Chapter 318
Swaying but not quiet, victorious but shameless.

This sentence is very suitable to describe Shen Guanglin, he is dissolute but not restless, competitive but not ashamed, he fits the two requirements quite well.

Zhang Ke and Xu Jixian grew up together when they were young. Their parents have a good relationship, and the two brothers have a very good relationship.

This time, they have finally grown into troubled brothers.

They were able to work in a biotechnology company, which was indeed recommended by the street, because their fathers both worked in the street. Xu Jiyuan's father was the deputy section chief, and Zhang Ke's father was a section member. The difference in rank did not affect the relationship between the two families.

When recruiting workers at the beginning, their personnel relations were indeed hung up on the street and then dispatched there.

This is a new request put forward by Shen Guanglin.

After completing the first recruitment, he obviously felt that the personnel relationship in this era is too complicated and difficult to deal with. He can't fire people at will, so what flexibility does the company have.

Even exercising power is unpleasant, so can production go smoothly?
Therefore, he invented "labor dispatch" in disguise.

Up to now, there are less than 30 employees who directly sign contracts with biotechnology companies, and there is no staffing and no guarantee.

Some people are still thinking about whether they can be returned to the unit so that they can get a staff, but they are also afraid of what will happen if the unit does not send them.

Most of the company's employees are regular employees dispatched by various units through labor services. Although the salary is paid by the biotechnology company, they are regular workers with a staff after all.

What's more, the unit didn't suffer. All the units participating in the dispatch can get a commission of 10 yuan per month, which is called a management fee.

This is Shen Guanglin's unique design, and sure enough, a traveler can play it.

Xu Jiyuan's father is the deputy section chief Xu. He is thin and thin, which is quite different from the cadres of later generations.

In this day and age, even as a leader, it is not easy to have a big head and a thick neck if you really want to eat. They don't have enough oil and water, unless they have hyperthyroidism.

On this day, Section Chief Xu was drinking tea and reading the newspaper in the office when his son came in angrily with Zhang Ke.

Drinking tea and reading newspapers is his normal work routine, and it is only by accident that he actually handles his work. He was quite surprised to see his son come in this time.

"Xiao Yuan, what's the matter?" His eyes were full of kindness, and he slowly put down the newspaper in his hand.

"It's not that the leaders of our factory, who use chicken feathers as arrows, suspect that we have done something wrong to the company without any evidence, and now they want to fire us."

The more Xu Jiyuan thought about it, the angrier he got, just now he was dragged out by the people from the security department, his badge was taken away, and even the "shared bicycles" in the factory were not allowed to ride, it was really deceiving.

"Huh? How did this happen? What happened?"

Deputy Section Chief Xu quickly spat out the tea stalk in his mouth, and asked carefully: "What's the matter? Why did you get fired? What happened? Last week, our street condolences to your company. Your factory manager Zhang is quite easy to talk to." .”

"Well, no, we, they deceive people too much, and they still set up tricks, that is, that's not what they mean, oops, I'm so mad."

Seeing his father, Xu Jiyuan was at a loss for words in a hurry.

He has been spoiled since he was a child, but he never suffered that kind of anger, and he was chased away like a little chicken face to face, which is simply too embarrassing.

After all, Deputy Section Chief Xu is a man of the city and calm: "Take a break first, and speak slowly, what's going on?"

I watched my son talk for a long time, but I didn't make it clear. I kept saying that the factory leaders deliberately made things difficult for no reason, and wronged people without actual evidence.

As for who wronged him, he refused to say.

As a last resort, Deputy Section Chief Xu could only ask questions by himself.

He asked Zhang Ke to leave first, and then he could talk about the situation after he understood the situation clearly. It was difficult for two people to say a lot when they were together.

Deputy Section Chief Xu and Director Zhang of the biotechnology company really knew each other. They couldn't be said to be familiar with each other, but they were not unfamiliar either.

"You said that it was Zhang Ke who wrote the anonymous report letter from the unit. He was the only one who was originally dismissed. My son stood up and took the initiative to provoke. This is what brought disaster to Chi Yu."

"Yes, that's the way it is. He may want to show off. But Professor Shen's position in our company is the one that is unambiguous. My old leader Zhang Peng was recommended by him. Xiangjiang Company authorized him to Stewardship."

It's over, this is the emperor.

"Then there is no room for turning around?" Deputy Section Chief Xu was not reconciled.

"No, the board has already been dropped under the public. Fortunately, these two places are still on your street. You can arrange others to come over as you see fit, but don't count on these two people."

Before today, deputy section chief Xu was still proud of his son's work.

Although his specific work content is only to ration the animals according to the nutrition table, the benefits are really good.

The things that are distributed every month are more than the salary, and they are all urgently needed materials for most families.

It has been less than half a year since I joined a biotechnology company, and my income is already higher than myself.

Now, if something like this happened, how would it end?

"Tell me, what did you all do, why did they insist on dismissing you?"

Old Xu couldn't care less about doting on his son, so he picked up the paperweight on the table and wanted to hit it, but he didn't want to.

"I didn't do anything. Some of them, men and women, drink and eat meat on the lawn from time to time. We don't like it, so we reported the problem of life style to the higher-ups."

"What? You really did the anonymous letter? Isn't Zhang Ke alone?"

Deputy Section Chief Xu's brain is about to explode. He really knows that his superiors came to investigate the behavior of the biotechnology company some time ago. Fortunately, nothing happened. Just now Director Zhang said that this matter has something to do with them. of.

"If you don't do a good job, why do you care what other people do? You are a joint venture company, they are capitalists, and what they do is their business. As long as you don't kill people and set fires, what's in your way? Who can tolerate you if you do this? next to you?"

But Deputy Section Chief Xu understood that after all, he was a leader, which was the same as being a principal. When he reached a certain level, he could sleep wherever he wanted.

"It's wrong for them to be together!" Xu Jiyuan bit the bullet and replied.

Now, the angry old Xu just turned around.

After a while, he finally breathed a sigh of relief: "Didn't you just clear Zhang Ke at the beginning? What are you doing to stand up? Show off your energy. Do you think you have a good father? You are not afraid of evil spirits." , I’m still afraid. How many people are staring at your job now, you are good, good brother, show loyalty.”

"I also have a share in writing the report letter. He cannot be blamed alone. The letter was written by Xiao Ke and I voted for it."

"Let you have a share! I will let you have a share!" Deputy Section Chief Xu kicked up, and then his palm fell down: "How can I have you as a prodigal son, I am so angry, I will beat you to death! I will kill you!" kill you!"

As he said that, Old Xu wanted to go up and continue kicking.

"Two hits are enough. If you hit too much, maybe I will fight back." Xu Jiyuan looked like a dead pig who is not afraid of boiling water. Anyway, it is already like this, it depends on you.

Section Chief Xu felt a mouthful of thick phlegm choking in his throat, and he almost couldn't hold it back.

After gasping for breath for a while, Deputy Section Chief Xu said: "Okay, I won't beat you anymore, you can come and apologize to your leader with me later, even if you kneel down, the report letter will be let Let Zhang Ke fight alone, we can't bear it, it's not easy to find a job, let's talk about what happened today."

"That won't work! We want him to apologize to us, we are the masters, they are the exploiting class, we must defeat them!"

"Where do you go to work when you defeat them? Who pays you? I just ate other people's pork during the Mid-Autumn Festival, and I didn't admit it later. Now, if you really lose your job, will your partner still follow you? "

Xu Jiyuan's date was introduced by someone else, and when she heard that he was working in a biotechnology company, the girl quickly agreed.

"That can't, she and I are true love."

Chief Xu has nothing to say.

He quickly rode his bicycle and took his son to the factory to find Director Zhang.

Factory Manager Zhang's tone is good, but his attitude is very firm, "It's useless, Lao Xu, we have so many people in our company, we need management and prestige. Since Professor Shen has made it clear, the two of them will not It’s our employees anymore, I can’t decide.”

"This factory is owned by a foreigner, and his surname is not Shen. He is the biggest moth in the factory." Xu Jiyuan still kept this argument, because he had seen that many beautiful girls in the factory liked Professor Shen. Who made him young? .

"Then do you know where the foreigners are? Have you ever seen them? They only invest because of Professor Shen's face."

What else can I say, I can only go back.

It is estimated that it will not take long for this matter to spread throughout the circle, and two idiots were dismissed on the grounds that they wanted to start a revolution.

Just as Shen Guanglin was rectifying the company, the joint experimental team of Jingcheng University and Wudaokou Technical School announced the results to the outside world.

It was a big move as soon as he made a move, and this was the world's shock.

Even CCTV sent an interview team to make a documentary to witness one of the greatest discoveries in history, the birth of high-temperature superconducting materials.

This is a joint laboratory of the two schools. With the unremitting efforts of researchers, they have finally made a major breakthrough in superconducting materials: the critical temperature of superconducting materials exceeds the evaporation point of liquid nitrogen.

"without any precautions,

I don't have any worries,
You just appeared in my world like this.

Surprise me, I can't help myself. "

This is a portrayal of the mood of the staff of the Academy of Sciences.

Seeing the joint statement of Jingcheng University and Wudaokou Technical School, people in the Academy of Sciences were stunned.

They haven't even finished preparing the experimental equipment yet, and they are applying to the foreign trade department to import liquid helium. The results here are all out?

And what nonsense? Liquid helium is no longer needed, liquid nitrogen is enough.

How can they do this?how did you do that?
This is playing cards out of routine.

After all, the circle of scientific research is very small, and after a little inquiring, it turns out that the place where the results are produced is Shen Guanglin's laboratory.

Needless to say now, it must be Shen Guanglin's achievement again, and it was just transferred to these two schools. There is probably still talk about this matter.

At least, get their existing information, and then order them not to continue to study, so that I can still save my side.

(End of this chapter)

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