Start with a college teacher

Chapter 312 Corporate Culture

Chapter 312 Corporate Culture
Huaxia modern times opened their eyes to see the world No.1 student Wei Yuan once said: Learn from barbarians to master skills to control barbarians.

Shen Guanglin understood this spirit well.

It took half a month for Shen Guanglin to have people buy back all the gas water heaters in Fusang and Xiangjiang.

Of course, the purpose is not to use it for myself, but to disassemble it to see how their water heater is made.

Innovation also starts from imitation.

Generally speaking, there are many types of gas water heaters currently on the market, each with its own advantages and disadvantages.

The direct discharge water heater without water control is the simplest and most primitive water heater. This thing needs to be manually ignited, and the exhaust gas after combustion is also emitted naturally.The advantage is that you only need to install the battery, but you have to manually turn on the switch every time you use it.

The advantage of the direct discharge water heater with water control is that it can be ignited automatically, and the fire can be ignited when the water flows, and the fire will be turned off when the water is not flowing, but there are also safety hazards, that is, the exhaust gas from incomplete combustion will stay in the room.

The gas water heater with strong exhaust air is a relatively safe type, which is basically used in later generations.There is an exhaust fan inside, and there is basically no risk of gas leakage. The downside is that this kind of water heater needs a 220V power supply, and it cannot be used in places where there is no electricity.

Each has its pros and cons, let's arrange them all to enrich our product line.

The production of this thing is nothing more than the difficulty of making molds. If there are enough parts, it is not difficult to assemble at all.

The only thing that is a bit difficult and technical is the gas proportional valve, which needs to be purchased at this stage. It is used to control the size of the fire and the temperature of the water, and the price is a little expensive.

Another restrictive difficulty is how to design the circuit board, which allows Lin Wenwei to produce it from Singapore first.

What is the era of international division of labor and cooperation?

The rest are some copper and iron components, very simple.

At present, the technical strength of the electric appliance company and the ratio and composition of skilled workers are already very good, and they are still being gradually improved.

For talents, Shen Guanglin always recruited without hesitation, and they recruited a group of "retired" old skilled workers from the Jinmen Radio Factory.

It is said that they are retired, but the average age is only in their [-]s. They just want to make room for their children to succeed them.

Now, they come to work at Shen Guanglin's place, which can be regarded as making use of their "residual heat" and earning much more money than before.

Until the day before the National Day holiday, Shen Guanglin was still working overtime at the Great Wall Electric Factory. After all, gas water heaters also need scientific and technological research.

At this time, Uncle Zhang Peng called a thank you phone from Shencheng: "Mr. Shen, there is no way to repay your life-saving grace. I would like to say thank you to the boss here!"

It seemed that he already knew about Mr. Zhu's deeds, but fortunately he was not implicated, otherwise my aunt would really be a widow.

In fact, Zhang Peng just had a sip of soup with Mr. Zhu and acted on every occasion. He had never done those things that used force, so he had little connection with him and it was easy to pass the test.

"We are all a family. You just have to be careful in the future. If you can't stand it any longer, go to Xiangjiang to have fun. It's legal there. Mr. Zhu is also careless. If he doesn't cling to him, he won't be so serious. He Those cronies and friends of mine didn't go in either, he was the one who silently borne all the consequences, only to find that he couldn't resist."

The two of them stopped talking, the topic was too sensitive and sad.

At the end, my uncle said, "Don't worry, I won't embarrass you here. I will manage this factory for you."

All right, it's good to have this heart.

The National Day holiday was coming, and Shen Guanglin returned to the capital. He took advantage of the holiday to get a comprehensive understanding of what happened during the time he was away from Beijing.

In fact, there are no other major events happening during this period, that is, the country is vigorously rectifying law and order.

Now, there are far fewer bums on the street, some have been arrested and sentenced, and some who have committed serious crimes have never been seen again.

The improvement of law and order can be seen. The girls dare to go out of the school. There is no need to go in groups. Even at night, the students dare to go from the school to the laboratory.

In short, everything is changing for the better.

That's good, the National Day can finally arrange a trip.

Where are we going to play?
They have been to Badaling several times, and they can go to the scenic spots in the capital at any time. They can choose to go, and finally they chose a place that is not too far away - Qingdong Tomb.

The Eastern Tombs of the Qing Dynasty are located in Tangshan, Jizhou.

Now that the Tangshan Chopper Team has been defeated, and more than 600 people have been wiped out in one go, it should be safe to go to Tangshan again.

At this time, there is a popular jingle called "Siberian tiger, Tangshan wolf, and Qindao is a little sheep."

The people of Qindao were caught in the middle and really suffered.

After this battle, the Tangshan wolf must have suffered heavy losses, and there should be no more robbers.

In fact, Shen Guanglin has long wanted to go to the Eastern Tomb of the Qing Dynasty, but he has never been able to do so. It is the largest, most complete system, and the most appropriate layout of the imperial tomb complex in China, including five imperial tombs, four rear tombs, and concubine gardens. Five and one Princess Mausoleum are indeed worth seeing.

Shen Guanglin regards it as a team building activity, and all the direct descendants of the laboratory can travel.

To this end, he also made a lot of preparatory actions, purchasing a lot of stewed meat, roast duck, roast chicken, beer, and cola.

Not only that, they also prepared canvas tents, which are used for camping. For three days, they must have fun.

Anyway, the laboratory is rich and powerful, so we must leave a pleasant experience for everyone, and relax by the way.

Doing experiments with one's head bored every day, people will collapse.

This trip, you can bring your family.

There are not many people with family members. Shen Guanglin has Li Rong, Kong Fandong has Li Ping, Dou Wei has himself, and Professor Su has the most people in his family, with a wife and two children.

The two children were very happy when they heard that they were going to go camping in the Eastern Tomb of the Qing Dynasty. It was a dream come true.

Mrs. Su is also very happy, she also wants to travel.

Mrs. Su's surname is actually Wei, and she is called Teacher Wei. She has a very close girlfriend, whose surname is Han, and is called Teacher Han.

The two have been classmates since they were young, and they studied together in a normal school, and they are colleagues after work. Therefore, the relationship is very good, and they have always cared for and taken care of each other.

Humans are social animals, and it would be hard not to compare themselves.

However, among good girlfriends, there is a saying, called, I hope you have a good life, but it is best not to be better than me.

Teacher Wei is better looking, and when she gets married, she has a wider range of choices, so she married a more educated university teacher from Wudaokou Technical School. Teacher Han is more reserved, so her lover is just a salesman in a supply and marketing cooperative.

It is better to be born well than to marry well. In a certain historical period, a salesperson can live a much more comfortable life than a university professor.

Teacher Wei's family can live well, but the housing is tight and the income is not much, so life is not easy.

The benefits of suppliers and distributors are much better than those of universities. Although their salaries are not high, they can get a lot more benefits. Therefore, the life of Mr. Han and his family has always been better than that of Mr. Wei's family.

During the holidays, their family is not particularly short of some supplies that are in short supply, so they also help Mr. Wei's family a lot. Every time they help, they say, look, the conditions of the university are not enough.

Professor Su resigned and moved to a new home. The new home is extremely luxurious and has all kinds of modern facilities. Teacher Wei wanted to tell Teacher Han several times, but finally held back.

Don't let others think it's showing off, it's better to let her find out by chance.

The National Day holiday is coming, and the two of them are sorting out the lesson plans. Teacher Han said to Teacher Wei, "I heard that your old Su has changed jobs?"

"Yes, I went to work in a comprehensive laboratory of Peking University and did physics research full-time."

"Have you raised your salary?" This is what Mr. Han cares most about.

"No, the salary has not changed, but the benefits are a little different."

What Teacher Wei said is true. Professor Su’s salary is the same as before, but the allowance and benefits are a bit random. Lao Su paid more than 500 in the first month of work. The salary table is clearly written, and the salary is indeed only 134, and the rest are all messy money like overtime subsidies.

Mr. Han is still very clear about the benefits of Wudaokou Technical School. Now that Lao Su has transferred from Wudaokou Technical School to Capital University, how much will the welfare change?It's nothing more than changing the distribution of crucian carp to carp during the festival.

"Didn't you move? Tomorrow I'm going to take my lover to your house as a guest. Their unit gave out two extra catties of mooncakes. I'll pick them up tomorrow and share them with your children." In fact, this is a disguised form of showing off, after all Does the Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day come together?

"No need, the child is getting older, so I don't look forward to this anymore." Teacher Wei didn't talk about his moving, but talked about the fact that the child no longer likes mooncakes.

Teacher Han didn't listen, and was still talking to himself:

"Look at our poor school, it's too much to not even give out mooncakes during the Mid-Autumn Festival. Do they give out mooncakes at Old Su's unit?"

"Neither." Teacher Wei hesitated to speak.

Indeed, it was not distributed, because the laboratory did not treat mooncakes as holiday benefits, but as daily snacks, made a large pile, and put them directly in the activity room for everyone to pick up at will.

This week, Lao Su brought two mooncakes home every day. There were all kinds of mooncakes, and the children were getting tired of them.

"Why are you being polite about our relationship? I'll get two of them for you tomorrow. Wuren, your family's Su Hongjun likes blue and red silk the most. Every time I pick out one by one to eat." Han The teacher is still enthusiastic, although his mouth is sometimes a little unforgiving.

"Not tomorrow. Their unit organizes a team building tomorrow. They want to go to the Qing Emperor's Mausoleum together. They say they will come back after playing for three days."

Teacher Wei told the truth, because the itinerary has already been drawn out, and what to do every day is like doing an experiment, and the list is neat.

"Team building? Three days? So far away? Can my wife and children go with me? Who will pay for the travel expenses and accommodation?" Teacher Han also wanted to go to the Qing Emperor's Mausoleum, but felt that it was a bit far away. It's not worth it late.

"Well. Their unit reimbursed them. You can just bring a change of clothes yourself. They say they live in tents at night but not in hostels."

Teacher Wei also wanted to relive what it was like to live in a tent.

There was a big earthquake in 76. At that time, like everyone else, their family also set up a tent in an open place and slept for more than a month.

Mr. Han didn't think it was novel to live in a tent, but felt very petty:

"Is their unit so stingy? If you live in a tent, let alone play for three days, you can live in ten days."

"It's not stingy. Old Su said it's corporate culture, and it's a new term used by their boss."

"Boss? Why is there still such a title after the new China?"

"Yes, I don't know either. In fact, he is also a professor, but everyone calls him the boss, probably because he makes the most money in the entire laboratory."

Teacher Han really understood what he said. In a unit, the one with the highest salary can indeed be called the "boss".

"Then when will our two families get together, or tonight? My wife's work unit will give away 4 taels of pork per catty. How about we make dumplings together?"

"Okay. I'll call Lao Su and ask him not to eat at work, but to order some food and drink when he comes back."

"The unit still manages dinner?"

"Well, you can also bring food home, which is also the corporate culture."

(End of this chapter)

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