Chapter 317
The leader opened his mouth, and the following ran with broken legs.

It is a great thing to let employees write ideological reports. Most people in this era have a subjective desire to move closer to the organization.

If the ideological report is written well and diligently, and at the same time the relationship with the leader is not bad, there is a high probability of becoming an activist, so that you will have the opportunity to participate in school training, get a certificate of completion, and enter the preparatory period. It can be rectified.

After Shen Guanglin came back from Dongling, he asked everyone in the breeding base to start writing ideological reports.

Although biotechnology companies are joint ventures, they also have unions and organizations, and they must have everything they need. This can be regarded as an opportunity for everyone to strive for advancement.

All the ideological reports were collected soon. There are 177 employees in the whole factory, and there are also 177 ideological reports, which is not a lot.

Shen Guanglin spent money to buy Ping An some time ago, so he must be upset.

He has a photocopy of the anonymous letter, and it's time to compare which enthusiastic Chaoyang people are targeting them.

Handwriting identification is a subject of knowledge, and some public security colleges have specially opened this course.

According to Shen Guanglin's identity and status, it is not difficult for him to find such a professional to help.

The comparison work was carried out in less than three days, and the person was quickly found out. It was a financial officer of the company named Zhang Ke.

Shen Guanglin looked at two handwritten documents, one was a thought report and the other was a report letter. The handwriting did not look like a person.

However, in the eyes of professionals, there is no possibility of hiding all this. Some people deliberately change their handwriting, but Go Ba Na always has its own personal habits. The more characters you write, the greater the possibility of revealing your secrets.

Really don't question the prowess of a professional.

The next step will be easy, Shen Guanglin has plenty of solutions.

There are four accountants and three cashiers in the breeding base, and this team is quite large.

The main reason is that they have a lot of financial issues to deal with. For example, the settlement of the project with the second construction is done by their side, and even the infrastructure construction of the football ene laboratory is also handled by the financial personnel here. ;
Moreover, the construction funds for Tiangong No. [-] were also taken from the account of the breeding base, and some even used the breeding base's own funds;

Now, they want to do biological import and export business with Fusang, and these foreign exchange also need to be dealt with.

Therefore, when it comes to cross-border trade, the number of financial personnel required will indeed be more, which is understandable.

Zhang Ke, who wrote the report letter, was one of the cashiers. He had no financial background and was introduced by others. His background was probably a relative of a small street leader.

In fact, Shen Guanglin also knew Zhang Ke, because he had been asked to buy supplies several times.

Of course, these materials are not all used for the production of the biological base, most of them are used to cultivate Shen Guanglin's personal consumption habits.

After all, Shen Guanglin's original intention of setting up a biological company was to make it easier for him to spend money, otherwise, why did he come here?

Shen Guanglin thought about it at the time. If it is for personal consumption, it is not appropriate to reimburse the lab for a long time, because the money used there is donated by others, so Guadatian Lixia still needs to know how to avoid suspicion.

After a long time, it is more blatant to take money from the joint venture company.

After all, this place can be regarded as its own sole proprietorship company, and it can be done by itself.

However, no matter what, he never thought that their biotechnology company was well established, but it was reported by someone, and it was the person who often helped them buy supplies, and the financial person was at least half of his own, why? Can you do this?

At that time, I didn't think this person had cynical thoughts.

Why, seeing that Boss Shen is not pleasing to the eye, he wants to eliminate harm for the people.

No boss would tolerate such a person.

Shen Guanglin sent someone to inquire, and the problem was basically clarified.

Zhang Ke once pursued a girl from Nortel, but she had no idea about that at all, so she directly refused.

After all, there are not many people who pursue good-looking girls. No matter how bad their eyes are, Dou Wei will not. You are a cashier, and you are not as handsome as Guo Kaimin. Why should others look at you.

Nothing escapes blind love and hormones.

Whether it's hate because of love or hate because of jealousy, he can't see this group of people who are singing and singing, and backhanded is a wave of reports, and secretly thankful that they don't have a real name.

Perhaps, he has never learned a word called Skynet Recovery.

Sitting in the sunlight in early autumn, Shen Guanglin was just an inconspicuous supporting role on the rostrum, and Dou Wei sat next to him, who was more famous in the factory than him.

Shen Guanglin has deep merits and fame, and has almost never participated in the production and management of the biological breeding base. In the past, Zhang Peng was in charge. Zhang Peng went to Jinmen and then went to Shencheng. He arranged for a direct descendant of himself to be his successor. The new factory director is also surnamed Zhang, and it is said that he is from Zhang Peng's family. In this way, the management of the biological company has not been left behind.

From this point of view, there are still a lot of talents, it just depends on whether there is a chance to be promoted.

Zhang Peng used to be the deputy director of the Revolutionary Committee, and he was considered a high position in the local area, so it was reasonable to have a few talents in his pocket.

If you can't go on an official career, it is also a good way to take a business career.

In fact, the breeding base is still making money.

Thanks to Shen Guanglin, Takeda and some universities in Fusang still need a lot of experimental animals, and the prices are very good.

For example, monkeys used in experiments are quite expensive.

In fact, the monkeys used in the experiment are the most common Chinese macaques. They are healthy and have good records. Each monkey costs tens of thousands of dollars.

The same monkey really does not have the same fate.

For monkey people, monkeys are money-making tools, and for breeding bases, monkeys are also money-making tools.

However, the monkey tricker spends a lot of money to train a monkey, and can only make very little money.

Here in the experimental base, the cost of raising a monkey is about the same, but the profit earned is far more than that.

Doing biopharmacological experiments, studying psychology, and studying medicine all need this kind of primate in large numbers.

This is the first time for Shen Guanglin to participate in the general meeting of the breeding base, and his mood is still a bit complicated.

The work has been arranged in advance, and it is an inevitable choice to clear Zhang Ke.

At this meeting, they will let Zhang Ke see how bad a private boss's behavior can be.

The joint venture factory is not a state-owned enterprise, it is actually a company owned by Shen Guanglin alone, and the nominal laboratory is only given some dry shares to them.

Shen Guanglin wanted everyone to see how capitalists fired disobedient protagonists today.

He, Shen, invited everyone to work here and gave them enough benefits, not for doing good deeds, they needed the hard work and loyalty of the employees.

Moreover, loyalty is more important than competence.

Of course, there is still a whole set of procedures to go before holding an all-hands meeting.

The first thing in the meeting is to settle accounts.

Literally - to settle accounts.

The company's financial manager reported to everyone the company's current financial situation.

Since the establishment of the company, how much money the parent company has invested, how much money has been spent in total, how much money has been earned in total, and where the money has been used, it is very clear.

If you don't calculate the exchange rate difference, but just calculate it casually, the company really doesn't make any money, but has been bouncing back and forth on the verge of losing money.

However, the foreign exchange earned by their company is not directly converted into RMB.

Moreover, in most cases, they turned foreign exchange into materials and then came in.

For example, laboratories need various instruments, most of which are purchased with the foreign exchange of biotechnology companies, and some units want foreign exchange, so they can barter. .

The so-called not making money is just a financial means.

Next is the performance time of the factory directors.

I have to say that Director Zhang should be an old athlete. This person is really talented.

First of all, the factory manager is very inspiring, and he has also learned a lot of new management knowledge, which is basically all put into practice.

After reviewing the past and carrying forward the future, he said another "cruel" system - the final elimination system.

After all, the company's purpose is to make money, not to do charity. In order to maintain the vitality of the company and improve the competitiveness of employees, they will regularly hold the bottom elimination system in the future.

At least one person must be eliminated every six months.

Subsequently, the financial manager took the initiative to stand up and ask for help, and their department applied to take the lead in implementing this policy.

The factory manager readily agreed.

Then, the first employee to be eliminated was selected, and that was Zhang Ke, the cashier.

The financial manager made it very clear that the current content of financial work is seriously undersaturated, and it is true that there are not so many people needed.

Therefore, they partially apply to streamline one person.

There was an uproar downstairs.

Everyone is not mentally prepared, and it is like child's play to clear and retire. Is it eliminated if you say elimination?

The factory manager explained that eliminating one person every six months is not an endless exchange of blood.

But everyone still couldn't believe it, and Zhang Ke was even more caught off guard. He blushed and said unconvinced: "Why me? I'm not the worst."

Of course, the factory manager Zhang knew why it was Zhang Ke, but the financial manager didn't know the specific reason. He only knew that the person to be eliminated was Zhang Ke, but this was a task arranged by his superiors.

"Your performance may not be the worst, but it is the most appropriate to eliminate you." As for why it is appropriate, the factory director did not say, he thought, Zhang Ke himself should be aware of it.

However, Zhang Ke never thought that he had reported the company. In fact, what he did has already been revealed.

"Why? Why me?"

"You know in your heart what you have done. Our company is a united company and a positive group. We cannot allow anyone to destroy our good situation." Director Zhang still pointed the reason to Zhang Ke.

"I'm not convinced, why don't you want me!" Zhang Ke realized that something happened to him, but he definitely couldn't admit it.

"That's right, why is Zhang Ke, and why do you fire employees? You signed an agreement at the time, and you can't lay off employees." Zhang Ke's good friend Xu Jiyuan also stood up and shouted loudly. He wanted to complain for his good friend.

Xu Jiyuan is Zhang Ke's best friend, and the two came from the same place. Xu Jiyuan's father is a sub-departmental cadre in the street and has real power. They are brothers who grew up together in the street.

If the factory did sign an agreement when it was built, its employees enjoy the same treatment as employees of state-owned enterprises, and the enterprise cannot dismiss employees without reason.

Factory Manager Zhang finally got a little aggressive, hesitating and unable to say what to do next.

Shen Guanglin couldn't help it anymore, he jumped out and pointed at the person behind him and scolded: "What's your name, and which department are you in?"

However, although many people in the factory knew Shen Guanglin, his authority was not enough, not even as important as that of Dou Weilai.

"This is an internal matter of our breeding factory. What is your business with the laboratory of Beijing University? Aren't you just moths who drink our blood? Why do you care about us?"

Xu Jiyuan's emotions became even more full. He himself was very dissatisfied with the biology laboratory of Beijing University, and now he planned to incite the staff to be dissatisfied with them.

However, it was already like this, of course Shen Guanglin couldn't be cowardly, otherwise how would he maintain his authority.

"This biotechnology company was jointly established by our Beijing University laboratory and Xiangjiang Company, and the sales were also completed by our laboratory. Therefore, this is a partnership enterprise. Do you have any dissatisfaction? If you have any, please bear with it. .”

"This is the company of the boss of Xiangjiang, not your piggy bank! I just can't understand your profligate behavior, so I wrote to report you." Zhang Ke finally became arrogant, he felt that he would report these people It is also justified.

Justice must prevail!

"Since you don't like it, why do you still go to strike up a conversation with a beautiful girl, and if she ignores you, you turn around and report it? We are all lay people, so don't pretend to be noble. Besides, the two of you will never I need to get used to it, because you don’t belong here anymore.”

There is also a buy one get one free, Shen Guanglin turned to director Zhang and said, "Let them go, come and go wherever they come from."

Director Zhang could only say, "Okay, I'll do it now."

"I'm going to sue you. My uncle is the director and a deputy director-level cadre. You had an agreement at the beginning, and you can't fire employees casually. Don't think I don't know."

From the looks of it, this Xu Jiyuan is still confident, no wonder he dares to stand up for others.

Shen Guanglin smiled. As a black-hearted capitalist, he knows all kinds of black pits about personnel affairs better than anyone else, and he has long thought of ways to avoid them.

As early as when the breeding base was recruiting for the second time, Shen Guanglin asked people to list the conditions, and then sent them to various units, who recommended people to come, and the salary was paid by the factory, but the establishment of personnel relations was still recommended by the unit.

This is the legendary labor dispatch.

"We don't fire you, we just send you back to your original unit. You are recommended by Qingshuihe Street, right? Then you can go back to Qingshuihe Street today, and we will let Qingshuihe Street replace two people. .”

(End of this chapter)

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