Start with a college teacher

Chapter 332 Women's University 1

Chapter 332
Ever since my uncle's family came over, the capital city has become much more lively.

Lao Li and Lao Shen hit it off right away, Shen Guanglin has no parents "alive", and his uncle and aunt are the closest elders.

When the two of them get together, they have a feeling of seeing their children and relatives.

If it wasn't for making up lessons for Shen Houdao, my mother-in-law would have invited my aunt to live here at Fuyuanmen.

In fact, they all like this antique courtyard, and Shen Guanglin also likes to live here, but Li Rong prefers the modern decoration style of Tiangong No. [-].

The fighting in the south has been fierce recently, and the three men will inevitably point out the country when drinking.

The rocket that Shen Guanglin helped develop at the beginning played a big role.

This low-cost, easy-to-carry disposable weapon played a great role in overcoming difficulties. Once it was fried, it was a large piece, and the fried South Vietnamese devils cried their fathers and mothers.

Now, many people in Lao Li's unit are clamoring for Shen Guanglin to go back and continue to develop new weapons.

However, according to Shen Guanglin's current status, he is a scientist, and it is probably impossible to go back and do this.

Shen Guanglin really doesn't want to touch the weapon research and development anymore. After all, he has his own business, and he has to go abroad frequently, so he should try his best to do as little as possible.

However, Lao Li shouldn't have retired so early, he's still young and vigorous, he shouldn't be like this.

"Uncle Li, why have you left the front line of weapon research and development?"

"I'm so tired. Didn't you see that my hair has turned black since I stopped making weapons? Besides, my hairline hasn't receded further. People, when you get older, you have to obey the old age. Now you are young It’s a world of people, I drink tea, go fishing, eat barbecue, it’s pretty good.”

This salty fish idea is hard to get!

They didn't mention the matter of weapons research and development again.

Later, when his uncle returned to Jinling, he told Shen Guanglin one thing, why Lao Li didn't go to the front line of weapon research and development.

Because, Lao Li just didn't want Shen Guanglin to get too involved in this field, lest he be kidnapped and affect his scientific research career, so Lao Li left his beloved career.

It was for Shen Guanglin that Lao Li gave up the position he had worked for for decades so that Shen Guanglin's scientific research career would not be affected by him.

Shen Guanglin's nose suddenly felt a little sour, and he felt sorry for the parents of the world. Lao Li is not yet a father, but he is already calling himself his father-in-law.

Comrade Lao Li really has a heart!
The three of them often drink together, and sometimes they get tired of talking about the war, and occasionally they talk about other things.

Here, they talked about another thing, that is, the whole people actively condolences to the laborers.

Shen Guanglin was not to be outdone. On behalf of Capital University, he donated a batch of anti-mosquito medicine to the frontline troops, which was considered a token of appreciation.

However, some lovely laborers are literally risking their lives.

Now that the battle on the front line of Laoshan Zheyin Mountain is in full swing, the actors of the Army Song and Dance Troupe are not afraid of sacrifice and risk their lives to go to the front line to perform as condolences.

Every time they go to a performance, they have to explain the funeral and arrange who will be the next person in charge.

This kind of thing, only in this era, is particularly touching.

Shen Guanglin remembers that Wei Wei wrote an article "Who is the cutest person". In this era, there are still a group of cutest people. They are still throwing their heads and blood, for the stability and unity of the country, and for the happiness of the people. At the expense of his own life.

"It is said that our artillery has an overwhelming advantage, isn't that right, Uncle Li?"

Lao Li is of course clear about this matter: "Of course! We have the most advanced radar weapons of this era, which directly stunned the South Vietnamese devils. At that time, the two sides were fighting, and our side fired 30 seconds after the enemy fired. As a result, the enemy’s shells have not landed, and our counterattack shells have already landed on their heads.”

Uncle Shen Longxian doesn't know much about weapons, so he has nothing else to praise him, so he can only say:
"It's so fucking enjoyable!"

Lao Li took a sip of his wine, and then proudly asked Shen Guanglin, "Do you know what kind of radar this is? We may imitate this weapon next."

Not to mention, Shen Guanglin really knew.

After all, he studied aerospace, and he actually learned about radar, and he really knew what kind of radar we used during the Southern War.

Now this matter is still a military secret, but 40 years later, this kind of information will not be called bad street, but as long as you want to find it, you can find it.

"It's just a little thing about radar? Uncle Li, you don't have to be fooled. Now I know the most advanced radar in the world, let alone this one. We are using Eagle's domestically produced Singling artillery emplacement reconnaissance radar, aren't we? I am a top scientist in the world, even if it is military technology, as long as I want to understand, I can understand many things."

"Hey, I have some skills. Do you know how this radar works? If we want to imitate it, where should we start?"

Of course Shen Guanglin knew, this is actually a math problem for high school students, as long as you know the principle, it is not mysterious at all.

"This is a phased radar, and its principle is not simple."

Shen Guanglin stopped drinking, took a piece of paper, and immediately began to scribble casually:

"When the shells fired by the enemy's artillery enter the radar's horizontal scanning sector area, the phased array panel antenna immediately emits a vertical Y-axis tracking beam to automatically track the flight trajectory of the shells. Then, in a short time, continuously measure a After the coordinate parameters of the points on the trajectory of the shell, the radar fire control computer immediately deduces the coordinates of the starting point of the parabolic flight trajectory, which is the position of the enemy's artillery firing position."

In fact, Shen Guanglin can do this kind of procedure himself, he just doesn't know how to do radar.

Shen Guanglin just bought a few computers with good performance, and the computing center that uses them for phase control radar is out of his wits. It is not difficult at all to complete this simple programming program.

This matter really touched Lao Li's heart immediately.

"You make the program first, and I'll ask someone to fetch it, no, it's for the scriptures."

"Okay, as long as it doesn't kill a chicken to extract the essence."

Uncle and aunt played in the capital for a week, and the aunt wanted to stay in the capital to accompany his cousin, so he went back by himself, after all, he had work to do.

Xiao Shen regained his freedom.

Because everyone is in Tiangong No. [-], they live upstairs and downstairs, and the two brothers still talk a lot.

Shen Houdao asked Shen Guanglin why he wasn't married yet. He was almost 30 years old, and there are three ways to be unfilial.

Shen Guanglin can only say that because Li Rong hasn't graduated yet, she will probably get married when she graduates.

"Don't lie. Some college students come to study with their children. How can they get married early? According to me, just marry any girl you like. Why hesitate? If you hesitate too much, the girl is someone else. It's gone."

"Do you have this experience?"


"Oh, I'll tell my uncle immediately when I turn around."

"No, I beg you!"

Shen Houdao was studying in the middle school attached to Wudaokou Technical School. Their school was next to the university, so they could go to Wudaokou University for food, and life was considered convenient.

The two laughed and laughed, and Shen Guanglin asked Xiao Shen: "It's been half a month since you came here to study, is there any girl you like?"

"Yes!" Shen Hou said bluntly.

"Which one? I'll go see it some other day and give you some advice." Shen Guanglin is very concerned about Xiao Shen's affairs, and he cares about his cousin's love life in every possible way.

"She's not a student, she's the waitress in our compound. When she smiles, I feel like I can't speak anymore. Can this house be given to me? I'll marry her when I drop out." Xiao Shen is not kind at all. , also learned YY.

I go!Is this love at first sight?
"No! You can't be together!" Shen Guanglin naturally opposed this marriage.


"You are still young, and you still need to study, besides, your age is not appropriate."

"Why is it inappropriate, she is only one year older than me."

"Isn't there a common saying, it's called a female freshman, not a wife."

(End of this chapter)

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