Start with a college teacher

Chapter 315 Donations

Chapter 315 Donations
You can eat enough meat, and you can also drink Coke that tastes like traditional Chinese medicine. This is really a dreamlike life experience.

Now Coca-Cola is a luxury in China, and what everyone often drinks is the old domestic soda-Arctic Ocean.

Sometimes, happiness is obtained by the abundance of money, not just a spiritual experience of pleasure.

Without money, it is difficult to have perfect happiness.

This group of people sang and danced and spent three happy days in Zunhua. They did not meet the legendary Tangshan chopper team. Fortunately, everything was safe.

Can open the letter of introduction of the school, Shen Guanglin is very addicted to archaeology.

It was also a coincidence, because there happened to be archaeologists renovating Yuling here, Shen Guanglin temporarily wrote a letter of introduction for himself, and went in to have a look as he wished.

After all, they are nominally the scientific research team from the Capital University, and the archaeological team here is also from the capital, and among them are their alumni who graduated from the archeology major of the Capital University. With this kind of incense, they still give enough face .

Mixing circles is really important.

No wonder those who are in the entertainment industry want to study Chinese opera or Nortel. This kind of passion will bring you different benefits at some point.

Shen Guanglin works at Capital University, and the influence of Capital University and its students can touch all aspects of social life.

After all, it is the only university in the country, and the influence of Capital University is too great, but there is a high probability that there will be people from them in any project that is a little bit powerful.

This Yuling is the mausoleum of Emperor Qianlong. Emperor Qianlong was the longest-lived emperor in Chinese history. He lived to be 89 years old. No. "Shiquan old man".

This "Shiquan old man" is a very boring person. He is only about 1 meters tall. He loves writing poems most in his life, and he has created more than 6 poems in his life.

Moreover, in order to build his own Yuling Mausoleum, he actually stole the golden silk nanmu from the Ming Tombs in the name of repairing the Ming Tombs.

As a result, the imperial mausoleums of the Ming Dynasty were "repaired" by Emperor Qianlong to become smaller and smaller, because he got all the available building materials into his mausoleum.

Of course, "Old Man Shiquan" did not expect that a hundred years after his death, he would become one of the most unlucky emperors in history.

In 1928, Sun Dianying, known as the descendant of Sun Chengzong, led the army to blow up Yuling, took away all the gold and silver treasures inside, and threw the corpse of Emperor Qianlong in the rotten puddle.

Moreover, the skull was completely gone, and only one braid was still alive, proving that it belonged to the emperor.

Half a month after the tomb robbery incident, the elders and ministers of the Manchu Qing Dynasty decided to rebury Qianlong and his concubines.

The elders who participated in the re-burial wrote down their feelings and experiences of the incident in their diaries, and compiled it into a document: "Compilation of Dongling Robbery Cases".

The archaeological team repaired Yuling this time because tourism is becoming more and more popular now, and Emperor Qianlong was a very famous emperor in the Qing Dynasty, so they wanted to restore the tomb for an open exhibition for tourists to visit.

Shen Guanglin was very lucky. Witnessing this historical discovery, the inside of the coffin was exactly as it was recorded. Archaeologists pointed to it and said that the gray braid belonged to Emperor Qianlong.

I have learned a lot, do you want to give it a DNA sequence?

In fact, there are several names of the Qing Emperor's Tomb and the Ming Emperor's Tomb that are the same.

Such as Yuling.Ming Yuling belonged to Ming Yingzong Zhu Qizhen, who was the foolish man who had undergone the Tumu Fortress change; Qing Yuling belonged to Emperor Qianlong.

The same is true for Jingling. Ming Jingling belonged to Zhu Zhanji, while Qing Jingling belonged to Emperor Kangxi. Of course, there are Tailing and Dingling in a similar situation.

The three-day vacation was finally coming to an end, and Shen Guanglin was still a little bit unsatisfied.

Before leaving, he invited all the archaeologists to have a big meal, and left all the inexhaustible supplies, including tents, to the archaeological team.

If you go out to play somewhere next time, just buy it again.

After the last lunch, everyone packed up their luggage and mood, and headed home.

Everyone was very satisfied with this event, and everyone had their own gains. Only the four children had to write diaries and impressions, and they were a little bit unhappy at the end of the event.

Life is not always so random. When you are not looking for trouble, trouble will come to you.

Because, someone reported that Shen Guanglin's biological breeding base was full of filth, and young and beautiful men and women often haunted it, causing extremely bad influence.

Let me go, if there are young men and women haunting, it means hiding dirt?You also believe in pretentious things, the ancient censors didn't care so much.

Moreover, his campus is almost completely enclosed. Under what background did the term "extremely bad impact" come into being?Who is affected?

Shen Guanglin saw the original copy of the report letter, but he didn't know anything about it, but he still kept a photocopy.

The staff also said that we just came here to investigate and verify because it was based on rumors. If there is any conclusive evidence, we must have arrested people.

Severe cooperation must be resolute.

Shen Guanglin has an imported movie camera here, which has attracted many people to study and discuss.

The staff opened the samples, and there were some randomly shot content, mostly the method of making beef and mutton for picnic parties and some special records of local customs.

No prohibited content of any kind.

The staff who came to investigate simply left after a brief understanding. Sure enough, nothing unexpected happened.

During the entire investigation process, no one blocked the way to call for grievances, and there was no one who suffered, nor did any ulterior secrets have been revealed.

Dou Wei and Shen Guanglin's dealings with the students of Nortel were just to make friends normally, and it was also a serious human relationship. They really did not do anything that is not recommended by the society. At most, they got together and ate a few more dog meat.

It is not illegal to eat game in this day and age, let alone eat dog meat.

It is probably because the food in the biological breeding base is relatively rich and diverse, and there are good photography and camera equipment, so Nortel students prefer to come here to play.

Dirty?It's too bad to imagine people.

Shen Guanglin thought for a while, and the person who initiated the report must be an employee working in the breeding factory or someone around, but he couldn't tell who it was, let's compare the handwriting.

Give everyone a chance to improve, everyone has worked for so long, each writes a [-]-word ideological report, and accepts organizational inspections.

Of course, Shen Guanglin didn't expect too much, and the chance of finding the client right away was very small, but if he did find him, he would definitely retaliate.

It is very difficult to prevent such things from being reported by others. No matter in what era, there will be many people who suffer from pink eye disease.

The friends of Shen Guanglin and Dou Wei gathered here to eat barbecue a little more often, especially in order to enrich their spare time life, they even built a decent yurt.

And the students of Nortel learn the "sound table shape", and they are often good at singing and dancing, which seems to be prone to style problems.

As long as there is speculation in the mind, any dirty thing will come out.

Fortunately, both Shen Guanglin and Dou Wei are upright and have not committed any problems in life style.

People from the investigation team also went to Nortel to verify the situation, and it turned out that they were normal contacts. Nortel’s teachers also know about this place, and they often come to play. This is really a place for relaxing gatherings, without any decency question.

Finally got through easily.

Chi Zhiqiang, who was filming a movie in Jizhou, was not so lucky. He was captured by the investigation team sent by Jinling.

It crossed several provinces, but it was still brought to Jinling.

A prison disaster caused by an affair is about to be staged.

Originally, the matter had already been decided not to file a case, and the bad thing was a news report.

A media reporter secretly interviewed and published an article called "Stars on the Screen, Criminals in Life".

In fact, before the news reports came out, Shen Guanglin knew that this big strong brother was finished, and "Tears Behind the Bar" still had to be sung.

There is a song in Legend of the Phoenix that is quite suitable for the big strong son brothers:

Who is singing, warm loneliness.
The white clouds are faint, the blue sky is still there, and the tears are drifting.
Living alone in that vastness
In order to prevent the "singing and dancing incident" from being overly fermented by the biotechnology company, Shen Guanglin decided to do something.

After all, cannibals have short mouths and soft hands.

If you think about it that way, there are a lot of things you can do.

It is not advisable to take an offensive against individuals, and it is easy to go astray, but it is no problem with organizations.

Shen Guanglin thought of a very simple but effective method, which is to donate some materials to some powerful departments, saying that it is to support them in fighting crimes and maintaining social order.

If you just donate money, you will not see much effect, or the influence of donating materials will be wider.

Like, how about donating a car or two to every police station around.

A car can be used for many years, and when it breaks down, it is many years before it disappears from memory.

Perhaps, after 50 to [-] years, when people recall the difficult years of those years, they will still mention that the first police car owned by our police station was the XX car donated by xxx.

Shen Guanglin made some money in Xiangjiang Xiaoxiao some time ago, and he felt very sad if he didn't take some money out for consumption.

If money is not spent, one cannot be happy.

Then donate and make the scene grander.

The biotech company has been in business for two years. Although they haven't made much money, since they are joint ventures, they don't pay much tax. This time, let's consider it as paying business tax.

This donation was actually made by Shen Guanglin himself, and it was only made in the name of a biotechnology company, so that the future path of the biotechnology company will be wider.

Always look at the long-term when doing things. It doesn’t mean that as much as you donate, how much will be returned immediately.

Influence and benefits are reflected bit by bit, moistening things silently.

Shen Guanglin waved his hand, buy!
With the blessing of foreign exchange, 30 sets of 750 three-wheelers and 30 sets of 7-seater vans will be ready soon.

Eat more than one fish.

Shen Guanglin decided to donate these cars to Li Rong's work unit and let them distribute them themselves.

It’s okay to give some to the superiors, or it’s okay to use all of them to arm their own patrol forces.

Don't bother the two masters.

Li Rong is still a full-time employee of the Public Security Bureau. It is true that she has gone to university, but her personnel relationship has not been lost. She is still a member of the system. back.

For Shen Guanglin, the Public Security Bureau is also his mother's family, and the good friends and old leaders he knew back then are still there, so mentioning them naturally brings a sense of intimacy.

Now that the whole country is vigorously cracking down on crime, there is a serious shortage of police officers, and their equipment is not up to date. Sometimes they have to use bicycles to arrest them.

Now, the son-in-law is rich, and he can't justify not supporting him with this condition.

Shen Guanglin can be regarded as a pioneer in the joint construction of the police and the people.

When he just crossed over, Shen Guanglin really received great help from them. Without their shelter, he wouldn't know where he would be.

Now that Shen Guanglin is well-developed and rich, if he gives back, he can be regarded as a well-driller who does not forget to drink water.

Everything is ready, everything is ready, just cutting the ribbon.

Life needs a sense of ritual, and a very grand ceremony was held for the donation of police supplies. This row is no less than a collective send-off of criminals.

The scene was really spectacular. The 60 painted cars were placed there, row by row, horizontally and vertically, and the momentum came immediately, and it even felt like a military parade.

Shen Guanglin was very satisfied that he could have such a ostentation for such a small amount of money.

On the day of the donation ceremony, Shen Guanglin was busy. In order to keep a low profile, he refused to go and let Li Rong go alone.

Interesting, the employees of the Public Security Bureau donated materials to their own unit on behalf of an outside unit.

It's true that her name was not correct and her speech was not right when she came to the stage to cut the ribbon, but even if no one cared about it, no one felt that it was against harmony.

At this moment, everyone seems to have forgotten that they haven't received their certificate yet.

What everyone recognizes is social identity, and whether or not to get a certificate is really not that important.

Whether it was Li Rong's unit or Beijing University, none of them doubted the relationship between Shen Guanglin and Li Rong. As for whether they should get a certificate, does it matter?
After the ceremony was completed, Li Rong also remembered the years when she drove Shen Guanglin around the city on a motorcycle, so she bought a new 750 for herself, and put it in the yard of the laboratory, thinking that when the weather is good You can carry Shen Guanglin to recall the past.

This batch of materials was donated and the effect was good.

Not to mention immediate results, but the patrol forces around the biotechnology company have obviously been strengthened.

Shen Guanglin's generosity solved many urgent needs, and the public security bureaus in other districts were extremely envious.

Now, many police stations have new cars, and everyone finally doesn't have to ride a bicycle to chase gangsters, and they are very motivated for a while.

Many gangsters who were about to escape sanctions were imprisoned again, and some even got paid peanuts for this. It is not known whether Shen Guanglin did a good thing or a bad thing.

However, for the police officers, this is a great thing.

In the early autumn weather, driving a brand new Yangtze River 750, the wind blows across the cheeks, and blows a strand of hair exposed under the big brim hat, it will look very cool, right?

Heroic and heroic.

After donating 60 ambulances to the public security system, Shen Guanglin still felt a little unsatisfactory. After thinking about it, he donated another 20 ambulances to the hospital.

Not all hospitals can get it, after all, he, Shen, is a person who does not let his wealth flow to outsiders.
These [-] cars were only donated to the medical school of Jingcheng University, oh, it is still Jingcheng University of Medical Sciences now.

Anyway, they are all from my own family, and they will be reunited in the future. Shen Guanglin has made a good relationship in advance, and someone will help treat his back pain in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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