Start with a college teacher

Chapter 323 Approval

Chapter 323 Approval
"Are you the boss of our Great Wall creatures?"

Li Yan finally joined the Great Wall Biotechnology Company. She will be responsible for the reception work in the future. The salary is not too high compared with her colleagues, but it is much higher than the salary of the farm.

She has received several sets of clothes since she joined the job, including two suits, so she is very satisfied with this.

Shen Guanglin and a group of LSPs are also very satisfied.

The allure of women wearing professional suits to men is too strong.

Of course, the prerequisite for this is good figure and good looks, otherwise it's all nonsense.

Since Li Yan joined the company, the number of people who are willing to visit biotechnology companies has increased a lot, and even her suitors have also increased suddenly.

Overall, the quality and quantity of suitors has improved a lot compared to the time at the Xiongxian Farm. If she hadn't seen that Shen Guanglin's partner was prettier than herself, she would have thought that Teacher Shen had also taken a fancy to her.

In fact, she doesn't understand a man's heart.

Men don't lose interest in women they don't get.

Otherwise, why would that Director Wang still go shopping for sex after guarding his wife like a fairy?

Shen Guanglin often comes to the breeding base. Sometimes he comes by himself, and sometimes he brings his friends with him. There is nothing else to do when he comes, just eat. Even several old men from the Academy of Sciences also like the turntable barbecue invented by Shen Guanglin.

The method of roasting meat is actually very simple. You can do it with a gasoline barrel. Make a rotatable shaft in the middle, string a whole sheep or suckling pig, stuff it into an iron barrel, cover it, and directly burn the iron through the fire.

With this roasting method, it is clean and hygienic, and the meat is roasted evenly.

Of course, dog meat can also be grilled, but only cooked ones can be grilled, otherwise it won't be bad, don't ask why, this is Shen's experience.

In Shen's place, everything can be baked.

However, when Li Yan saw Shen Guanglin, she always felt something was wrong, because everyone in the company called Professor Shen "Boss Shen", and the company where she worked originally merged their farm.

Shen Guanglin replied, "Not exactly the boss, I'm a professor at Capital University, it's not like you don't know."

"That..." Li Yan was still thinking of words, but Shen Guanglin had already answered in advance.

"Our laboratory has shares in your company, so it is also one of the shareholders, understand. The real big boss is in Xiangjiang, and he rarely comes to the capital."

Well, Li Yan believed this.

There must always be a reason to convince yourself.

She made tea for Shen Guanglin and was ready to go out.

Before leaving: "Mr. Shen, it's been more than a month, and you still haven't taken me to Xiangshan to see the red leaves."

Li Yan has a very characteristic smile, a bit like that CCTV reporter Wang Bingbing in later generations.

"It's already snowing, why are you looking at red leaves?"

Shen Guanglin wanted to ask on Zhihu: What is it like to own a 7000-acre farm in China?
What kind of experience can it be? Shen Guanglin just wants to say, it's so fucking great.

In fact, the 1000 mu of land occupied by Great Wall Biotechnology Company in Beijing has not yet been developed, and the utilization rate is at most one-third.

The rest of the land is idle, and some green trees and turf have been planted. If you don't consider this high-grade turf, you can come here to graze sheep and cattle.

Li Rong used to do these things often. She raised a lamb by herself, named "Shen Desheng", and took it to the lawn to graze the sheep.

This is golfing turf called tall fescue, not for sheep.

Shen Guanglin was angry, but helpless, he wanted to sacrifice it to Tietong several times, but he gave up because of Li Rong's lust.

In fact, many poplar trees were planted in the factory area.

In summer, everyone likes to go to the poplar forest to catch cicadas. The golden cicada is full of treasures, and it is a delicious meal when fried.

Shen Guanglin's favorite way to eat is not fried, but cooked like spicy crayfish, which tastes more delicious.

For this reason, Shen Guanglin also developed a new method of catching cicada monkeys, tying tape to the poplar tree at the height of a person, so that the cicada monkeys would not be able to climb up.

It's a pity that it's winter, autumn and winter, and it's the hardest time to stop.

Shen Guanglin had nothing else to do all day, he could only direct his business group remotely.

The factory in Shencheng is proceeding in an orderly manner, Xiangjiang's stock market is slowly recovering, and the value of the money he invested has doubled.

The product line of Jinmen Great Wall Electric Appliance Factory has also become more complete. The gas stoves and gas water heaters they launched this year are particularly popular, and they have been snapped up as soon as they were launched.

The experimental line of footballene is also advancing in an orderly manner. The cosmetics developed by Takeda are said to be on the market soon, but the medicine is still early, and various pharmacological experiments need to be done. It just so happens that Shen Guanglin's biotechnology company can provide them with animals for clinical experiments. .

Other things, what Shen Guanglin was most concerned about was what to do with the farms in Tong County.

This farm is indeed very big, but also very poor. It is definitely not as rich as the farm in Xiong County.

Sure enough, the person who leads everyone to get rich is really important.

The road from Beijing to Tongxian Farm was not easy, so Shen Guanglin decided to donate money to build a better road.

Of course, it is impossible to build a highway. It is not bad to build a flat county road. Moreover, it is not necessary to repair all the roads that are difficult to walk.

The north is located in the North China Plain, the land is flat, and the cost of road construction is not high.

But the people of Tong County are still very happy. After all, the road in front of the door is easy to walk. It is worthy of being a joint venture, and it is generous.

In fact, there are very few people who really stay on the farm now.

Most of them "left their homes" and went to work at Great Wall Electric, where the wages are high, the benefits are good, and the accommodation conditions are good. Production is being expanded, and a large number of people are needed.

As the saying goes, the fat and water don't flow into outsiders' fields.

In fact, as long as you inquire, you can know how the benefits of Great Wall Electric are. How to choose?

Shen Guanglin even wondered for a while that when his new farm was up and running, would it be impossible to recruit anyone?

Who should the farmer find?Still need professional people to do professional things.

The farm manager of Xiongxian Farm happens to be unemployed at home, can he be invited out of the mountain?

Shen Guanglin looked at the thatched cottage, and the other party readily agreed.

The other party was also unambiguous, and asked for a car when he opened his mouth, a Jingcheng Jeep 212 would do.

Shen Guanglin disagreed. We have a Crown, but no one has been driving it. The Jeep 212 has no heating in winter and no air conditioning in summer. It is not comfortable at all.

Nothing but skin.

For this reason, Shen Guanglin also equipped the farm with a commercial vehicle, which is specially used for reception.

Comrade Field Chief took office happily.

The weather is cold and it is not suitable for major repairs and constructions on the farm. Shen Guanglin decided to do a lot of construction in the spring of next year to completely build the farm.

It's just that the prices of supplies have been increasing recently, and I don't know if it's the approaching of the new year or because of other reasons, everything is a lot more expensive.

Shen Guanglin asked the school's economic experts if there were any new economic policies recently.

It is true that the country plans to conduct a "price breakthrough" next year.

"Price breakthrough" is another historical term.

Does this mean that prices will skyrocket from next year onwards?

Raise prices without raising wages, people's livelihood is difficult.

We have money now, so hurry up and stock up on some supplies, otherwise next year's materials will be priced at a price a day, and even if we have money, we will not be able to buy them, and it will be troublesome.

Shen Guanglin and Xiao Huang talked about this matter, and asked him to hide some production raw materials, and the price may increase next year.

Xiao Huang agreed.

But he also said that there is no need to worry about the raw materials we produce. He knows a few second generations, and they can get approval. Our raw materials are no problem, and the price will follow the market.

Shen Guanglin fell into deep thought, and the matter of reselling the approval documents later must have become quite serious.

(End of this chapter)

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