Chapter 329 Go Back
Women are probably born actors, and they are best at responding to men.

After the initial panic, Bai Bing quickly calmed down.

This is Citigroup, not Huaxia!
And this is Los Angeles, and this is Chinatown. What is Chinatown, it is a place that the law cannot reach.

"Mr. Shen, there is a saying that goes, "If people do not work for themselves, heaven and earth will destroy them." I have nothing to explain about this matter. In order to improve the living environment of my family in China, I have my reasons for what I should do."

Bai Bing spoke calmly, even a little indifferently, without the panic and tension just now.

Shen Guanglin laughed angrily.

"Your rationale is to make up random things and spread rumors wantonly? I left you on the front line that day. Is it just to be a stepping stone for you? Years have passed, and you still turn around and blackmail me. You can't be like this. "

Shen Guanglin felt that he had become a king, not yet a licking dog, but he was still being used ruthlessly.

"There is no way. Everyone has their own way of life. Only after I came out did I realize how difficult life and life are."

Looking at the radiant Bai Bing, Shen Guanglin didn't feel how difficult it was for her.

Maybe there was too, but she has settled it with her beauty and wisdom.

Shen Guanglin was about to continue to refute her, but she was not going to break up with him.

"Wait a moment, I'll entertain other guests, and I'll talk to you later."

She just left Shi Shiran, leaving behind a series of swaying figures.

Charlie was sitting on the sidelines watching the big show. He couldn't understand Chinese, but judging from the tone and expression of the two, it seemed that they were a couple who hated men and women.

"Nice girl, is that your lover?"

Charlie shrugged, which seemed to be a favorite gesture of the people of Citigroup.

Shen Guanglin didn't know how to explain it, so he could only shake his head, "She is my enemy."

"I understand, hate comes from love."

Shen Guanglin could only imitate Charlie and shrug his shoulders, he didn't know what to say.

What happened next was magical.

After a while, several men with tattoos came over, baseball bats, iron chains, and some even had bulging waists, which looked like murder weapons.

These few people surrounded their dining table, really like the young and Dangerous boy on Hong Kong TV, very arrogant.

In this era, the Chinese gangs in Los Angeles are still very powerful. They bully the weak and fear the strong, collect protection fees, open casinos and brothels, and it is also a headache for the Citi police to take them.

Of course Charlie knew that Shen Guanglin had specially hired a security team, so he wasn't too afraid. He shrugged his shoulders again, "Your hatred is a bit big, brother."

Shen Guanglin:
He has a saying that he doesn't know whether to say or not to say.

Besides, if a gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall, it is said that it is time for Shen Guanglin to call out the security team to support him.

But he is still waiting, waiting for Bai Bing to come out and give him an explanation.

After all, according to the acting in TV dramas, even the villains still have to show their faces and say a few words at this time.

However, it does not.

Bai Bing disappeared from the restaurant and never appeared again.

The man with a crooked accent showed his fiercest look in a gentle tone:
"This is my Brother Snake's territory. Don't make trouble. For the sake of being descendants of Yan and Huang, I can forgive you today. Keep valuables as a lesson. Go away! Don't come again! Come and fight once!"

Bai Bing didn't show up again, but Shen Guanglin didn't lose his temper either. He patted his ass and left as soon as he left.

It's a pity that you can't learn from Brother Baoqiang here, and you can only shoot your own butt.

The security team is indeed scattered around, and they are also ready, just waiting for an order.

However, it is not the best solution to make a big fuss on the spot. It may be a good mood, but in case someone shoots a gun and misses it, and someone Shen just gets the lunch box, it will be a big loss up.

The person who knows the current affairs is Junjie.

Spoiling on the spot is not the work of a wise man.

However, how could such a thing be settled like this.

Shen Guanglin left all his money as a bachelor, including the reward check for giving a speech at UCLA, and the limited edition Patek Philippe watch in his hand, and left with Charlie.

Revenge does not need to be overnight, just a street away is enough.

Shen Guanglin will show them later what it means for a biting dog not to bark.

Of course, this matter still needs Charlie the face to come forward, he is the boss.

Of course, DuPont can also show it. After all, your VIP has been robbed.

After all, they all know quite a few local MPs.

Members of Congress are thugs paid by big companies, and they actually have a lot of power and influence.

Moreover, Charlie the Hairy Face is a well-known professor at UCLA.He came out to represent the school, and the VIPs invited by the school were robbed, and the news spread, which shows how bad the law and order in Los Angeles is.

Must be dealt with seriously!

Soon, the police station received an alarm notification: Professor Charlie and his party were robbed while dining in a restaurant, and lost more than US$5 in cash checks and valuables worth US$7.

It's worth it!

In Citigroup, only white people are gods, especially professors from such prestigious schools, whose potential influence is even greater.

Sure enough, it didn't take long, only 10 minutes at most, and a full set of armed police rushed over, even with the support of the explosion-proof detachment.

This kind of black society gang does have a protective umbrella, but it is not easy to use in this situation, especially with the support of congressmen, no one dares to commit crimes against the wind.

It was Charlie who came forward to identify the suspect. Shen Guanglin spared his life and didn't want to show his face too much.

Charlie naturally also knew what Shen meant. Others could not be arrested, but Bai Bing had to be there, and he had to be held alone.

The road from the hotel to the police station is not far.

As one of the sufferers, Shen Guanglin soon saw Bai Bing, whose hair was a little disheveled.

Bai Bing still felt wronged at first, she didn't do anything, why was she still arrested, she is a legal citizen.

Moreover, she already has a legal identity, and her identity shows that she is a South Vietnamese citizen, and she only came to Citigroup because of the war in the country.

From the looks of it, she's on the side of a financial backer with a lot of energy.

However, in the face of brute force, this does not work.

"Coincidentally, we finally met again." Shen Guanglin sat in the judge's seat, looking at Bai Bing who was a little flustered, and he was still in a good mood.

"You reported us? We let you live, but you will repay your kindness?"

Bai Bing deliberately confessed that he couldn't make things difficult for Shen Guanglin, and just drove him away.

Unexpectedly, she was arrested because of Shen Guanglin's tricks.

Shen Guanglin smiled.

"Repay kindness with hatred? It's a good word, whoever says it first gets it."

When people are in different environments, they are indeed different. The kind-hearted Bai Bing at the beginning has completely disappeared.

That being the case, there is no need to be polite, and Shen Guanglin doesn't want to say too much, after all, he should be gentle when facing a beauty.

"You just stay well. Armed robbery is enough for 10 years in Citigroup? You are an accomplice, and it is estimated that you will have a place in it."

This is what Shen Guanglin wants to say, there is no need to show kindness for a stranger, and the other party has no gratitude at all.

"It's useless to detain me. This is Citigroup. They and the police station belonged to the same family. They will be released in a short time. I advise you to go back to your country as soon as possible. Otherwise, just watch."

It turned out that this was the reason why she was so confident, even at this time, she never forgot to say a few harsh words.

Maybe, she felt guilty in her heart, but in order not to suffer more condemnation from her conscience, she could only use a more vicious tone to cover up her cowardice.

Unfortunately, she chose the wrong partner.

"Of course I know the national conditions of Citigroup, so I don't mean to pursue their troubles, I just pursue your troubles. If they are lucky enough to survive the pressure exerted by DuPont and the University of California, then they are considered capable. But You, as long as you can get through the relationship between the Immigration Bureau and the consulate, I have never said anything."

Shen Guanglin is also really angry, please apologize well, tell me about your difficulties, and show your weakness as a woman, maybe I, Shen, may be magnanimous, so I will forgive you.

However, you have never repented until now.

Shen Guanglin even fantasized about whether he would have a romantic encounter when he came to Citigroup.After all, I didn't eat the meat that was on my lips, so is it too late to eat it now?
He didn't expect that this piece of meat had gone bad.

He didn't say anything else when he came to her, he just asked for an explanation, but as a result, she gave her a blow as soon as she came up, what was she going to do?

Bai Bing is really scared now.

She forgot that Shen Guanglin is a person of status and status, such a person cannot be treated as an ordinary person.

In particular, he is still an old silver coin, and he will not charge forward.

"Don't let a woman go, are you still a man?"

"It doesn't matter if I'm a man or not. Anyway, I didn't give you a chance to verify it. You can do it yourself. No way, I can take the same flight as you when I return to China. I brought you out, and I will also send you back. .”

(End of this chapter)

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