Start with a college teacher

Chapter 303 Drinking Milk

Chapter 303 Drinking Milk

In this day and age, it is very difficult to resign. If the unit is unwilling to let someone go, they will make all kinds of troubles and use despicable means, which is outrageous.

Card household registration, housing card, file card, these are still pediatrics, tarnish your reputation, report your conduct, that is the routine method, I have heard countless tragic stories that happened because the original unit did not let people go.

Professor Su wanted to resign, but Wudaokou Technical School readily agreed.

It's not that he's unimportant, but because he's not going anywhere else, but Capital University.

This is the relationship between the two families, and nothing else is involved.

These two schools are neighbors. Although they look down on each other, just like Coca-Cola and Pepsi, they are actually close to each other, and there are still many exchanges between the two sides.

Although Professor Su is the backbone of the School of Physics, he is not irreplaceable. He wanted to go to Beijing University, and the other party also solemnly sent an invitation. The school did not act as a villain to stop him, and they would always use it when they were in Beijing University.

Even, in some years, the dean of Wudaokou Technical School went to Peking University to be the vice principal, or the dean of Peking University went to Wudaokou Technical School to be the vice principal.

However, since Professor Su has resigned from the school, the house cannot be lived in, and the school's housing resources are also tight.

The attached middle school of Wudaokou Technical School and the university are two units. In this situation, Professor Su is actually considered a single employee. The two rooms allocated to him at that time were already an exception.

Lao Su resigned, and now even the house will be taken back by the school.

This is a rare thing that has recently become popular in the family area of ​​Wudaokou.

After all, Professor Su is a key professor in the School of Physics. He heard that he might be elected as a member of the Faculty in a few years. Now he is resigning, so why did he come here?

"What's wrong, old Su really went into the sea?"

"I don't know. Anyway, the procedures are all over. No, that truck is here to help him move, and he doesn't know where to live."

"Isn't it going to Shencheng?"

"Also a possibility."

Now it is indeed a wave of doing business in the sea, which is called the first wave of going into the sea in history.

In this year, Wang Shi finally resigned and began to sell corn on the railway line he was familiar with, and also helped Shen Guanglin's factory sell some production materials; Liu Yong and his brothers also resigned from the unit, and together with a few good friends Go to the countryside to start a business, raise chickens, raise quails, and develop "Hope" brand feed.

However, where Lao Su went to get a high school has become a hot topic in everyone's mouth.

Finally, a neighbor couldn't help but came up and asked, "Old Su, what's wrong with you, I heard that you resigned, and you won't teach in the future?"

"I won't teach anymore, I'll do odd jobs in the future, just dawdling around."

Professor Su really doesn't teach anymore. Like Dou Wei, he is doing scientific research full-time. The salary is paid according to the original unit. As for the benefits, it depends on Boss Shen's mood.

Boss Shen is in a good mood and can get five months' salary a month, but in a bad mood, he can only get two or three months.

However, they distribute a lot of supplies, even clothes, not uniforms, but all kinds of clothes sold in stores, and you can choose the style yourself.

Now, the clothing stores of Jiang Zhenhua and Huang Guangyi are still open, and the scale is not small. They have all kinds of clothes, and they don't need a ticket.

In this way, Professor Su not only bought a new set of clothes for himself and his wife, but also bought a set for each of the children.

Another weekend, Professor Su's house held a big housewarming dinner.

In fact, there were not many people living in Tiangong No. [-]. Most of the employees in the breeding base are nearby residents. They live at home, and their dormitories are also on the side of the factory, which is convenient for taking care of them. Therefore, Tiangong No. [-] is hiding in the breeding base. Xanadu.

Today, everyone from the entire building came.

Shen Guanglin brought Li Rong, Jiang Zhenhua came by himself, Dou Wei was alone, Kong Fandong brought his celebrity wife Li Ping, and neighbors to Professor Su's house as guests.

In order to make the dining table richer, Shen Guanglin specifically asked Dou Weiduo to prepare some small animals that suffered from heatstroke, depression, and internal injuries from fighting.

Most of these animals are cultivated for experiments. Antivirus and sterilization are the basic operations, so you can eat them with confidence. Even mice can be tried.

A broken home is worth a million dollars.

After Professor Su and the others moved, they brought all the bottles and cans of the original family here, which completely destroyed Shen Guanglin's carefully designed decoration style, but the home has more life atmosphere.

Today was a treat at home, and the two children didn't go out, helping to serve tea and water to entertain the guests.

For the past week, the family has been in a cloud of mist, and some can't believe it.

However, changes are always subtle. After moving to a new home, some living habits are different.

This is a home with 24-hour hot water, which has advantages and disadvantages. Now, my wife doesn't let Lao Su go to bed without taking a bath.

For this reason, Lao Su slept in the laboratory for two nights, just to avoid some middle-aged people's last resort.

Yesterday was Saturday, half a day off, Professor Su took his family to visit the unit where he worked, and reported that he really lived in the dormitory and did not run around.

The laboratory is a separate yard. The place is not big and there are few buildings, but it is well planned, like a garden, with rockery, small bridges and flowing water.

The first floor of the dormitory building is the cafeteria, the second floor is the gymnasium, there are treadmills, there are table tennis tables, there are billiard tables, and above the third floor is where the staff live.

As expected, the conditions in the laboratory are really good. One Mercedes and two Crowns are left in the parking lot. Anyone who wants to use a car can go to Accountant Jiang to apply for it. She takes care of it.

Bicycles are different, you can use whatever you want.

It is still shared. There are two kinds of bicycles, one is Phoenix for women, and the other is Golden Deer for men. Both of them are specially painted, and it says "Exclusively for Capital University".

The new home is far away from the school now, and Lao Su’s bicycle can just be reserved for home use, and Lao Su rides the bicycle of the work unit by himself, so the transportation is still convenient.

It's just that the place where children can play is different. Although the distance is not too far, we have to say goodbye to the past.

The big yard of the biological base is really big, except for their Tiangong No. [-] family area, the rest are all kinds of animal breeding centers.

Uncle Dou Wei from the opposite door took them to see the small animals. There are all kinds of animals here, including hamsters, mice, rabbits, chickens, ducks, geese, cows, sheep, pigs, monkeys and dogs.

The biotech company doesn't just breed experimental species, it also breeds new varieties.

For example, white-skinned pigs that eat a lot and grow fast, white-feathered chickens that lay too many eggs, broiler chickens that are too fat to walk, Boer goats from South Africa, and dairy cows from the Netherlands.

Moving to a new house, everything is a new beginning.

Lao Su and the others specifically explained that they should not show off about moving to a new house, as long as they know it themselves, otherwise let them go out and live by themselves.

The two children nodded desperately.

They won't say anything about eating roasted hamsters with Uncle Dou.

The joy of housewarming, of course, must be given as a gift.

Shen Guanglin didn't know what gifts to give to the adults, so he could only buy some suitable gifts for the children.

There were not many teaching materials in this era, so Shen Guanglin bought them all.

"I designed the children's room. There are bookshelves in every room. If there are no books, it would be so empty."

"Thank you uncle."

"You're welcome, this is what I should do. I'll give you a new one when you get promoted to a new grade."

Li Rong also presented her own gift, prepared by Shen Guanglin for her, a treasure from her own collection, a pair of red sandalwood rulers from the mid-Qing Dynasty, which is a companion piece to the one given to Shen Guanglin's cousin.

"I heard that my sister-in-law is a Chinese teacher. This gift is the most suitable for you. There are disciple rules engraved on it."

"Thank you."

"You're welcome, everything is for the children."

The lunch is very rich, and there is no shortage of vegetables, all of which are grown by ourselves.

Shen Guanglin let go of the authority of the sun room on the top floor. Aunt Zhang Peng's family, sister Li Ping from Kong Fan's family, and sister Li Rong from Shen Guanglin's family, the three of them are the main force in working and growing vegetables.

Keeping the breeding base, the most indispensable thing is organic fertilizer. The upstairs is connected to tap water, and it is convenient to pour vegetables. The only thing that makes everyone a little dissatisfied is the poor quality of glass.

Glass in this era is too brittle, there is no float glass, and there is no condition for tempering.

The sun room immediately became a paradise for the children. They each allocated a small piece of land to grow vegetables and flowers, and they didn't think the smell of cow and sheep dung was too strong.

Even Su Hongjun, a child scourer, started to do things seriously, and even transplanted a peony, and he must be the king of flowers.

On this day, the guests and the host had a good time, and everyone who was tired from playing went home separately. In fact, they just lived upstairs and downstairs, and they didn't need to take the elevator.

In the evening, during the heart-to-heart talk after the event, the wife couldn't help but began to ask questions again, and now the kid finally couldn't hear it.

"Old Su, why is your laboratory called Shen Guanglin's laboratory? Isn't it the laboratory of Capital University? Can it be named after an individual?"

She has kept this question in her heart since she visited the laboratory yesterday, and after holding it in for a long time, she finally asked it after all the guests had left.

"You know Professor Shen, right?" Old Su asked his wife back.

"I know, didn't you make some input method? It was published in the newspaper, and it is still very famous." My wife teaches Chinese, so it is not surprising that she knows the input method.

"The Chinese character input method is just a product of Mr. Shen's whim, which is insignificant. His scientific research achievements have shocked the world in just a few years, and he is known as the greatest scientist after Einstein." Professor Su said to Shen Guanglin I admire them very much, especially as colleagues, I admire these talented people the most.

"Really? So powerful."

"Of course it is true. The topic I am going to do now is the research on superconducting materials. In fact, it is the theoretical breakthrough he completed. It is also a coincidence that we met during the meeting. He invited me, and I came."

"He's still so young, is he so powerful? I haven't seen him lose his hair either."

"What is it all about? Do you know how much someone else pays him for taking a class abroad?"

"How much? 500, 1000?"

"Fifty thousand dollars."

"Fifty thousand? Or dollars? My God, he has to eat beef and milk every day."

"Doesn't our family also eat beef and drink milk every day now?" Lao Su became interested again when he said that, and turned on the switch of the tape recorder. He also wanted to drink milk.

(End of this chapter)

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