Chapter 308
Xiangjiang is one of the three major financial centers in the world. The other two cities are New York and London. Although Tokyo is very hot, it is still not ranked high.

It is also known as the world's financial free trade port, known for its freedom of trade.

Uncle Psy sang, the transaction is of course free.

It's just that he didn't expect the girl who danced with him to become so popular.

In Xiangjiang, there is a very interesting phenomenon, that is, it is legal to conduct PY transactions.

However, there can only be Party A and Party B here, and no third party can appear.

First of all, the party in need spends money to enjoy life is protected by law;

It is also not prohibited by law that the other party with a surplus sells its own services;

Only intermediary services cannot be provided, and the nature of being caught will be very bad.

It's a legal transaction, that's why Lou Feng is so popular.

Since Xiangjiang is also a free port of finance and trade, there are naturally many people who rely on financial skills to make money here.

Now, here he comes, here he comes, and he comes with money and inside information.

Shen Guanglin said that he was going to Hong Kong, so he naturally had to gather funds. After some research, he found out that the most they had in the Shencheng branch of the Great Wall Company was foreign exchange, and the RMB in the account was really not much.

The 7 million yuan mentioned by the company's financial manager is the value converted into RMB by the official exchange rate, not the real currency level.

This is easy to do.

If it's all RMB, it's really not easy to convert it into foreign exchange.

After trying hard to piece it together, he managed to scrape together 2 million US dollars, which was already the limit of funds that Shen Guanglin could use.

Otherwise, it is really possible to affect the normal operation and production of the company. This kind of behavior of sacrificing the basics and chasing the last is not beautiful.

And if you want to use more money, you have to borrow money or take out a loan.

For borrowing money, you can go to the ship king, he has it; for loans, you can go to the bank, they have it.

Shen Guanglin thought for a while, the stock market is risky, one must be cautious when entering the market, and borrow money to speculate in stocks. Is this the suspicion of old birthday stars eating arsenic?

He doesn't want to make money, he just wants to pursue an exciting life, so where can the loan interest be lower?
Of course, go to Fusang for a loan!

Fuso has a loan for investment in developing countries with low or no interest.

In the first 20 years of reform and opening up, such loans really helped China a lot.

Shen Guanglin's client consulted and found that his joint venture company is also in line with the policy, but the approval cycle will be very long, and the use of funds is also restricted, which is not fun.

But Takeda is willing to lend him money, will it?
He, Shen, is just idle and bored, earning a little money, and he is not a financial bigwig. He thinks of sniping Soros as his duty every day, so there is no need to waste so much money.

Shen Guanglin directly borrowed 3 million U.S. dollars with his own laboratory, a biotechnology company, Jinmen Great Wall Electric, and the shares of Football Graphene United Company as collateral. Takeda is also very generous, no interest, and the use period is one year.

Shen Guanglin understands that if he loses all the money, he will have to work for Takeda in the future, and he will no longer be able to be dissolute and free.

However, losing money?Does not exist, unless a traverser also came to the scene.

The Hong Kong in July is a hot time, and Shen Guanglin is carrying 7 million US dollars, ready to enter the stock market.

Up to now, the Hang Seng Index has begun to stabilize, slowly rising from 950 points that year to 1600 points, and even touched 1800 points at the highest point.

No one knew that when the news that the negotiations were not going well came out, the Hang Seng Index would rise from 1600 to 600 in just a few days, which directly sent many people to the rooftops.

Even the traveler Shen Guanglin didn't know that the stock market would fall so much, and after the official communiqué in 84 came out, the stock market would rise back so much.

Combining the little bit of historical knowledge left in his memory and the inside information disclosed by Lao Li in advance, Shen Guanglin firmly believes that there is a high possibility of violent fluctuations in the Hong Kong stock market and financial market this time.

If you go in at this time, you will definitely get a lot of fat.

Hearing that Shen Guanglin was going to use a large sum of money to speculate in stocks, Da Liu actively and enthusiastically helped, which can be regarded as repaying Shen Guanglin's friendship for raising the stock price.

Recently, when preparing for the listing of the company, Da Liu also learned a wave of financial and securities knowledge. Although he can't help much at this time, it is still no problem to introduce professionals.

Shen Guanglin thought about it, and it would be more reliable to find an acquaintance. He didn't go to a financial broker, but he found Ying, whom he hadn't seen for a long time.

Sister Ying still looked shrewd and capable, but her attitude was a bit lukewarm with Shen Guanglin.

Shen Guanglin feels so wronged, the affair between you and Lao Su is over, what has it to do with me, Shen Guanglin?I didn't have a piece of meat in my mouth again.

However, for the sake of old friends, she was still very active in matchmaking, and provided a high-achieving student who graduated from Xiangjiang University as a trader.

The trader is a man, very disappointed, this directly shattered someone Shen's fantasy about mastering the financial securities market and at the same time having red sleeves to add to the fragrance, and besides, Li Rong was nearby, so he couldn't make a fuss.

Li Rong is now looking at the house with Sister Bao again.

She feels that she has accepted a lot of advanced decoration design concepts, and she really wants to practice it again. Sister Bao and Da Liu's company went public and made a lot of money. She also wants to reward herself by buying a property.

The two hit it off immediately and made an appointment every day to see the house.

Shen Guanglin told her, "Don't worry, when the joint communiqué comes out, the housing prices will definitely drop, and you won't lose money no matter how much you buy."

"You can look at it first. It is very important to choose a house. It depends on the location, security, and Feng Shui."

Shen Guanglin didn't talk anymore, he didn't understand, he should pay attention to the financial market, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, the next time there is such a big shock, it will probably be the financial crisis in 1998. It's really stupid to have a cup of soup.

Accompanied by professionals, Shen Guanglin went to **** to open an account.

No matter in which era, 5 million U.S. dollars is a huge sum of money. After all, the Hong Kong stock market is only so big now.

The other party's manager was extremely enthusiastic, but when Shen Guanglin said that he wanted to speculate in stock index futures, the other party looked confused, as there was no such trading category.

No stock index futures?

Why are you so busy.

Shen Guanglin Menglang, the financial stock index futures trading he wants will not be launched until 1986, and Soros is attacking the Xiangjiang financial market according to this rule.

Now, knowing that the stock market will fall, Shen Guanglin doesn't know how to invest.

Otherwise, invest in the foreign exchange market, the Hong Kong dollar will fall.

Trading from this aspect can also make money, otherwise wouldn't it be a waste of borrowing so much money?

Operate the foreign exchange market, wait for the stock market to bottom out, and then invest money in to buy the bottom, this is the quality that a traveler should have.

Now that we have decided to speculate in the exchange rate, we need to consider the issue of capital allocation.

Shen Guanglin has operated these on some mobile operating platforms before, and the allocation ratio is generally 1:200.

Now, **** can also provide funds, and can also provide a dedicated financial service team. The handling fee is not much, so I asked Shen Guanglin if he would like to start.

Of course!
It's better to be conservative, let's match it at 1:50. The Hong Kong dollar is such a big plate. Under such a bad situation, if the British Hong Kong government does not come out to rescue the market, it will be a mess.

After setting the strategy, there is nothing else to do.

All that's left to do is wait.

Shen Guanglin still has a few friends in Xiangjiang. Besides Da Liu, his elder brother Zhang Guorong is the one with the best relationship. Of course, he has not filmed a Chinese ghost story yet, and there is no nickname of "brother".

There is also a reason why Shen Guanglin and his brother have a good relationship, not for anything else, because his brother's ancestors were also wealthy, and the two have similar life backgrounds, so their hobbies are also similar.

Whether people really get along with each other has a lot to do with the growth environment and educational background.

My elder brother's father was a famous tailor, and his family was very wealthy since he was a child, so he developed a debauched and unrestrained demeanor, which was somewhat similar to Shen Guanglin.

Zhang Guorong was making a movie, so Shen Guanglin naturally wanted to come to visit the set.

A very old movie called "Youth in Fire".

The elder brother is the male number two, and the male number one is Tang Zhenye, who became popular last year. Duan Yu, who played "The Prodigal Son" and "Dragon Ba Bu", directly surpassed his own brother Tang Zhenzong.

Shen Guanglin didn't know the heroine of this play, what's her name was Kathy, I didn't like it when I heard it, but he recognized the second female lead who played with his brother, was that who, Xu Xian who was disguised as a man?

what do you say that is?

To be honest, she really looks better in men's clothing than in women's clothing.

Shen Guanglin's visit to the class is naturally a different ostentation. Now he is a pity. From the first day he entered Xiangjiang, he called the ship king and asked him to send some good bodyguards.

As a big water hose from the mainland, it would be ridiculous to be kidnapped.

Xiaoye is not covering the sky with one hand here.

The Mercedes-Benz 600 is still very impressive. Shen Guanglin attracted everyone's attention when he appeared on the stage.

The elder brother was also very happy to have such a friend come to see him, especially when he saw that Shen Guanglin had a watch he did not recognize again.

Fuck me, this watch is really fucking good.

The filming was over, Shen Guanglin invited everyone to dinner, director Tan Jiaming sat at a table with them.

Tan Jiaming is a well-known director in Hong Kong, and he can be regarded as Wang Jiawei's mentor. Later, he went to Hongkong University of Science and Technology as a professor and stopped making movies.

He was very surprised to learn that Shen Guanglin turned out to be a university teacher from the mainland, "Sheng Shen is so rich, I didn't expect his job to be an educator. What major do you teach?"

"Teaches physics."

Shen Guanglin was also surprised, hadn't his popularity penetrated the Chinese world?

Whether Shen Guanglin went to Fusang or Singapore, as long as he said that his physics professor at Huaxia Capital University was surnamed Shen, the other party immediately responded and said whether you were Professor Shen, and he had admired him for a long time.

But not in Xiangjiang. They don't care about any achievements in the mainland, and they almost don't open their eyes to see the world at all.

Shen Guanglin couldn't explain how much he had achieved, he could only say that he had set up a factory in Shencheng and made a little money, and he couldn't tell which was his main job and which was his side job.

Tan Jiaming has now joined Heung Kong Polytechnic and Liberal Arts, and he is considered a founding employee. He said that when he has the opportunity, he can recommend Shen Guanglin to take up a teaching position in their school. After all, they are a school that was established only last year, and there is a serious shortage of teachers.

In this situation, how can Mr. Shen raise the $5 appearance fee?

Shen Guanglin had already seen the filming scene when he came to Xiangjiang last time, which is not surprising.

This time, there were no beauties on the shooting scene, so it was quite boring, so I couldn't help but think of what Meirenguan was doing.

My brother doesn't know what the beauty is doing, he is not interested in this.

But Tang Zhenye knew that his good friend Zhong Zhentao was shooting a movie called "The Frog Prince", and one of the heroines seemed to be Meirenguan.

However, I heard that Meirenguan is now married and divorced.

real or fake?Shen Guanglin didn't even have the interest to visit the class, so let Liu do the job of picking up the second crop.

(End of this chapter)

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