from the crowd. After all, the flight of more than ten hours was tiring.

In fact, none of the other members of the inspection team cared too much about whether they were sitting in economy class. After all, they cared more about whether they could go abroad.

As long as there is a chance to go abroad, even if it is a standing ticket, it doesn't matter.

Isn't there still a ticket?You can ask Mr. Ma, who talks about cross talk, he is not yet 70 years old.

Of course, sitting on the landing gear of an airplane is not enough, it is easy to fall to death, and Afghanistan is a living example.

After more than ten hours of sailing, the plane passed through the Soviet Union, Canada, and finally landed at Kennedy International Airport.

Fortunately, this is a plane of China Airlines, not Bangziguo, otherwise they may be shot down this year.

Kennedy International Airport is not the destination. They still have to rush to Philadelphia. The flight they take takes off from another airport called LaGuardia Airport. This is a small airport that only flies domestic flights to Citigroup.

During the connecting flight, according to the usual practice, the head of the group must call everyone together to give lectures.

Shen Guanglin was the team leader for the first time, and he was not proficient in business, so he could only simply say:

"Our final destination is Philadelphia. We will stay in Philadelphia for four days and return to the capital after four days. As for the itinerary for these four days, you can arrange it freely. Everyone is an old comrade. I won't emphasize organizational discipline. As long as everyone can Just come back alive."

No matter how much more, Shen Guanglin didn't know what to say.

But he was young, and his speech was funny, so the group members still burst into laughter.

"Does Mr. Shen know anything about Philadelphia? How is the security of this city?"

The teachers at Capital University probably knew that Shen Guanglin had studied in Citigroup, but they couldn't find it in the information.

"I know a little bit. There are more black brothers in Philadelphia, so the law and order may be a bit of a problem. Try not to go out at night." Shen Guanglin has long heard that Philadelphia is a black hole for international students, and the law and order situation is comparable to that of Chicago.

As for the law and order in Chicago, just ask Jordan's father.

"Ah, is it true or not? How can Citigroup have a bad law and order? They are so rich."

"Wealth and good law and order are two different things. There is an average of one shooting in Philadelphia every day. We are in Philadelphia for four days. You don't need to be lucky. According to the probability, there will be two or three shootings. Pay more attention to the news and you will see it."

Shen Guanglin thought about it again, "Why don't we go to Philadelphia, it's not fun there, just stay in New York, it's not fun to play anywhere. I took the time to go to Philadelphia to do what I needed to do, after all Or New York is more prosperous."

Everyone was tempted. Shen Guanglin's suggestion was very good. They didn't have a clear plan to go to Philadelphia, just to play.

"But the people from the embassy are still waiting for us in Philadelphia?"

The duty of the embassy is to entertain official groups from China. Although Capital University is a school establishment, its rank is not low, and it is worth sending someone to receive them.

"It's simple. Just call and let me know that our itinerary has changed temporarily. We will not go to Philadelphia for the time being. We will stay in New York. I will arrange a hotel."

Anyway, Shen Guanglin is the head of the regiment. Of course, others have no objection to the decisions he makes, and he is responsible for any accidents.

Shen Guanglin doesn't care about this. Is it impossible for these old men to leave the group? There have been many rounds of political trials. If they are not tough, they will not be given the opportunity to travel abroad.

It's a pity that Citigroup is not Fusang, and Shen Guanglin doesn't have the conditions to do whatever he wants here like he did in Tokyo.

There is no benefactor here who is willing to pay, and there is no Huya female assistant. There is only one ugly-faced Professor Charlie who will come tomorrow.

Fortunately, Shen Guanglin is still a little familiar with New York. This is almost half of his home court, and the infrastructure here has not changed much for decades.

Being familiar with the road, Shen Guanglin led everyone to take the subway to a hotel next to it. This is a hotel under the Marriott Hotel called Sheraton, and the star rating is not bad.

The place where they settled was Manhattan, the busiest area in New York, not far from Columbia University. Shen Guanglin had already thought that he could go to Columbia University to earn a wave of travel expenses, otherwise it would be a loss.

The conditions of the Sheraton Hotel are of course acceptable, and the charges are not cheap. There are 16 people in their inspection team, and they just have 8 double rooms. One room costs 350 US dollars a day, which adds up to 2800 US dollars a day, which is not very expensive.

Since I want to live, I will stay there until the day I go back. Shen Guanglin booked for 5 days in a row, which is trivial.

Watching Shen Guanglin take out two stacks of cash from Li Rong's backpack to pay the room fee, the group members were stunned.

What does this girl's family do? She's so rich.

As for the tour fee of the study group, it has been placed with a teacher at Capital University, and Shen Guanglin has never asked about it. He is not going to use the money, so let the group members use it to buy more things they like.

As for the money for staying in the hotel, let's see if we can find an opportunity to get the school to report it, and we can't do it at a disadvantage.

In all honesty, New York is fun.

It's just that the distance is too far, and Mr. Shen didn't see clearly whether the Statue of Liberty was holding a lighthouse or a cucumber. Anyway, a cucumber that was soft at the beginning of a movie and then hardened again.

New York is known as the melting pot of the world!
On the streets of New York, there are all kinds of people, including people in white clothes and veils.

Shen Guanglin came here this time to pay his respects to the World Trade Center. After all, if he doesn’t see it again, well, he still has another 20 years to see it. As long as he doesn’t come here in 01, he will be fine.

Shen Guanglin rented a minibus, even though the jet lag was not over, everyone was still very excited to play.

The excitement only lasted until the next day, because people from the consulate came to the door. You Qi saw the hotel where they were staying, and instantly lost his composure.

"What do you want to do? Unorganized and undisciplined! Didn't you agree to go to Philadelphia, why don't you leave when you arrive in New York." The lecturer was a middle-aged lesbian, with short hair around her ears, very capable.

Everyone was silent, Shen Guanglin was the head of the group, so he could only bite the bullet and explain: "My sister, the plan has not changed quickly. We are not disorganized and disciplined. We are organized and disciplined at best."

Everyone laughed when they heard Shen Guanglin's words. This kid, he still doesn't forget to make jokes at this time.

"Be serious, Comrade Shen, you are the head of the regiment, how can you be so foolish, this is a foreign country, not your capital university."

It can be seen that the lesbians are really a little angry.

Can't take a joke, it's boring.

"Okay, let me be serious. Lesbian, we changed our itinerary because of something, and we have notified you in advance, so it is not undisciplined. You don't have to be so serious, after all, we are compatriots, aren't we? Class enemies, and not your consulate interns."

"What can you do? It's just an elderly retired tour group, and they still live in such a good hotel, wasting the money of the country and the people! Do you think that New York is more prosperous, so you want to play here? Our country is not developing well. , because there are more people like you who waste people's fat and people's anointing."

Hey, the analysis is quite reasonable.

If she wasn't reprimanding herself, Shen Guanglin would have given her a thumbs up.

However, since the positions are different, Shen Guanglin naturally wants to refute, as long as the "misunderstanding" needs to be cleared up.

"This lesbian, you are taking it for granted. We are here for academic exchanges and visits. You must be responsible for what you say. Now, look, this is an invitation letter from Columbia University, although there is no need to explain it to you , but I think it’s better to make it clear.”

The invitation letter from Columbia has already been received, and the procedure is very simple. The other party has also offered a lecture fee of [-] US dollars, but the issue of reimbursement of hotel accommodation expenses has not been discussed yet.

Moreover, the other party gave suggestions on the topic of the lecture, and what he wanted him to talk about was quantum entanglement and quantum communication.

Quantum communication technology has become popular in Citigroup recently, and this is really the idea given by Shen Guanglin.

Although he doesn't know what stage of Citigroup's research has reached, if Shen Guanglin is really asked to lead a project team to do quantum communication, he may not be able to do it.

Research creativity is really important.

Shen Guanglin heard a story in his later life about Mr. Yu Min, the father of the hydrogen bomb.

Once, there was an old colleague in Min who retired and prepared to publish a popular science book in his spare time, introducing the development process of the hydrogen bomb and its anecdotes.

The writing was finished, and it was just about to be published. Mr. Yu Min looked at it and said, take it easy. Now that the Indians have just developed nuclear weapons, they are studying the hydrogen bomb. Let's not provide them with any ideas.

At that time, it only took us a few months to break through the key technologies from the atomic bomb to the hydrogen bomb. Even if the Indians did not advance smoothly, three years would be enough.

Old friends believed it, and the publication was really suspended.

As a result, 1998 years have passed since India's fifth nuclear test was successful in 22, and it has not been able to develop a hydrogen bomb.

The old man was very angry. He must not trust the Indians. This made Lao Tzu's people feel overwhelmed, and the book has not yet been published.

Seeing Shen Guanglin take out the invitation letter, the lesbian immediately realized that something was wrong, she was mad.

I want to use this to go downhill, but there are no steps.

"Then you can't live in such a good hotel. This is not a waste of the country's money. $350 a day is enough for a year's salary in China."

This is indeed reasonable, and many members of the inspection team also feel that staying in such a hotel is a bit too extravagant.

"You are just eating salty radish and worrying about it. Someone will reimburse you for staying in the hotel. You don't need to worry about it. Mr. Zhang, you are the one we applied for to go abroad. Let's see how much it cost?"

"If you don't count the airfare, that cent hasn't been spent yet."

(End of this chapter)

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