Start with a college teacher

Chapter 335 Blind Date

Chapter 335 Blind Date
Li Li still graduated and entered the next stage of her life.

Fusang's graduation ceremony is different from other people's. They don't wear bachelor's uniform easily.

Women will wear national costumes and kimonos, but men are casual, just wear a suit.

After attending the graduation ceremony, the next step is to formally study for graduate school. Anyway, Makoto Xiaolin can go to the laboratory at any time, so there is no need to worry. Taking advantage of this time, it is time to go back to the capital.

This time, Li Li came back alone. Shen Guanglin has something to do. He is going to develop his learning machine, so he will not go back for the time being.

Good guys are ambitions everywhere.

In fact, everyone knew that he avoided it on purpose, because he didn't want to see the embarrassment of the three of them together.

Shen Guanglin first went to Xiangjiang and then to Shencheng.

After arriving in Shencheng, he organized people to disassemble the red and white machine, and started his "reverse engineering" journey.

The so-called reverse engineering is a process of reproduction of product design technology.That is to carry out reverse analysis and research on a target product, so as to deduce and obtain the design elements such as the processing flow, organizational structure, functional characteristics and technical specifications of the product, so as to produce products with similar functions but not exactly the same.

Everyone is familiar with this job.

Our weapon research and development actually started from reverse engineering, and some technological products are of course no exception.

However, Shen Guanglin's electrical appliance manufacturing factory is still too young, not very professional, and there are too few technical personnel.

Although, since 1983, some people have entered the sea one after another, but they went to the sea to be their own bosses and make a lot of money, not to work in private enterprises as technicians.

If there is no reason to have to leave, who would resign?

In the end, the reverse engineering was done by the team in Singapore.

Now, the flow mechanism of domestic talents is really bad.

The state has taken over the distribution work and monopolized the right to distribute talents. As a result, talents cannot flow to companies like Shen Guanglin at all.

If Shen Guanglin's company wants to develop, it can only try to find some talents through some crooked ways. The means to maintain a living are good, and innovation is almost meaningless.

Sometimes, we have to face up to the gap. At present, most of the management and technical personnel of Great Wall Electric are trained by Xiangjiang, and there are still too few native talents.

Lin Wenwei is also a good talent. The foundry he established in Singapore is really good. At least the technical ability is acceptable. In addition, the technical difficulty of the red and white machine is really not high. Soon, they will make the whole process cracked out.

Next, the most important thing is the product idea.

That's right, creativity!
What Shen Guanglin lacks most is creativity.

Under the guise of a learning machine, using a keyboard as a peripheral is a unique invention of the Chinese people, and it has never appeared in other countries in the world.

Probably, they don't understand what it means to sell dog meat.

In Nintendo's game consoles, the most difficult thing is not technology, but content, game content.

This is also easy to handle. Now there are arcade machines everywhere in Xiangjiang, just copy their game content directly. The big deal is that we don’t make genuine discs, and only pirated ones can be rampant for 20 years.

Just when Shen Guanglin was thinking about how to expand his business territory, Li Li also arrived home.

She is so good-looking, and there are people who strike up a conversation all the way on the plane, but she doesn't talk to anyone.

The aloofness of beautiful women is all fed by licking dogs.

The plane landed, the long-lost motherland, long-lost!
On the way back, she had been feeling overwhelmed. What did she learn after going out for four years?Can it build the four modernizations for the country, and do you want to come back?

Thoughts are complicated.

Even though Li Li is a person with introverted feelings, she shed tears of joy when she saw her sister.

long time no see.

In fact, the two people often call and write letters, and they have a certain understanding of each other's situation.

However, Li Li was still surprised to see that Li Rong was able to hold the steering wheel of the Mercedes-Benz with one hand.

Is the country already this rich?Such cars are rare in Fusang.

"Sister, you are not the same as before."

Li Rong loves driving the most. She used to ride a three-wheeled motorcycle on a rampage, but now she has a car, and her style remains the same as before.

"Lily, you are not the same as before." Li Rong took off her sunglasses and replied calmly

"It's different."

"grown up."

That celestial girl from Lao Li's family is back!
This is the most popular sentence in the family academy of the Ordnance Institute.

They moved back from Fuyuanmen on purpose, just to let Li Li experience the barrier of not having a home and experience the warmth of home again.

Success in school!

After returning from studying abroad, it is natural to have a drink to celebrate.

This was the custom throughout the 80s. Most of the weddings and funerals would not go to restaurants, and they were all done by themselves.

Find a few tables from this house, find some stools from that house, and gather some bowls and chopsticks, and the banquet is set up like this.

The food was bought by Lao Li himself, and his small coffers are very full now.

Because, it is rare for him to spend his own money on weekdays, and he eats and drinks with the biological base.

This time, he was also bleeding heavily. He bought a pig with his own money, just to let his relatives and friends eat well and have enough.

With Lao Li's status and status, since there was going to be a display of wine, there were naturally a lot of people who came to drink.

However, it is not possible to calculate the accounts carefully, and it must be a loss if the accounts are calculated carefully.

Because, after this banquet, not to mention the food cost, two bottles of Moutai will be provided for each table, which will cost more than ten yuan.

However, the old girl is back, she is just happy, what can you do?

This drink was bought by Li Rong. Since you have to pay for it yourself, it will also cost you to go to Fuyuanmen or the biological base to choose vegetables.

This is a matter of principle.

Old Li's house held a banquet to celebrate, but Li Li did not show up. She didn't like this, and hid in Shen Guanglin's laboratory by herself, reading books and doing experiments.

It turned out that this was Shen Guanglin's laboratory, and the conditions were really good.

Footballene, nanomaterials, carbon nanotubes, are these world-shocking discoveries made here?

Sometimes she doesn't quite understand the world of geniuses, so let's concentrate on studying her own theoretical particle model.

After all, she is one of Shen Guanglin's closest people, and Teacher Shen will not hide anything from her, but according to her feeling, Shen Guanglin's qualifications should be average, and even worse than her own in some aspects.

But where did his fantastic ideas come from?

Li Li didn't even know, it was because of her unfounded suspicions that Shen Guanglin never talked to her about professional issues.

The two of them either create human beings, talk about business if they want to talk about the national economy and people's livelihood, talk about the corruption and decay of the Western world, talk about the hypocrisy and cunning of the Fusang people, and talk about the greatness and integrity of Professor Shen. In short, it is right not to talk about physics.

What Shen Guanglin said is also reasonable. The two of us study physics. If there is a disagreement on the above, which affects the relationship between the two of us, it is not good.

On the second day after the celebration banquet ended, someone brought a duckling to the door, not for anything else, but for a blind date.

The person who came was Lao Li's former leader and one of the founders of the Ordnance Institute. His surname was Zhao. His qualifications were much older than Lao Li's, but he was still incomparable with the old man.

Leader Zhao used to be the deputy director, and he was also a Hong Xiaobing, with a lot of experience.Now that he has retired for many years, he is fond of his grandchildren. This time he brought his grandson with him, for no other reason than to be rejected by others.

Sure enough, at the dinner table, Lao Li served a glass of wine respectfully: "Director Zhao, I would like to respect you for a glass. The achievements of our ordnance industry today are due to seniors like you."

Old Zhao's jujube bark-like face cracked open, and a smile began to bloom.

"Xiao Li, it's young people's world now. I've stepped out of the stage of history. You can continue to play for a few more years. The future belongs to them."

Old Zhao pointed to his grandson, and proudly introduced, "This is my eldest grandson, Zhao Danyang, who came back from studying in Yugoslavia. I heard that your daughter came back from studying in Fusang, and I want to come here to ask for advice."

"Oh, unfortunately, Lily went out to read a book and is not at home today."

"It's okay uncle, I'll come back tomorrow."

The next day, even though Lao Li told her that someone was coming to visit, Li Li still chose to go out to read.

Sure enough, it was empty again.

Day three.

Fourth day

Zhao Danyang found the laboratory that Li Li went to every day. He also majored in science and engineering, was very interested in physics, and wanted to come in and study.

(End of this chapter)

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