Chapter 336
On the first day Zhao Danyang appeared in the laboratory, Shen Guanglin got the news.

This phone call is not easy to make, the line is busy when you make a call, and the line is still busy when you call again. In this era, the call transfers are all manual services, and the efficiency is really not good, unless it is a dedicated line, but that is the treatment of a big leader.

Shen Guanglin's students spent a lot of effort in order to report the letter.

For nothing else, how could such a good-looking girl be touched by someone outside, this person is too shameless.

Moreover, some students with older qualifications also know a little about the past. Teacher Shen seems to have chased after a senior sister from the physics department. The relationship is more complicated, so let's be cautious.

As soon as Shen Guanglin heard the students' reports, he immediately became angry.

I wiped it, and the pick-up girls came to my base camp.

Shen Guanglin made a special statement: From the next day, this person is not allowed to come in again. If he dares to break in, he should be beaten out, so as not to kill anyone.

Then, the security department really hit people.

Shen Guanglin never thought that the security personnel in the laboratory would have such a strong execution ability.

It is a matter of loyalty to the king to eat the king's salary.

Shen Guanglin did indeed say that if something goes wrong, if you can’t stay in our laboratory, you can go to Great Wall Biology, if you can’t stay in Beijing, you can go to Jinmen’s Great Wall Electric, anyway, there will always be one of you. place.

This is full of steel backing.

The people in the security department thought about it. It was a big mistake to let Zhao Danyang in yesterday. This kind of confidential place and this kind of outsider should not come in.

Today, they will correct this mistake with their own hands.

Zhao Danyang easily sneaked in yesterday, and he actually read books with Li Li for a whole day.

Li Li reads, and he reads her.

Although it is true that he may not have said a few words, but just looking at it like this, he thinks it has a special flavor, but people don't think so, it is really annoying.

The next day, which was about another ordinary day, Li Li was hesitant to come, but the guard at the gate said to cleanse her up today.

Sure enough, Zhao Danyang was just like what he did yesterday, when he reached the door of the laboratory, he pushed his bicycle and walked in, and then he was stopped.

"Comrade, which unit do you belong to? This is the laboratory."

"I'm looking for Li Li, she's reading a book inside." With yesterday's experience, Comrade Xiao Zhao is confident.

"Work permit? Pass?" Today's guards are actually the same as yesterday, but they are obviously stricter.

"I didn't, no, I was looking for someone. I went in yesterday. I was looking for Li Rong's sister, Li Li. You know, Li Rong, you are Professor Shen's partner."

It seems that Zhao Danyang has already inquired about Li Li's interpersonal relationship very clearly. He pursued Li Li in such a hurry, and he did not intend to make friends with Professor Shen.

This is probably to be Teacher Shen's brother-in-law.

"Then do you have a letter of introduction issued by the school?" The guards continued to implement the "stern and selfless" policy.

"There are so many students going in and out, why didn't you check their IDs?"

Xiao Zhao felt that they seemed to be targeting him, and he began to get angry.

"They are the students of Capital University, the Wenqu stars in the sky, and they are amazing." People with knowledge deserve to be respected, which is already the consensus of this era.

"Is there any difference? I also graduated from a prestigious school, and I still came back from studying abroad."

"That doesn't work either. You are not from Beijing University. You have nothing. Anyone can enter, but you are not allowed to enter."

In this day and age, if you are not vigorous, you are still called a young man.

Feeling that the reasoning was a little unreasonable, Zhao Danyang argued a little bit, his anger leaked out, and his words were not submissive, and then he was punched.

The so-called wrath of scholars, two dead bodies, blood spattered five steps.

Being carried in the air like a little chicken, Xiao Zhao couldn't get angry even if he wanted to.

The people in the security department have batons, electric batons, and restraint rods. What does Zhao Danyang have?He just has a bicycle.

Zhao Danyang was beaten like this, and was also sent to the police station for picking quarrels and provoking trouble.

Fortunately, the people at the police station didn't mess around with him and sent him home in time.

It was really timely, and if it was a little later, the nosebleed would have been wiped off.

Xiao Zhao's injuries were not serious, but his appearance was extremely poor, as if he had returned from the battlefield.

For him, this is simply a great shame and humiliation in life.

I didn't see my goddess, but was humiliated by the guards at the door. This kind of thing can really be investigated.

As the grandfather who loves his grandson the most, Lao Zhao was also angry when he saw this scene, how could he be so lawless!

He took Zhao Danyang to the school leaders of Capital University, and he must ask for an explanation.

Although he has retired, his rank is still there after all. Isn't it a bit too arrogant for your laboratory to beat people for no reason?

The leaders of the school returned it to the administrative staff, and the administrative staff could only come to the laboratory. What do you think of the beating?
We stand and watch.

Shen Guanglin was not there, and the people who could speak at the scene were Dou Wei and Kong Fandong, but their focus was on scientific research projects, and their minds were not on laboratory management.

The guards got Shen Guanglin's Shangfang sword, so naturally they are not too afraid. If they can't continue here, they can go to Great Wall Creatures to continue doing it.

Old Zhao was like an angry lion, roaring recklessly and relentlessly. He had to demand an apology from the laboratory and deal with the person involved.

It's not easy for the school to say anything, after all, their level is there, and it looks like this, it really needs Professor Shen to come back and deal with it.

Then, Shen Guanglin really came back.

The first thing I did when I came back was to ask what happened at the gate of the laboratory that day.

Does such a trivial matter need mobilizing people?

After Shen Guanglin came back, he didn't dare to go home, so he stayed in the laboratory, because some people were really difficult to deal with, so it's better to wait for a person to leave him before reappearing.

Hearing that Shen Guanglin was back, Lao Zhao immediately brought someone to the door again.

Shen Guanglin's attitude is very clear: My staff did not make a mistake, so there is no need to apologize.

Naturally, the school won't say anything, just handle the matter here yourself, and pay attention to the impact.

At first when they heard that Shen Guanglin was back, Lao Zhao took his grandson and immediately found the laboratory. His original purpose was probably not to pursue responsibility. After all, it was a trivial matter, just deal with the person involved. If you don't fight, you don't know each other.

However, hope is beautiful, reality is cruel.

Shen Guanglin blocked all the steps with just one sentence, offending people thoroughly.

Because he decided to protect the few "insignificant" guards.

"Is this little comrade good at creating a laboratory? Our place is a place of high secrecy, and this old gentleman used to do secrecy work. In this case, if he was not beaten to death or maimed, he would be regarded as a high incense." This is Shen Guanglin The first words spoken.

"Besides, my laboratory is full of very important experimental data, some of which involve state-secret content. If an individual can break into it, then do we still need to do our work?"

"It's just nonsense!"

Seeing that Shen Guanglin had such an attitude, Old Zhao was completely enraged.

Even the school staff were a little surprised, didn't they say that Professor Shen was indifferent to the world.

In fact, the biggest harm to Comrade Xiao Zhao is not the body, but the loss of spirit and face.

Now, Teacher Shen doesn't intend to give this face, so what can I do.

"Professor Shen, you can't say that. I went to the laboratory to find someone, not to spy on secrets. And I've been there once, and I didn't do anything."

In the past few days, Xiao Zhao's injuries have healed long ago. They are really not serious. I am worried that the injuries in his heart are still there. After all, he was carried to the police station like a pig, which is extremely insulting.

"The people in my lab don't need you to come and look for them. For some things, why don't you do it if you say you didn't do it." Shen Guanglin's words were also a little unreasonable, but what he disliked most was the person this man was looking for, not the person he was looking for. Other confidential.

"How can you talk like that? This"

"Then what should I say?"

After a short silence, Old Zhao also started to speak.

"Little comrade, the staff in your laboratory are so arrogant and domineering, is it also influenced by you? Everyone who does scientific research pays attention to both virtue and art, and talented people can't go far."

"I haven't walked far, because I'm still young. Some people who have traveled far have already crossed the bridge of Naihe in one step."

The old man was almost pissed off.

In the end, they broke up unhappy, and if there is anything else to do in the future, just come, Shen is not afraid.

When Shen Guanglin came back, the whole family got together for several meals. Li Li couldn't stay in the capital anymore, so she returned to Fusang as soon as possible.

Because, she still wants to continue studying, and it's a good excuse to put her studies first.

This time, Auntie went with her. The name is easy to find, and a business inspection is enough. Takeda Company sent an invitation letter.

Anyway, if you go abroad at your own expense, the approval procedures are more convenient.

This is not the first time for the mother-in-law to "go abroad". She also regarded the last trip to Xiangjiang as "going abroad".

Because Xiangjiang is still under the jurisdiction of the Eagle Kingdom, the joint statement of the two parties has not yet been released.

The journey from the capital to Fusang was shorter than to Xiangjiang, and the two of them soon arrived at Kyoto University.

Fusang’s living conditions are really rich. My mother-in-law thought Li Li’s life would be very difficult. I heard that foreign students go to school and work part-time to earn money at the same time. Is it true that my daughter is suffering.

However, it does not.

Not only did Li Li not endure hardship, but she also received a scholarship specially sponsored by the school. As long as she didn't squander it, she would never spend it all.

What's more, what I didn't expect was that she actually lived in a villa, which completely overturned my aunt's imagination.

"Didn't you say that studying abroad requires work-study programs? Don't you need to do dishes, wash pots, and wash dishes?"

"I'm Teacher Shen's special assistant. When he came to the school to give lectures, he insisted that I take 30% of the money, so I didn't spend all the money I had."

"What about this house?"

"This house was allocated to Mr. Shen by Kyoto University. He doesn't live there once or twice a year, so he left it for me. I spend most of my time at school, and I spend less time here."

(End of this chapter)

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