Chapter 325
The situation is better than people.

Shen Guanglin didn't expect to reveal the discovery of carbon nanotubes so soon, but now he has no choice but to hide it.

Shen Guanglin thought of a sentence, being pregnant is like being pregnant, it can't be hidden after a long time.

It's time to take out carbon nanotubes. If not, something as good as C60 will have to be put on clinical tests, and it will be restarted in the future. I don't know how much it will cost.

It’s fine if it’s just a failure in the experiment, but now is the key period. He, Shen, still wants to win awards based on these achievements. If the application prospect of this product is not wide enough, it cannot be awarded.

Although there is no regularity in the awarding of the Nobel Prize, there are requirements, that is, your discovery needs to be "useful". The more useful it is, the easier it is to win the award.

Shen Guanglin carefully inspected their C60 production process, and sure enough there were still some problems.

In order to reduce costs, the raw materials they selected had some problems, the reaction conditions were not well controlled, the vacuum was not in place, and the catalyst selection was also average.

Therefore, it is estimated that some C60, C20 and the like will be mixed in C70, and of course carbon nanotubes may also be mixed.

The adverse reactions in this mouse must be caused by carbon nanotubes.

Get dry!

Time to show some results!
Knowing the answer in advance and seeing the actual situation on the spot, this phenomenon is actually easy to judge.

There were all kinds of instruments and equipment in the joint laboratory, and there were so many technicians. They didn't suspect it at all. Instead, they thought that this substance might be poisonous.

Poison a hammer!

Although laboratory hardware is very important, the most critical thing is people.

If they don't think about it, they will never find carbon nanotubes. .

Of course, if Shen Guanglin hadn't known about the existence of carbon nanotubes in advance, he might not have thought about it.

If it is really waiting for scientists to accidentally discover it, it will take at least seven or eight years. Iijima Sumio did not discover this substance until 1991.

Shen Guanglin was about to start experimenting again.

His style of doing experiments is to do whatever he wants, and he does not follow the experimental plan and experimental procedures at all.

Everyone felt that Shen Guanglin was proud. He set so many rules for others, but he didn't abide by any of them.

In history, there are too many people like this. If you are proud and complacent with just a little achievement, you will not achieve much.

It was a pity for everyone to see Shen Guanglin "running wildly". Isn't this a waste, every experiment is money.

Shen Guanglin didn't care about this. He adjusted various parameters of the experimental equipment randomly, for example, changed the reaction temperature from high temperature to low temperature, and then made the two graphite electrodes close to each other, and then slowly discharged after connecting the catalyst.

Anyway, it's all kinds of attempts, doing whatever you want, messy, just like doing something when you're bored.

However, Shen Guanglin has a high status, and no one can control him.

The Fusang team thinks it doesn't matter, but the Chinese team already has opinions, and advises him to restrain himself. Although it is an experiment, it must also comply with the regulations.

Why such a waste of money?

Now that the country and the people are not rich, Shen Guanglin did an experiment, and the waste of raw materials was enough for an ordinary family to live for a year.

Shen Guanglin looked at the staff who persuaded him to restrain himself, and really didn't know what to say.

Let's just keep going.

In about three to five days, Shen Guanglin felt that carbon nanotubes should be born!
Gaius Julius Caesar defeated the enemy at the Battle of Zera, and he said a word: I am coming!I saw it!I conquered it!

Shen Guanglin had this in mind.

He has come, he has seen, he has not yet conquered.

Carbon nanotubes were quickly produced.

There is no need to carefully verify, because this carbon cluster is visible to the naked eye.

If you observe carefully with an electron microscope, it must be a carbon nanotube composed of 6 carbon atoms in a ring shape. Why hesitate?

However, in the entire laboratory, except for Shen Guanglin, no one cared about what his experiment produced.

Shen Guanglin, a staff member of Fusang, didn't want to be called, because the results had to be distributed to them, and it wasn't worth it.

Let the fat and water not flow into outsiders' fields.

However, it is counterproductive.

Even though, Shen Guanglin has already said, you take these substances and test them to see what kind of material they are.

They have been working for a long time, and it is just some graphite powder, which only contains a small part of football ene, so this kind of experiment will not work.

Shen Guanglin didn't want to talk anymore, he discovered something new and was going to give them a chance to take them to fly together, but they couldn't grasp it.

Shen Guanglin almost made it clear that this kind of thing is not C60, maybe it is a new substance.

Everyone still didn't take it to heart.

If it's not C60, then it's not, then it must be graphite molecules, maybe it's still diamond.

Shen Guanglin felt so overwhelmed that he didn't want to speak anymore.

I am discovering new materials, but you are making soy sauce, and complaining that I can't make new results when it's over.

This kind of achievement has been fed to the mouth, and he refuses to eat it. Such a teammate really can't move.

Shen Guanglin was also angry, and didn't take you to play like this.

Working hard, but not going in the right direction, is doing useless work.

In desperation, he had no choice but to temporarily call a few assistants from his laboratory in the capital, and only then did he feel that it was still his own people who used it like an arm.

No wonder so many well-known scholars in later generations have built such workstations, but they have not produced results. When doing scientific research, it is really impossible not to use their own troops.

His own team is indeed stronger, and they also know Shen Guanglin best, and they will do what Shen Guanglin says.

Waste materials, then waste a little, anyway, it's not my own money.

If you don't do experiments to save money, then do some scientific research.

It's right to do exactly what he asked Shen, and there is nothing wrong with it.

Sure enough, carbon nanotubes were discovered in this way. Although they are also SP6 hybrids composed of 2 carbon atoms, they are not balls, but tubes.

These tubes are carbon nanotubes.

In fact, carbon nanotubes have long been observed by people, but people don't know what they are.

As early as 1890, it was discovered that carbon-containing gases can decompose on a hot surface to form filamentous carbon, which is actually carbon nanotubes.

In 1953, when CO and Fe3O4 reacted at high temperature, a filamentous structure similar to carbon nanotubes was also found.

After World War II, with the further development of the petrochemical industry, carbon deposition has become a headache.

The problem of carbon filament accumulation has attracted the attention of various oil producers, but no one has discovered that this kind of thing is actually carbon nanotubes.

In 1978, New Zealand scientists discovered that when electric sparks were generated between two graphite electrodes, small fiber clusters were formed on the surface of the electrodes.

This is the closest to discovering carbon nanotubes. In fact, they have seen graphite-like arrangements of carbon when they conduct electron diffraction, but unfortunately they still haven't thought about it.

It is estimated that Sumio Iijima did not win the Nobel Prize, and there is also a reason for this. After all, he is not the first, because scientists in New Zealand have not described the physical and chemical properties of carbon nanotubes, but they have actually discovered the entire substance. .

However, Shen Guanglin didn't care about this. He researched it, and the result was his own.

I gave you a chance, but if you can't grasp it, there's nothing you can do about it.

It's really not that someone Shen didn't take you to play.

Of course, the laboratory that released the results could be the Tianjin Joint Laboratory, but Shen Guanglin was the only one who discovered this result.

The dust has basically settled and the paper is still being written, but Takeda's previous clinical failures have been resolved.

Not because C60 is poisonous, but because the materials they prepared were not pure enough.

As for how to purify raw materials, it depends on whether Fuso's strong industrial production capacity can solve this problem.

He Shen has limited time, and he has to go back early for the New Year.

Shen Guanglin hadn't returned to the capital yet, and news of a new discovery had already arrived.

Everyone was already numb, and it seemed natural for Shen Guanglin to discover a new substance.

In the field of physics, he is a god. He seems to have the ability to do everything, but he is lazy, so he just doesn't do it.

Shen Guanglin said, this is called deep hidden merit and fame.

After all, after working for more than ten days without sleep and food, it is time to take a rest.

He also had to think carefully about what to plant in the field next year after consolidating such a large piece of land.

How about planting something?
(End of this chapter)

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