Chapter 297
New York is still fun.

Shen Guanglin came out with his girlfriend, so naturally he didn't go to those places where he likes to take off his clothes when dancing is hot. He just took her to Central Park to watch birds, to Broadway to watch performances, or to museums to see the treasures left by China .

It is exasperating to say that there is a famous museum on 5nd Street on 82th Avenue in New York, called the Metropolitan Museum. It is far away from the Citi National Museum of Natural History, but it has a large collection of Chinese antiques.

Li Rong and Shen Guanglin opened their eyes and gained insight here, but their hearts were particularly heavy.

The bells of the Warring States Period, the pottery figurines of the Northern Wei Dynasty, the bronze swords of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, and the jade butterflies of the Western Han Dynasty, all kinds of cultural relics are dizzying.

Among all the cultural relics, the most famous one is the picture of Emperor Xiaowen of the Northern Wei Dynasty worshiping Buddha, carved on stone slabs, full of historical flavor.

What's even more exaggerated is that the sources of these things are still testable, and everything can stand the test. It's not that they don't have the ones that can't stand the test, but they just haven't shown them.

There were two waves of cultural relics lost in China. The first wave was during the period of the Republic of China, and the second wave was in the 80s.

That's right, it's this age.

In this era, the country did not protect cultural relics very well, so many precious cultural relics are still flowing out.

For example, An Siyuan, a New York antique dealer, has a famous saying, "I buy it all."

Every time he goes to Huaxia, his mantra is "I'll buy them all!".

Usually, he will buy dozens or hundreds of works at once, regardless of the price or quantity, as long as you sell, he will buy.

Among the calligraphy and painting cultural relics he bought, there are many excellent works by Qi Baishi, Fu Baoshi, Xu Beihong, Zhang Daqian, Pan Tianshou and others.

Even so, in Huaxia, he still left a "good name" for people who are stupid and rich, and he will be warmly welcomed wherever he goes.

Shen Guanglin has been desperately buying and collecting cultural relics over the years, but it has only played the role of raising prices, and has not been able to prevent the outflow of Wenwan calligraphy and painting.

The country does have regulations that cultural relics from before the Qing Dynasty are not allowed to be sold or exported abroad, but did they really not go out? Shen Guanglin spends money, and antiques from various eras can be bought, and they are sold in the Friendship Store.

Even after the millennium, news of the loss of cultural relics often appears in the newspapers.

Hey, the feelings of family and country are the most fatal.

When Shen Guanglin came to this era, he had too many missions on his shoulders. He was just a wealthy second-generation household with limited knowledge, so he could only take one step at a time.

However, Shen Guanglin still decided that after returning home, he must increase his efforts to collect antiques, either to make money and appreciate in value, or to be able to keep them in the country.

Now is the time to play, don't think about it.

Let's study the movie that we didn't finish watching yesterday. It's about twins. Why are people in Citigroup so poor? They don't wear clothes to parties, just to show off. What's wrong with being big? Big but not strong .

In order to let everyone spend money with peace of mind and at the same time not owe Mr. Shen favors, Shen Guanglin reimbursed all the round-trip air tickets, saying that it was reimbursed by Columbia University.

Not to mention, some things can really be reported, such as Shen Guanglin's air ticket, such as Li Rong's air ticket.

However, it is a bit too much to reimburse 16 people in one go. We still need to save face.

However, it is not bad to be able to reimburse the expenses of staying in the hotel. For everyone in the country, this is a lot of money. It would be great if it could be reimbursed.

Here at Columbia University, this little money is really nothing, and it is nothing in China in later generations.

Hairy-faced Charlie finally came. The old friend was very happy to meet, and the two chatted happily about their daily life.

He thinks why LI is a little different from before, don't you know him? He even gave her a gift back then.

"I can't remember." Li Rong shook her head.

It doesn't matter, it's good to get to know him again. Charlie, who is familiar with him, continues to introduce his recent situation.

In order to get close to Huaxia, this Charlie also found a Chinese girlfriend who is currently studying at Cornell University. Her surname is Cai and her name is Xiaoying.

Shen Guanglin wanted to hit someone when he heard this name, but he wasn't sure if it was him.

However, it's a pity that Charlie came here alone this time, and did not bring Xiaoying over, nor did he satisfy Shen Guanglin's curiosity.

If there is a chance, then ask her to shoot a movie or two, and then release it after a few decades. Is this a dark history that is not so bad?

So nasty to say!
However, the lecture held at Columbia University was very smooth and successful, living up to Shen Guanglin's reputation.

At the beginning, everyone applauded respectfully, and Shen Guanglin also opened the topic smoothly.

However, after all, the accumulation is limited, and Shen Guanglin does not have much research on quantum communication. This lecture only talks about a small part of quantum communication, and the rest of the time is used to talk about footballene.

This business is Shen Guanglin's specialty.

Moreover, he also took the finished product of footballene and used it for live demonstrations.

The physical and chemical properties of footballene are particularly good, which is known to everyone, but the derivatives of C60 have not been studied yet.

Therefore, Shen Guanglin decided to reveal a little more content. Anyway, the big achievement is already his own. If he sticks to C60, he will win the award in all likelihood.

At this stage, it is necessary to quickly promote the C60. The more useful it is, the more likely Shen Guanglin will win the award.

There are many derivatives of C60 with many properties. Shen Guanglin gave an extended lecture on the superconducting properties of materials.

"Do you know about superconductors?"


"Then everyone is very knowledgeable."

There was laughter in the audience. Anyone who studies physics doesn't know the properties of superconductivity. Many science fiction writers are superconductors at every turn.

"In 1911, Dutch scientist Kamalin used liquid helium to cool mercury. When the temperature dropped to 4.2K, the resistance of mercury disappeared completely. Kamalin called this phenomenon superconductivity. Everyone said I recited Right? This is the homework I did last night at our Columbia University, and I used it today."

"That's right!" Everyone still cheered.

In fact, everyone has already guessed that Shen Guanglin will most likely talk about the superconducting properties of C60 later.

Sure enough, it did not exceed everyone's expectations. What Shen Guanglin talked about was indeed the superconducting properties of C60, and it was also the superconducting properties of C60 derivatives.

"When I was experimenting with the superconducting properties of C60, I once doped K into C60, and obtained the data that the superconducting onset temperature is 18K."

"Wow, it's amazing." The audience in the audience continued to cheer, and Shen's lecture was very interesting.

"I am very dissatisfied with this data."

"We are not satisfied either." The audience clamored, if room temperature superconductors can appear, it will be another world.

However, Shen Guanglin continued to speak:

"I added another thing, which is tribromomethane. After testing, guess what, the superconducting onset temperature of this substance increased to 117K."

In fact, this was boasted by Shen Guanglin. He had never used tribromomethane at all, but he knew that there was such a thing, and it did not prevent him from setting up a FLAG first.

"Impossible!" There was an uproar in the audience.

"Why is it impossible?" Shen Guanglin was stunned, how did they know that they didn't do this experiment.

This is a lecture, not a speech. Shen Guanglin casually clicked on one of the loudest protesters and asked him why it was impossible.

"According to the BCS theory, the limit temperature of matter is about 39K, and any matter above this temperature cannot form a superconducting state."

Ok?Shen Guanglin was really dumbfounded, there is such a theory?
"Go on, I don't have much research on superconductivity."

Not being ashamed to ask is a quality that a scholar should have. Shen Guanglin is sure that the superconducting temperature of C60 can reach 117K, but he still has to respect the classic theories of this era.

"In 1957, Bardeen, Cooper, and Schriever explained the formation mechanism of low-temperature superconductors based on the premise of electron-phonon interaction, and won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1972 for this. Therefore, the 117K you mentioned is not Possibly, although you have achieved a lot, please be more rigorous, for example, let’s say 38K.”

I go!There is such a thing?

"They won the Nobel Prize for this theory?"

"Of course, haven't you learned it?"

"Really not. I study quantum physics, and I haven't studied condensed matter physics much. If, I mean, if I find a superconducting substance higher than 39K, can I also win the Nobel Prize?"

Shen Guanglin was serious when he said this, because he knew that many superconducting materials have a temperature above 39K.

"Mr. Shen, the C60 theory you proposed can already win the Nobel Prize. Let us study the theory of superconductivity."

The audience was full of laughter again. They felt that this famous scientist also had a car overturn.

In fact, Shen Guanglin really didn't know that in 1986, Bernoz and Müller found substances above 39K in ceramic materials, and thus won the 1987 Nobel Prize in Physics.

This is the fastest award-winning scientific research achievement in physics, which was inadvertently mentioned by Shen Guanglin.

Shen Guanglin was convinced, he turned around and wrote a chemical formula on the blackboard: Y2O3·BaO·CuO.

"It's called yttrium barium copper oxide, and its superconducting limit is 78K. After you go back, try the ceramic materials next to each other. There are a lot of 50K and 60K superconducting materials. It's a pity that I didn't study this field at first. , so I didn’t pay attention to this thing. Maybe the BCS theory makes sense, but it only exists in metal materials, and inorganic substances are not in this category.”

One sentence shocked thousands of waves.

"Is what you said true?"

"Of course it's true. Do I need to make up a lie to deceive you? Remember to help me apply for the Nobel Prize after verifying the materials. However, those who want to steal and falsely claim my achievements should not be sentimental, my The paper is mailed out for publication today."

(End of this chapter)

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