Start with a college teacher

Chapter 306 The curtain

Chapter 306 The curtain
Since ancient times, how happy life is, stealing half a day's leisure in a floating life.

Since graduating with a Ph.D., Shen Guanglin has spent a lot of leisure time.

Of course, leisure is also relative, but nothing bothering him.

People from the Academy of Sciences really didn't look for him anymore, and he was not used to it anymore, thinking about publishing a few more papers on superconducting materials to provoke him.

Didn't the instructor say it all? Fighting against the sky is a lot of fun!Struggling with the earth is a lot of fun!Fighting with others is a lot of fun!
Now, several scientific research working groups he is in charge of have entered a smooth period, and they are still a little uncomfortable.

At present, the research work on superconducting materials is advancing in an orderly manner. Shen Guanglin did not open too many cheats, but let Professor Su try and make mistakes step by step.

Of course, he doesn't know what the optimal solution is.

As for when to discover carbon nanotubes, it is not so urgent now.If Shen Guanglin didn't discover this achievement, it would take at least four or five years before others discovered it.

His business empire is also smooth sailing.

The investment of Great Wall Electric—Jinmen factory has already recovered its cost, and it is making a profit, and it is making a lot of money every day;

The biotechnology companies in Beijing have already achieved profitability, but the cultivation of new varieties has not yet seen benefits;

The Great Wall Garment Factory and Great Wall Electrical Appliances far away in Shencheng have made a lot of profits, and Su Youpeng has long clamored for Shen Guanglin to go over and guide the work again.

That's right, their names over there have also been changed to "Great Wall", let's hug together to keep warm.

Garment factories are the most profitable now, and their market has been fully opened, and they are taking the path of foreign trade.

A large number of clothes are sold to Fusang and Citigroup every day, but no clothes are sold to Europe for the time being, because there is a competitor there, that is, the romantic Turkey.

When he was free, Shen Guanglin would accompany Lao Li to have a few drinks. Anyway, he hoarded a lot of Moutai, and the hoarded wine has reached a bottle a day, which can last for more than 1000 years.

Moreover, hoarding these wines did not cost him too much money, because although the price of Moutai this year has increased to more than 8 yuan a bottle, it is still a drop in the bucket for Shen Guanglin.

It is also good to have a prospective father-in-law like Lao Li, who does not put on airs, is well-informed, and can discuss life when he is free.

Sometimes when he drank too much, Shen Guanglin would call Lao Li brothers and sisters, and said that he would send him away with a good coffin board in the future.

Moreover, it must be configured according to the emperor's level, with four coffins and two outer coffins, yellow intestines and jade clothes, and there is no difference in proportion.

Lao Li just said, I am still young and in good health, we are not sure who will send the other away.

Shen Guanglin didn't like to hear these words, "Comrade Li, you know that my laboratory is also researching biology, and I also cooperate with pharmaceutical companies, and there is also a biological breeding base, and the vegetable garden can also grow red and white umbrellas. Gun, it seems that you are approaching your fiftieth birthday, do you want to give you a ride in advance, let's have a funeral."

"See if I don't kill you little turtle."

It's not that they were killed. The two happily went fishing after drinking. Shen Guanglin came back from abroad to Luya. He can keep fit by throwing this, but if he accidentally slips into the river, there is a possibility of drowning.

There is a special fish pond in the breeding base, but there are too many fish raised in Shen Guanglin's fish pond, and Lao Li is not rare in fishing.

For a rookie like Shen Guanglin, when making a nest, a handful of bran can stir up fish splashes, and the water surface will continue to churn for a while. Only with such a density of fish can he gain something.

It's not that I haven't been to wild fishing before. Both of them have visited Qingshuihe several times.

This can't be blamed on Shen Guanglin and Lao Li's technical dishes. The main reason is that food is still scarce in this era. People use household nets to fish, so there are not many fish in the river. The density is not enough.

When will the visual anchor fish device be invented? It is a weapon in every battle.

Of course, for fishermen, fishing is fun, even if it is just a puddle formed by a heavy rain, they want to throw a few rods.

The days passed day by day, and the long summer vacation finally began.

The weather also began to heat up, and the air began to fill with an impetuous atmosphere, which fully foreshadowed that something unusual was about to happen.

This summer vacation, Shen Guanglin didn't plan to go anywhere, he planned to stay in school and do experiments.

He is a person who is ready to dedicate himself to science at any time, and he is definitely not afraid to go out because the security outside is not good.

After all, what Lao Li said after drinking is not credible, most of it is to scare people, and it is definitely not so reliable.

It was a holiday, and Li Rong wanted to go to Dongyue Taishan to take a look, but Shen Guanglin refused; Li Rong wanted to go to Beidaihe, but Shen Guanglin also refused.

According to what he said, the farthest we go to visit is preferably Badaling.

"Then what's the fun? Go fishing with you at Miyun Reservoir? Huh!" Li Rong became angry, and the consequences were serious.
"How about, let's go to Xiangjiang for a visit? Buy another house and renovate it?" Shen Guanglin hurriedly comforted him.

This can have.

Li Rong's dream of pretending to be a designer began to sprout again.

On this day, with nothing to do, Shen Guanglin wanted to take Li Rong to the movies again.

It's not the kind of movie that two or three people watch in a small dark room, but a real movie with positive energy called "The Wrangler".

This movie is also good. Although it is not as popular as "Shaolin Temple", it has the characteristics of the times. The biggest concept in it is "only love one person in life".

Importantly, this is strongly recommended by Li Rong.

Movies of this period, the outline of the story is always inseparable from the era that just passed; novels of this era are always inseparable from the passionate years.

The movie was good, Li Rong shed tears while watching the movie, and she also wanted to share her impressions with Shen Guanglin.

Shen Guanglin was rather indifferent, he only loves one person for anything, so what if he loves more than one person, if he really only loves one person, what about people like Tear Onion Afan?
Of course, now that there is a shortage of entertainment measures, the movie is really worth watching. The leading actor in this movie is Zhu Shimao, the partner of Xiaopin Wang. The actors carried the whole audience, and in the later popular words, their acting skills exploded.

The heroine is Cong Shan, who is not yet 20 years old. She looks really good, she looks like a good wife and mother, and she is also a natural beauty.

Shen Guanglin didn't know that Cong Shan was a freshman in Chinese opera this year. Among her classmates was Jiang Wen, an iron-blooded real man.

However, after watching the movie "The Wrangler", the sequelae are not just about the impression after watching it. Li Rong has other requirements, and I don't know what happened. The life of herding horses and sheep.

It's a good thing she hasn't watched <Tian Long Ba Bu>, otherwise Shen Guanglin would definitely not be able to bear this kind of life if she had to think about herding horses and sheep every day like Ah Zhu.

Somebody Shen still prefers a life of feasting and feasting, otherwise why would he like to play with people from the Film Academy? Shen Guanglin just doesn't like to dance close to his face, because his limbs are not well coordinated.

Where to herd horses and sheep?

Shen Guanglin took the national map and thought about it, looked and looked, and finally chose a destination—Great Wall Biotechnology Co., Ltd.

That's right, this place has also been changed to Great Wall Biotechnology, but the name of Capital University was added when making the signboard.

Although there are no horses in the breeding base, there are sheep. You can put them if you want, and you can also roast them.

If it doesn't work, let's build a yurt by ourselves, isn't it over?

With money, the yurt was built quickly, and Shen Guanglin also installed air conditioners on it and added mysterious decorations, making it look very exotic.

But this thing is not soundproof, and too many people come here to play, Li Rong doesn't like it.

The one who likes it the most is Lao Li.

He said that he had a feeling of marching and fighting, and he had to live in it at night, and there was air conditioning inside, so it was not hot.

Since it's marching and fighting, why don't you hold up the mosquito net?
"What do you know? This is called strategizing and winning thousands of miles away. This is a strategy, not a mosquito net."

Shen Guanglin didn't say much, but accidentally burned a few holes in the tent.

On this day, Lao Li came to experience life in the yurt again. While drinking at night, he brought a piece of news that was very important to Shen Guanglin.

I heard that the negotiations on the renewal of Xiangjiang's contract broke down. The gap between the two sides is too large and no agreement has been reached. Some news may be announced in a few days. Huaxia is going to take back Xiangjiang in its own way.


Didn't it mean that the two sides reached an agreement after the Prime Minister's wife came?

Is there still an accident?

Shen Guanglin suddenly thought of what kind of impact this news would have.

He once watched a Xiangjiang TV series called "The Great Times", starring Zheng Shaoqiu and Liu Qingyun. The actresses included Lan Jieying, who later became crazy, and Zhou Huimin, the queen with beautiful legs and pure legs.

It probably tells a story about the Hong Kong stock market crash. It seems that there is also a Hong Kong dollar crisis. Did it happen recently?
A chance to make money?
How do you say something?If God does not take it, you will be blamed; if the time is not right, you will be blamed instead.

Li Rong's cheap uncle, Zhang Peng, went to Shencheng earlier, and he didn't know if things had been straightened out.

Now that the children are on summer vacation, my aunt wants to take them to play in the deep city, so I can just accompany them.

(End of this chapter)

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