Start with a college teacher

Chapter 310 Crazy Barbarian

Chapter 310 Crazy Barbarian
Wall Street often uses "barbarians at the gate" to describe those acquirers with malicious intentions.

Shen Guanglin's small money into the stock market is just to make money, but for many companies, it is a barbaric knocker.

Shen Guanglin didn't know, and he didn't want to, he was just speculating in stocks, really just speculating in stocks, and accidentally became a shareholder, and even became a major shareholder in some companies.

But this has nothing to do with him, it's all messed up by the **** gang, and it's all their fault.

Shen Guanglin owns several offshore companies with cross-shareholdings, all of which are registered in the British Virgin Islands. This was done two years ago for the purpose of operating a lot of funds that are inconvenient to go from here. It came in handy.

The British Virgin Islands is actually translated as "British Virgin Islands", which is an island country located in the Caribbean Sea.

The Caribbean is really a good place, not only pirates, but also new ones.

The reason why the Virgin Islands are famous all over the world is that many international business companies are registered here. They do not need to pay taxes to the government here on the profits they earn around the world, and there is no foreign exchange control, and there is no restriction on the circulation of any currency.

Therefore, the headquarters of many international companies are all in the British Virgin Islands.

Since everyone belongs to the Commonwealth of Nations, many Xiangjiang companies also like to register an offshore company here, which has good confidentiality and is convenient for various operations.

Now, everyone is surprised and anxious about the sudden emergence of a company called "Forest". This company also has an English name called "Forest".

That's right, this kind of emotion is really anxiety, because everyone doesn't know the details of this company, who is it, and whose company is this?What does it want to do?
At first, when the stock market crash came, everyone was thinking about how to get through this difficult time. They didn’t dare to use it to rescue the market if they had money in hand. It’s better to change it to US dollars for insurance. Even if the company is gone, their families will always have no worries.

When the trend slows down, and when everyone realizes it, the company has already held 15%-45% of the shares, and it is too late.

Among them, when Forest first started to acquire, everyone was quite happy, thinking it was government funds.

It was later discovered that it was not, so I panicked.

It's a pity that the situation is over.

Counting these listed companies, he has already held more than 45% of the company with the largest shareholding, but still has not made a takeover offer.

And even a company with a relatively small shareholding, such as Li Jiacheng's Cheung Kong Industrial, holds more than 15% of the shares, which is completely worthy of a board seat.

For such a strange company that suddenly appeared, everyone was panic-stricken, and Li Zhaoji was the most anxious, because his company's shares had lost more than 30%, and the controlling stake was almost out of his hands.

Li Zhaoji was born in 1928 and is 55 years old this year, which is the golden age for starting a career.He is a veteran real estate businessman in Xiangjiang, with brilliant achievements. He co-founded Xinhongji in his early years, and after quitting, he founded Henderson by himself, which has a great influence in the real estate industry.

This person is very business-minded. He was the first to introduce the real estate sales model of "sale in layers and ten-year installment payment". He also established real estate companies twice and achieved brilliant results.

In 1981, his newly established real estate company, Henderson Lighting, finally went public, raised 10 billion Hong Kong dollars, bought a lot of land, and was about to do a big job when the stock market crash came.

Unforeseen circumstances, the stock market crash came, the Hong Kong dollar collapsed, and the original stock price of more than 4 yuan fell to 1 yuan 2 in a short period of time. This is not cut in half, it is simply beheaded.

However, the company has no extra money to stabilize the stock price, and the company's situation is considered precarious.

Fortunately, the British Hong Kong government finally came out to save the market!

The Hong Kong dollar has stabilized, and the stock market is slowly improving.

Just when everyone breathed a sigh of relief, Li Zhaoji discovered that his company had no tradable shares in the market.

Really no more.

If you spend money to buy, there is no sell order; if you place an order to sell, few people come to buy.

Few people should buy it. Everyone has suffered heavy losses in this storm. Many people have just exchanged Hong Kong dollars into US dollars.

But few people sell it, which is wrong. What about the tradable shares in the market?Where did you go.

Li Zhaoji made many inquiries, but still had no clues. It was not until he went to the stock exchange that he found out that the company holding shares in his company was a company called Fraser.

Who is this?
Of course it was Shen Guanglin.

Forest, can be translated as: forest, woods, big forest, isn't this the same person he Shen.

The Xiangjiang stock market is indeed too small in this era, especially in the real estate circle, with only a few companies.

Shen Guanglin prepared 70 billion Hong Kong dollars, but only spent 50 billion until now, and there are not many companies worthy of Shen Guanglin's attack.

Shen Guanglin doesn't like those gas companies, electric companies, and warehouses. He still likes pure real estate companies. Even if they go bankrupt, they don't feel guilty.

After getting the shares of these companies, there must always be someone to manage them. Who will take care of them? I always have to go back to the capital, and I have to entrust a trustworthy person to do everything on the Xiangjiang side.

On this day, Shen Guanglin found Da Liu and asked him if he would like to be a director of a listed company?

"I'm already the chairman of a listed company, don't you know, what else do I do as a director?"

What Liu is thinking now is what kind of car is better to buy, so that he will be more motivated to flirt with girls. Should we also buy a Mercedes-Benz 600, that beauty Guan seems to like this kind of car.

Da Liu really has nothing to do recently. His company has performed very stably during the stock market crash. Because Shen Guanglin helped him cover the bottom line, the stock price hardly fluctuated.

Many stockholders are fortunate to have bought the shares of Emgo, with almost no losses.

When everyone has losses, you have no losses, and this is making money.

What Shen Guanglin was talking about with him was serious business, so Da Liu could only sit upright and listen.

"Do you still remember the boss of the Guo family who insulted you back then?" Shen Guanglin mentioned an old incident two years ago.

This is business?

"Of course I remember. They didn't give us face at the beginning, but later they were wicked and jealous, and were tied up by the kidnappers. It can be regarded as a sideways help for us."

This incident caused a great psychological shadow to Da Liu. At that time, he felt that he was already a rich man, and he could be regarded as a rising star in the business world, but he was so looked down upon by others.

Later, the kidnapper who didn't know where came from, did justice for the sky
The two of them seldom mentioned this matter, because they knew who the big thief was, and they were too close to them, so they could only pretend not to know.

"This is Xinhongji's shareholding statement. The shares account for 17.5%. Do you want to be a director?"

Shen Guanglin lost a document. After all, it was his own money, and someone had to manage it.

"Really?" Da Liu took the documents and carefully read several articles, and after confirming that they were correct, he asked, "Why did you buy their company's stock?"

"Of course it's true, how about it? Just say if you want to go, be a director with the right to speak, and supervise their every word and deed, even if it's revenge for what happened at the beginning."

Shen Guanglin smiled and took out a Cuban cigar, modified it with scissors and lit it.

"No!" Da Liu shook his head.

"Why?" Shen Guanglin was very puzzled, he had indeed reconciled with the Guo family, but Da Liu hadn't, shouldn't he hold grudges against them.

"Smile away all grievances. I'm not a small-minded person, so I can't do such a thing as going to their company to retaliate against them. I'm a good person."

When Da Liu said this, his eyes a little dodged.

In fact, when the Xiaoye gang extorted 6 million Hong Kong dollars at the beginning, Shen Guanglin did not share the spoils, but Liu did, and got tens of millions of dollars, otherwise he would not have acted so cowardly. This is a guilty conscience.

When Xiaoye said to give her money back then, she must have said the same thing to Da Liu, so Shen Guanglin didn't follow up to ask.

"If you don't go, don't go. You can report your name to any company you want to be a director of."

"Any other companies?"

"Of course! There are more than a dozen, you can choose whatever you want, and you can be the director of all these companies."

Shen Guanglin took out another stack of materials and asked him to choose by himself.

It is full of shareholding books, and even some companies have a relatively high shareholding ratio, almost touching the holding line.

This has become the de facto largest shareholder, and there is no problem in letting Da Liu be the chairman.

"These shares are all yours?" Da Liu was very surprised.

"En." Shen Guanglin exhaled a smoke ring, but it didn't work.

"How did you get it?"

"I don't want to pick up a girl to become a husband, or trade stocks to become a shareholder. However, after all, the stock price was so low a while ago, and after all, there is so much money, there must be someone to supervise it."

Seeing Shen Guanglin look like I don't want to be angry, I really want to beat him up.

"Didn't you become my boss after that?"

While Da Liu was happy, he thought of another question. After working for him, will he still be a brother in the future?
"It doesn't affect the friendship, okay? I didn't become your boss. Don't you still have Emmygao Electric?"

"Imegao also has your shares, don't pretend to be innocent! Your shares are more than mine, and I'm really working for you."

Da Liu finally realized the fact that he was a worker.

He has always felt in his heart that as long as he joins the other founders of the company, he can account for more than 50%, so that the controlling stake will not be lost.

However, he did not expect that he and Shen Guanglin could also account for more than 50%.

I had a bit of an unpleasant fight with the founder recently, oops, do I want to be an unkind person?

When Da Liu was hesitating whether to stab the founder in the back, Shen Guanglin spoke again,
"Think about it, when business cards are printed in the future, they will be full of titles, and the titles are too big to fit on a business card. Isn't that good?"

"This is good!"

Da Liu happily agreed to Shen Guanglin's entrustment, he went through fire and water, and Da Liu came alone.

He is a man who likes fame and fortune!
Directors of more than a dozen listed companies, how could such an opportunity be missed!
He was a little afraid to go to Xinhongji Real Estate. The first company he went to was Henderson.

(End of this chapter)

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