Start with a college teacher

Chapter 309 Social Responsibility

Chapter 309 Social Responsibility
The mouth says not to go, but the body is very honest.

Shen Guanglin followed Tang Zhenye to Zhong Zhentao's filming crew to visit the set.

It's not for looking at other things, but to see if Zhong Zhentao has married that "poor, romantic, hungry and happy" natural beauty Zhang Xiaohui.

Of course not, they got married in 1987, it was still a flash marriage, it's still early.

Zhong Zhentao was the lead singer of the steady band in his early years, and now he is a professional actor.

This band is very powerful. There are principal Tan Yonglin and three unknown players. Together they are called "Stable Five Tigers", but the band was disbanded in 1978.

Looking at the well-known Chinese singing groups, there are actually very few that can stay together for a long time. Like SHE, Huaer Band, and Feier Band have all disbanded, but Phoenix Legend is the longest.

Phoenix Legend is a group with a particularly strong vitality. Their songs are indeed a bit earthy, but the people are not earthy.

The name of the movie "The Frog Prince" sounds very earthy, and I don't know what the quality will be.

Shen Guanglin drove his Mercedes-Benz 600, which was very cool.The first person to come out to greet him was the director. The director was a fat, wretched-looking man, his surname was Wang, and his name was Wang Jing.

Shen Guanglin knows this director, could it be that this is a salty wet film?

Good luck!

Oh, is there any on-site observation?

Is it real?
Shen Guanglin quickly asked who are the actresses in this movie?
Who asked about men, everyone fantasizes that they are the leading men.

The actresses are Meirenguan, Zhong Chuhong and Zhang Manyu.

Are you sure this is a lineup of salty wet films?
Can a salty wet film really gather so many beautiful actresses?

But looking at the shooting location, it looks quite similar. This is a low-quality beachside villa that is not very high-end. The small villa is small in size and the quality of the sea view is average.

This house is a bit like a rural self-built villa in the later generations. It is completely incomparable with Shen Guanglin's residence, but it can be regarded as a good location for an urban drama.

In fact, this is not a salty wet film, but a comedy film.

Shen Guanglin had guessed it, but he didn't want to believe it.

As soon as he entered the shooting scene, Shen Guanglin saw the dazzling Beauty Pass at a glance, where she was scratching her head and getting ready to perform.

The other two actresses also saw it, and they were indeed Zhong Chuhong and Zhang Manyu.

Both of them are beautiful women, and both of them have a little bit of cute baby fat.

The times make heroes and beautiful women.

Most of the beauties in Xiangjiang appeared during this period. It is not that there have been beauties later, but there have never been such influential beauties.

Now these actresses are all so young. The oldest Zhong Chuhong is only 23 years old, Meirenguan is 21 years old, and Zhang Manyu is only 19 years old.

These are all Shen Guanglin's dishes!
However, there was another worm in the dish, and this worm was Chen Baixiang.

The current Chen Baixiang is also very young, and he looks a little handsome, not at all like Duolong, the chief guard of the Ouchi in The Deer and Ding Ji.

Shen Guanglin came up and greeted Chen Baixiang as if he was acquainted: "I have heard your song, it is so sharp! My admiration for you is like a torrent of rivers, continuous, and like the flood of the Yellow River, it is out of control."

"Thank you, thank you!" Chen Baixiang said compliments to this man, but he was still a little worried.

The rich guy was overly enthusiastic, he couldn't be more interested in himself, why didn't he look at the more handsome Zhong Zhentao?

People who know each other become friends.

The shooting location is actually too low, and the beach scene is the new location provided by Shen Guanglin.

There is a private beach not far from his home, the privacy is very good, and no one disturbs the filming.

Sure enough, it is a rich area, and there are many rich people. When Shen Guanglin has nothing to do, he likes to come and watch them filming. Once the charter boat king also came over, and he was looking for Shen Guanglin to contact him.

But Shen Guanglin still prefers to play with young people.

Playing with these people, Shen Guanglin has nothing to show except that he is rich.

Because that's enough.

Is it better to compare who is more cultured?
Except Fatty Wang, who graduated from the Chinese Department of Xiangjiang University, none of them had read much.

People who are too good-looking often don't do very well in school.

One cannot have both.

Looking at the beauties singing and dancing on the beach, Shen Guanglin was filled with emotion.

At this time, Zhang Manyu was still a little young and not as charming as in the Longmen Inn, but she did not lose the wind in front of the two beauties.

Meirenguan is naturally very considerate to the rich man Shen Guanglin, but she still feels that she has lost him.

Because Shen Guanglin was lukewarm towards her, but he was quite interested in the "average-looking" Zhong Chuhong.

In Shen Guanglin's cognition, Zhong Chuhong is a rare innocent woman in the entertainment industry, she is simply admirable. After her husband died, she did not remarry. She really married love. Love is long, but life is not long.

Life is really not long.

Ever since they found out that Shen Guanglin and Da Liu were hanging out on the set, Li Rong and Sister Bao stopped going to the house and accompanied them to the set to watch the filming.

You look at the beauties, and we also look at the handsome guys.

Among all these people, Zhong Zhentao is really handsome, he is simply the perfect male god in the entertainment industry, and Tan Yonglin is the lead singer of the band. Like a flowery beauty.

When Fatty Wang saw Li Rong, he felt astonished. Such a woman is graceful and luxurious, and she has an extraordinary temperament. Would you like to come to my next play as the heroine?

Li Rong smiled without saying a word, looking at Shen Guanglin.

Fatty Wang followed his eyes and felt that Shen Guanglin's eyes were wrong: he was looking at the bodyguard in the distance.

Fatty Wang immediately admitted: "I was wrong, I was wrong, I was just joking."

Shen Guanglin still has business to do in Xiangjiang.

He now holds US$5 million in cash and can use a credit line of US$50 billion. This is a huge sum of money that needs to be carefully considered.

He felt that he couldn't control so much money, so he only wanted a 1:10 allocation, and he couldn't ask for more, feeling flustered.

Shen Guanglin said to the outside world that he prepared so much money this time not for anything else but to save the foreign exchange market in Xiangjiang.

That's right, it's really a rescue.

When the Hong Kong dollar falls to a certain level, he plans to take out money to save the Hong Kong financial market, and be the savior of the people of Hong Kong once and for all.

Everything is ready, now the east wind is missing.

Now, the east wind is coming!
In real history, it was not until the end of 1984, when Mrs. Sa, the Prime Minister of Eagle Country, visited China again that the two countries formally submitted the treaty and issued a joint statement.

However, except for Shen Guanglin, no one is a prophet.

As expected, the Xiangjiang stock market crashed.

The Xiangjiang stock market adopts the T+0 policy, and there is no daily limit or daily limit. On the second day after the news was released, all stocks were all red.

That's right, in Xiangjiang, the green color of the stock represents the rise, and the red represents the decline.

The Hang Seng Index plummeted 185 points at the opening, and fell another 150 points at noon.

This is not over, and there is still no good news in the afternoon, and the market index has fallen by more than 500 points throughout the day.

Shen Guanglin saw it in his eyes and felt pain in his heart. It would be great if there were futures and stock indexes. Labor and capital would not have to do anything, and assets could be easily doubled.

On the third day, the stock market continued to fall, not to mention, and the Hong Kong dollar crisis in Hong Kong was also brought forward.

To be exact, the Hong Kong dollar also collapsed.

In 1982, 1 U.S. dollar could be exchanged for 5.1 Hong Kong dollars. Today, 1 U.S. dollar can be exchanged for 9.2 Hong Kong dollars.

Moreover, there is a continuing downward trend.

Some people even pessimistically say that it is possible for the exchange rate to fall below [-].

This created even more panic.

Everyone scrambled to sell the Hong Kong dollar in order to reduce losses, which further accelerated the depreciation rate of the Hong Kong dollar.

In the original history, the Hong Kong dollar would only face such a crisis in September, falling by 9% in two days. Now, this matter has been brought forward.

Later, if the Hong Kong British government hadn't come out to rescue the market, the Hong Kong dollar might have become a pile of waste paper.

At this time, Shen Guanglin started.

He asked people to start from the time when the Hong Kong dollar was 9.4 to the U.S. dollar, and exchanged a large amount of U.S. dollars for Hong Kong dollars.

As the exchange volume increased, the exchange rate peaked at about 9.65, but the exchange rate finally stabilized!
At this time, the money in Shen Guanglin's hands was basically spent.

With so much money thrown down, it can be regarded as stabilizing the currency market to a certain extent.

In an interview later, Shen Guanglin said that it was he who provided US$1983 billion to rescue the market in 60, which stabilized the Xiangjiang exchange rate market.

Everyone was in an uproar, and many people respected him as a patriotic scientist and the most loyal friend of the Xiangjiang people.

Why is this so insulting?

Of course, the British Hong Kong government is also discussing countermeasures, and they are also wondering, who is bailing out the market?
In fact, it is a completely irrelevant mainlander.

Shen Guanglin knew that Hong Kong's financial policy was a linked exchange rate system linked to the US dollar, which was implemented during the Hong Kong dollar crisis this year.

After Shen Guanglin’s money was spent, the exchange rate of the Hong Kong dollar dropped further. As a last resort, the major banks in Hong Kong finally came out to rescue the market. They threw out US dollars and recovered Hong Kong dollars, basically stabilizing the exchange rate at around 9.6 Hong Kong dollars, at least not exceeding 10. This psychological line of defense.

In fact, Shen Guanglin was also afraid. What he was afraid of was that the Hong Kong dollar would really collapse. If the Hong Kong dollar really became a pile of waste paper, then he would owe more money.

The savior is not so easy to be.

The days passed day by day in torment, and Shen Guanglin didn't even have the mind to watch movies.

Finally, when the summer vacation was coming to an end, when Li Rong started school and was about to return to the capital, the Xiangjiang government still introduced a currency policy that linked the exchange rate: the official tentative exchange rate was 1:7.8, and the linked exchange rate system was adopted.

Shen Guanglin and the **** traders also breathed a sigh of relief, it seems that they have made money!

It's okay, I made some difference.

Now that the exchange rate is linked, the foreign exchange market will come to an end, liquidation, closing positions.

Then pay back the borrowed money first.

This operation is simple. After repaying the funds borrowed from the **** and the loan from Takeda, Shen Guanglin still has more than 8 million U.S. dollars in available funds, which is not much, and it is less than 70 Hong Kong dollars. Billion.

It is really incomparable with the kind of finance that spends tens of billions of dollars at every turn.

It's not that I don't want to, it's really impossible.

Now, he can only take this small amount of money and go to the stock market to make a small fuss.

Xiangjiang's stocks are not easy to choose, and Shen Guanglin doesn't know what to buy, so he should buy some real estate stocks, why not buy industrial stocks?

The stocks of companies such as Sun Hung Kai, Cheung Kong, New World, Sino Land, and Henderson Land can be bought arm-in-arm, and some shares of Standard Chartered Bank can also be bought. Forget about HSBC. Shen Guanglin doesn't like this bank very much.

With so much money invested, the stock market did not fall, and even rebounded a bit.

Alas, a strong man hides merit and fame deeply.

He has just rescued the financial foreign exchange market, and now he, Shen Dashan, has come to invest in the stock market again to stabilize everyone's nervousness.

Making money is just by the way, Mr. Shen is fulfilling his social responsibility
(End of this chapter)

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