Start with a college teacher

Chapter 299 Discussion

Chapter 299 Discussion

Although Citigroup is rich and beautiful, Shen Guanglin and the others decided to go back to China.

It is not Shen Guanglin's request to return home in a hurry, but the common opinion of the members.

The breakthrough of superconducting materials is too big, so big that they dare not delay for a while, it is directly related to the national economy, people's livelihood and national security.

Everyone knows the goods, and the people of Citigroup pay so much attention to it, so they can't help but not pay attention to it.

It seems that every minute they delay can cause uncountable losses to the country, and they are not even going to buy those personal things, so go back quickly.

Shen Guanglin also thought about going back earlier, and he also wanted to solidify the evidence and consolidate the results.

The two sides hit it off.

This time back, Shen Guanglin did not fly in first class again, mainly because too many people wanted to ask him for questioning, and everyone promised that there would be no smoking on the plane.

Therefore, Shen Guanglin happily sat in the economy class.

It's okay, close to the masses, the position is relatively narrow, and the two people are closer together.

In fact, he deserves to fly first class. Whoever told him to earn 5 US dollars for a lecture, it doesn't cost anything.

seeing is believing.

Everyone really saw the $5 that the other party gave out, and they were no less surprised than when Shen Guanglin released the big satellite.

Someone also asked Shen Guanglin, is he charged $5 for each lecture?

No, Kyoto University and Oxford University charge [-]. After all, they are their visiting professors, so they still have face.

Friends are exhausted.

Shen Guanglin generously reimbursed the round-trip travel expenses and accommodation expenses for everyone, so everyone would have more money to spend on shopping.

It's a pity that with money, everyone has no more time to go shopping in the mall, so they can only buy some supplies at the airport duty-free shop to return home.

If you still can't catch up, then go to the Friendship Store to buy something, and it's not a waste of time to come to Citigroup.

Now, everyone's opinion of Shen Guanglin has changed for the better. Young people, with drive, personality, and caring for others, have a bright future.

Moreover, no one is jealous that he can get a lecture of 5 US dollars. Some people even think that the value of one of his lectures is definitely more than 5 US dollars.

At least, in this lecture at Columbia University, we must have lost money. With only 5 US dollars, the people of Citigroup got a big deal.

Everyone took advantage of being able to go out with Shen Guanglin this time.

In addition to the subsidy, everyone gave a lot of extra money. Everyone was very happy, and they had a lot of fun and laughter along the way.

Some people even asked Professor Shen and Comrade Xiao Li when they will get married, and we must have a cup of wedding wine.

Shen Guanglin could only answer, "Soon, wait until she graduates from college."

"Xiao Li is still a student?"

Everyone was amazed, and the expression seemed to say, Professor Shen, you are wrong, it is not good to have a date with a student.

"She wasn't a student at first, and she wasn't when we were together. She used to work in the Public Security Bureau, and once she arrested me as a hooligan. She was afraid that I would bully other girls, so she decided to feed a tiger with her body to save the common people. .”

Shen Guanglin briefly introduced the process of his acquaintance with Li Rong. When he met Li Rong, she was indeed not a student, but his sister was, but he did not say.

"You know how to talk nonsense."

Li Rong's face was still red, and then she began to pinch Shen Guanglin's waist with her hands.

Fortunately, the weather is still cold and the sweater he was wearing didn't hurt too much, so Shen Guanglin's symbolic begging for mercy was let go.

"Then why is Xiao Li going to study again now? The Public Security Bureau is also a good unit."

"I'm afraid I'm not good enough for him." Li Rong answered generously.

"You are really talented and beautiful, and you are a good match."

Anyway, compliments don’t cost money, and everyone sent blessings together. Looking at such a young couple, they remembered the time that belonged to them. It’s great.

Li Rong thought to herself, there is a better match in Fusang, she is more beautiful, and she also studies physics, so the two of them probably have more common language.

In fact, there is really no such thing.

Shen Guanglin likes to brag in front of Li Rong, saying how good he is, because she doesn't understand either.

But in front of Li Li, he doesn't like to talk about these things. Instead, he likes to talk about making money by himself, and basically doesn't talk about academics.

If you talk too much, you will lose it.

Shen Guanglin is such a rigorous person.

He has never liked to talk about academics in front of professionals, and his friends also know this characteristic of Mr. Shen.

What Shen Guanglin usually likes to say is: I have done little research on this, and I don’t really understand it. Do you think it would be better like this?
Of course better!
Every time the suggestion he gives is the best solution, everyone has worked hard for half a year, sometimes it is not as good as his one word, you say it is annoying.

I am happy, and I don’t feel tired after a journey of more than ten hours.

When Shen Guanglin returned to school, he devoted himself to the preparation of mass production papers.

After all, it was a hole dug by myself, and I had to fill it in no matter what.

Anyway, Shen Guanglin has enough lab dogs, all he needs is to do experiments, and the experiments that the lab dogs need to do are not complicated, as long as there are more people and more money.

Shen Guanglin planned to make a series of experimental outlines first, and then let the students verify them one by one. Anyway, the results are all his own.

To be honest, the paper he wrote in Citigroup can only be regarded as a review or a guide, because it lacks the experimental process and experimental steps.

This time, he came back to perfect this.

Of course, he can also create a car behind closed doors and directly fabricate the experimental process, but the papers produced in this way may be at risk of falsification and easily overturned.

Without the support of experimental results, the falsifications are not quite true.

Shen Guanglin has opened the door to superconducting materials, and now he needs to take good care of feathers. He either does not do it, or he must be blameless if he does. Otherwise, the end of ruin is not a joke.

Any flaw in a small detail may be watched and reported by others, just like that Zhang Hongwen.

Fortunately, the experimental plan proposed by Shen Guanglin was not particularly difficult, as long as he had money.

It costs time and money.

He doesn't have to worry about money at all. The laboratory and the industrial company have two accounts, which have always been inconsistent.

Occasionally, Shen Guanglin also donates the money he earns from lectures to the laboratory to maintain the operation of the laboratory.

Because it sounds good to say it, although I made a lot of money giving lectures, most of them subsidize the laboratory.

Moreover, his laboratory can also accept donations from external units, especially Takeda Corporation, whose regular donations are extremely generous.

Today, Shen Guanglin's laboratory has another big donor, and that is Citigroup's Rockefeller Foundation.

The foundation established by this oil tycoon has done a lot of good things.

For example, in the 1916 years from 1947 to 32, 4465 million US dollars was allocated to Huaxia to fund education, including the establishment of Union Medical College and its affiliated hospitals.

Shen Guanglin made a breakthrough in superconducting materials, and the Rockefeller Foundation immediately allocated $500 million to support his research, with no strings attached.

That's right, really no strings attached.

This is also Shen Guanglin's special request.His laboratory never accepts donations with additional terms, even domestic grants that wear hats.

With such money, he would rather leave it all for the school, just like researching high-temperature-resistant materials, so that he would have no pressure.

In order to maintain his reputation of being victorious in all battles, he does not accept propositional compositions unless he knows the answer to the topic in advance.

The experimental plan was quickly written.

And the required instruments and raw materials are also listed. If you can buy it in China, you can buy it in China. If you can’t buy it in China, you can buy it in Fusang. .

In short, we can do everything else, but the hardware can't.

Jiang Zhenhua was still responsible for the purchase of materials. She had resigned before, but she was called back by Shen Guanglin. She really couldn't do without her.

A large part of the reason why Shen Guanglin built an electrical appliance factory in Jinmen was to transfer Xiao Huang back.

When Xiao Huang came, Jiang Zhenhua came back naturally.

In order to develop superconducting materials, not only Shen Guanglin is busy, but even the school is busy.

Moreover, not only Capital University, but also institutions including Wudaokou Technical School and the Academy of Sciences have also participated, and everyone is actively discussing how to promote the research and development of superconducting materials.

To be precise, everyone is vying for the initiative of the project.

The country is also very generous. This time it abruptly allocated 1000 million yuan for the research of superconducting materials. If it is not enough, it can allocate more.

However, the country does not want everyone to fight on their own. It is best to unite and work together, so that the greatest results can be achieved to the greatest extent.

However, this is where the difference lies.

Because no one wants to give up leadership.

As for letting Shen Guanglin take the lead?
He is too young and not qualified enough. There are so many academic committee members, how can he get his turn.

Several rounds of meetings have been held, with no results.

After all, superconducting materials are not the era of atomic bombs and rockets. At that time, scientists could remain anonymous for decades, just for an ideal.

It’s no longer possible, and now everyone is seeking fame and fortune, so they have to fight for dominance. If there is no fight, there is nothing.

Shen Guanglin attended the meeting, but he didn't say a word because he didn't want to participate in these matters.

The meeting was full of quarrels, but nothing was quarreled. Shen Guanglin was the one who watched the theater, and he just watched and didn't talk.

"In this way, let's take a 10-minute break and continue the meeting after 10 minutes. If it doesn't work, let's vote."

The host is a technical leader of the Science and Industry Committee, and he still has some prestige, but today he can't be suppressed by anyone.

Everyone left the venue one after another, those who drank water, those who went to the toilet went to the toilet.

These people are eager to fight for power, but no one cares about Shen Guanglin's attitude.

Does he have a choice?He must be a member of the team. This is the need of the motherland. Does he dare to refuse?
In the past, such cases of joint research were not uncommon.

When each large-scale scientific research project is completed, three or more companies will be called to discuss who will take the lead in scientific and technological research.

However, it is also rare to meet three companies who want to take the lead but none of them are willing to back down.

Capital University said that we should take the lead, because Mr. Shen belongs to our school, and we have the first-mover advantage.

Wudaokou Technical School said that our school has always had a research team on superconducting materials, which is more mature and quicker to get on the right track, so we should take the lead.

The Academy of Sciences disagrees. We have the most academic committee members and the best hardware conditions. Only by us taking the lead can we achieve greater results, and we also have a good research foundation. It is fine if you cooperate. If it is not possible, let us do it together.

The 10-minute break is up, and I haven't felt anything yet, so it's time.

Shen Guanglin followed the crowd to the end, saw that everyone else had gone in, and then went in and sat down.

His mood is calm, doing aloofness.

On the one hand, his laboratory has already launched testing experiments, and because of the good money, more and more expensive equipment is already on the way.

On the other hand, superconducting materials are not the focus of his research, nor does he intend to focus on them.

It is good to be able to give directional guidance. There is no need to devote yourself to it. He is still thinking about starting a new project.

Anyway, as long as we have the right direction, the results will always come out.It's nothing more than who is faster and who is slower, but no matter who has the fastest R&D progress, he must write his name Shen Guanglin in the column of acknowledgments.

This is enough.

Seeing that the three companies continued to quarrel endlessly, the leader of the Science and Industry Committee became a little impatient. Ask the person concerned for his opinion. After all, he was the first to propose a theoretical breakthrough.

"Xiao Shen, I tend to be dominated by the Academy of Sciences. Your school cooperates with Wudaokou Vocational School. What do you think? What do you think? Tell me boldly."

"I have no opinion, anyone can lead, anyway, it's not my turn to lead."

The others laughed for a while, but Xiao Shen was quite self-aware, knowing that he was too young to compete with everyone.

After everyone laughed enough, Shen Guanglin went on to say:
"There is another reason. I still have a lot of work in my own laboratory. Our own project is also studying superconducting materials, and the gift is accepted."

"What gift?" The leader asked in surprise.

"It's a donation from a Citigroup foundation to sponsor our research and development of superconducting materials." Shen Guanglin answered truthfully.

"What? Donation from Citiners? How much?"

Everyone stopped arguing, and became interested in Shen Guanglin's words instead.


"A dollar?"


so much!This is much more useful than 1000 million RMB.

Although, according to the official exchange rate, 500 million U.S. dollars can only be exchanged for 750 million yuan, but things cannot be thought of this way. Everyone knows that the exchange rate on the black market is already 1:4 or 1:5.

"I think that this fund should be put in the research group, and Xiao Shen can be the deputy team leader, so that there is an explanation for the people in Citigroup."

The people from the Academy of Sciences were indeed more famous and directly helped Shen Guanglin make decisions.

"No, this is a special fund donated by others. It is used for my research on superconducting materials and cannot be embezzled." Shen Guanglin argued hard.

"Is there a difference?"

"There is a difference. This fund can only be used for my laboratory. Part of the money has already been spent on the purchase of experimental equipment and materials, and cannot be used elsewhere."

"How much did it cost?" The people in the Academy of Sciences didn't care, whoever paid the money didn't want to spend a little.

"It cost more than 300 million, mainly because some scanning electron microscopes and X-ray machines are more expensive, and some infrared laser machines are also quite expensive."

"What? How could it be like this? What did your capital university do? You bought equipment and materials randomly without going through the project team. Is there no supervision on the expenditure of laboratory expenses?"

The people from the Academy of Sciences were in a hurry, as if Shen Guanglin had used their cake.

On the contrary, the people of Capital University were not good at talking, so they could only let Shen Guanglin explain by himself.

"Our laboratory's funds are all from donations, so the whereabouts of funds is not supervised by the school."

"You don't care if you spend it yourself?"

"in spite of."

"Then you are not a good flower, this is corruption! There is no law, it's just nonsense!"

The people of the Academy of Sciences can be described in one word, that is, exasperated.

Shen Guanglin was not in a hurry, he was as stable as an old dog.

"Your words are unreasonable. Why should I spend money for the laboratory? I pay 5 US dollars for a random lecture. Most of the money I earn is used to subsidize the laboratory. What position do you have to say that I spent the laboratory money?" money?"

It makes sense. The news about Shen Guanglin's exorbitantly priced lectures has spread, and no one says that knowledge can't make money anymore.

"I, that's what I said."

The leader of the Science and Industry Committee stopped them from continuing to quarrel and brought the topic back to the project team.

"Xiao Shen, there are more than 100 million left, right? Can your funds be combined with the project portfolio, and our scientific research strength will be stronger."

"No, as I said just now, this is money donated to the laboratory by others and can only be spent by the laboratory."

"If you don't tell me, who will know." The leader of the Academy of Sciences began to mutter again.

"Why should I take this risk? Without integrity, who will continue to donate to me in the future?"

Yes, without integrity, who would donate money.

"Okay, let's not talk about this, Xiao Shen, you already have your own experimental project, how can you continue to participate in our research group?"

The leaders of the Science and Industry Committee began to face difficulties, because the research team couldn't leave Shen Guanglin. After all, he was the knocker. Leaving him alone would make international jokes, and the leaders couldn't explain it.

"This is not a conflict. I just let my laboratory avoid our research topic. There are so many substances that can be superconducting. How much will it cost to study all of them? Moreover, my energy cannot be counted as being superconducting." I still need to open new topics and teaching tasks in terms of guide materials.”

"Then what are you doing here?"

"I don't have to come either."

(End of this chapter)

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