Start with a college teacher

Chapter 302 Mixed Doubles

Chapter 302 Mixed Doubles
Su Hongyu is a second-year student in Wudaokou Attached Middle School. She has good academic performance, which is attributed to her having a good father and a good mother.

Dad is a physics professor at Wudaokou Technical School, and mother is a Chinese teacher at the middle school attached to Wudaokou Technical School. Are you envious?

What kind of experience is it like to have your own mother as your homeroom teacher?
Every time it was time to hand out the report card, she was extremely calm, because the test results were already known at home.

In other words, the exam results haven't been announced yet, but the beating activity may be over.

Of course, this is just an analogy.

Girls, skinny, really bad exam results, at most a few criticisms, how could they be beaten, the only one who will be beaten is the younger brother, who made him the youngest and the most mischievous.

Now, Su Hongyu and her mother are like colleagues, they go to school together, leave school together, and eat together every day.

The one who lived the worst life was his younger brother Su Hongjun. He was simply unloved by his father and mother, and grew wildly naturally.

If it weren't for being beaten up by my parents and sister from time to time, I would have no sense of existence at all.

However, it is also beneficial for them to live in the family area of ​​Wudaokou Technical School. At least they can go to the cafeteria to eat by themselves without starving to death.

On this day, after visiting the new house, Professor Su went home in a daze, and even forgot to go to the laboratory to pick up his bicycle.

Still, the Mercedes-Benz sits comfortably.

For dinner, Professor Su cooked the food himself. He cooked a big pot of chicken. He ate a big meal at noon and improved the food for them in the evening.

This is not an ordinary chicken. This is a broiler chicken bred by a biotechnology company. The meat is tender and fat.

Everyone had a great time eating, and they all felt that Dad was very happy today, and they didn't know what good things happened to him.

Su Hongjun was mischievous again at school today, pulling the red band of a female classmate, and the parents came to complain, but he was not beaten, which is rare.

Dad hasn't hit me for three days, and my whole body is floating.

In the evening, Professor Su's performance was even more vigorous, and he immediately rejuvenated.

I didn't go to help with homework anymore, I just dragged my wife to the room and tossed about for most of the night, and even came to a plum blossom three tricks.

"Old Su, have you taken your medicine? It's been a long time since we've been so comfortable. That means the house is not soundproof, so the children must have heard it."

While drawing circles in Lao Su's arms contentedly, the wife questioned his past strength.

"Hmph, I've always been so strong, okay? When we first dated, do you remember that I was nicknamed Wudaokou "Thirteen Lang" thirteen times a night.

For old couples, it's over, so naturally I have to say something about myself.

"Huan Shisanlang, if you can be Saburo, you have to work hard." His wife doesn't approve of his strength, after all, it's hard for a man to have fun in his middle age.

Old Su refused to admit defeat: "Then who begged for mercy just now, Brother Su, let me go, I can't do it."

"He is giving you face and encouraging you. Don't be so loud, the wall is not soundproof, don't talk nonsense, the children will listen."

"You know that the sound insulation is not good, so you were screaming so loud just now."

"I hate it, don't say any more!"

It's enough to talk briefly about the matter between the beds, and it's time to start talking about the serious business.

"Let's stop making trouble, I have something serious to tell you. I want to resign."

"What? I can't!" My wife immediately frowned, "If you don't want to be a professor at Wudaokou Technical School, what are you going to do after resigning? Are you going to set up a stall? Don't trust those who sell clothes and electronic watches, they seem to make a lot of money Much of the money is fake!"

Lao Su complained several times about the low wages and the lack of income. He made more money in a month than he did in a year when he set up a stall.

Therefore, as soon as he heard that he was going to resign, his wife quit immediately. The voice was much louder than before, and even the children in the listening corner next door expressed their objections:
"Dad, I'm good at school. My father is a university professor. They envy me. You can't quit your job and become a street vendor!"

These two bastards really didn't do a good job!
But at this time, Teacher Su can't take care of the children anymore, so it's important to appease his wife quickly.

"That's not the case, listen to me. I'm not going to other places, I'm going to Beijing University. The conditions in the laboratory of Beijing University are indeed better."

Lao Su didn't keep it secret anymore, he didn't say that this was Shen Guanglin's personal laboratory, he only mentioned Capital University.

It's just that, since he came to the laboratory, he may not be a professor, but only established at the Capital University.

"Going to Beijing University?"

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, that's okay, it's better to change the soup or not the medicine.

"Why do you want to go to Beijing University? You obviously did well in Wudaokou Technical School."

His wife's tone softened significantly.

"You will know when you come with me tomorrow. Let's go for an outing tomorrow."

Good outing!

The next day was the weekend, and the whole family went out for a group outing.

Just go for an outing, and don’t go in after passing the Old Summer Palace. Go north until you pass Houchang Village and come to a large park with a wall.

"Biological Technology Co., Ltd.? Dad, what are we doing here?" After walking a long way from Wudaokou, Su Hongjun felt that his thighs were thinner.

"Don't ask, just go in and find out."

I took Shen Guanglin's car for a walk yesterday, and I didn't think it was very far at the time, but I was quite tired from walking today.

Shen Guanglin said hello yesterday, and the guard at the door already knew Lao Su, so instead of stopping them, he asked, "Professor Su, do you want to ride a bicycle? Researcher Dou seems to be roasting a whole lamb today, so I just went over to have a bite."

"Okay, thank you."

Professor Su and Dou Wei are not very familiar, they just got to know each other when they visited the laboratory yesterday, besides, he came to see the house today, not to eat Dou Wei's roasted whole lamb.

You can go in by bike.

Brand new bicycles, one for each person.

"Old Su, where is your bicycle?"

"It fell downstairs in the laboratory."

"Oh, no wonder."

The roads in the park are well repaired, all cement, very smooth, and cycling is particularly brisk.

Passing through an empty grassland, I ran into Dou Wei's gang, and I only knew Dou Wei, the other men were handsome and the women were handsome, all of them had extraordinary temperament.

Dou Wei naturally also saw Lao Su's family.

"Old Su, come, come and join in the fun."

"No, I'll go and have a look at the new house."

Old Su already knew that Dou Wei lived across the street, so they all wanted to build a good relationship with their neighbors and future colleagues.

"The house won't be lost. Don't rush to look at it. Jiang Zhenhua is instructing people to move household appliances inside for sanitation. You don't seem to be so eager to go there later. Let's eat roasted whole lamb, roasted suckling pig and roasted rabbit together."

"Where did the suckling pig come from?"

"Um, there is a little pig who can't think about it and decides to dedicate himself to science. We are doing scientific experiments and helping it survive the disaster."

Dou Wei originally studied biology, so he can make various animals sacrifice themselves voluntarily. This is the so-called workplace PUA.

"Dad, I also want to eat roast suckling pig."

After hearing this, Su Hongjun was so greedy that he couldn't walk anymore. The chicken from last night was all digested.

All right, let's stay and play for a while, really don't worry too much, seeing that they have prepared a lot of ingredients, it's not too much to have a meal.

"Isn't that right? Let me introduce you. These are the future big stars and big directors."

"Hi, sorry to bother you."

"No, we're also here to eat and drink."

Dou Wei went on to introduce the origins of these people:

"Hey, did you see that the advertisement for the Great Wall refrigerator that was shown on TV was shot by him."

"It's amazing. I saw the Great Wall Refrigerator too. It's a really good shot, and Zhou Yun is so pretty."

Zhang Yimou could only smile, "These are Boss Shen's ideas."

"Mr. Shen can still do this?"

"He can do a lot. As long as he wants to do it, there is nothing he can't do."

Everyone joins in.

I had a great time eating today!
Although there are many people, there are also many ingredients. There are only three rabbits, and there are chickens, ducks and fish, all of which are meat dishes.

In this season, it is possible to order roasted leeks, but roasted eggplants and roasted peppers are out of the question.

After eating and drinking, the stomachs of Lao Su's family will hurt.

Dou Wei continued to entertain the guests, so he did not accompany Lao Su to "house inspection".

Of course, Lao Su's lover and his two children didn't know that they were here to see the house, and they thought they were here for an outdoor barbecue.

Old Su didn't say anything, and started off on the road crookedly on his bicycle.

"Old Su, is this the property of Capital University?"

"Yes, didn't you see the words Capital University at the door?"

"Then Capital University is richer than your school, and that young man can organize barbecues."

"He's the head of the biology team, close to the water."

We soon arrived at the area where Tiangong-[-] was located.

After all, the building is so high, it is easy to find according to the direction.

When the family building arrived, Lao Su's S footsteps became lighter. He resisted his excitement and took his wife and children into the elevator.

"This is where?"

"You'll know when you arrive."

The elevator stopped on the 7th floor, and there was a big padlock on the door of 701.

In the surprised eyes of everyone, Professor Su took the key from his belt, and opened the lock calmly but tremblingly.

"Go in and have a look. If you like it, I will go to Beijing University. We will live here in the future. If you don't like it, we will stay the same. I won't say anything."

Professor Su was very heroic when he said this.

"Is this the house of the University of Beijing?"


Entering the door is a large refrigerator, which is the Great Wall refrigerator shown on TV.

In this era, the refrigerator is a luxury item, so it is natural to place it in the most conspicuous position.

I didn't expect Jiang Zhenhua to do this kind of thing, and put the refrigerator on the TV background wall, for fear that others would not see this big item.

TV, refrigerator, washing machine, tape recorder, so many modern electrical appliances

"Old Su, can we really live in such a house?"

"Well, this is the house of the laboratory of Beijing University. I go to work over there, so we can come over here."

The couple were talking, and the two children had already rushed in to explore.

"Dad, Dad, there are four rooms, all of which have sofa beds. Can I live in one room by myself?" My sister was very excited. She is so old, and she still lives with her brother.

"Yes." Old Su was very angry.

"Can I also live in a room by myself?" The younger brother asked the same way. He had already thought of it, and he must have his own room.

"Of course you can."

"Then you and your mother will each live in one room."


"What happened to you outside? You bullied your mother when you came back. Yesterday I heard my mother crying and begging for mercy."

"You little bastard, see if I don't beat you to death!"

"I'll find a broom, let's fight together."

(End of this chapter)

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