Start with a college teacher

Chapter 328 Explained

Chapter 328 Explained
Shen Guanglin persisted in the capital until the end of the Lantern Festival, but couldn't take it anymore, so he had to go to Jinmen.

It wasn't that Li Rong was dissatisfied with desire and worked hard every day, but Shen couldn't bear it physically.

It's the phone calls from there every day, whether it's annoying or not.

Now the phone does not have the function of blacklisting, and the mission must be fulfilled. They are all manually transferred. They will not give up until they find your person.

I really arrived in Jinmen, and there was nothing serious, the main thing was the discovery of new materials and the publication of new papers.

The Fusang people didn't get involved, mainly because Shen Guanglin's students had conflicts with the Chinese staff of the joint laboratory.

The paper on carbon nanotubes has actually been written. It was written by Shen Guanglin's students. It is waiting for Shen Guanglin to revise and polish it. It can be submitted for publication without any problems.

Now, these students have been trained, they have no other skills, and they are really good at compiling papers.

The largest paper has been published, and the authorship is said to be allocated by Shen Guanglin.

The remaining corners and corners are the welfare of the students, and the follow-up is that they should be the first author, and Shen Guanglin can only be the corresponding author.

This is a common practice, and everyone is very proficient in their business.

However, the past practice does not work here in Jinmen.

Everyone disagreed on how to sign such an important paper.

The reason is also very simple. After all, this is a joint laboratory, and everyone is human, and they want to share a piece of the pie, so I asked Teacher Shen for some benefits.

Of course, there is no doubt that Shen Guanglin is the corresponding author, because he is the head of the laboratory.

However, who will sign the first author and how many names will be signed, this is what everyone is chasing after.

Shen Guanglin may not care, he is not short of this honor, but Shen Guanglin's students don't do it.

What have you all done?Why do you have to be the first author, you can’t even give it to the second author, at most you can give it to the third author.

However, the people in the joint laboratory felt that this should not be the case. Everyone participated in this experiment. Even if they were ranked according to their seniority, they should get a piece of the cake.

This is the first time for Shen Guanglin to encounter such a thing. Why, the first author is so important?

Of course, it is what you look at in the awards and titles.

That being the case, the first author and the corresponding author belong to him alone, so please sign the name of the second author.

Anyone who has an opinion has to endure it, and if you don't like the second author, don't sign it at all.

Just because of this little thing, Shen's companionship was disturbed, don't blame Shen for turning his face and denying others.

After finishing his business in Jinmen, Shen Guanglin decided to go abroad for a trip.

Because he received a letter, a letter forwarded by the Academy of Sciences.

The letter was written by that Bai Bing, and between the lines was how Shen Guanglin helped her escape, the reason turned out to be coveting her beauty.

I go!how could you do this.

She may not know that Shen Guanglin and the Academy of Sciences have reconciled, and he is a good friend. When you sold someone Shen, he turned around and sold you.

It's been three years, this matter can't be passed, right?

A breakthrough has been made in the research of superconducting materials, which can be regarded as a phased achievement. Shen Guanglin decided to go to Citigroup to thank the Rockefeller Corporation for their generosity in person, and to receive a small award by the way.

Receiving the award is not the purpose, his purpose is to continue to cheat money.

Of course, he did not say that his purpose was to cheat money.

Because carbon nanotubes are another new achievement, he decided to go to Citigroup to raise a wave of donations, or find a school to cooperate with it.

If he really wants to do in-depth research in this area, he has neither money nor time.

For a laboratory, no matter how much money it has, it is still necessary to make more money while the relationship between China and the United States is good.

In matters of medicine, it is enough to catch the Takeda family and get rid of the wool. For matters related to technology and new materials, it is still necessary to find a company from Citigroup to pay for it.

They have money, and they are willing to spend money.

In this era, everyone only talks about friendship and common enemies, not ideology.

Therefore, if Shen Guanglin wanted to cheat some money by brushing his face, it would not be difficult.

The destination of his trip was the school of Charlie the Hairy Face, UCLA.

After all, he and Charlie have been old friends for many years. He has been "sinking" for so many years, and it's time to come over for a wave of "interviews".

This is also Shen Guanglin's new year's event.

There is a saying that there is revenge for revenge, and revenge for injustice.

This matter has been suffocating in Shen Guanglin's heart, and he really can't help it.

He has always been the one who plots against others. When is it someone else's turn to plot against him, and he still uses his kindness as a bargaining chip. After three years, he has not let it go. This kind of thing is really intolerable.

The lectures and academic exchanges went smoothly, and Shen Guanglin also met Charlie the Hairy Face as scheduled, and the two had a happy chat.

He also successfully got the 5 US dollars for the lecture, at least he has the expenses for this trip.

Shen Guanglin's trip was worthwhile. He came here this time, and after deception, he got another 500 million dollars in donation from DuPont.

This amount of money is enough for him to have a good time, and in the next three years, he may not need to raise any more donations.

DuPont is a chemical material company. The company is second only to BASF in West Germany. Its strength is very strong. The carbon nanotubes discovered by Shen Guanglin are indeed very suitable for them.

After the official business is done, it's time to do some private things.

DuPont has a professional security team.

This is good!
Needless to say, a dozen private teams with weapons are enough, and they may not be really useful.

In fact, there are a lot of Chinese in Los Angeles, so there are also many Chinese restaurants.

Most of them are run by Xiangjiang people or Wanwan people, and they earn money from mainland compatriots.

They are extremely stingy with their compatriots from China. In Citigroup, they are often entrapped by compatriots.

According to the address, Shen Guanglin quickly found the restaurant where Bai Bing was.

Seeing her radiant appearance, this is not a part-time job, she is clearly the proprietress.

It's been a few years since I've seen her, so she must have become more radiant.

It's just, does she still remember the person who helped her stay?

Shen Guanglin and Charlie ordered a few dishes, Charlie still ate a little, Shen Guanglin didn't eat at all, just kept looking at the busy figure.

If there was no definite news, Shen Guanglin would not be able to confirm that this person was Bai Bing. After all, the two were not familiar with each other, and three years had passed.

Meeting by chance is not a reason for you to entrap others.

Sure enough, Bai Bing realized that someone was looking at her, and when she looked back, she was a Chinese with a good appearance.

She's used to this kind of thing. She looks good, isn't it just for people to see.

However, there really isn't anyone who looks at people like Shen Guanglin.

"Sir, it's not polite for you to look at people like that."

Taking a break from his busy schedule, Bai Bing went to Shen Guanglin to say something.

"I haven't seen you for three years, how are you?" Shen Guanglin asked proactively.

"you are?"

"How did you come here, have you forgotten?"

Shen Guanglin took a sip of water, there was too much lemon, which didn't suit his taste.

"Shen, Mr. Shen, when did you come?" Bai Bing felt guilty.

"I want to say that I came to you specially, do you believe it?"

"No, I didn't do it on purpose. I did it for my father. Now that the domestic atmosphere is strict and my father has been arrested again, I can only write a letter to cling to you. There is no other way."

What made Shen Guanglin angry was that three years had passed, yet she still wrote a letter to slander him, a certain Shen.

Now that they have met, they don't even know each other. How did they get on skin-to-skin?

Shen Guanglin took out the letter, "Don't you want to explain this?"

(End of this chapter)

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