Start with a college teacher

Chapter 301 The House

Chapter 301 The House
The world is big, and the food is the biggest.

The two stopped their bicycles and hurried to eat. They had a meeting all morning and were so bored that they were tormented by them to be hungry right now.

Not to mention, the environment of the restaurant in Shen Guanglin's laboratory is really good, with bright and clean windows and a magnificent magnificence.

There is also an iron cage welded to the pillar in the middle of the lobby, inside which is a large-screen color TV set.

This is a full 21-inch Fusang color TV. According to the students, the video is very clear, just like watching a real person.

That is a high-definition TV with an LED screen that they have never seen before. The entire 100-inch TV can be watched as a movie.

When Shen Guanglin and the others entered the restaurant, the TV was on and some programs were playing.

At this time, the news broadcast will only be broadcast at [-] p.m., and there will be no noon news. What is broadcast on TV is a popular science program: "World Experience: East African Natural Zoo".

Spring is here, the ice and snow melt, everything revives, and it's mating season again, the air is full of hormonal smells.

The restaurant is full of hormonal smells. Girls are not common here. Girls who study physics are similar to boys.

Shen Guanglin seldom watches TV programs on weekdays. He only watches some documentary videos. Those Fusang girls are so pitiful. They live in dire straits every day.

There are not many official staff members in Shen Guanglin's laboratory, but there are quite a few people who come to eat.

Most of them are students of Shen Guanglin, and a few are assistants recruited by Dou Wei and the others.

For Shen Guanglin's students, even for a good meal, it is worth running from school, and then they can spend the whole afternoon in the laboratory. Whether it is study or experiment, Shen Guanglin supports it.

However, no one is doing nothing, so there must be some work.

Shen Guanglin appointed several team leaders and assigned tasks. Everyone is still very responsible. They study hard and hone their experimental techniques. In the future, among these people will be his backbone.

Seeing Shen Guanglin and Professor Su walk in, the students were not surprised, and greeted them relaxedly, "Boss, you came to eat in person, why didn't the lady boss come? She's not here, and we don't have a good meal."

Li Rong comes here often, and everyone knows her very well. She won't be angry if she is called Mrs. Boss, but will respond.

Shen Guanglin looked at the playful boy, waved his hands, and without saying a word, helped Professor Su take the plate and started to line up.

Today's lunch is braised series.

Three dishes and one soup, braised winter melon, braised pork, braised lion head, spinach and egg soup.

It's only the beginning of spring, and there are really not many dishes to choose from. The only seasonal greens are spinach, and occasionally a bit of shepherd's purse is already improving life.

Among today's dishes, Shen Guanglin's favorite is the braised lion's head. In the north, this dish is also called Sixi meatballs.

It is said that Mr. Zhang Daqian, a master of traditional Chinese painting, cooks excellent dishes, especially braised lion heads.

Now, Mr. Zhang Daqian is still alive, and Shen Guanglin has collected many of his paintings from the people, which are not particularly expensive, and are not as valuable as Mr. Baishi's paintings.

Professor Su arrived here for the first time, followed Shen Guanglin step by step in line, watched the master cook the food in a daze, and saw that his plate was full of braised pork, he couldn't help but began to doubt life.

"Are you taking special care of me? Why don't other people have much braised pork? Is this not good? Also, do you eat this kind of food every day? Or is it a special day that I just caught up with?" ?”

If it is such a meal every day, it will be really amazing.

If it's just an occasional meal, it doesn't mean much.

"The food is different every day, but it's about the same level." Shen Guanglin didn't deliberately introduce how his food was, and he would know when Lao Su came over for a few meals.

"Why are you giving me so much meat? Is it because I came with you?" Professor Su then asked another question.

"Not exactly, it depends on personal preference. Didn't you see that I made two more meatballs than other people? Others probably got tired of eating braised pork and thought the meat was a bit too oily. And the master chef would think Newcomers may like this dish more, so they will take extra care."

"Are you tired of eating meat?" Teacher Su expressed doubts.

Facts have proved that it really can.

When Mr. Su visited the laboratory in the afternoon, his voice suddenly became hoarse. The braised pork at noon was too greasy, and his throat became greasy.

The laboratory is the pride of Shen Guanglin. The equipment here is basically the most advanced in China.

In particular, physical equipment is the most abundant.

The hardware conditions of the laboratory are indeed good enough, at least much better than those of Wudaokou Technical School. What is lacking now is software. Shen Guanglin is too young to attract those big and small talents, so he can only pile up equipment desperately.

In particular, Shen Guanglin bought a few high-end equipment to study soccerene.

Now, in order to study superconducting materials, he has re-ordered a batch of experimental equipment, but those equipment are still on the way, otherwise it would be even more spectacular.

After looking at the laboratory, let's take a look at the situation in the dormitory.

The conditions of the dormitory are also very good.Everyone's room is equipped with a TV, although I don't know whether it is black and white or color, but the TV is free.

Seeing such accommodation conditions, Professor Su was even more moved.

It is normal to work overtime when doing scientific research. When you are tired from doing experiments, you can go back to the dormitory to have a rest. You can watch TV, take a shower, and have a fully automatic washing machine. Think about it and feel comfortable.

"Mr. Shen, if I come here through you, can I live in your dormitory?"

Professor Su fell in love with this dormitory with a washing machine right away. He hated washing clothes the most, and he didn't like doing housework.

The same is true for his wife. Teacher Su's lover is a high school teacher at Wudaokou High School. He is usually busy with work, and neither of them can take good care of the family.

"Of course you don't have a problem if you want to live in a dormitory, but this dormitory is just a temporary residence. If you come to our laboratory, for the long-term plan, you still have to transfer the establishment. Return the house assigned to you by the school?"

Shen Guanglin asked a question that Professor Su had to face, which was a difficult problem that he had to face early.

"It's true, I haven't thought about it."

Professor Su was silent.

Changing jobs is not a personal matter, but a family matter.

It took him many years to get a suite at Wudaokouji School. Although there were only two rooms, it gave the family a place to stay.

If he reversed his personnel relationship, the problem of the house would be really difficult to solve.

"After all, my wife is still teaching in the attached middle school. Our school won't be so heartless, right? Besides, don't you have any housing in Beijing University?"

Of course, Beijing University has housing allocation, but it is also based on seniority.

Even if Professor Su has already made some achievements in academics, and now he adopts to Peking University, he will not be allocated a house immediately.

However, Shen Guanglin had thought of all this a long time ago, and he was well prepared.

What we lack is that we do not lack houses.

Dou Wei and his classmates have shared houses, and if Professor Su comes over, they can also live in one.

"Come on, Teacher Su, follow me somewhere." Shen Guanglin couldn't help saying that he was going to take Professor Su away.

"Where are you going?" Professor Su was still thinking about how to settle down his family, but he didn't realize what Shen Guanglin was going to do.

"Let's go to the Agricultural University."

What they went to was not the Agricultural University, but the biotechnology company not far from the Agricultural University, because there is a community he developed, Tiangong No. [-].

In Teacher Su's confusion, Shen Guanglin took him downstairs to find a car and go out.

The Mercedes-Benz 600 is indeed luxurious enough, and it also has various high-tech. Shen Guanglin helped Mr. Su turn on the massage function, which is comfortable!
During the short time on the road, he even fell asleep.

"Where is this place?" Professor Su was stunned when he looked at the buildings of Tiangong No. [-].

He has been in the capital for more than 20 years, so why didn't he know that there is such a building near the Agricultural University.

These buildings are quite tall, with more than ten floors.

There are not many high-rise buildings in the capital now, and they will be very conspicuous when you get close. Why didn't you notice it before.

Shen Guanglin didn't say anything extra, he took out a bunch of keys from the car, and took Professor Su to go upstairs.

"Where are we?" Professor Su couldn't help asking.

"Speak up and follow me." Shen Guanglin shook the key in his hand, and Ding Ling's palm rang.

"How many children are there in Teacher Su's family?" Shen Guanglin chatted while closing the car door.

"Two, one boy and one girl, the girl is in the second grade of junior high school, and the boy is in the fourth grade."

"Okay! I just made up the word 'good', so lucky."

While speaking, Shen Guanglin took the lead into the stairwell.

Professor Su followed behind, already vaguely feeling what Shen Guanglin was going to do.

Is this the family residence building of Beijing University?Why is it near the Agricultural University?

Teacher Su thought that his house was really not enough to live in. There were only two rooms. Now that the children are grown up, it is not appropriate to live together again. Now we can only draw a curtain in the middle. It would be great if Teacher Shen’s house had one more room up.

"Yo, there's an elevator!"

"That's right, climbing the stairs is so tiring."

Shen Guanglin is really lazy. The laboratory building and the dormitory building are also equipped with elevators. He doesn't like climbing stairs the most, saying that excessive exercise will damage the meniscus.

Shen Guanglin, a health expert.

After all, Lao Su was a full-time professor. Shen Guanglin didn't prepare a third bedroom for him, but picked a fourth bedroom for him, so he couldn't believe that he wasn't tempted.

In fact, it has far exceeded expectations.

Seeing such an elevator room, Lao Su felt that even two rooms would be good. The newly built building must have comprehensive living facilities.

According to the label on the key, Shen Guanglin found 701 and opened the door.

"Come on, come in and take a look?"

so shocked,

It is now 1983, and there is no concept of renovating houses in China.

Everyone moved to a new house, that is, the floor was plastered, the walls were painted white, and a few more light bulbs were enough. Even the switches were pulled ropes, not the push switches on the wall at all.

The house designed by Shen Guanglin is of course different. The partial ceiling, shape and style are completely beyond Professor Su's imagination.

“This is better than a hotel!”

Four bedrooms, two living rooms and two bathrooms, the north and south are transparent, the living room and dining room are large, and there are flashy coffee tables and tea sets on the balcony.

There are four rooms in the aisle, and there is a cloakroom and bathroom in the master bedroom, which is still the one with a bathtub.

"Mr. Shen, is this your home? The decoration is really good." Old Su was already a little unconfident, he felt that Shen Guanglin's laboratory would definitely not provide such a house.

"I do live here too, but I live on the top floor, because there is a sun room on the top floor, where I can grow vegetables and flowers."

Shen Guanglin occupies an entire floor, eight houses, and two units are all connected. The roof area is close to thousands of square meters, which can grow a lot of vegetables.

"Then this house?"

"When you come to the laboratory, it's for you to live." Shen Guanglin didn't whet his appetite, and directly expressed his thoughts.

"Just give it away for nothing when you come?" Professor Su's voice trembled.

"Of course not, it is rented to you."

"That's about the same. I feel a bit unbearable to live in vain." Immediately, Professor Su thought of another question, "How much is the rent?"

After all, the salary is not high, if it is too expensive, he really can't afford it.

"30 yuan a month." This is a fixed standard, and Dou Wei's house also charges in the same way.

"Ah, then I can't afford it. It's not expensive to pay 30 yuan a month, but my salary is only that much. My two children are grown up, and I have to plan for the future."

"Our laboratory has housing subsidies for regular employees."

"How much to make up?"

"Add 27."

(End of this chapter)

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