Start with a college teacher

Chapter 334 Computers

Chapter 334 Computers
Of course the two didn't fight, and Fujiwara didn't give up.

He didn't even mind that Shen Guanglin and Li Li lived together that day, and kindly invited Shen Guanglin to his house as a guest.

Shen Guanglin's mind is very confused, are we rivals in love, please don't do this.

Also put a few harsh words or something.

However, he still decided to go to the home of the "rival in love" to take a look, just to see how expensive this nobleman is.

Li Li didn't follow, she was still preparing to defend, she was a little embarrassed, Shen Guanglin went alone.

Fujiwara's house is neither far nor close to Kyoto. It is a very old house and a very old-fashioned family.

The house is about hundreds of years old and has a pure wooden structure. It's a pity that no incendiary bombs were dropped here during World War II.

It's good for Li Mei to take care of here casually when the fire is attacking.

Shen Guanglin came from afar as a guest, and immediately received warm hospitality from the other party after he introduced his resume.

People are really different.

Disrespect disrespectful!

People like Shen Guanglin, no matter where they go, are the honored guests of the host's family.

Even Fujiwara's father, Old Fujiwara, came over to salute Shen Guanglin and express his gratitude to him for being a guest at Fujiwara's house.

This respect for knowledge is rare.

Sometimes I have to say that the etiquette of Fusang people is terribly cumbersome. Shen Guanglin came here, and there was no one to guide him. He was like a piece of wood.

Knowing that Shen Guanglin could not stand such red tape, the old Fujiwara soon retired, leaving the rest of the time to the young people.

Little Fujiwara is also quite surprised that Li Li's boyfriend Shen Sang is such a powerful person.

At first, he just wanted to see what was so special about this gentleman, that he was able to win the hearts of beauties, but he didn't expect that he was not only extraordinary, but also passed so much.

At this stage, Fujiwara can only apologize again and again, it's presumptuous, I really didn't mean to offend.

In fact, there is no real offense, after all, the corner of the wall has not been dug.

Then came a solemn and complicated lunch, which turned out to be noodles.

That's right, simple noodles.

There are some condiments, but the portions are very small, and they are divided into meals. Some of these food are delicious, and some are not. Generally speaking, Shen Guanglin doesn't feel too full.

After dinner, Fujiwara began to introduce the family members, including his fiancée Akinako Ono and younger sister Fujiwara Kawasaki.

I'll go, no wonder this guy doesn't mind Li Li having a boyfriend at all, he just looks at what's in the bowl and eats what's in the pot, ready to eat wild food.

Fujiwara also explained that he was just enjoying the process of pursuing girls, as to whether he was able to pursue it, it was up to fate.

Even if he really catches up with her, he can't marry her because of family restrictions.

Shen Guanglin is really envious of this scumbag-like lifestyle.

Especially looking at this guy's free and easy pretense, Shen Guanglin really wanted to beat him up.

However, Fujiwara also promised again and again that he would definitely not harass Li Li in the future, and he used the family honor as a guarantee.

In addition, Fujiwara's younger sister, named Fujiwara Xiang, is now in her boudoir, so she can get to know her better.

Kazuki Fujiwara is also studying in Kyoto, but not at Kyoto University. She is only a freshman this year. She smiles, and she is really a Huya girl.

The relationship was so messed up that Shen Guanglin couldn't handle it.

He was still a rival in love at first, but now he is going to be a brother-in-law again.

Although there is a sense of history here, Shen Guanglin is not used to it. Although the cultures of Huaxia and Fusang are in the same line, there are still many differences.

However, Fujiwara also said that his family not only has the accumulation of time, but also has very trendy toys here.

What kind of trendy method?

Therefore, Fujiwara invited Shen Guanglin to play the game that young people like most.

Shen was very moved.

I have long heard that the decadent upper class of Fusang is unbearable. Let me see how corrupt and open it really is.

Moreover, Fujiwara's fiancée and younger sister also joined in.

I go!This is much more exciting than Blonde Heaven.

What a shame!But I'm so looking forward to it.

Fujiwara led the way, and they pushed the door into another room, a room specially built for the game.

The room is very empty, except for the sofa, there are only a few TV sets, and there are no fitness props such as red rope horizontal bars.

Then, Fujiwara took out two cardboard boxes, opened them, and I'm going!Red and white game consoles!

This is the red and white machine launched by Nintendo in 1983.

It's not the kind of game Shen Guanglin imagined, bad review!

What's so fun about the Famicom?

Super Mario, Contra, Tank Wars.
Seeing the three of Fujiwara cheerfully turning on the red and white machine and assembling it on the TV, Shen Guanglin was already a little speechless.

So naive, it turns out that in this era, Fusang already had an otaku culture.

Turn on the power and the game begins.

Every time a level is passed, the two girls will cheer there, brother Fujiwara is so amazing!
"Chen Sang, do you want to try?"

Shen Guanglin may not be able to play other games, but who can be his opponent when playing Super Mario?

Super Mario has a total of 8 major levels, and each major level has 4 small levels, adding up to 32 levels.

This has long been revealed in later generations. Shen Guanglin knows the hidden mushrooms of each level, and he is familiar with the way, all the way through the level to the end, without any gaming experience.

A group of people were stunned. You developed this game, right?
Shen Guanglin smiled charmingly, without explaining.

The strong are naturally omnipotent.

However, Shen Guanglin looked at the red and white computer in his hand, and there was actually "Family Computer" printed on the box, which was a gimmick, and Fusang people could do it too.

Suddenly, he thought of another thing that could make money.

That's right, it's the legendary little overlord.

The appearance of Xiaobawang is actually a kind of pioneering work. It combines the red and white machine with the keyboard. I don't know who came up with the idea.

This is indeed possible, the cost is very low, but it is very profitable, and it can be sold together with a TV.

After reaping a wave of profits in the early stage, later on, if you buy a TV, you will get a learning machine. After a few years, should VCD come out?

Now the cheapest computer costs more than 2 yuan, but how much is a TV set?

If it is a black and white TV, it only costs a few hundred yuan, and if you add a red and white machine, it will only cost 1000 yuan.

As for the manufacturing cost of the red and white machine, it does not cost more than making a keyboard.

Sure enough, some people do it!
We will not sell game consoles in the future, we will sell computers.

It is also very simple to transform a Nintendo into a learning machine. The functional chip is the same, just make an extra keyboard.

At that time, just develop a few learning cards, perfect!
In addition to learning cards, if the designed learning machine can interface with Nintendo's red and white machines, the sales will definitely be better.

Thinking of this, Shen Guanglin couldn't help but want to go back to China.

After leaving and returning, Shen Guanglin has been working on making learning machines, and it is more convenient to use this to promote Wubi.

As expected, Fujiwara kept his word. He never harassed Li Li again, but Shen Guanglin still felt a sense of crisis. He felt that the firewall he built was not deep enough.

However, if he wanted to build it thicker, he had no spare money on hand.

It’s nothing else to blame, but the real estate in Fusang is really too expensive. Now that Fusang is at the peak of the bubble economy, buying a house is too uneconomical.

If you really want to improve your quality of life and widen the gap with ordinary people, you can only buy more personal consumer goods.

Shen Guanglin bought a lot of diamond necklaces, famous watches, famous bags, and famous clothes, just to celebrate Li Li's successful graduation.

Anyway, the money is also earned from giving lectures, and it is not wasted.

The life of the rich is so simple and unpretentious. If you don’t buy one lipstick, you can buy a set. You can change a color every day, and you can use it for half a year.

Li Li didn't like these at first, she was a quiet and elegant girl, she didn't have much pursuit of material life, but, in front of the dazzling decorations, she couldn't help but choose a few to wear.

A sword is given to a strong man, and beautiful jade is given to a beautiful woman.

(End of this chapter)

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