Chapter 305
It's not that Shen Guanglin has never been tempted, nor is it because his personal integrity is really good.

He is not Liu Xiahui, he is just timid and he cherishes his life.

Young, wealthy, and successful in his career, if he lets go and play, he really won't be able to stop the car.

He must be even crazier than Mr. Zhu.

What is Erhuan Thirteen Lang, what is dragging a Ferrari with a second wife, these are all floating clouds.

Shen Guanglin didn't expect that his life would come to an end so soon.

He still has to slowly cultivate his own style, form his own status, and become a schoolboy.

Not to mention anything else now, at least he still has some fans in Beijing University, Wudaokou Technical School, and Jinmen Nankai.

This is because others believe in him and worship him.

Not because he is rich, nor because he is good-looking, but because he is strong in scientific research.

This worship is most unbreakable.

This is status, this is influence.

Shen Guanglin didn't stay in Jinmen for too long, he was going back to the capital again, because he was finally graduating.

The time came to May 1983, 5. This day is also of great historical significance in the history of Chinese education.

Because, today is the moment when the first batch of doctoral students receive their diplomas.

There are only 18 doctors in the first batch of graduates in the country, and Shen Guanglin is one of them, and he is the most dazzling one among them.

Although he has not yet graduated with a doctorate, he has already obtained the title of professor, which is the only one in the country.

In fact, Beijing University and Wudaokou Technical School were not the first batch of pilot programs for doctoral degrees. Shen Guanglin joined the ranks only after special approval.

Now it seems that he probably doesn't need this doctoral diploma to prove himself.

Now, whether at home or abroad, no one doubts that he is introduced as Professor Shen.

However, as long as the graduation year is blurred, it is also good to get a doctoral degree, at least with a certificate.

His personal resume is also better. The school awarded him two certificates. Shen Guanglin is now a graduate of the Capital University with a master's and doctoral program, and he is a standard direct descendant of the Imperial College.

As for where he, Mr. Shen, studied his undergraduate degree, this matter is not easy to arrange, so let's put it on hold for now.Isn't Professor Yi Zongtian also a graduate student who did not go to university directly?

The country still attaches great importance to this graduation ceremony, which also shows that the spring of science has really arrived.

However, when you really want to check the distribution of doctoral students in this year, you will find that the distribution is very uneven.At this time, you can see who is the real son and who is the godson.

There are a total of 18 doctoral degrees in the country, 12 of which are occupied by the Academy of Sciences and the University of Technology, and the remaining 6 places are shared by other schools.

Shen Guanglin recalled a saying by Xie Lingyun during the Southern and Northern Dynasties: There is only one stone in the world, and Cao Zijian monopolizes all eight buckets.

Now the Academy of Sciences monopolizes 8 points, Fudan University occupies [-] portion, and other schools including Shen Guanglin share [-] portion.

Therefore, for the 1000 million scientific research funds, he and Beijing University can't compete with others, and there is no injustice at all.

They are professional scientific research institutions, and you are full-time teaching institutions, which is different.

It was not until later that everyone discovered that teaching institutions with young people are more likely to produce scientific research results. Only then did they understand that the golden age of scientists is youth. Once they start thinking about improving their status, their academic career will end.

Shen Guanglin rushed back to the capital one day in advance, just to receive this graduation certificate with others.

The organizing committee arranged uniform accommodation and uniform clothing, and specialized personnel trained them.

Sure enough, the country has opened up. On such an important occasion, Chinese tunic suits were not arranged, but suits and ties.

Shen Guanglin discovered for the first time that the shoulder pads of a suit are so important.

Even Shen Guanglin, who has a family in the capital, stayed in the hostel for one night and met many young heroes from all over the country.

Generally speaking, the graduates of the first batch of doctors are talents, but not geniuses. There are no very outstanding and refreshing figures, and there is no leader in a certain field.

The one who stood out the most was him, Shen.

The certification ceremony was held in the Great Hall, which is a solemn and sacred place.

This era is not like later generations, the Great Hall is not yet open to the public.

In later generations, when celebrities hold coming-of-age ceremonies, and movies hold premieres, they can spend money to go in and have fun.

Not now, if you can go in now, you will be proud for a lifetime.

Shen Guanglin's doctoral dissertation defense has long been over. The topic is the principle and application of Chinese character input method. It is irony or pride to get a Ph.D. in physics for a content that is completely irrelevant to physics.

It is estimated that Shen Guanglin chose this topic because the Chinese character input method is universal, and everyone can comment on it.

If you do a doctoral thesis with a brand-new physics topic that is too deep, it will easily cause a dumb field. This is not good, it is not conducive to unity, and it is not Shen Guanglin's style.

Like light and dust.

There are not many amazing things to describe in the awarding process. Mr. Qian from the Academy of Sciences personally presented the graduation certificate. When Shen Guanglin arrived, he also said, "Young man, you are amazing."

Greatness is certain, but Shen Guanglin is also very low-key, he doesn't say anything.

When Dean Qian asked him what he was doing recently, he said, I am still studying football recently, and there are still many things to be explored on this subject.

"Have you not continued your research on superconducting materials?"

Dean Qian didn't care about specific scientific research projects, but he still knew the current scientific research hotspots.

"Superconducting materials are led by experts Lu, and I have not participated much."

"Don't you have your own laboratory?"

"Of course my laboratory is also researching superconducting materials, but Professor Su is in charge of it. Professor Su is Professor Su Buqing who was originally teaching at Wudaokou Technical School. Do you know him?"

"I know, Xiaosu is a nice person, why, he went to your school?"

"Well, foreign monks can recite scriptures."

There were quite a lot of people at the scene, and the two of them didn't communicate for too long, so they made an appointment to have dinner together after the meeting.

In fact, Dean Qian would be a perfect person if he did not promote supernatural powers and qigong in his later years.

After getting the graduation certificate, it was handwritten, but it was stamped with the school's stamp, so he could be regarded as a person with credentials.

In fact, according to the original plan, Emperor Taizong was also going to attend this event, but because he had something to do, he couldn't come, so he asked someone to come here to apologize.

After receiving the certificates, everyone enjoyed a state banquet in a small banquet hall. In fact, the dishes were very simple, and Shen Guanglin did not eat the legendary boiled cabbage.

However, during the banquet, Dean Qian did not continue to exchange superconducting materials with Shen Guanglin, but instead talked about human science.

Ah, Shen Guanglin is not familiar with this stuff, he can only be a spectator.

After dinner, Shen Guanglin went back to school and the laboratory.

He is still very concerned about the progress of superconducting materials.

Through communication, I learned that it was probably because I was being passionate, and the people in the other project team had not approached them.

All kinds of experimental equipment have arrived. Professor Su's research here is progressing very fast, and the temperature of liquid nitrogen has already been exceeded.

The task Shen Guanglin assigned him was yttrium-barium-copper oxide. As long as the superconducting properties of this series of materials were clearly studied, that would be enough.

They don't need to study the superconducting properties of football ene derivatives, Shen Guanglin can do it himself.

That thing is too difficult and too expensive, and it is not so easy to produce results.

In later generations, someone once sold some nitrogen-added football dilute, which was sold at a sky-high price. If calculated by gram, one gram is worth one billion yuan.

As for what materials the research team organized by Lu experts wanted to study, Shen Guanglin deliberately refused to inquire, and also deliberately refused to let Professor Su inquire.

However, you must also do a good job in keeping the confidentiality work in your own laboratory. If you don't do bad things yourself, it doesn't mean that others think the same way.

Don't be afraid of [-], just be afraid of what happens.

If someone starts to have bad thoughts, it will be a bad thing.

After receiving his graduation certificate, Shen Guanglin stayed in the capital and did not go back to Jinmen for the time being, planning to wait until the summer vacation.

The ordinary days always pass quickly, and the weather is already hot in late June.

Those people from the Film Academy have graduated, and when Shen Guanglin has nothing to do, he can only drink and eat with Lao Li.

The breeding base is still fun, but the biggest predicament they encounter is the lack of food. Imports are not allowed, but foreign exchange is allowed.

Taking the opportunity, Shen Guanglin also bought some rice from Wuchang.

The two men drank and naturally talked about the current issue during the dinner.

Shen Guanglin said with emotion

Lao Li replied

Shen Guanglin originally wanted to take Li Rong out for a trip during the summer vacation, but now he dares not go.

He doesn't have three heads and six arms, and with the young and beautiful Li Rong, he will definitely cause trouble. Let's just stay in the capital honestly. For everything, our own home is the best.

(End of this chapter)

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