Chapter 298
Mailing out papers today is out of the question.

It can be said that this is a joke, or it can be said that this is a sentence full of deterrence.

However, there is a video of the lecture here, and the rights can still be confirmed, proving that these superconducting materials were first discovered by someone Shen, and there is no problem.

Shen Guanglin's lecture directly overturned everyone's traditional understanding of superconducting materials.

However, what Shen Guanglin said was so convincing that everyone had to believe it.

When mentioning the BCS theory, Shen Guanglin said that he hadn't paid attention to it, so he didn't conduct material research according to their theory.

In everyone's half-belief, this destined to be unusual lecture ended.

At first, neither Shen Guanglin nor Columbia University paid much attention to this lecture.

Shen Guanglin gave this lecture to earn foreign exchange, and he was idle anyway.

Columbia University invited Shen Guanglin based on the recommendation of Professor Charlie. At the same time, Shen Guanglin is indeed quite famous. They also wanted to see if Shen Guanglin had a higher level.

It's also strange that Shen Guanglin has so many good things in his hands that he ignored such an important discovery of superconducting materials.

Things that he doesn't take seriously, but the whole physics world is going to be a treasure.

Because the application prospects of superconducting materials are too broad.Zero resistance in power transmission, easy access to super strong magnetic fields, superconducting magnetic levitation, and controllable nuclear fusion, I dare not continue to imagine.

Columbia University has a dedicated laboratory and a dedicated research group for the study of superconducting materials, so they have liquid helium and liquid hydrogen.

It may not be so easy to verify the superconducting properties of C60 derivatives mentioned by Shen Guanglin, but it is not difficult to verify other oxide materials proposed by Shen Guanglin.

钇钡铜的氧化物制取也比较简单,按照沈光林的说法,在1000-1300K的温度下加热金属碳酸盐混合物就可以制备了,具体化学式他都给了:4BaCO3+ Y2(CO3)3+ 6 CuCO3→ 2 YBa2Cu3O{7-x}+ 13 CO2+(3+x)O2
It has come to this point, if it is said that Shen Guanglin has not studied this material, no one will believe it.

Nearby, the laboratory of Columbia University is really very simple to make the oxide of yttrium barium copper, and it does not even take a day to complete the superconductivity verification.

Under the guidance of Shen Guanglin's theory, Columbia's laboratory made a material casually, and the measured critical temperature was 55K, which directly exceeded the physical limit of 39K proposed in the BCS theory!
Too subversive!

How many similar good things does Shen Guanglin have here?
Is he really a modern day Einstein?
In fact, Shen Guanglin was not the happiest about this matter, but Professor Charlie who recommended him everywhere.Charlie was so excited, this is the genius I'm optimistic about, look, look, it's really extraordinary.

Of course, Li Rong, who is a layman, is also very happy. Brother Guang Lin is really too good, he deserves to be the man he chose, if only he is so good in other aspects.

Columbia's laboratory announced the results of simple experiments on the second day. They produced three different materials, and after experiments, they were 55K, 59K, and 73K.

Although everyone has not yet analyzed the chemical formula that specifically constitutes yttrium barium copper oxide, but with this data, everyone has already fried the pot.

This is a breakthrough, this is a subversion, which gives everyone unlimited possibilities.

Some people were too excited to sleep when they heard the news.

The most sensitive and the first to follow up was naturally the media. Some people directly caught Shen Guanglin and Li Rong who were shopping, and asked, "Professor Shen, Columbia University has verified your conjecture. What do you think? What about superconducting materials?"

Shen Guanglin was alerted immediately, this is a trap, they must have no good intentions in asking such a question, and they can't be hasty.

Having experienced all kinds of academic darkness, Shen Guanglin is still very vigilant in the face of traps.

"This is not a conjecture! I have discovered this superconducting phenomenon a long time ago, and more than one material has this characteristic. I have never studied the BCS theory, so I don't care about the so-called limit temperature.

So, I want to correct you, this is not a conjecture, this is an experiment that I have done a long time ago. "

The reporter probably saw that such a question was not a routine for Shen Guanglin, and then continued to ask questions about room temperature superconducting materials.

Shen Guanglin could only answer ambiguously: "I don't know either, this is not my major. You know, the discovery of these superconducting materials can only be regarded as a surprise, just like my discovery of football."

In fact, Shen Guanglin really knows a little bit about the research on room temperature superconducting materials.

Until the day he crossed, no room temperature superconducting material that could be put into large-scale application was found.

Even, at that time, everyone still did not study the mechanism of high-temperature superconductivity clearly.

The BCS theory reveals the principle of low-temperature superconductivity, but for high-temperature superconductivity, that theory does not apply.

However, Shen Guanglin couldn't say such things. He gave everyone hope and wanted them to go down this road.

When one day everyone discovers that the limit temperature of the oxide of yttrium barium copper is fixed at about 165K, it may be said that he has won the Nobel Prize.

However, in 2013, German scientists discovered that when YBCO is illuminated by an infrared laser pulse, it temporarily becomes a superconductor at room temperature for a brief moment.

At that time, everyone was shocked again, and then a group of people rushed in to continue the research, and then returned to calm again.

However, for this era, Shen Guanglin has indeed made a major breakthrough in superconducting materials!

For this reason, under the urging of a group of middle-aged and elderly members, Shen Guanglin wrote an article overnight, so as not to be preempted by others.

This is an instructive article about the preparation of YBCO and the preparation of C60 derivatives.

It doesn't matter, the paper has just been sent out, and "Science" doesn't even plan to review and verify it, and is directly preparing to publish it.

This article is the first breakthrough in BCS theory in recent years, and it is a guideline for future superconducting materials, which is of great significance.

As for the verification test, let others do it, he is not afraid of others' doubts.

He, Shen Guanglin, is the guide. It is enough to open the door. The right of discovery belongs to him, and no one can take it away.

Citigroupers are still very polite when dealing with high-end scholars.

Moreover, it is the honeymoon period between China and the United States, and Chinese scholars are given special treatment, all because they have a common enemy --- polar bears.

It is still the time when polar bears are at their strongest, and it has not yet reached the day when the sun is setting and the western mountains will be unsustainable.

Since the second half of the 70s, international oil prices have soared, which has also led to rapid growth in the GDP of polar bears. Their government finances are extremely abundant, and their fiscal revenue once reached 98% of Citigroup.

Therefore, these years have been the peak period of the polar bear's military and economic strength. They once held a famous "Western 1981" military exercise in September 9, and invited NATO military attaches to participate.

This exercise directly frightened the guests watching the performance, and even the media created a new term called "steel torrent".

Of course, now that the polar bears are invading Afghanistan, it has not yet reached the point of pain, and the quagmire is ahead.

Shen Guanglin and his team enjoyed the best treatment at Columbia University, and everyone became the focus and center.

Fortunately, this elderly sightseeing group is still very powerful, at least half of the people can speak English, and the other half can speak Russian.

A group of people began to frantically pursue them and interview them, just to learn more about Shen Guanglin.

However, after communicating with them, I found that although these people have real talents and learning, they are not as good as Shen Guanglin. Only Shen is the most outstanding person.

Now there is a direction.

Shen is still so young, he still has at least 50 years of research life.

In order to show importance and win over, the school also sent a special car to send Shen Guanglin to Philadelphia to receive the award, using the most luxurious Cadillac.

Moreover, at the award ceremony, there were very important people present, and everything gave Shen Guanglin enough face.

Before coming to Citigroup, Shen Guanglin also imagined whether they would want to stay and recruit him.

I didn't expect it would actually happen, and it's so current.

In just a few days, they made a comprehensive collection and understanding of Shen Guanglin's situation.

They actually already knew that Shen Guanglin had a laboratory in Capital University. He was a professor of the Department of Physics of Capital University, and he had a good relationship with Kyoto University in Fusang and Oxford University in the UK, and he was their visiting professor.

Since there is no taboo to cooperate, it will be easy to handle.

For this reason, they actually offered a very high wooing condition.

He can stay and teach at Columbia University or any other university, and he can be given an independent laboratory with an annual salary of as much as he wants, even if it is 100 million US dollars.

There is no limit to scientific research funding, with a guarantee of 1000 million US dollars, and additional applications can be made if there are suitable projects.

All this is for Shen Guanglin to stay.

Really spare no expense.

In Citigroup, they have many means to attract talents, for example, the most powerful is the immigration policy.

The immigration law stipulates that all famous scholars, high-level talents and talents with certain professional skills will be allowed to enter the country first, regardless of their nationality, qualifications and age.

In front of talents, even hostile countries are not distinguished.

If it was Shen Guanglin from his previous life, he would have decided to stay long ago.

It's not that he's not patriotic, he's also a human being, so the country really can't afford such superior conditions.

It's not that the country does not pay attention to talents, but they only value talents who have made achievements. They are not interested in ordinary people with good conditions, no matter who they are.

Self-funded MIT students like Shen Guanglin are fundamentally bad. Not to mention a lot of them, but it is very possible to catch a waste of wood by accident, so they will not take the risk of recruiting.

Only the outstanding students who can get the foreign student bonus are the main targets of their recruitment.

The same is true for recruiting teachers in universities. Doctoral education is only a basic requirement, and the school you graduated from is the fundamental factor that determines whether others want you.

Even if you are a Ph.D. student of Capital University, if your undergraduate education is a certain second school, even this second school does not need you.

In this era, in the face of solicitation, Shen Guanglin will naturally not stay, his foundation is there.However, it did not prevent him from accidentally revealing the conditions for opening Citigroup.

(End of this chapter)

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