Chapter 319 Trading
In the early 80s, everyone hadn’t learned how to use their strengths to fight their strengths, to save the country with curves, to hide their swords in their smiles, to deceive each other.

Our style is straight to the point, simple and crude but productive.

This is probably the sequelae left during the exercise. If you are too subtle, others will not understand what you mean. When a storm comes, your boat may capsize.

Therefore, it is one of the characteristics of this era to face the wind and waves, go straight, strive to be the first, and do our part.

The same is true in the competition for scientific research achievements.

Now, superconducting materials have produced results, and they will spread all over the world in a short time.

The Superconducting Materials Research Group of the Academy of Sciences has only just sorted out the initial work. After all, it always takes time to start a new research.

In scientific research competition, time is the worst enemy.

If they can't make a breakthrough in the shortest possible time, what awaits them is the disbandment of the research group and the assessment of where the project funds go. The results belong to the joint project team of Beijing University and Wudaokou Technical School.

This is a huge damage to the prestige of the entire project team and the project leader.

However, neither the Capital University nor the Wudaokou Technical School could be captured by them. Only Shen Guanglin himself could be captured.

Fortresses are always easier to breach from the inside, and robbing the achievements of Beijing University and Wudaokou Technical School is tantamount to snatching food from the mouth of a tiger.

However, if Shen Guanglin can take the initiative to take out things from the inside and hand them over to the research group, this is another matter.

Soon, a temporary working group for Shen Guanglin was established.

Committee member Lu is highly respected. He coordinates in the middle and takes an overview of the overall situation: "Xiao Wang, you are responsible for talking to him first. If some conditions can be met, you can meet them, and if you can't meet them, you can talk first. The first thing we need now is to get the latest scientific research progress. And follow-up research plans, without first-hand information, it is difficult to carry out the next step."

"But, what conditions should I give him?" Xiao Wang is the team leader, and he is actually already middle-aged, not a young man, but he is full of energy and strong in execution. He is a good assistant to Commissioner Lu.

Commissioner Lu hesitated for a moment, "Let's talk first. Don't agree to anything, but don't refuse either. If he refuses to pay, or the price is too high, then start the second step."

As a leader, Commissioner Lu can mobilize unimaginably many resources. In the past few months, he has already understood Shen Guanglin's past and present, in order to be able to control him one day.

"Then what's the second plan?" Xiao Wang couldn't help but asked.

The second option is not so friendly, the revolution is not a dinner party.

"The second solution is to send someone to control him. I have evidence of his "doing evil". The year before last, he participated in the International Conference on High Energy Physics held in Los Angeles. A girl named Bai Bing came to Los Angeles in the exchange group. Afterwards, he left the group, and the head of the group was punished at the time. I know Bai Bing’s family members, and they confessed that Shen Guanglin was actually involved in helping Bai Bing escape, and there are still some evidence left.”

There really is no impenetrable wall in the world.

At the beginning, Bai Bing wanted to attack Shen Guanglin, although he didn't succeed physically, he still got help.

The ending at that time was also considered happy, Bai Bing stayed in Los Angeles smoothly, and Shen Guanglin also beat the team leader with an excuse.

The fact that Commissioner Lu knew about this incident shows that this in itself is very unusual.

"Without definite evidence, he won't admit it. Besides, with his current status, he's not very afraid." Team leader Xiao Wang also knew that Shen Guanglin couldn't be brought down by this matter.

"That's why it's a backup plan. But as long as he is controlled, I believe that the comrades in the working group will have ways and means to make him admit to other illegal things he has done."

"However, Shen Guanglin is the favorite of Capital University. If we do this, their school will have objections."

"Everyone is equal before the law! Let's not go there under the guise of snatching scientific research results, it's too ugly. The combined strength of Jingcheng University and Wudao Kongfu School is too strong, and we really can't match it. But, as far as he is personally concerned , His power is actually very weak, what we have to do is to separate him from the power he represents, and restore him to a separate natural individual, who has made mistakes, and things may be possible.”

"Well, I understand. Also, young Muai, should we set up a game?"


I can't talk about the topic here.

On this day, Shen Guanglin was basking in the sun in the courtyard of the laboratory, when team leader Wang came to him.

The weather is getting cooler and the leaves are turning yellow. It is a good choice to bask in the sun at this time.

Don't use a deck chair, just use a hammock, hanging between two trees, swinging leisurely, very comfortable.

Everyone knows Professor Shen's hobby, he likes to be quiet, so no one disturbs him
Team leader Wang came to find him. He showed his work card, which belonged to the Academy of Sciences, and is currently the team leader of the superconducting project team.

Welcome welcome, warm welcome.

Shen Guanglin had been mentally prepared for a long time. He didn't close the door of negotiation, knowing that someone would definitely come to him, it was just a day later.

What does it mean to be straight to the point, Team Leader Wang is very straightforward.

"Professor Shen, what you do makes our work very passive."

Team leader Wang was not in a hurry, he was just stating the facts, and he and Shen Guanglin had no past enmity.

"Ah, what did I do? I didn't do anything. Tell me about superconducting materials. This was done by Professor Su, and it's none of my business."

"You are the No. 1 superconducting material in the world, so don't do these other things. I came here to ask for advice from the bottom of my heart." Team leader Wang kept his attitude very low.

"How could it be? I just did some preliminary work, and the results were all made by Professor Su. Didn't we help you save money by doing this? It saves repeated investment and waste of resources."

Speaking of funds, Team Leader Wang's expression became even more bitter.

He took the initiative to turn on the complaint mode.

When distributing the funds, it is not unreasonable why the leaders gave the money to the Academy of Sciences under pressure.

Speaking of which, the Academy of Sciences receives a lot of funding every year. Although it is not as much as tens of billions, there are still some in units of "hundred million".

However, for them, no penny is superfluous.

The Academy of Sciences needs to support too many people and projects.Not only these forty-nine cities, but all over the country have people they want to support and money they want to spend.

In this way, they are not much different from traditional state-owned enterprises.

As the largest scientific research institution in the country, they indeed have a lot of talents, but slow action and lack of vitality are also common problems. They have no reason to let go of every sum of money allocated by the state.

At this time, there is a popular saying, "It is better to sell tea eggs than to make missiles." There is more money for scientific research.

There is an idiom called "talking on paper."

Many studies of the Academy of Sciences may really only be at the stage of "talking on paper", because there is no money to buy experimental equipment.

In particular, they are a purely scientific research institution and do not have the ability to convert scientific research results into benefits. Even if some results are good, the company will take them away for free and will not give a dime at all.

Why does domestic theoretical physics do so well? Everything is caused by money.

Now, the money allocated by the state has actually been spent. Only a small part of the money is used for research on superconducting materials, and most of it is used to fill other holes.

Want to say, the money was embezzled by them?It doesn't exist, every sum of money has a reason to be spent, and there is no such environment at all for individuals who want to embezzle, it's just that the person in charge violated the rules, and he didn't seek improper benefits for himself.

Because in any case, everyone is contributing to the scientific cause of the country.There was an old man who had worked for the country for decades. Last year his son got married, but the marriage fell through because he couldn't afford a sewing machine.

The unit has been paying 80% of the wages for many years, and the wages owed to them have exceeded 2000 yuan.

Shen Guanglin was silent.

People from the Academy of Sciences came to him, and he thought of "grabbing by force" and "unyielding bravery", but he never thought that life in the Academy of Sciences would be so difficult.

"However, it's too late now. This result already belongs to two schools. You know, the result has been announced. No one can take it out of their hands, and neither can I."

Shen Guanglin thought for a while, and continued: "I really didn't mean to target the Academy of Sciences. Maybe the project was a little unbalanced at the beginning, but then I figured it out. The reason why Beijing University and Wudaokou Technical School are cooperating to take the lead is that Because I don’t want to make myself stand out too much, it’s cool to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger and don’t bully young people, but it’s better to use it on foreigners.”

This is Shen Guanglin's sincere words. He didn't admit to being cowardly, but he just felt that the world was not worth it.

Shen Guanglin expressed his sympathy for their project team, but he still refused.

"However, there are remedies now."

"How to fix it?"

"Send the latest scientific research plan to the Academy of Sciences, and you stop continuing research."

"Is this possible? I agree. Neither will Beijing University and Wudaokou Technical School."

"Then you come to our project team, we can provide you with the position of researcher, no lower than me, or the three of us can set up a joint project team"

As he talked, Team Leader Wang couldn't go on anymore. He himself felt that this proposal was also too much. If anyone agreed to such a condition, it would be a loss of power and humiliation to the country.

"Okay, I agree to this proposal." Shen Guanglin agreed.


"I said there is no problem, and I agree! I can fully cooperate with you how you want to operate."

In fact, at this stage of superconducting materials, there is not much potential to be tapped.

Of course, it is not impossible to invest huge sums of money in practical application research, but it is not so easy to produce results. It is no problem to let the Academy of Sciences join in halfway. Presumably, Capital University and Wudaokou Technical School will not particularly object, as long as he, Mr. Shen, agrees.

"Do you have any other conditions?"

"Of course, I heard that you have a research institute of agricultural and livestock products in Xiong County, and you have several thousand acres of experimental fields. Can you let us operate it?"

"That's it?"


(End of this chapter)

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