Start with a college teacher

Chapter 313 Housing Subsidy

Chapter 313 Housing Subsidy
In this era, there is no such thing as 996 blessings.

There is no Golden Week in this era.

The National Day is the same as the Spring Festival, it is only a three-day holiday. As for the Mid-Autumn Festival, it is not a statutory holiday, and it is just a coincidence that it coincides with the National Day.

Since there are no teaching arrangements for the next three days, the school is also a bit humane, and teachers who have nothing to do can go home early.

Teacher Wei's child, Su Hongyu, was still in the classroom, and the two of them chatted in the office and waited for her to leave school.

Finally, the bell for the end of get out of class rang.

It is really a special person to ring the bell, not that kind of electric bell.

Teacher Wei went to the class to pick up the children, and then went home with Teacher Han.

Now is just the time when the off-duty army gathers, and the two of them follow the army into the traffic flow, riding their bikes in style, without delaying their chat.

"Look at this situation, you have indeed moved. I have given you all of Lao Su's bicycles. Is the new home far away? Why isn't it in the Jingda family area?"

When the red light came, Mr. Han braked smartly and stopped steadily.

People in this era are all masters of cycling. It is a trivial matter to carry two people in the back seat.

"Aunt Han, our new home is not far away. In the Agricultural University, I can actually go to school by myself, but my mother won't let me, saying that it's not safe for a girl to be alone."

Su Hongyu doesn't like to commute to get off work with her mother. She spends 24 hours a day with her mother, so she doesn't have any freedom.

"It's for sure, Xiao Hongyu is a big girl now, she is handsome and graceful, if she encounters a bastard along the way, what should she do?"

Teacher Han himself has two daughters who are still in elementary school. Because of their parents' genetic problems, they are indeed not as good-looking as the two children of Professor Su's family. I can't blame others for this.

"Father said that the country is being rectified now, and those bums are gone, and I can go to school alone in the future."

"Your father is a university professor, and he's right."

A few people were chatting while cycling, and the gate of the breeding base arrived soon, and it was indeed not far from the Agricultural University.

"Why do you live here? Isn't this the famous joint-venture pig farm some time ago? I heard that they have to take an exam to recruit workers. A relative of my family wanted to work here, but he failed the exam."

Teacher Han began to feel that if he could live here, the accommodation conditions should not be bad, it wasn't the kind of low-rise tube building that he had expected.

"Well, this is a breeding base jointly established by the laboratory of Beijing University and a foreign company. There are some extra houses allocated to the laboratory. After Lao Su went to work in the laboratory, we rented here."

Teacher Wei told the truth, but he tried his best to talk about it with Beijing University, otherwise, just talking about the pig farm would be ugly.

Teacher Han grasped the point of her words at once.

"This house is still rented? Doesn't the unit allocate houses?"

Teacher Han was very surprised: "It doesn't matter what the house is, why change jobs? At least there is a place to live in Wudaokou Technical School, two small rooms."

Teacher Wei’s family was not as comfortable as that of Teacher Han’s. After all, the supply and marketing cooperative is a rich unit, and the housing for employees is very good.

"Well, it's rented, this is the house of someone's breeding base, it was rented to the laboratory, and the laboratory was rented to us.

If you wait for the assignment, you have to wait for a certain number of years or produce scientific research results. Old Su has just arrived in the laboratory, so there is no result. "

This is also reasonable.

Everyone collectively discussed and decided on the housing allocation policy. If you give away a house as soon as you come to work, it really seems too much. It lacks a goal and is not conducive to unity.

Life needs to be improved step by step.

"How much is the rent?"

"5 yuan a month."

"5 yuan? It's really not cheap!" Teacher Han was surprised again, and his tone seemed a bit exaggerated.

5 yuan a month's rent is indeed not cheap in this era.

Rent a side of a courtyard, and the rent paid is at most this price. Their laboratory looks a bit dark.

Teacher Wei hasn't said that the actual rent here is 30 yuan, otherwise it will look darker, and no one will believe it.

As soon as he entered the gate, he was stopped by the guard brother.

This is a serious staff member of the security department. The doorman is not a security guard, and naturally he cannot be an old man.

"Professor Su's love, this is a holiday gift prepared for you by Biotechnology. Researcher Dou specially told you to leave it for you. You can take it back."

Teacher Wei was not too polite, he seemed to be familiar with the road: "Thank you!"

"You're welcome. Knowing that your family doesn't like fatty meat, we'll leave you the tenderloin."

"Thank you! You have a heart."

In fact, this is the employee benefit of biotechnology, because they do not have travel programs, so when the Mid-Autumn Festival comes, everyone has a few catties of oil, a few catties of rice, and a few catties of pork.

Dou Wei has been hanging out with biotechnology for a long time, and he speaks very authoritatively. In fact, he left his share to Professor Su.

There are not many kinds of things, but they are still quite heavy. They are packed in a large cardboard box, and there seem to be two boxes of Songhua duck eggs.

Teacher Wei's bicycle is carrying her daughter, and these holiday supplies can only be placed in the back seat of Teacher Han's car.

Teacher Han mechanically tied the cardboard box, his head was a little dazed.

These supplies are much more than those distributed by her lover's unit. The piece of pork inside must weigh at least two or three catties.

"Didn't you say that Lao Su and his unit don't give out boxing gifts?"

"No, they don't give out gifts this time. Their welfare during the holiday is to travel, so the laboratory will not give out gifts. This is something issued by a biotechnology company, not from Lao Su's laboratory."

What Teacher Wei said makes sense. After all, the laboratory and the biotechnology company are two units.

"People give benefits to pig farms, so why do you have your share?" Teacher Han was also unwilling, and wanted to know more clearly.

"Our neighbor across the door, Researcher Dou, left it. He is a biology student and often runs around. He still has some power here."

Teacher Wei is not sure about the more specific situation. Anyway, Dou Wei and Lao Su have a good relationship. They have no direct competition. If there is any delicious food, Xiao Dou will bring some.

It's useless for a bachelor to ask for these things.

Even, the relationship between his son Su Hongjun and Dou Wei is better than that with his own father.

Teacher Wei didn't make it clear, but Teacher Han figured it out: they were taking advantage of the country, and they didn't pay for it themselves anyway.

After entering the gate, I rode my bicycle for a long time, but I still haven't reached my destination.

"Mr. Wei, your yard is a bit big. I passed by the factory building just now. I don't think there is a dormitory building there. Why don't you live there?"

"Over there is the production area, and we live in a hidden corner." Teacher Wei has learned this new word, which is what Shen Guanglin often says.

"Hidden corner?"

"Well, that's what Boss Shen said. In fact, the place where we live has a name, which sounds nice. It's called "Tiangong No. [-]."

Passing through a ginkgo grove, Tiangong-[-] arrived in a hidden corner.

"Wow, you still live in a building."

The shape of the building is very beautiful, with a crispness that does not belong to this era.

In fact, the country in this era also abandoned the customary style of the big brother, the Soviet Union, and they began to pursue another style with a dome and a bulge in the middle, called Baroque.

The house built by Shen Guanglin is not in Baroque style, but in the most common and standard style in later generations.

In later generations, this is mediocrity, but now, it is amazing.

"Yes, we live in a building. There are no bungalows in the whole factory except for the guard."

"Which floor do you live on?"

"7th floor."

"It will be a bit tiring to climb the stairs. If you do this every day, you won't die of exhaustion. It's better to live in a bungalow, which is down-to-earth."

Teacher Han finally found out the shortcomings of living in a building. If Shen Guanglin heard it, he would definitely agree with her point of view, because Shen Guanglin also likes to be down-to-earth.

However, the little girl from the Su family seriously disagreed with Mr. Han's point of view, and she wanted to refute: "Aunt Han, I like to live in a high-rise building. I live in a high-rise building with a wider view. I can still see the school's observatory at home." .”

There is a large ball on the Science and Technology Building of the High School Attached to Wudaokou Technical School, which is said to be an observatory, but Su Hongyu went in to look, but did not see a telescope inside.

"You're right, climb high and look far, if you want to see a thousand miles, go to a higher level."

Teacher Han felt that it was unreasonable for him to argue with a child, so he followed her words.

"Xiao Hongyu, can you see Mount Xi from your home?"

"I don't know either. To the west, there are mountains, and I don't know what kind of mountains they are."

When they arrived at the place, they parked their bicycles in the shed, where there were many new bicycles, all of which were unlocked.

"There are so many bicycles without a lock?"

"No, this is a laboratory bicycle. Whoever wants to ride it can ride it, but you still have to register at the gate of the factory area."

"Ride casually?"

"Well, Boss Shen said that this is called shared bicycles, and it will be popular in the future."

What is a tuyere, Teacher Han half understood, she began to look around.

This building is indeed quite new, and there are well-designed green belts.

Specializing in garden landscape design for the community is also a pre-planning that has never existed in this era.

The three of them moved things into the corridor together, and there was an elevator in sight.

"This is still a house with an elevator. I haven't taken an elevator very much. Is there a special person to charge for it?"

Since coming here, Teacher Han felt that his surprise was not enough.

It's not that there are no elevators in the capital, and Teacher Han has seen them before.

However, there is a special feature of taking an elevator in Beijing, that is, it is charged per person, just like going to the toilet. There is often a special toll collector in the elevator, and you have to pay first if you want to go to which floor.

There is no need to pay here, you can press whatever you want, from 1 to 13 and then down, there is no problem.

Opening the door and entering the house, Teacher Han didn't want to talk anymore.

She imagined that Teacher Wei's house might be in good condition, after all, it cost 5 yuan to rent.

However, she did not expect that this is just a house for people to live in, and it can be done like this, it is too luxurious.

Senior cadres can't live in such a house, and the houses of foreign heads of state are nothing more than this.

Such a big refrigerator, such a big sofa, such a big TV, there are even two washing machines, and there is even a telephone.

"Mr. Wei, why have you been hiding it? How can the house you live in be so good?"

Teacher Han's tone was very excited, and I don't know if there was some jealousy mixed in, but there was already a vibrato anyway.

"This is a house built by a biotechnology company. It was rented to the laboratory, and the laboratory was rented to us. That's why I said it was a rented house, not ours. That's why I didn't say it."

Although the explanation was very pale, but after hearing this, Teacher Han finally felt a little more balanced. After all, it was just rented.

However, the rent of 5 yuan is still very worthwhile. Even if it is 10 yuan, I am willing to rent it.

"This kind of house only costs 5 yuan a month. I want to rent it. Is there any vacant house in this building? Will it be rented out?"

The living conditions at Mr. Han’s house are actually not bad. They live in a courtyard with other people.

But there are also many problems in the courtyard house, whether it is inconvenient to go to the toilet or cook.

This kind of single-family house is more convenient, especially in such a big kitchen, there are two bathrooms, it's a crime.

"There are vacant houses, but I don't know whether to rent them or not. There are two households on our floor alone that are unoccupied. It's not that I didn't say it on purpose before. This kind of house is really given to us, and we can't afford it, that is, Their laboratory has housing subsidies, so we have the courage to live there."

Teacher Wei emphasized the four words of housing subsidy, as if he was emphasizing something, and Teacher Han really listened to it. She thought Teacher Wei was showing off, so she just cooperated.

"You still have rent subsidies, which means you still live in this house for free? Yoyoyo" This surprise is so exaggerated, it seems fake at first glance, and there is a bit of perfunctory in it.

In fact, Mr. Wei does show off a little bit, but it’s not at this level: “It’s because of subsidies that we dare to live, otherwise the rent of 30 yuan a month is more than half a month’s salary. "

(End of this chapter)

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