Chapter 321 Rogue
A cooperation agreement was reached soon.

The research on superconducting materials can also be regarded as a strong alliance, and the three companies work together to sprint to another peak.

It wasn't until this time that the people in the Academy of Sciences really believed that Shen Guanglin really didn't participate in the research of superconducting materials, because for a week, he didn't come to the laboratory, and he didn't even make a phone call.

Shen Guanglin didn't go to other places either. He took a few technicians from the breeding base to Xiong County for research.

Because the Institute of Agricultural and Livestock Products in Xiongxian County already belongs to someone like Shen.

The biotechnology company donated 1000 million yuan to support scientific research, and the Academy of Sciences allocated its Agricultural and Animal Products Research Institute in Xiongzhou to the biotechnology company to establish a joint venture.

Take what you need, perfect!
Of course, in the new biotechnology joint company, their Academy of Sciences also holds a part of the shares, but not much. Shen Guanglin has completed the absolute control of the biotechnology company.

This is inevitable.

At present, the private economy is basically not allowed to develop so fast and huge in China, but joint ventures are allowed, especially joint ventures from Xiangjiang are welcomed.

After all, we are all our own people, and we can give green light in various ways if we want to do things.

In fact, this kind of thinking of preferential treatment lasted for decades. It was not until Li Jiacheng and his son made money and ran away that everyone began to criticize Xiangjiang Capital.

Shen Guanglin and the Academy of Sciences were rivals before, but now they are teammates, so the treatment is naturally different. Shen Guanglin also got a new piece of news from Team Leader Wang.

Of course, it was Commissioner Lu who reported it. Commissioner Lu himself was too embarrassed to tell Shen Guanglin, so he asked Xiao Wang to pass it on to show his goodwill, and also wanted Shen Guanglin to clean up the matter.

If Team Leader Wang hadn't mentioned it, Shen Guanglin himself would have forgotten what happened.

That's right, it's about that Bai Bing.

This woman's scheming is really deep.

She was stranded in Citigroup and did not come back. Shen Guanglin's help was just a matter of effort. Nothing really happened between the two of them, so Shen Guanglin naturally didn't care.

It never occurred to me, never thought that people can harm people's hearts, but tigers can hurt people's hearts.

The other party even secretly did a boring and excessive thing.

This happened in Citi Country. At that time, she was still staying in the hotel where the delegation was staying. Taking advantage of Li Li and Shen Guanglin's inattention, she sneaked into Shen Guanglin's hotel room and stole some personal belongings.

That's right, it's the kind of small clothes that are worn inside, with traces.She was going to use it for no other reason than to prove that the two had made peace.

Probably, she was thinking that in case something went wrong, she could easily rely on this to call for help. It could not be said to be a threat, but in case the fish died and the net was broken, Shen's reputation would definitely be damaged.

Shen Guanglin never thought that she was planning to do such a thing.

People leave their names, and geese leave their voices.

Bai Bing has indeed successfully stayed in Citigroup, but this matter will implicate her family.

Sure enough, the work of Bai Bing's parents was affected one after another, and many people who helped her with affairs were also implicated, but she didn't care, after all, she had already gone out.

Fortunately, our country is not as terrible as the North Korean country. They almost wiped out the family members of "North Korean defectors", but we will not.

However, if someone in the family deliberately stays overseas and does not return, it will still be affected after all.

During this period, Bai Bing wrote letters to his family and sent money.

The letter said: How did she get out smoothly, how did she stay in Citigroup, and how did she use Shen Guanglin? She told the whole story in the letter.

Or so, that's how things got out.

Shen Guanglin has become a disgraceful instrumentalist, and others still have some small evidence that he is not on the table.

No wonder the president of Citigroup has to take away his excrement after going to the toilet.

Bai Bing ran away. It is certain that the Bai family was isolated to a certain extent, and it happened from time to time to be arrested and explain the problem.

It is estimated that it was for one reason or another that this matter spread out and reached the ears of some people in the Academy of Sciences.

Someone from the Academy of Sciences has a good relationship with the Bai family. Not only do they know that Bai Bing sent letters and money home, but they also know that Bai Bing is now working in a Chinese restaurant in Los Angeles.

Shen Guanglin was furious, this matter is endless!

Next time you go to Citigroup, you must find this place again.

Shen Guanglin recorded this matter in a small notebook, and planned to settle the accounts after autumn. I helped you, but you wanted to harm me.

In fact, this incident was just disgusting to Shen Guanglin, because he didn't commit a style problem, at most he knew that Bai Bing was going to run away and didn't report it in advance.

However, whoever let Bai Bing enter the exchange group is the head of the group, and this responsibility is the greatest.

Now Shen Guanglin doesn't have time to pursue this matter, he still has to investigate his century-old plan.

It is only 1983 now, and there are still 2017 years until 34, which is about a fortune left to sons and grandchildren.

The location of the Institute of Agricultural and Livestock Products selected by Shen Guanglin is Xiongzhou, which is a township under the jurisdiction of Xiongxian County, Baoding.

This research institute has been established for a long time, but there are not many results, and no new varieties have been cultivated. Most people just come here for a meal.

In terms of its real function, it can be regarded as more of a reclamation farm.

They have very few jobs and tasks related to scientific research, and they just live a relatively closed life, engaged in breeding and production on the farm, and earn a living.

Li Yan is the child of a "farm" employee, and is known as the most beautiful flower in the Agricultural and Animal Research Institute. She has been beautiful since she was a child.

She was born here since she was a child, and was doted on by everyone.

Her family lives in the family room of the scientific research institute located at the corner of the farm fence. These family rooms are not much different from the offices of the research institute, and they are also next to each other. They also call this kind of house "tour room".

In fact, since the founding of the People's Republic of China, there has been an agricultural and animal research institute for the purpose of promoting agricultural and sideline products. The house was also built at that time, and it has not changed for decades.

Whether they were born, live, work, or do research, they are all here.

Li Yan was born here, grew up here, and spent her infancy and childhood happily.

Although the "farm" of the Agricultural and Livestock Research Institute is not too big and the population is not too large, after all, there are state funds, and they can grow and eat by themselves, and live a self-sufficient life.

Now, she is 18 years old, has graduated from technical secondary school, and can finally work on the farm to get paid.

As a result, the farm was going to be "restructured".

It is actually not appropriate to say "restructuring", it should be said that it has been "joint venture".

Being a joint venture, the views of the farm are great.

They don't know what a joint venture is, and they don't want to understand it. They only know that the original stable establishment has disappeared, which makes people feel very flustered.

Some people say that the wages of joint ventures are high, so they will not lose money.

However, if there is no establishment and no identity as a worker cadre, the whole person will always feel that something is missing and he will have no confidence.

Moreover, although they are farms, they are farms affiliated to the Agricultural and Livestock Research Institute and have no production tasks.

There is also a targeted allocation from the state every year, and you can produce whatever you want to meet the needs of the entire farm.

Therefore, they are full of various concerns about joint ventures.

This matter can only be taken one step at a time.

When Shen Guanglin wanted to come over, he didn't reveal his identity, but said that they were sent by the Academy of Sciences to do research.

Moreover, he didn't drive his big Benz, but several people squeezed into a van.

There is no navigation in this era, and they are all explored and asked all the way.

There is a map, but many roads are just country lanes, and cars cannot pass, so they have to go back and change to another one.

They set off from the capital in the morning and arrived at noon.

4000 mu is indeed a large piece of land. I have passed by the gate and archway of the research institute for a long time, and I am still wandering around within their walls.

A few people just wandered aimlessly, and then saw Li Yan who was also wandering aimlessly.

Li Yan was not really aimless, but she really had nothing to do, so she could only go to the fields to see the growth of the wheat fields, and then met Shen Guanglin who came to investigate.

Alas, such a youthful and wild girl is rare. Even though it was just a glimpse, everyone in the car has seen it.



Shen Guanglin rolled down the car window, "Little beauty, can you show us around our farm, and explain by the way, I can give you money."

Li Yan was startled.

As a girl who grew up beautifully, there are many people who strike up a conversation with her, and there are all kinds of people.

However, it was the first time she encountered someone chasing someone with a group of people in a car.

Probably seeing the concern in Li Yan's eyes, Shen Guanglin showed a kind smile:

"Little beauty, don't be afraid, we are not bad people, we are here to visit, we want to walk around, can you be a tour guide for a while?"

It was exactly the same words as those people.

Seeing that there were so many of them, Li Yan didn't refuse either. She smiled and said, "Okay, I'll show you around."

So, Li Yan led Shen Guanglin and his party to wander along the fields.

"The fields here are all experimental fields. The Jimai No. 1 and Jimai No. 2 we introduced are said to be able to resist lodging, but they are actually deceitful; this is a breeding farm. We have bred some Yorkshire white pigs, which are very fat and grow long. also fast; here"

They walked all the way and said that they soon walked from the wilderness wheat field to the construction area.

"Wait a minute, I'll get you a glass of water." The little girl said, and entered a yard.

"Thank you!"

Shen Guanglin and the others are still commenting on their feelings and thoughts along the way. I have to say that it is quite touching to have a beautiful little girl as the commentator.

Soon, the little girl came out with a group of people. She pointed at Shen Guanglin and the others and shouted: "It's them, they are hooligans!"

(End of this chapter)

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