Chapter 331 Teacher
It is March [-]rd of the year again.

This is a traditional day for outings and field battles, Shen Guanglin did not go, he took Li Rong to the train station to pick up people.

His cousin's family is finally coming over.

In the future, my cousin and aunt will settle in the capital for a long time, but my uncle will not. He still has his own work to do. After all, he is a full-time employee of the country, so he can't lose it.

Even, one day he was still waiting for his son to take over.

This is the first time they have come to the capital, and they are full of curiosity about everything in the capital, which is almost the same as our Jinling.

They are all in the capital city, how much difference can there be.

Even in later generations, the difference in city appearance between the two cities is not that big.

When you come to the capital, you naturally want to have a good time, but your studies are important, so hurry up and send your cousin to school.

After reducing the burden, Shen Guanglin and Li Rong took their uncle and aunt for a serious stroll.

The young master reported to school the next day.

To be honest, Teacher Han immediately regretted calling Shen Houdao to the capital.

Just by passing an entrance exam, she felt that her life had been severely challenged.

At the beginning, I made sure that Xiao Shen's grades must be good, because he is the younger brother of Professor Shen Guanglin.

You don't think that Professor Shen is a genius, how could his younger brother be worse.

Where is the difference?To heaven.

Shen Guanglin knew that in order to grant school status to his cousin, he also knew that he could eat people's mouths and take people's hands softly.

He donated some sports facilities to the school in time, including basketball stands, football stands, table tennis tables and the like, and even set up a fund to help poor students.

Based on the above conditions, the school reluctantly allowed Shen Houdao to enroll. After all, there is no distinction between teaching and learning.

Who would have thought that student Shen's academic performance would be so unbearable.

Ask him, and he is plausible: My family has six acres of fertile land by Xuanwu Lake, and there are countless ancestral treasures in my family. My cousin said that I can eat for three generations without going to work. Why do I work so hard?

In fact, according to Shen Houdao's intention, he went to a junior technical secondary school and then married a beautiful wife.

The result is that Shen Guanglin insists on him going to high school, he doesn't like it, and he is rebelling here.

This brat had already studied well, and even got into a junior technical secondary school, but his family refused to let him study, which is annoying!
In fact, in this era, technical secondary schools are really more difficult than high schools, and many of those who can go to technical secondary schools are excellent talents.

On the day Shen Houdao entered school, Mr. Han came to visit his home.

If you don't come, you can't do it. It's important to save the sick and save the sick.

Shen Guanglin arranged for his uncle and the others to live in a small three-bedroom apartment with an area of ​​100 square meters. Anyway, there will be two people who will often stay in the capital in the future, and it is very comfortable to live in.

Teacher Han looked at another brand new house, and was very greedy, but when she saw Xiao Shen's report card, she immediately became sober again.

There is no division of subjects in the first year of high school. Chinese and mathematics are 120 points, and English, physics, chemistry, biology, history, geography, and politics are each 100 points.

With a total score of 940 points, student Xiao Shen scored 260 points in the test, which is simply embarrassing.

Teacher Han has seen Shen Houdao's high school entrance examination report card, it's not bad, it's not as bad as imagined, what has he been doing in the past six months of high school?
What else can I do, because the high school lives on campus, and no one cares about it.

Like Xiao Shuang, he let himself go.

Shen Guanglin didn't speak, but saw the blue veins on his uncle Shen Longxian's forehead start to twitch, and immediately knew something bad was going to happen, so he locked the door behind him by helping the teacher pour water.

Uncle may be old, he looks a little like Parkinson's, his hands were shaking badly, and he fumbled to untie his armed belt.

the sun is always behind the storm.

The uncle handed Shen Guanglin the armed belt that had already been fringed with fur: "Guanglin, I will leave it to you for your brother. Your aunt and I are still young, and I think we can work harder."

Shen Guanglin took over Shangfang's sword solemnly, so he couldn't say anything more, let's continue to talk about learning, right?

Otherwise what can we do?

This year, Laoshan and Zheyinshan are fighting again, should we send him there to experience it?

Shen Guanglin knew what Teacher Han was thinking from Teacher Wei. She actually wanted to live here, but she couldn't speak.

This is also simple, as long as Xiao Shen's academic performance can be improved, everything is easy to talk about.

"Mr. Han, I want to entrust you with something."

"Ah, tell me." Teacher Han hid in the corner of the sofa and watched TV, the cup of tea he was holding was almost soaked.

Sometimes life is better than TV.

"Mr. Han, look, there is only one young man in our family now, and the hope of the whole family is on him. Can you please take up some extra-curricular time to help him make up lessons." Shen Guanglin said very earnestly, he felt that The cousin can still be saved, and the uncle's idea of ​​having a second child should be extinguished as soon as possible.

"It's okay to make up lessons, I'm happy to do so, but I can only make up one course." After all, Teacher Han has a tender face, and he doesn't know how to refuse.

Shen Guanglin is used to being the leader of the laboratory, and he is very good at assigning tasks:

"You can see if this works. Let's set up a learning action group. You are the leader of the team. The purpose is to improve his studies. My cousin's foundation is not too bad, but he has relaxed recently.

Moreover, let's not study those science subjects. Let's start with liberal arts and overtake on curves.The courses to be supplemented in the future are Chinese, mathematics, English, history, geography, and politics.You are familiar with the school, how about hiring some teachers for me?I will pay the fee, money is not a problem. "

"However, my teaching task is also very heavy, and I have a family to take care of, so I'm afraid I can't do it." Thinking of Xiao Shen's grades, Teacher Han felt a lot of pressure.

"In this way, for the convenience of management, I see that the house next door is also vacant. Anyway, no one lives in it, so it is idle. How about I help you apply for an employee's accommodation? The rent for this small apartment is only 25 , and the unit’s subsidy happens to be 25, oh, it’s equal!”

"Okay, let me go back and think about it. If you want other teachers to make up lessons, how do you think you should pay them?"

In fact, in this day and age, there are also private tutors, and they are paid. Not to mention others, even Mr. Taizu has a good-looking private tutor.

"Then do you think it's better to give money or food? If you give money, how about two yuan for a class? If you give food, the vegetables upstairs, or meat, eggs, milk, etc., are all fine."

That's how things settled.

There still needs to be a backbone in the family, otherwise the little bastard will get in troubled waters.

Through previous education, everyone felt that Shen Houdao could be learned well.

Even, the uncle and aunt once thought that he had already learned it well, but unexpectedly, he changed back again.

It's time for brothers to talk.

There is a generation gap between the elders, but not between us brothers.

Shen Guanglin had wanhua oil at home, so he asked Li Rong to get it, and he applied it himself.

"Brother, it's not ashamed to have bad grades. But, I still think you can go to a good university? Even if you can't go to Beijing University, at least you can go to Wudaokou Technical School?"

"Can I pass the exam?"

"It doesn't matter if you don't pass the exam. If you don't pass the exam, we will go to Xiangjiang University. We have a relationship there."

The bear child finally felt at ease, and began to think about the way to go in the future.

"No, why do you buy a plane ticket for my dad, or once a month?"

"The air ticket is cheap, it's only 86. I can't be close to each other. I can't separate your father and son from each other. You should communicate more with your father and son. If you study well and get your test results every month, your uncle just comes to the capital. Isn't this the deepening of the father-son relationship?"


"Don't worry, go to bed early."

Shen Guanglin actually didn't want to do this either.

It is said that parents are the best teachers for children.

Dad is his son's role model and his son's pride. Shen Guanglin did this for his own good, so that he could not hold his head up in front of his son.

(End of this chapter)

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