Start with a college teacher

Chapter 324 New Discoveries

Chapter 324 New Discoveries

As the weather gets colder, the whole person becomes more and more lazy.

Going to work in the laboratory every day, attending classes at school, eating barbecue at the biological breeding base, and buying antiques at the Friendship Store, this kind of life is not bad, it is really an ideal time.

Shen Guanglin no longer collects antiques himself, it is more reliable to let the store collect them.

The things I collected vary from good to bad. After all, they are professionals. As long as I don’t want to pick up leaks, I just buy them at the market price. It’s not bad anyway, and it doesn’t matter if it’s more expensive. It will always rise back.

What he collects is not antiques, but culture and inheritance.

Didn't most of the houses in Tiangong No. [-] have been sold? Shen Guanglin's newly acquired antiques are placed here. In a few years, he plans to open a private museum by himself, not for tickets, but for showing off.

The fact that Shen Guanglin can earn 5 US dollars in one class has already become famous within a certain range, and everyone is envious and at the same time sincerely admires it.

Being able to make money is really a skill.

Now, since Shen Guanglin has money, let him spend it freely. As long as he does not do evil, the state still gives him a lot of freedom. After all, there are not many national treasure-level scientists, and even fewer can make money by themselves. up.

Now, many capable people think about going abroad, and then never come back. Shen Guanglin can stay in the country with peace of mind and work hard to follow the domestic rules. Everyone feels very relieved.

This is a good comrade who can stand the test.

Lao Li has the most right to say this, because he has tested Xiao Shen the most, and Weng and his son-in-law would drink and fish together at every turn, just like brothers.

Lao Li has not been too busy since he left the front line of scientific research. He has a high position but not a lot of power. Judging from his state, he does not have much ambition. After all, he has two daughters and has no son until now. what to do.

Shen Guanglin didn't say that the son-in-law is half, but he is the whole.

However, driven by Shen Guanglin, Lao Li still developed a lot of "bad habits", such as smoking Cuban cigars for smoking, and drinking three revolutions for alcohol.

Shen Guanglin agreed, next time he goes to Xiangjiang, he will definitely take him to see the world.

Li Rong was in her third year of junior high school, and her classes were quite intense, so she couldn't accompany them, so this little girl named Li Yan did all the work of serving tea and pouring water.

In fact, Li Rong was a little wary of this little girl from Xiong County, but she soon found out that Shen Guanglin didn't mean that, and just regarded her as a normal staff member, so Li Rong felt relieved.

Shen Guanglin is in this position, he can get in touch with many beauties. When he was in Xiangjiang, he met many movie stars and played with them every day. Li Rong also knew about these.

However, in that environment, Shen Guanglin didn't even stretch out his hand to cross the boundary, and Li Rong also saw it.

It's called trust.

Therefore, Li Rong seldom meddled in his affairs and gave him a lot of freedom.

Li Rong thought to herself, as long as those women don't come to him blatantly, she probably won't bother him.

Most people will feel guilty if they really become juniors, but there are also some people who are always ready to take the lead.

For example, Meirenguan in Xiangjiang, and the beauty Li who later fought out, they are all awesome characters who have provoked the original partner.

Li Yan probably wouldn't do this, because Shen Guanglin just took a look at the beauty and didn't intend to do anything.

It was freezing cold, Shen Guanglin still went to Jinmen.

Not for anything else, but to see how the workers on his farm are doing in Great Wall Electric.

Go deep into the masses and understand people's livelihood
Had a great time.

Good food, good housing, and good benefits.

Compared with Tongxian Farm, the current life is one in the sky and one in the ground.

What was life like before, and what is life like now.

Every weekend, what I see on the road is a large army of relocators. They move from Tongxian County to Jinmen one after another. The cars assigned by the factory are not enough, and they have to queue up to move.

It is true that they are newcomers, and sometimes the work will be tiring.Because they are slow to learn and unskilled, they have to work overtime at night. Overtime is not for overtime pay, but for learning new skills.

People of this age are too simple.

Many people have worked here for a month or two, and then applied to the factory, hoping that the whole family can move here, so that they can share a house.

As long as you type in the application, of course there is no problem, and the company readily agreed.

In this way, the workers of the Tongxian Farm are saying goodbye to their previous life. Although their staff is still on the farm, they are already working in the electrical appliance factory.

In fact, there are quite a few people in the factory who are of this nature. They work in the original unit and work in the new unit.

After all, it is a restructured joint venture factory. Many employees are still subordinate employees of Jinmen Iron and Steel Group in name, but their people have actually worked for Great Wall Electric for a long time. Group employees.

The company later gave two options: the first was to prepare a plan, which could be placed in the original unit, but a monthly management fee of 10 yuan was required; the other option was to stay in the new unit directly without preparing the plan. , signing a labor contract, the overall benefits are the same, but there is no need to pay management fees, and the salary will be 10 yuan higher.

The characteristics of the times, an alternative labor dispatch invented by Shen Guanglin.

Soon, everyone found out that those who got the fastest salary increase were the employees who joined the new unit. When asked why, the company replied that their personnel relationship was not in the company, and it was troublesome to coordinate. They had similar abilities, so they must give priority to their own people.

I can also understand that only those who come here wholeheartedly are their own people.

The location of Great Wall Electric is large enough, and the speed of development is relatively fast. Fortunately, Shen Guanglin did a lot of forward-looking work at that time.

At the beginning, in order to improve the living conditions of the workers, Shen Guanglin had people build a large living area, all of which were 7-storey residential buildings, with heating and sewer pipes, so they lived comfortably.

Now that the workers have money, shouldn't they buy their own electrical appliances? Even if some vouchers are issued, the company can still earn a wave of profits.

Now the house is really worthless. Shen Guanglin has stipulated that as long as the employees work in the factory and spend ten yuan, the house can be their own.

Isn't this equivalent to giving away for free? Who would resign?

Moreover, Great Wall Electric is well-known throughout the country, and it was endorsed by Zhou Yun, whoever is stupid will leave.

According to the old employees who came earlier, Zhou Yun has also been to the factory, and he looks very good-looking, just like the person in the painting.

Shen Guanglin held a symposium for new employees and asked them if they had any difficulties in life.

There is no difficulty, everything is very good, completely exceeded expectations, it is really much better than before, and they are full of energy now.

After listening to the voices of the employees, Shen Guanglin had an immature idea.

How about relocating all the employees of Tong County Farm to Great Wall Electric?

In this way, the Tongxian Farm is a pure white paper. It is easier to start over from the beginning, and it is more convenient to paint. Some people in the province rely on the old to influence the unity.

Anyway, there are so many educated youths who are not employed, are they afraid that they will not be able to recruit people?

Just take advantage of this opportunity to recruit new employees. This not only solves the employment problem of young people, but also gives them a new home.

People are looking at the height of a mountain.

Shen Guanglin's original strategy target was the Xiongxian Farm, but after he actually went to investigate, he found that the family's life is very prosperous, and the biotechnology company has nothing special to attract them.

You still have to follow the trend when doing things.

The situation in Xiongxian County is different from that in Tongxian County. The living conditions of farms in Tongxian County are relatively more difficult. As such, there are still many educated youths who are struggling. Their homes are as far away as Sichuan Province and Caiyun. Educated youths from all over the country They all have them, but they insist on refusing to leave here because this is the capital city and the best place to be.

If there is a chance to stay.

It's all right now, the end of all hardships has come, and the opportunity to stay has come.

The former workers of the farm just happened to be able to go to Great Wall Electric, so Great Wall Electric's favorable conditions were used to attract them. After vacating the space, they can show their strengths next year.

Anyway, the biotechnology side has trained a group of professional technicians, which can just divert some of them to Tong County. After all, they are all within the capital. What's wrong with being farther away?

It is rare for Shen Guanglin to come to Jinmen, and the staff of Nankai University are naturally very attentive to his arrival.

However, what they said seems to have revealed a meaning, when will we be able to produce a decent result here.

The results of superconducting materials produced by the joint laboratory of Beijing University and Wudaokou Technical School have already caused a sensation in the whole country. This time, the focus of the media's publicity is Professor Su, but everyone in the know knows that Shen Guanglin is a pioneer and the person in charge of the laboratory. An honor for him.

It is also a joint laboratory. The Jingcheng University-Nankai-Takeda Pharmaceutical Joint Laboratory in Jinmen has been established for some time. Nankai University has also invested a lot of manpower and material resources. No, it is the end of the year. If there is no result, it will be embarrassing.

However, what kind of results can be produced?

Is it in the field of photovoltaic solar energy or in the field of football ene?
Shen Guanglin is still a student in the field of photovoltaics. He came here to study. He only knows that the most widely used solar cells in the future will be made of crystalline silicon. At first it was polycrystalline silicon, and later it was monocrystalline silicon.

As for football ene, it has been studied almost.

Further research is to study the opening reaction.

The so-called opening reaction is the reaction of selectively cutting the carbon-carbon bond on the fullerene skeleton by chemical means to prepare the opening C60.

After C60 opens the hole, some small molecules can be loaded into the carbon sphere, such as hydrogen, helium, lithium, etc.

In real history, the first open hole C60 was done in 1995 by Wood et al.

Shen Guanglin seems to have seen a report saying that it is the most expensive material in the world. It seems to be football ene. They opened a hole in C60 and put an N in it. This material can be used to make atomic clocks. It is said that the price has reached per gram. 10 billion yuan.

When Shen Guanglin went to the football ene laboratory, he found that they were not doing experimental research at all, but doing clinical experiments.

The company is indeed a company, and the logic of their behavior is understandable. Their first principle is to make money.

Therefore, while they are thinking about solving the production capacity problem of football ene, they are thinking about putting it into production and application as soon as possible.

When Shen Guanglin came over, the person in charge of the laboratory was a little frustrated, as if the experiment was not going well.

"Shen Sang, the substance C60 is indeed a good thing, but I'm afraid it can't be used for internal medicine."

Impossible, Shen Guanglin knows that this kind of thing can resist aging.

After listening to the detailed report from the person in charge, Shen Guanglin discovered the problem.

Because the results of the Phase I clinical trial they conducted were not satisfactory, and this is still the first phase. As a result, many mice found asbestos-like lesions, which is an adverse reaction.

If it can be taken orally, it is an elixir of life. If it cannot be taken orally, it is a big discount for Takeda. Can it only be used as cosmetics?

When Shen Guanglin saw this phenomenon, he immediately understood that this might not be a side effect of C60, it might be a side effect of carbon nanotubes.

Without even doing electron microscope experiments, Shen Guanglin can understand that this kind of substance is carbon nanotubes without even thinking about it.

(End of this chapter)

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