Start with a college teacher

Chapter 330 The Age of Computers

Chapter 330 The Age of Computers
It is difficult to be a good person, and it is difficult to be a saint.

Shen Guanglin is going back to China, he doesn't care about Bai Bing's fate, anyway, it doesn't have much to do with him.

There are many good-looking people, and he doesn't care about all of them.

Everything happens for a reason.

Looking back five hundred times in the previous life, in exchange for one passing by in this life, but if you brushed twice, it might be to send you in.

Shen Guanglin didn't stay long in Citigroup, and the reason why he was in a hurry to come back was because too many major events happened recently.

Taizong's southern tour will not be mentioned, and the reform of the People's Bank of China will not be mentioned. One of them is closely related to him, because the "Patent Law" was announced.

This is what happened a few days ago.

In March 1984, the National People's Congress passed and promulgated the Patent Law.

Oh hoo, another spring is here!

Shen Guanglin is no stranger to registering patents, and he is one of the earliest people in China to make profits through patents.

If Shen hadn't mastered the international patent, how could Takeda cooperate with him.

Patents are a good thing. On the one hand, they hinder the commercialization of enterprises, but on the other hand, they do not hinder the progress of scientific research.

Because there is such a clause in the patent law of any country: the use of relevant patents for scientific research and experiments does not constitute infringement.

Therefore, the best way to break through patent barriers is to establish new barriers, so that everyone infringes each other, which means there is no infringement.

Of course, patents are also a double-edged sword. While blocking others, sometimes they also block themselves.

Kodak is the best example. They invented the digital camera first, but they also died on the digital camera.

In fact, before the patent law was implemented in China, he, Shen, had already registered global patents for some products and technologies through his agency in Xiangjiang. Although the registration fee and maintenance fee were expensive, it was worth it.

Now, since the country has opened up the patent registration mechanism, he will be able to apply for patents more confidently and boldly in the future.

Although it will take years for the real patent protection and attention to be paid off, if you occupy the hole first, then others will not be able to squat.

At least, we still occupy the moral high ground.

Last year, he, Shen, just got a wave of bonuses from trademark registration, and this year, another patent registration came.

In this era, as long as you can find it, gold is everywhere.

In the wave of trademark registrations last year, Shen Guanglin was disgusted and registered many trademarks that are familiar to future generations.

Mercedes-Benz, BMW, Volkswagen, and Apple are already under his banner, and the "Great Wall" he is using is of course no exception.

Shen Guanglin has thought about it, you can use these trademarks if you want, just spend money to buy them.

However, this is just a thought.

Because, others really use it, and sometimes he doesn't have a particularly good way.

For example, there are too many companies called "Great Wall" now, and most of them are state-owned enterprises, so Shen Guanglin can't compete.

As powerful as Shen Guanglin, he could only keep his head silent.

Let's pretend that these companies don't exist, and when they find out one day and want to register a trademark, they find out, oh ho, it has been registered.

You said dead or not?
As for shouting, call whoever you like, anyway, the trademark is mine, and you can no longer register it.

This time when Shen Guanglin came back, he brought back a few of the latest computers from Citigroup. They were not PCs from the computer giant IBM, but "Macintosh" released by Apple.

This computer is also the world's first personal computer with a graphical user interface. It is very friendly and subverts the industry tradition. It is also equipped with a mouse.

Now Jobs is still a handsome guy without a beard, really handsome, looks like a movie star.

Shen Guanglin saw the demo advertisement of a beautiful woman with a sledgehammer when he was shopping, and immediately went to buy a few and came back.

A large part of the reason why this Apple computer is so popular is that it has made such a classic good advertisement.

It's a pity that there is no Internet yet, and you can't play League of Legends, otherwise it would be more perfect.

Of course, in this era, you can eat chicken.

Eating chicken is a popular game, popular all over the world, and has been popular for thousands of years.

Another reason why Shen Guanglin came back from Citigroup in such a hurry was that the name of their company was really used by someone. It was a computer technology company, and the computer brand they developed was called "Great Wall".

The staff of Great Wall Electric is asking whether we should sue them.

It's better not to, since they want to use it, let them use it, maybe they have used the Great Wall longer than us.

This pit has been occupied for a long time, and it is your own.

And the reason why they discovered that someone else used the "Great Wall" brand department was also because of reports in the media: a new computer product was developed by a subsidiary of the Computer Bureau of the Ministry of Electronics, and the name of the product was "Great Wall 0520CH".

Shen Guanglin didn't study computers, and he didn't know the development history of Great Wall Computer. He only knew that this computer company didn't seem to have developed, but the monitors they produced were quite famous.

Shen Guanglin didn't know that this was Huaxia's first self-assembled personal computer.

10M hard drive, 256K memory, and 8-inch display, this configuration has surpassed the current IBM PC and NEC 980.

Moreover, it is equipped with a Chinese translation function, which is similar to the Chinese card that helped Shi Yuzhu make a fortune.

Now the hardware configuration of the computer is really too low. If you want to use other functions, you need to add peripheral units. Hanka is one of the language conversion programs.

After the Pentium 486 appeared, the hardware configuration of the computer finally came up, and the operating system became more powerful as a result.

Microsoft integrated the Chinese character processing function in their Windows 3.2 operating system, and there was no additional cost, so the Chinese card was eliminated.

Presumably, the fall of the giant and Lao Shi's first bankruptcy, in addition to building a building, must also be the reason why Hanka cannot be sold.

In fact, Huaxia has been studying Chinese character display for a long time, and the most successful person in this area is Lianxiang.

Since about 1968, Mr. Ni Guangnan, who later became an academician, began to study the associative Chinese character input method.

Last year, that is, in 1983, they developed the "LX-80 Chinese character graphics microcomputer" using the Z80 chip.

At that time, when this device was newly released, Shen Guanglin, as a colleague who was researching Chinese character input, joined in the fun and bought two sets, and he bought them with foreign exchange, which was considered to support the national industry.

To be honest, our computer level is not backward in this era, it is just a lack of research and development funds, and many things will become obsolete if left alone.

Since the 60s, only a few countries in the world have been able to independently design and manufacture computers, and we are one of them.

Like the University of National Defense Science and Technology, they have always had the world's leading computers. Even in later generations, Tianhe-[-] is the fastest computing computer in the world.

The "LX-80 Chinese character graphics microcomputer" developed by Lianxiang last year received a warm welcome from various units as soon as it was launched. They produced and sold more than 600 units that year, and Liu Gan of their computer institute is responsible for sales and docking. and aftermarket.

Since Shen Guanglin has the ownership of the Wubi Chinese character input method, they want to use it, but they don't give money, so they often come here to grind, and they get used to it after going back and forth.

No money was given last year, but this year the input method has been registered as a patent. Will you pay?
Shen Guanglin said, let's not need money, let's promote for free.

In fact, sometimes free things are the most expensive, for example, women.

I heard that Shen Guanglin's laboratory bought a few different computers. The ones with view windows can play chess, draw pictures, and read files.

People in the industry are going crazy, and everyone wants to see it.

It's not surprising that Liu Gan from the Computer Research Institute came here to take a look.

Naturally, Shen Guanglin would not be stingy, just watch and play casually, and if it breaks, we will still have new ones.

Of course, Shen Guanglin knew that this Liu Gan was another historical celebrity, and a historical celebrity full of controversy.

The "Lianxiang" Chinese card was developed by Mr. Ni, and the "Lianxiang" company also made a fortune by relying on this technology.

But after the company developed, Mr. Ni, the person in charge of technology, was excluded from the company's door, and this technology company completely turned into a trading company.

However, there were so many computer companies back then, and everyone was almost on the same starting line, even including "Founder of Beijing University" and "Wudaokou Ziguang". Why did they succeed in the end? Of course, there are inevitable factors for their development.

After playing around, it was time for lunch. Shen Guanglin treated guests to dinner in the laboratory, and the two of them didn't drink.

"Professor Shen, I heard that you are the chief scientist of Great Wall Electric?"

In fact, this name is self-proclaimed by Shen Guanglin. Internally, he is called "Boss Shen", but externally, he is indeed the "Chief Scientist".

"It's just a title, it doesn't really matter."

Shen Guanglin is very humble, which has become his habit.

"I see that the most popular TV set in Beijing is also from your Great Wall brand. Is this also produced by your Jinmen Electric? We want to order a batch of computer monitors. I wonder if you can do it?"

Liu Gan's words must have a purpose, not aimlessly. The monitors they bought from Bangzi are very valuable.

"Of course we can do it, but our TVs are not produced by Jinmen Company, but in Shencheng. However, we are also considered to be in the same production system, so we can communicate with each other."

The TV production line is similar to monitors. They are all cathode ray monitors. Shen Guanglin even invested in color monitors and color TV factories in Shencheng. After all, there are still many years before the arrival of the LCD era, so we can wait slowly.

Finally, the era of computers has arrived.

(End of this chapter)

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