Start with a college teacher

Chapter 311 New Products

Chapter 311 New Products

One person attains the Tao, immortals and chickens and dogs.

If you want to say who was the most famous person in Xiangjiang in 1983, it must be Liu.

Before, he was a fan Liu who was looked down upon by the top society, and now he has become the new top rich man in Xiangjiang.

Not to mention anything else, the directors of more than a dozen listed companies can buy a decent car with their combined monthly salary.

What kind of job do you still have, what kind of business do you want to start, just go play golf every day.

For enterprises, this situation is not bad, and it is not the worst situation imagined.

Because this person is not unfamiliar to everyone, after all, he is also a member of the Chaoshan circle, and everyone is quite willing to accept him, as long as he obeys the rules.

Da Liu also said that he is only helping the international consortium to hold shares on behalf of him, and will not interfere with the company's operations, and everything will remain as usual.

Moreover, if the company is short of money, he still has some flexible funds here, which can be borrowed or purchased.

After saying this, everyone will be more at ease. After all, we are a family, and the current problem is to tide over the difficulties together.

Fortunately, it was not Shen Guanglin, a barbarian from the mainland, who knocked on the door, otherwise he would not have been able to break into Xiangjiang's interior so smoothly.

Now, everyone is happy with themselves.

Da Liu also made a promise on behalf of the Fraser Group. When the stock market is in good condition, he can even withdraw his shares and return them to everyone present.

This means that their investment is really just to make money, not to seize power.

Otherwise, why didn't the company they own 45% of the shares propose to reconvene the board of directors? Really, there is no such plan.

Things have progressed to the present, and Shen Guanglin's battle for the commercial territory has finally come to an end. He has been tossing around in Xiangjiang for more than two months, and he basically didn't get any bargains, but only earned some shares in the company.

Shen Guanglin, while supporting Xiangjiang real estate, basically sent Xiangjiang manufacturing to the guillotine. Not to mention the instigator, the accomplices will not be able to escape.

Now, there are still about 20 billion Hong Kong dollars in the account of their Dalin subsidiary that have not been spent. That's it, he and Shen have no plans to save the industry, which is enough.

So much money, if converted into US dollars, is just over 2 million. This is a reincarnation.

However, it is unnecessary to convert Hong Kong dollars into U.S. dollars. It is more reliable to use them to buy land and houses.

Negotiations between China and the UK are not going well, and some people will always panic. They are already planning to immigrate to the Eagle Country or Canada.

This money is just enough to take over some undervalued and cheap industries, and it can be regarded as a disguised pick-up.

Su Youpeng helped Shen Guanglin raise 2 million US dollars before, and he didn't suffer a loss, because the director seat of Xinhongji Real Estate was given to Su Youpeng.

After all, the initial money for Shen Guanglin's stock trading was transferred from Shencheng Company, so he had to give him back a sweet date to eat.

It is also the most suitable for him to be the director of Xinhongji.After all, at the beginning, the boss of the Guo family was kidnapped, and Mr. Guo was in a hurry to go to the doctor. It was Su Youpeng who got Xiaoye's thread through his relationship and saved a life. This is also a good kind of incense.

Xinhongji Real Estate has a great reputation in the mainland. They have invested in Yangcheng and Shencheng since 1980. Su Youpeng became the director of this company, which is also beneficial to promote the development of their own enterprises.

Not only that, Su Youpeng also took the seat of the director of Emmy Electric, and he didn't bother with one thing. Shen Guanglin is a famous scholar, so how could he be contaminated with these copper stinks? He said that he doesn't love money.

Su Youpeng was really happy. Now that he has money, he lacks status. He is now a director of two Xiangjiang listed companies, so he still has a lot of face in Shencheng.

That's the end of the business matter. However, Shen Guanglin's battle in the entertainment sector has not yet started, but he will finally go back to the capital.

Before going back, Shen Guanglin would have two wrap-up banquets, and he would go back after eating.

Brother Zhang Guorong's movie "Youth in Fire" was completed earlier. Director Tan Jiaming also invited Shen Guanglin to Hong Kong University of Science and Technology for a trial class, but Shen Guanglin declined.

It's not that he really loves money, but that his status is really unequal. Shen Guanglin can't show his resume and say how famous he is.

Hong Kong Polytechnic University was indeed a good school later on. Although the school was established for a short period of time, it developed very fast.

The school, which was later renamed Xiangjiang City University, just started classes last year. Shen Guanglin ran over to listen to a class taught by Tan Dao.

After all, interlacing is like a mountain. Shen Guanglin doesn't know much about these film and television arts. He doesn't even know that there is a student of graphic art design named Wang Jiawei who also appeared in Director Tan's class.

Fatty Wang's "The Frog Prince" is finally coming to an end. The last scene is that the helicopter carries Zhong Zhentao and Hong Gu Gaofei away, but Mei Renguan comes after her in a wedding dress.

I have to say that in the whole drama, the most beautiful thing is Beauty Pass.

Wang Jing said that he was preparing for the next movie, and asked Boss Shen if he would like to invest.

Of course, there is no problem with investment, but the problem is that Boss Shen has no one he wants to support. Investing in movies is not for picking up girls, so it is not a waste.

"Boss Shen, I see that you are full of curiosity about that 19-year-old girl. From time to time, you pay attention to her actions. Would you like to spend some money, and I will make a movie and continue to let her act in it."

As expected of Fatty Wang who is considerate and considerate, he really has a flexible mind.

"I took a few glances at her and you noticed it! It doesn't matter if you let her act in a movie or not, I just think her acting is very spiritual, and she will definitely become an actress in the future."

Shen Guanglin still didn't invest in the end, and it's the same for Da Liu to invest. For matters in the entertainment industry, he just needs to drink some soup.

For film investment, you can go to Da Liu, he is definitely willing to invest, and it is not a problem to even set up a film and television company.

Fatty Wang received the imperial edict and went to find Liu, and it worked.

However, the 19-year-old Zhang Manyu can't be the protagonist of the movie, it's better to let the colorful beauty Guan play the role.

Shen Guanglin couldn't control these things, he was going back to the capital.

Li Rong had already gone back, and Shen Guanglin stayed in Xiangjiang alone until the end of September, and finally returned to the capital before the National Day holiday.

On the plane back to Beijing, Shen Guanglin read the newspaper, and there was a news article about the current security situation.

Sometimes, if you don't look for trouble, things will come to you by themselves.

Before Shen Guanglin rested in the capital, a safety accident occurred at Great Wall Electric's Jinmen factory.

Of course, it was not as serious as the safety production liability accident. A worker was electrocuted while taking a bath and died. He died in an electric water heater leakage accident.


Shen Guanglin has been using electric water heaters ever since he crossed over.

This is because the gas pipelines in most areas have not been paved at this stage, but electric water heaters are easy to manufacture and easy to use, and are very popular.

The changing rooms and public bathrooms of the Great Wall Electric Factory are also configured in this way.

Electric water heaters are really useful and durable, but they can't handle the crowds.

The water heater kept boiling water, kept boiling water, the insulation layer was damaged, and an electric leakage accident occurred.

Shen Guanglin rushed to the scene from the capital immediately.

This matter has to be taken seriously, human life is at stake.

By the time Shen Guanglin arrived at Jinmen, they had already dealt with the accident.

It has to be said that people in this era are really simple, and the family members had such a big accident in the factory, and they didn't even organize people to come and make a fuss.

With so many people, he was the only one who got an electric shock. It's unlucky, that's what they thought.

The family members did not blame the factory, but Shen Guanglin could not forgive himself.

Although the factory is already a joint venture, the labor union still exists. They are very experienced in handling this matter. After all, there were many safety accidents in the coking plant before, and everyone didn't care.

The trade union proposed to provide their family with two places to work in the factory, and asked them whether they agreed or not.

The family members agreed. After all, it is not easy to find a job, and death cannot be brought back to life.

The trade union didn't intend to lose money, and the company still paid 1000 yuan under Shen Guanglin's repeated demands.

It wasn't that Shen Guanglin didn't want to take more money out, it was that the other party's family was determined not to accept more.In this era, the pension standard for soldiers who died in the South Vietnam War was only 700 yuan, which we cannot overstep.

As long as the number of places to work in the factory can be guaranteed, it will be fine. If you get too much money, if the factory bears a grudge, it will be difficult to carry out the work.

This was a lesson, and Shen Guanglin immediately suggested that all electric water heaters in the factory should be replaced with gas water heaters.

You should set up a production line for gas water heaters yourself.

In the 70s, when the Prime Minister visited Europe, a friend gave him two 5-liter direct discharge water heaters when passing through Xiangjiang, which were imitated in China. This was the beginning of gas water heaters.

Shen Guanglin didn't pay attention to this part. After all, the structure of the water heater is very simple, and the function is not complicated. Shen Guanglin used it often before, and he didn't feel that it was missing.

In fact, gas water heaters are still easier to use than electric water heaters, the cost of use is low, and hot water is also convenient to use.

We also imitate.

Various functions are required, such as water control and strong ventilation, these functions must be added, and even higher-end water circulation should be integrated.

Oh, the gas water heater seems to be a good product, and the sales volume is not low. Why didn't I think it was a household appliance before.

(End of this chapter)

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