Start with a college teacher

Chapter 307 Going Short

Chapter 307 Going Short
People without children hate traveling with children, especially sharing a sleeper car with them.

Of course, except for those whose mothers are particularly good-looking and can breastfeed.

The little aunt doesn't belong to that kind of person at all. In the 80s, if the mother of three children was still bright and attractive, then my uncle Zhang Peng wouldn't be able to withstand the temptation.

Shen Guanglin didn't know what a bear boy was before, but now he understands a little bit.

These children are so noisy that their brains hurt.

Children who are five, six, seven or eight years old are the most annoying.

Money is not everything, but money can save you from troubles for a while.

The dining car is a good choice, and there are even good-looking female flight attendants here.

In the era of travel distress, many people's travel memories are to spend money to buy a seat in the restaurant car, and enjoy eating while eating.

Shen Guanglin was angry and sat in the restaurant car for a long time, drinking two bottles of beer by himself and killing time before returning, which made Li Rong think he was avoiding her.

Although it is a soft sleeper with a door, there are so many people in the private room, what else can they do?

"Then why are you hiding? I can't eat you."

Shen Guanglin could only sit while blowing on the fan without explaining.

Could it be that she really wanted something to happen?
It's quite exciting when you think about it, it's not possible in the box, isn't there a bathroom, and there are handles on the wall.

In fact, Shen Guanglin didn't like the environment on the train very much, but was looking forward to the bathroom on the plane and their long legs.

The trains of this era are really slow, and there is no air-conditioning when traveling. Although there are fans blowing, the whole person is still whizzing when they arrive in Shencheng.

Fortunately, the accommodation conditions in the manufacturing base are pretty good, comparable to a star hotel because they often receive foreign guests.

Zhang Peng has been working in Shencheng for a while, and he has a strong adaptability, coming here is like a fish in water.

Before, he complained about Shen Guanglin's inhumanity, but now he is no longer angry with Boss Shen, but full of other kind of gratitude.

"I used to be really ignorant and ignorant. I didn't know the vastness of the outside world. If I didn't come here, I didn't know how good this place is. They are professional. I used to be superficial."

At the welcome banquet, Zhang Peng said something that everyone couldn't understand, and Shen Guanglin couldn't understand either.

This is Shencheng, not Guancheng, and it is now 1983, not 2003.

After the meal, Shen Guanglin also suggested to my aunt, "Why don't you take the child and stay in Shencheng, and let us take care of the old lady."

The aunt said to think about it, Shen Guanglin didn't care, he finally sent the person to the destination.

I really want to kill these little bastards, it's time to strengthen family education.

Shen Guanglin and Li Rong didn't go to Xiangjiang immediately either, they stayed in Shencheng for a while, during which they also met their old friend Lao Wang and his wife Wang Jianghui.

Lao Wang is finally no longer a civil servant of China Merchants. He went to sea at the end of last year and achieved success in his first venture.

With a good father-in-law, anyone can succeed.

Lao Wang said that he recently sold corn from the Northeast and made more than 300 million yuan. He was thinking about what to do next and asked if he had a chance to cooperate with Boss Shen.

Want to seek cooperation with only 300 million?
Of course there is an opportunity for cooperation!

Shen Guang Lin Xin said, do you want the two of us to engage in real estate together?In fact, it is still too early to engage in real estate, and the market demand is not strong.

Shen Guanglin suggested that Lao Wang should be his own electrical appliance dealer first, and he could sell the electrical appliances produced by his own factory. According to the sales mechanism set by Shen Guanglin, the more you stock up, the more money you can make.

The products of Great Wall Electric are indeed very popular, especially the Jinmen Electric Appliance Factory.

After all, Lao Wang is a good friend of the bosses, and he should be able to get the supply of goods first than others. It is impossible not to make money.

Just after Lao Wang was sent off, Da Liu was ushered in again.

Da Liu made a special trip here to invite Shen Guanglin and the others to Xiangjiang, because Da Liu's electric fan company --- Amygao Electric is finally going to be listed in Xiangjiang!

You can do it, young man. In just over two years, from a few million assets to a scale of hundreds of millions, this couple really worked hard.

Needless to say, Shen Guanglin was a little envious when he saw that Liu's company was listed.

Shen Guanglin asked Su Youpeng how much money our company had, but Su Youpeng didn't know, so he asked the financial manager.

In fact, Shen Guanglin received the financial statements every quarter, but he didn't read them. He was usually busy with work, so he didn't have time to read them. After reading them for a long time, he still felt dizzy.

The financial manager is still very professional. When he came in, he reported to the bosses, "If you include Great Wall Electric, the cumulative profit exceeds 9 million yuan, the available cash is 7 million yuan, and the existing raw materials and unsold products are 2 million yuan. .”

If the company's total assets are counted, it exceeds 15 billion.

Well, it's better that his own business develops faster. Shen Guanglin is very satisfied with this and is no longer jealous.

"Are we going to make a new round of investment? I heard that you have made some new materials in Jinmen. Shall we do it here?"

Seeing that Shen Guanglin cared so much about money, Su Youpeng couldn't help asking.

In fact, he only cares about the garment manufacturing factory, which is still a bit busy, because the garment manufacturing factory is very profitable, and the scale of the factory area has been expanded to a very large scale. There are more than 3 female employees, and it is currently the enterprise with the largest number of workers in Shencheng. .

The main reason is that the sales team is too "excellent", and the orders continue to come.

In desperation, they had no choice but to embark on a road of building a factory and recruiting people, building a factory and recruiting people again.

Until, there was not much open space around, and all open spaces were built into dormitory housing and production plants.

Whenever I get off work, I can see a crowd of fat and thin women.

There are many workers, and the pressure on enterprises is not small.

According to Su Youpeng's words, the monthly expenditure of the garment factory is tens of millions, and it hurts when the year-end bonus is issued.

Shen Guanglin thought for a while, organized his language, and then said: "I won't make other investments for the time being, and I haven't decided which industry to enter."

Afterwards, Shen Guanglin began to emphasize again: "Recently, the direction of the country has changed, and security issues may be strictly enforced. You should keep a low profile and don't participate in things that violate laws and regulations. Also, the company's temporarily unused money will be transferred to Xiangjiang first. There are other uses."

"What to do?" Old Su didn't object, he just wanted to know what Shen Guanglin was going to do.

Shen Guanglin went on to talk about the inside information he had obtained about Xiangjiang's contract renewal negotiations, so he judged that Xiangjiang's stock market would have a downward trend.

"Didn't you say that we are not allowed to trade in stocks?" Su Youpeng was puzzled.

"The water here is very deep, I'm afraid you won't be able to grasp it."

Shen Guanglin is the boss, so naturally he has the final say.

Fortunately, Su Youpeng has no heart to fight for power and profit. His own wealth and the money earned by the company are not a lot.

Moreover, Shen Guanglin also knew that Lao Su was not such an honest person. He was also doing wholesale, retail sales and dumping of products, and this part of the profits was earned by himself.

It was for this reason that Shen Guanglin only let Su Youpeng take care of the production, and did not give him the right to set prices for the company's sales.

Don't use interests to tempt people's hearts.

Da Liu gave Shen Guanglin a lot of help in the early stage of his career, so Shen Guanglin was also happy to stand for Da Liu.

They wanted to go public, so it was okay for Shen Guanglin to use some assets to set off the atmosphere.

At the bell ringing ceremony, Shen Guanglin did not come forward, but he bought the shares of Da Liu Company with 2000 million yuan, which suddenly increased the market value from 1.7 million to 5 million Hong Kong dollars.

Da Liu's worth doubled several times in an instant.

Good brother, show loyalty!
Next, Shen Guanglin opened a trading account in the bank, preparing to short the Hang Seng stock index.

The short-selling mechanism is a major feature of Hong Kong stocks. There are two specific methods of short-selling: one is to short-sell the index with stock index futures as the underlying; The same amount will be returned to the broker.

Shen Guanglin doesn't understand finance, and he doesn't need to understand it. He chose to short the Hang Seng Futures Index directly.

(End of this chapter)

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