Chapter 304 Exile
The rivers and lakes are flooded with clouds, and I can't bear to look back at Luoyang Spring.

Tianjin tent drinking Lingyun guest, flower market singing peerless.

This is the work of Zhu Dunru in the Song Dynasty. Tianjin here has nothing to do with Jinmen, it is just a coincidence of words.

However, the author's use of it here seems very cultural.

Shen Guanglin came to Jinmen this time with the prelude of the storm, he knew that he couldn't hide for too long.

Jinmen is actually not a benign place, and during this period of time, I have to be a man with my tail clamped here.

If you really want to hide from Taiping, it is better to go to Xiangjiang.

But there is no need to be so timid now, let’s wait a few years and wait until the end of the 80s to see the situation.

It's still important to do business now.

The football ene R&D and preparation laboratory of the joint company has finally been preliminarily completed, and the next step is how to design a mass production line.

This is not a job that Shen Guanglin can complete alone. After all, Takeda has invested a lot of money, and they still sent many professional and technical personnel to support.

Since Takeda is a biopharmaceutical company, Shen Guanglin suggested that the production method they use is the arc method.

Although doing so consumes more energy, the footballene produced will be purer.

In case, football ene is doped with a little carbon nanotubes, eating it will really poison people to death.

Carbon nanotubes?This is another good thing.

Now, since footballene has been discovered, should carbon nanotubes also be discovered?

In particular, as more and more people join in the research of footballene, some physical and chemical properties of footballene have been verified.

For example, its special strength, which is caused by the orbital hybridization effect, makes sp2 hybridization between adjacent carbon atoms, thus greatly increasing the strength.

Carbon nanotubes also have this property.

In real history, carbon nanotubes were discovered by Sumio Iijima. That’s right, it was Iijima who competed with Shen Guanglin for the right to discover football ene. He missed the Nobel Prize twice, so he can be regarded as a poor man.

Now that Shen Guanglin had turned against him anyway, it would be better to snatch the results of the discovery of carbon nanotubes as well.

In a few more years, he will bring out the results of graphene, so that he will gather the three musketeers of the Momo family by himself.

However, he does not intend to continue to put the achievement of discovering carbon nanotubes in Beijing University.

Recently, there are a lot of running in Jinmen, and it is necessary to establish a good relationship with the local university. Jinmen Nankai is a good school, and it needs to produce some shocking results to consolidate its status in the world.

After all, this school is still the prime minister's alma mater, and it was once very popular, but then it declined quickly. Shen Guanglin gave them a hand to see if it was possible to really cheer up.

Shen Guanglin also has another plan. When his work is relatively passive, he will choose the right time to release the results of carbon nanotubes, so that he can turn the situation around.

For example, in case the Academy of Sciences becomes angry and wants to make trouble for itself and liquidate its own inaction, and the school cannot withstand the pressure, it depends on whether they have anything to say when they release this result at this time.

Although the face-slapping part is bad, it's also very cool.

Now, let's think about how to start the work formally. The joint company's money didn't come from the wind, and I also invested real money.

However, it is really not that easy to build an experimental line with R&D and production capabilities. They not only need to consider performance, but also the production cost and production capacity of the product.

Shen Guanglin didn't do anything else after arriving in Jinmen, and spent every day mingling with others to study how to design the production line.

This period of time is not without other achievements and gains. At least, the products of the experimental line have been continuously rolled off the assembly line. Although the manufacturing cost is high, it is enough for Takeda to do the research and development of new products.

R&D always takes some time, but the establishment of a joint laboratory with Jinmen Nankai University went smoothly.

Compared vertically, Nankai's influence in Jinmen is definitely greater than that of Capital University in Beijing, so cooperating with them will be very beneficial to Shen Guanglin's career development.

This is an ally.

Naturally, Takeda is also happy to see the results, and it is never wrong to have a good relationship with the local government.

Since several parties have this need, let’s cooperate, using the ready-made venue of the joint company’s laboratory, and it can be opened with a sign. Nankai University also sends some scientific research personnel, which can be called “co-construction”. laboratory".

In fact, Shen Guanglin came to Jinmen for another purpose, which is to continue his studies with Nankai University. He is not learning anything else but solar energy manufacturing technology.

Although it is not urgent to learn photovoltaic manufacturing technology, he has never forgotten it.

If you live to be old and learn to be old, there is no future for you to rest on your laurels.

Shen Guanglin is already imagining it. While he is learning solar energy manufacturing technology, he is also researching how to better manufacture footballene. In this way, he accidentally discovered carbon nanotubes. You say it is annoying. people.

In fact, the laboratory preparation of carbon nanotubes is not difficult. It is true that carbon nanotubes can be produced with the set of equipment for producing footballene, but the reaction conditions are a little different.

To prepare footballene, graphite electrodes, inert gases and catalysts are used.

There is actually a simpler way to prepare carbon nanotubes. Gaseous hydrocarbons are used. This word is pronounced tīng. Hydrocarbons are a general term for hydrocarbons. Common methane, ethylene, and acetylene are all hydrocarbons, and there is another called Aromatic hydrocarbons that can produce a special aroma.

In a helium environment, given high temperature, hydrocarbons will generate a carbon nanotube. This method is the legendary vapor deposition. It is the most convenient method to prepare carbon nanotubes.

But for Shen Guanglin, the two preparation methods of footballene and carbon nanotubes should not be too far apart, otherwise it would not be a "accidental" discovery.

Therefore, initially, only graphite electrodes could be used to prepare carbon nanotubes.

The specific requirement is to increase the current, reduce the voltage, and control the distance between the cathode electrode graphite rod and the anode electrode graphite rod at about 1mm, so that carbon nanotubes will grow on the cathode.

However, there is no need to be too anxious about the discovery of new materials, and the purpose does not need to be so strong, it can be done slowly.

When I am interviewed by the media, I can say that I am usually bored, I did a random experiment, and then discovered a new substance. Why do you say it? You say it is annoying.

Now, what Shen Guanglin cares most about is not these things in the laboratory, but Great Wall Electric.

Now that Great Wall Electric has achieved large-scale mass production, it has finally begun to make money.

It took only half a year to recover the cost.

Sure enough, this era is the golden age of entrepreneurship, and even the traditional manufacturing industry has such explosive power.

However, someone is still eyeing here.

During the period of time when Shen Guanglin was away, some changes had taken place in the business ecology here, and when he came back, he found that this situation was not right.

Of course, it's not that someone wants to seize his shares. That's just a situation in the novel, which is rarely seen in reality.

Someone proposed to underwrite their products.

I heard that the leader is a young man who works in the railway bureau and has a good background.

They are not serious about being electrical appliance distributors, but are planning to monopolize part of the supply of goods, transport them to other places, and earn some price difference.

It's not that Shen Guanglin has no background here, in fact, this is what Shen Guanglin is bothered about, so he has never used Li Rong's background to make a fuss.

Now, Li Rong's uncle Zhang Peng and that young man are very close, because the two sides have a common foundation.

Zhang Peng pretended to be the second generation, but he was not favored. As long as no one exposed him, everyone believed him.

It's a bad thing to believe.

This year is already 1983, and it is already May, and the Youth Labor Day is over.

When Shen Guanglin arrived in Jinmen, Zhang Peng had been on a business trip, saying that he went to the market with his son.

Starting a business is very hard. When he came back, his eyes were black and his face was swollen.

This is the pill.

Zhang Peng is working on airplanes?Is this too long?

"Mr. Zhang, you'd better go back to the capital. If this continues, I can't explain to my aunt. I didn't send you to Jinmen to ask you to work hard. You work so hard, you will have problems sooner or later." Shen Guanglin greeted his "hero" with greetings.

Zhang Peng also blushed, knowing that he was really in a bad state, and his body had been hollowed out by alcohol recently.

"Boss, you're laughing at me again. In fact, everyone is a man, just acting on occasion. I also want to talk about business. In addition, the young master's invitation is too generous."

"I'm not joking, you should really go back to the capital." Shen Guanglin spoke to him seriously, and he confirmed his attitude.

"What?" Zhang Peng expressed disbelief. This is not Professor Shen's style.

"I said you go back to the capital. The factory in Jinmen is handed over to Xiao Huang to manage it. You really need to go back to the capital. The biological company over there needs you more, and the capital is our foundation. Jinmen is just an electrical appliance. It's just a manufacturing plant, leaving you here is a waste of talent, and it will affect your family harmony after a long time."

Shen Guanglin really wasn't joking, he was serious. Although his words were euphemistic, the meaning was very clear.

"No, I don't want to go back. In fact, I don't like raising pigs at all. I still prefer manufacturing. There are many people and they are down-to-earth."

Zhang Peng and Mr. Zhu are used to playing, so they probably don't want to part with the flamboyant world here.

"It's fine if you like the manufacturing industry. I'll change the place for you. You go to Shencheng tomorrow. There is also an electrical appliance factory there. Su Youpeng is also in charge of the garment factory there. He can't do it alone. It just so happens that the factory over there is handed over. I'll take care of it for you."

"Do you dislike me?"

"I'm helping you."

Zhang Peng was indeed very reluctant, but the boss's orders could not be disobeyed. To put it mildly, he was Li Rong's uncle, but to put it mildly, he was nothing.

Zhang Peng finally left.

Hey, there are things everywhere, as long as there is a little bit that is not fixed, it will cause big trouble.

Perhaps, this is the so-called greater ability comes greater responsibility.

If he didn't know the ending, someone Shen would also like to get to know Mr. Zhu.

Now, Shen Guanglin really didn't dare to leave Uncle Li Rong in Jinmen anymore. If something happened, how would my aunt take care of her three children?

If he doesn't stop after arriving in Shencheng, then send him to Xiangjiang, and let's talk after the limelight.

Seeing the fate of others, he must be sober.

Huang Guangyi is now in charge of the new factory alone. His future depends on his personal integrity. If he can't control himself, anyway, his niece has no children yet, so he can remarry.

Two powers harm each other whichever is less.

(End of this chapter)

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