Chapter 314
The dumplings made with tenderloin are not that fragrant.

When Teacher Han went back, he still took some green vegetables with him. There was always more than enough vegetables grown in the glass room upstairs, so he had to scramble to give them away.

In terms of delivering food, Mr. Wei is not generous to others, Dou Wei is the most active, he is the most honest boy who spreads money.

Dou Wei likes to deliver food to girls' homes when he is free, but he has never talked about a stable partner until now.

Dou Wei was particularly envious of Shen Guanglin having a confidante like Li Rong. He himself wanted to find someone like Li Rong, but the girls would get married when they opened their mouths, otherwise they wouldn't sleep with him.

However, if you want to get married as soon as you feel sleepy, isn't this a hooligan?

There are many girls in the biological breeding base, and there are indeed a few good-looking ones, but he is not reconciled to getting married after dating like this.

After all, he is a graduate student of the University of Science and Technology of China, and the most knowledgeable young people are only technical secondary school students. Those who really went to high school, who wouldn't go to university?

But Dou Wei's social circle is only so big. For those who study biology, he has visited Beijing University and Wudaokou Technical School several times, and there are a few good-looking girls.

After all, there is only one person like Yan Ning in decades.

Fortunately, Dou Wei only had a rich imagination, and he was basically talking about it, and he didn't take the step of overstepping the threshold, so in essence, he didn't constitute a crime of hooliganism, and he never molested anyone.

Recently, he met a few good-looking girls from Nortel, and he liked all of them very much, but the girls only respected him, but lacked admiration, and he didn't know when it would be a natural step. No, let Li Ping introduce one.

Hey, let's take a step at a time.

In early autumn, winter melon and pumpkin are the most suitable vegetables. You will have materials for making winter melon sauce later, so you don’t need to spend money on them.

It's just that the monthly rent of 30 yuan here directly dispelled Mr. Han's fantasy of renting a house here.

However, the next day, when they went to visit the Eastern Tombs of the Qing Dynasty together, it was a surprise that she could go with Professor Su and the others.

Because, Shen Guanglin and Li Rong happened to come back to live today, and they met when they were picking vegetables on the roof. Since they are Teacher Wei's colleagues, let's go to play together, there is not much of this person.

As soon as Boss Shen invited, Teacher Han happily agreed.


Reservation is something only a little girl can do. I am the mother of two children, so what's wrong with going out to see the world? The two children are so old, and I haven't taken them out to play yet.

They didn't have dinner together. Even though Professor Su's family had no shortage of sister-in-laws and dumplings, Shen Guanglin's family also had love dinners.

Shen Guanglin's dinner is of course made by Li Rong. She is very good at cooking and loves to study. From time to time, she learns a few tricks from the chef. Many people say that she can open a restaurant.

Shen Guanglin likes to take Li Rong with him when he goes abroad, a large part of the reason is that Li Rong will cook delicious meals for him.

If you want to grab a man's heart, you must first grab his stomach. This sentence is so true.

The environment with Chinese food is okay, but without the environment of Chinese food, as long as it takes more than two days, Shen Guanglin feels that it is really impossible without Li Rong.

Early the next morning, in the hazy mist, the tour group set off from the biotechnology company in a mighty way.

It took three vehicles directly to pull out the lab's personnel and various supplies.

Two of the carts are used to pull people, and one cart is full of supplies, and it is not easy to go out.

In order to ensure the personal safety of the travelers, several people from the security department of the biotechnology company lent out several people, and they went there with guns, including not only Type 54 pistols, but also two Type 56 rifles.

Safety is no small matter, and if something goes wrong, the whole show will end.

The Eastern Tomb of the Qing Dynasty is located in Zunhua, Tangshan, and it is still a little distance from the capital. Shen Guanglin was thinking that when the emperors worshiped the imperial tomb, it would take a few days to walk on the road. After all, it is more than 100 kilometers away.

Along the way, Teacher Han was full of curiosity about everything about Shen Guanglin.

Is there such a young Peking University professor who looks like he just graduated from university?

When he asked, he really wasn't married yet, this beautiful girl was his partner, she was really a fairy couple.

Naturally, Shen Guanglin's family will also be asked about in the chat.

Shen Guanglin also told the truth that his parents are gone, but his uncle and aunt are still alive. The children in the aunt's family are all adults, and the uncle's family has a cousin who is a headache for studying.

"Then why not teach in the capital?" Mr. Han was very puzzled, isn't the quality of teaching in the capital better.

"No one cares about him in the capital, it's different from herding sheep."

Shen Guanglin hated his father for not being a boy, and he was really worried about his cousin's studies.

"It's definitely different. In Beijing, Teacher Wei and I can help more or less. We have taught for more than ten years, and we have no other achievements. We have been rated as excellent teachers." Teacher Han When he said this, he was full of confidence, and he was no longer that talkative.

This sentence is indeed reasonable. The school that Mr. Han and the others are in is the High School Attached to Wudaokou Technical School. It is considered a pretty good school in the capital. It is okay to bring your cousin over to study, and there is also a geographical advantage in the college entrance examination.

After all, it is very difficult to take university entrance exams in Jiangsu Province in this era. They are now the province with the highest score in the country, and the capital city has the lowest score in the country, but it can compete with Shanghai.

Let's discuss it with my uncle after the National Day, or ask for their opinions. If it doesn't work, let my aunt accompany my cousin to study.

If he can't read well after coming to the capital, it's right for him, someone from Shen, to come and educate him personally, anyway, he still has a lot of rulers.

After all, it is true that a strict teacher produces a good student, and a stick produces a filial son. If you don't fight, you really can't become a talent.

After four or five hours on the road, the Eastern Qing Tombs did not arrive until near noon.

The entire Tangling covers a large area, as big as seven Xinjiapos. The first thing you can see is a stone archway. The structure of five rooms, six pillars and eleven floors is very spectacular.

Going further inside, there are various straight roads leading to different mausoleums.

After all, it was near noon, so I had to find a place to settle down first.

They found a garrison site where the Qing army guarding the mausoleum used to be. There is a deserted square here, and this kind of place is the most suitable place to set up camp.

As for someone asking, that's easy, we are part of the scientific research team of Beijing University, and we are here to complete a scientific research project.

There is a letter of introduction, a student ID card, and a work ID card, so there is no problem.

The site they finally camped at was located near Dingling. The Dingling mentioned here refers to Qing Dingling, which is the tomb of Emperor Xianfeng, not Ming Dingling. Ming Dingling is the residence of Emperor Wanli. It is in the Ming Tombs. Woolen cloth.

Because Cixi and Empress Dowager Ci'an died late, they were not buried in Xianfeng's Dingling Mausoleum, but were buried alone. Moreover, Lafayette's posthumous title was not Cixi, but Empress Xiaoqinxian.

Therefore, Cixi is not a posthumous title, but Xiaozhuang. Cixi can call herself Cixi, but Xiaozhuang cannot. Saying "I am Xiaozhuang" is a prophet.

The full name of Xiaozhuang's posthumous title is "Xiaozhuang Renxuan Chengxian Gongyi Zhidechun Huiyi Tianqi Shengwen Queen", referred to as "Queen Wen" of Xiaozhuang.

When Xiaozhuang was alive, his real address should be "Zhuang Fei" or "Zhaosheng Empress Dowager", "Zhaosheng Empress Dowager".

Shen Guanglin felt that Li Rong was his Bubutai.

In October, the weather in Qingling is bright and clear, and it is suitable for cold and hot.

Everyone simply ordered a little cooked food, and then started a half-day free travel tour.

This place has become a paradise for several children, and they are the most happy to play.

Shen Guanglin has a unique hobby. He found a reservoir to go fishing, and he must break the spell of the Air Force.

There is a large Longmenkou Reservoir near Niuxin Mountain. Shen Guanglin took a few students there to fish.

The fish caught by oneself is the most delicious when grilled.

There are so many strange talents among the people. There is a student in the laboratory who is usually not very conspicuous. Not only is he very good at fishing, but he can also fish in the water. He is simply talented.

It's not that Shen Guanglin didn't get anything, he still caught a few herrings.

However, compared with this classmate, it is insignificant.

This guy not only caught a lot of fish, but also caught a few big bastards. The whole Shen Guanglin felt that the game of fishing was not fun, let's play cards, how about playing blackjack?
(End of this chapter)

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