Start with a college teacher

Chapter 322 I won't kill Boren

Chapter 322 I won't kill Boren
Shen Guanglin just called "little beauty" a few times, and didn't say anything else. I don't know who said that he could take her to Xiangshan to see the red leaves, which became a testimony in court.

It's just looking at the red leaves, not the goldfish, so why not.

Now is really a good season to see red leaves.

Misunderstood, really misunderstood.

Shen Guanglin began to say that he was from the Academy of Sciences, but he did not have a work permit from the Academy of Sciences.

Fortunately, Shen Guanglin has a work permit from Beijing University. He said that he is a teacher of Beijing University and has been cooperating with the Academy of Sciences. There is a letter of introduction stamped by the Academy of Sciences on the car.

After some twists and turns, they finally proved that they were not hooligans.

Fortunately, he was not locked up in a small black room, nor was he tortured into a trick. It was just a few more words of explanation.

Miss Li Yan is already a little embarrassed. She has been harassed too much since she was a child. It is impossible not to protect herself. There is no way for this misunderstanding.

"Are you really a teacher of Capital University?" The little girl's eyes sparkled with stars. This teacher is a bit young, and if you look at it this way, he is a bit handsome.

"Well, it's just an ordinary professor." Shen Guanglin touched the work card on his chest, and it was still easy to use, better than his own face.

"Mr. Shen, do you still remember what you said about going to Xiangshan to see the red leaves?" The little girl still remembered this.

"Of course I don't count. Did I say that? What I said was to take you to see the goldfish in Yuanmingyuan." Shen Guanglin pretended to be vicious and said.

Then there was a string of silver bell-like laughter.

Teacher Shen is quite humorous.

However, the matter of their identities has been clearly explained, but it also highlights another thing, why are you here?

What else can I do, I will compile yours.

Of course this cannot be said clearly.
At this time, if Shen Guanglin and the others said that they came from the capital and represented a biotechnology company, they were planning to take over their farm.

It is estimated that a beating would be light.

How should this matter be resolved?Let's get to know the details first.

Li Yan was still the guide, and she took Shen Guanglin and the others to visit their farm again.

She should already be familiar with this job, just like a professional tour guide, she has the ability to turn decay into magic, and things that are obviously boring, become vivid and bright through her mouth.

This little girl is a talent, she shouldn't stay here, she should go to the capital, Shen Guanglin's biotechnology company just lacks such an interpreter.

Really not, if Li Rong doesn't mind, it would be nice to have her as a life secretary.

A distinguished guest from the capital came, and the farm of the Agricultural and Livestock Research Institute urgently prepared a banquet.

There are chicken, fish and meat, which are very rich, and they are all local specialties. It seems that they are also familiar with the reception.

Where there is meat, there must be wine. The wine is a brand that Shen Guanglin has never heard of before, and it is called "Liu Ling Zui".

This Liu Ling is one of the "Seven Sages of the Bamboo Forest", a famous ugly man in history. His hometown is Hui Province, and it is said that he died of drunkenness in Xushui, Baoding. The wine he drank was Liu Lingzui.

Of course, thousands of years have passed, and the real history is no longer testable.Zaozhuang, Huai'an, Xushui, Ningyang, Xinxiang, and Fuyang all have Liu Ling's tomb, and each has a nose and eyes, and I don't know which one is real.

At the banquet, Shen Guanglin mentioned that he heard that their farm was going to be acquired by a Hong Kong-funded company, so he came to do research.

Sure enough, this sentence touched the sore spot, and the host who accompanied the guests scolded Xiangjiang Company. Our farm is very profitable, and what we grow in our fields is not grain, but seeds.

One catty of these seeds can be exchanged for three catties of grain. We have also bred Simmental cattle and Yorkshire white pigs
There is no credit but hard work. This group of leaders is not doing human affairs. Even the boss of Xiangjiang Company is the kind who has a son without an asshole.

Liu Ling was more choked when drunk, Shen Guanglin choked on the drink and coughed a lot.

Not only the managers are opposed to the acquisition of the farm, but even ordinary employees have the same attitude.

Shen Guanglin carefully inspected the people's livelihood on the farm, and became even more worried after the inspection.

Because their living conditions are really good, at least surpassing 90% of ordinary people of the same generation.

They are subordinate employees of the Agricultural and Livestock Research Institute, and their salary is really not high. Each person only has about 30 yuan per month, and they are not paid on time.

However, they have fields, and if they have fields, they will produce. Moreover, this is the establishment of the Academy of Sciences. The seeds can be exchanged for grain, and there is no need to pay public grain.

Most of them are actually farmers, but they also receive a salary.

If farmers in this day and age can receive a salary of 30 to [-] yuan per month, they will not be able to live in heaven.

Just looking at the houses in the field area, the appearance is indeed dilapidated, but when you walk in, you will find that their lives are really good.

At least, that's how Li Yan's family is.

Li Yan's father is a tractor driver, and her mother is just an ordinary farm worker. She also has a younger brother. The family of four lives in two rooms. It seems that they are not rich.

However, after walking into her house, it was completely different.

There are two bicycles in the yard. In the yard, I built a kitchen and set up a grape trellis. Now the leaves of the grapes are yellow, but if it is summer, it must be fruitful.

Although there are only two tile-roofed houses in the main house, because the rooms are relatively high, they are artificially divided into two floors with wooden boards. People can live on the upper floor without the tide.

The siblings each have their own room, and the accommodation conditions are quite good.

Moreover, not only that, they even have a TV at home. Although it is black and white, it does not lack the means to obtain information.

This is simply a life in a paradise.

If Shen Guanglin was born in this era and could marry a girl like Li Yan and live on the farm for the rest of his life, it would really be a perfect pastoral life.

Unfortunately, he can't.

He still has an important mission to complete, and he already has a partner.

When he came to Xiong County, Shen Guanglin came to destroy it, and he came to destroy this tranquility.

However, looking at the happy life of the farm workers, Shen Guanglin felt that he could not bring more changes to them, or else, he should go back first.

Before leaving, Shen Guanglin wrote a letter of recommendation to Li Yan, asking her to take the letter to Jingcheng University to find him, and he could arrange a job in Beijing for her with a staff.

The little girl's eyes are bright, this teacher probably really likes me.

And then there is no more and then.

Back in the capital, Shen Guanglin and Team Leader Wang talked about what they had seen and heard in Xiong County, and even they were amazed.

Negligent management!

This is management failure.

Farm workers in Xiong County have a wealthy family and live a happy life. This is not bad, but it is unfair to others.

Shen Guanglin said that it is better not to change, because they don't need to be the savior by themselves, but for everyone in the Academy of Sciences, this kind of negligence is simply unacceptable.

It turned out that the farm manager was really good at management.

What they grow is not grain, but seeds, and one catty of seeds can be exchanged for three catties of grain, but when they report to their superiors, they still report according to ordinary grain, and what they turn in is ordinary grain.

This is equivalent to the output of two acres of fields per acre of land, but no need to pay public grain. How can we not be rich in such a life?

Moreover, they still have wages, and work and life are balanced.

This long is a talent.

Great Wall Biotechnology is also in great need.

Shen Guanglin felt that he had made a fool of himself, so he could only change the subject. Didn't he say that there is such a farm in Langfang? How about that?
That won't work, that one is a bit smaller, only over 2000 mu, not big enough.

However, there is a large one in Tong County, with more than 7000 mu of land. They asked Shen Guanglin if he could accept it.

How is Tong County doing?
Not so good, that farm is very poor.

Then change to Tong County!
After all, when Xiong County developed, Shen Guanglin might not be there anymore, and Tong County is also a good place, and it will be the administrative center of the capital in the future.

Tong County Farm covers an area of ​​more than 7000 mu of land, has 800 employees, and more than 500 households. This is not an easy matter to merge.

Shen Guanglin first sent out a working group under the banner that Great Wall Electric was recruiting workers, and only targeted at the children of Tong County farm workers.

Everyone really signed up enthusiastically.

Recruiting more than 300 people in one go, this is a factor that can affect 300 families.

In the second step, are you willing to let the farm merge with Great Wall Biotechnology? After the merger, everyone will be paid.

Moreover, in the Great Wall company, as long as they have worked for three years, they will get a Great Wall refrigerator.

Everyone talked and fell.

Because Tongxian Farm is another world at all, this is not Xiongxian where the emperor is far away, but the capital.

More than half of the production materials of the farm have to be handed over. Although the workers have wages, their lives are still not rich, and up to now, there are still many educated youths.

Because no matter how bad Tong County is, it still belongs to the capital city. Many of the educated youths came from other places. They would rather be crowded in a Datong shop with 8 people than go back to their hometown.

Then choose Tongxian Farm.

If it hadn't been revealed by Shen Guanglin, no one in the Academy of Sciences would have known that Xiongxian Farm could be so rich. The so-called worry about inequality rather than scarcity, someone would soon take measures.

Everyone's life is hard, but you can live so chicly, what do you want to do?
Soon, Xiongxian Farm made three changes.

First, the director of the factory deceived others, neglected his duties, and will be suspended from today;
Second, the Academy of Sciences will stop paying wages for one year from now, and the farm will be responsible for its own profits and losses;
Second, farms must truthfully hand over their output in accordance with national policies, and their production tasks should be compared with those of nearby farmland.

It's over!The good times are over!
Li Yan really came to the capital, she told Shen Guanglin about the changes in the farm, everyone will have a hard time living in the future, is Mr. Shen a good person, help her find such a good job.

Shen Guanglin had nothing to say, so he could only say a word cowardly, "I won't kill Boren."

(End of this chapter)

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