Start with a college teacher

Chapter 316 Result Verification

Chapter 316 Result Verification
Yang Xiong once said, don't worry about riches and honor, don't worry about poverty.

Shen Guanglin was exactly such a person.

He has never been proud of his wealth, unless he can't help it.

While Shen Guanglin was busy earning fame by donating money and materials, his laboratory was not idle, and everyone's work was still progressing in an orderly manner.

Old Su is worthy of being a Mesozoic professor who can challenge the committee members of the Faculty. It has only been a long time, and the research on superconducting materials has produced major results!

Shen Guanglin was not surprised at this incident.

If you have money, people, equipment, and the right research direction, just push it all the way, but it will not produce results, it is simply impossible.

Lao Su is capable, knowledgeable and experienced, and he is a good executive; the students of Capital University are not vegetarians, they are young, hardworking and tenacious, and they do not lack the passion to work overtime.

With such a combination, plus Shen Guanglin as a hidden mentor, it is not surprising that the results are produced faster than anyone else.

IQ and intelligence are the most indispensable things for the students of Capital University, and they showed great ingenuity during the whole experiment process.

In particular, they added other ceramic elements on the basis of the original three elements, and the effect was remarkable, and the prepared compound performed even more perfectly.

After returning from a National Day outing, Shen Guanglin went out to participate in social activities less than half a month later, Lao Su came to him and found a superconducting material with a critical temperature higher than 77K.

This is a very significant discovery!

Because, when the critical superconducting temperature of a substance is higher than 77K, it means that liquid helium is no longer needed to cool this superconducting material, and only liquid nitrogen can be used to cool the substance to a superconducting state.

what does this mean?
This means that from now on, the possibility of putting superconducting materials into practical applications is much greater, and a fairly good foundation has already been established.

After all, helium is an extremely scarce resource, and it is not easy to produce, and helium itself cannot be produced industrially, but can only be purified from nature.

The countries that store the most helium in the world are the Soviet Union and Citigroup. Although there are special production plants in China, the output is not high, and the purity is not good.

Nitrogen is different, there is no bottleneck in the production of this thing.

78% of the gas in the air is nitrogen, and the source of nitrogen is not too extensive.

It is not complicated at all to prepare liquid nitrogen, as long as the air is separated and fractionated.

First purify the air, then gradually increase the pressure and cool it down, and some gas will become liquefied gas. As the conditions change, some gas will be separated, and the rest will be nitrogen.

Of course, the production of high-purity nitrogen is difficult. Even by 2020, nitrogen above 7N will still need to be imported. However, for ordinary nitrogen, it will not cost much to fill a 47-liter cylinder.

When Professor Su found Shen Guanglin, he didn't appear very excited or entangled too much. He came up and asked: Our research results are out, do you want to publish them?
Shen Guanglin quickly understood what Old Su meant when he asked these words.

Lao Su is an old athlete, what he means is should this matter be reported?Do you want to tell those people in the Academy of Sciences?

After all, everyone seems to be engaged in a scientific research competition, so what method would be more appropriate for my side to win.

Shen Guanglin was also very hesitant. Once the news about him was released, how many people would he be affected and how many people would be offended?
After all, researching superconducting materials will hardly bring him real benefits in his lifetime, and it is not worthwhile to offend a large number of people for this.

However, they spent their own money and produced good results, but they spent the country's money, but did not produce results. If they really reported it, it is estimated that many people will not look good.

That's weird, they shouldn't be completely fruitless.

Shen Guanglin vaguely remembered that Huaxia did not seem to be behind in the research of superconducting materials.In later generations, a university in the southwest even manufactured a superconducting maglev train.

But what's the situation now?

My own major achievements have come out, why is the other party making no progress at all?Are you holding back your big move?

Look at the scientists of Fusang and Citigroup, they are always 40K, 50K, and they seem to be progressing gratifyingly.

Now, at least dozens of project teams around the world are researching superconducting materials, but if they don't seize the time to release the results, then this high ground may be occupied by others.

Shen Guanglin thought for a while, he couldn't let himself bear the blame alone, it would be more appropriate to find more tall people.

After all, it's really not worthwhile for me to offend a group of people from the Academy of Sciences and the Science and Industry Committee. What should I do if I need something in the future.

The world is safe and secure?
Shen Guanglin has it here.

Shen Guanglin immediately applied to the school, can we set up a special superconducting material research group, which can be attached to my laboratory, but the school will directly receive the domestic reputation, so as to dilute the role played by Shen Guanglin's laboratory during the period? .

The school asked him why he did this.

Because it has achieved results, and it is a major achievement that has caused a sensation in the world.

Then no problem!

There is a school in everything, don't be cowardly, don't be afraid, and always climb the peak of science and technology.

Shen Guanglin asked the school again, can we also include the Wudaokou Technical School, after all, Professor Su was a teacher of the Wudaokou Technical School before, so it would be nice to keep a good memory.

The school leaders thought about it and agreed.

After all, if two schools do form a partnership, then everyone else has to step aside.

Superconducting materials are a big topic, and it is a big topic that has been studied for decades. Only when the interests are shared, will everyone jointly maintain this achievement.

In fact, Capital University has long wanted to arrange for people to set up a laboratory to participate in the research of superconducting materials, but due to Shen Guanglin's identity and the lack of funds, it has not been implemented.

In fact, Wudaokou Technical School also has similar considerations. They have already listed this budget in the cost plan for next year, and they will definitely dabble in this area next year.

Is it possible to combine the two schools?

of course can!

In the morning, Shen Guanglin reported to the leader. The leader greeted Wudaokou Technical School. Before noon, the two schools sent a joint expert team to verify Professor Su's scientific research results.

The specification of the delegation is very high, but it is also very informal. There is not even a Toyota Coaster that is greeted and sent, and everyone is riding a bicycle.

A group of middle-aged and elderly people put down their work and gathered together. Everyone was laughing and joking, but they represented different contents. They represented two schools.

Shen Guanglin and Professor Su stood in line at the door to greet them. These people are worthy and cannot be overemphasized.

These are the strongest elite forces in the two schools, and they are all people who would shake their feet three times in the Chinese physics world.

"Xiao Su, I heard that you have developed a special superconducting material. How special is it?" The person who asked the question was a highly respected old professor from Wudaokou Technical School. I have grown up step by step, and today I came to Xiaosu to check and accept the results, and the care is beyond words.

"Yes, I discussed it with Professor Shen. We call it a high-temperature superconducting material. The appearance of this material breaks the restriction on the cooling gas. That is to say, superconducting materials may enter the stage of practical application in the future. "Professor Su is very happy and proud. This is something that their team has found out bit by bit. It is not easy.

Shen Guanglin spent huge sums of money to buy various experimental elements, which was also the strong backing for their success.

"Why is it called a high-temperature superconducting material?" the old member asked very carefully.

"Because the liquefaction temperature of nitrogen is 77K, below this temperature, helium must be used to superconduct. Superconducting materials higher than this temperature can be directly cooled with nitrogen, so we call it high-temperature superconducting materials .”

Makes sense!A group of people walked into the physics laboratory.

The laboratory for researching superconducting materials is located on the first floor, which was temporarily remodeled for easier access to gas.

Near the first floor of the experimental building, there are various gas storage devices, such as steel cylinders, containers, Dewar tanks, and torpedo vehicles.

Some steel cylinders are also marked with Fuso characters, which can be seen as imported high-end goods.

"Your helium is still imported?"

"Well, it's imported from Fusang, a company called Dayo Nippon Sour. We can't do anything about it. The domestic production can't keep up, and the temperature is not low enough."

Everyone stopped talking, because they had discovered that now the experimental equipment was connected to ordinary nitrogen, and it was directly connected to it by a torpedo truck.

Then experiment.

A student opens the cylinder valve with a brass wrench to allow the liquid nitrogen to flow.

This is Shen Guanglin's special request, because if there is static electricity, if the gas in the cylinder is flammable and explosive, the danger will be great.

Nitrogen began to circulate in the pipeline, which is a specially customized double sleeve for the convenience of cooling and heating.

There is a low-temperature thermometer next to it. This kind of thermometer is actually very expensive. It is called a semiconductor resistance thermometer, and it still has very high sensitivity at extremely low temperatures.

Everyone listened to the whistling airflow in the pipeline, and watched the numbers on the thermometer drop rapidly.

0℃, -10℃, -100℃.
Everyone is an expert and knows that the temperature of liquid nitrogen is 196 °C. As the number approaches here, everyone's mood begins to become tense.

During the initial cooling process, the prefabricated superconducting material was not energized. When the temperature was as low as -180°C, Professor Su asked someone to energize the superconducting material.

At this time, it shows that there is resistance, but everyone is more nervous.

The temperature dropped one after another, and everyone's hearts began to get entangled.

Professor Su said that the current superconducting critical temperature of this material is -188°C.

Everyone wanted to believe it, but they didn't dare to believe it.

What if he was joking?
Finally, when the temperature dropped to close to -188°C, everyone became more nervous. The temperature in the room was already very low, but some people still sweated on their foreheads.

So nervous.

At this moment, there was a buzzing sound, and the resistance suddenly became zero!

Like a goose being grabbed by the neck, everyone collectively made a backward movement.

Really superconducting!
At this time, Shen Guanglin took out a pre-made magnet and placed it on top of the superconducting material. Sure enough, it was suspended in the air.

(End of this chapter)

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