Chapter 337 Honor
Li Li left, leaving a lonely place.

The matter of Xiao Zhao's beating is not so easy to calculate, Shen Guanglin is also hasty, there should be a better way to deal with this matter, just stop people, there is no need to deliberately provoke and beat people.

But Shen Guanglin is also a young man, shouldn't he be energetic when he is young.

For these two sisters, he can't show more, everyone is reluctant to give up, feeling aggrieved, can't they be willful for a while.

Shen Guanglin insists that his employees are not at fault, and that good comrades who stick to principles must be vigorously protected.

However, some things are not so easy to calculate.

Old Zhao is a person with qualifications, after all, he was born in Hong Xiaobing, and he was said to have crossed the Naihe Bridge with one foot.

Lao Zhao has retired, but his old subordinates, his disciples and old students have not retired.

Wu Di is Lao Zhao's old subordinate and the leader of a military organization, leading a small but not small team.

Knowing the predicament of the old leader, he felt the same way, and he will not be treated like this when he retires one day.

This place must be found!
The grandson of the old leader was beaten. If there is no place to reason, how can this be done? Is there still heaven and law?

Although it is at the feet of the emperor, some people are still used to the barbaric style.

The master humiliated his ministers to death.fuck it!
Isn't it just a crappy laboratory? It's just a non-staff lab of Capital University. Just these crappy people dare to humiliate their old leaders.

It is now 1984, and the reform and opening up has entered the sixth year. There are many self-employed businesses in the name of "United", such as United Stores, United Restaurants, United Shoe Repair Stands, United Barber Shops and so on.

These are actually private businesses run by individuals, but they are only attached to the collective name and borrowed the name of "union".

Presumably, this is also the case with the Rao Shizi Joint Laboratory. It is said that they do not get salaries from the Capital University, so they are definitely not regular troops.

Otherwise, how can Jingcheng University say that their management authority does not involve this laboratory? Isn't it because it is affiliated and does not belong to Beijing University in essence.

The organization pays attention to issuing orders and prohibiting orders, as swift as thunder, and as fast as the wind.

They don't care how much influence such a laboratory has, the commander's order cannot be thwarted.

A cross-regional action team was soon ready to set off.

The other party did not make any other outrageous actions, but called out all the personnel and asked Xiao Zhao to identify them one by one, and then he found the staff of the security department, and then repaired them.

Have grudges and revenge, have complaints and complaints, do you pay attention?
The other party did not really smash the laboratory, nor did it harm innocent people, it was just retaliation.

After all, this is still a laboratory with the name of Capital University. After all, this laboratory is still somewhat famous.

By the time Shen Guanglin knew about this, the matter was over, and the other party had already withdrawn.

When a scholar meets a soldier, it is unreasonable.

Shen Guanglin went to see several colleagues who were beaten, not to the hospital, but at their home.

They were not seriously injured to the point of needing to be hospitalized, in fact, there was an element of humiliation in it, and it was just to find their way back.

In short, Shen Guanglin was slapped in the face.

To be honest, Shen Guanglin hadn't experienced such a useless anger for a long time. As a child of a plane, he was fed noodles in the end.

It's like a Neptune, who just caught a pure girl, but the girl finished his scene, and there is another one to catch.

He is the leading actor, he is a Gubi who can look down on the world, although he was not beaten, but the people under him were beaten, what should we do?
Waiting online, it's really urgent.

Organize people to fight back?Where can I find someone, Shunzi?

It's too long, isn't it?Shunzi didn't know where to hide, and there was no news for a long time.

The other party is an organized person, and the image of this kind of organization is positive, so it is easy to ask too many negative questions 404.

To deal with this matter, I have to go back and recruit soldiers. After all, I am not professional, so I have to ask a professional.

Lao Li is considered a semi-professional, but Lao Li has been doing technical work, so he may not be good at this area. Shen Guanglin talked to him. What Lao Li meant was: Mr. Zhao is his old leader. Old dry, or forget it.

Lao Li is unreliable, I'd better help your daughter get in the way, hum!

Shen Guanglin quickly thought of Commissioner Lu, who was in charge of the research on superconducting materials. He was really ruthless because of his ruthlessness.

He is an old athlete and has never lost a single game in his life. You should ask him about this matter.

At the beginning, if he hadn't reacted quickly enough and was really not willful, the whip would have really hit him.

Commissioner Lu is not young anymore, and he has long since stopped doing specific work, and is just talking about people on the surface.

In fact, he should have gone to play with his grandchildren long ago, and taking over this job is just a waste of energy, because the projects he took over are progressing quickly, so the land reclamation of many projects is inseparable from him.

But it was this residual heat that almost put Shen Guanglin in.

Now the weather has just turned slightly hotter, but it is not yet the season to eat melons and fruits.

However, Tiangong-[-] has a glass room, and the watermelon on the roof is already red.

It will take too long to wait for the watermelon to be ripe. As long as it is not pure white, it is ready to eat.

As for whether the watermelon is ripe, Shen Guanglin has never mastered the trick.

Others can tell if a watermelon is ripe just by taking a pat, but Shen Guanglin can't. He doesn't have absolute pitch, so he really can't hear the nuances.

Later, someone told him another method. Where the watermelon grows, there will be a spring-like whisker. When the tip of the whisker turns yellow, it means the melon is ripe.

Mr. Shen still didn't know how to read it, because the tips of each watermelon were not yellow, so he could only pick two big ones, put them in a snakeskin bag, and then took two catties of beef to Commissioner Lu's house as a guest.

It is too conspicuous to drive a car, but it is more convenient to ride a bicycle.

The family area of ​​the Academy of Sciences is not far from the Capital University.

Commissioner Lu had dinner with Shen Guanglin several times, and Shen Guanglin knew the approximate location of his house, which was in the area of ​​Zhichun Road.

However, the family area of ​​the Academy of Sciences is very large, and the buildings are all identical, and there are no numbers on the upper floors, so it is really hard to find.

Shen Guanglin asked all the way, but he still came to the home of Commissioner Lu.

However, some enthusiastic people told him not to bring anything to Lao Zhao, he never accepts gifts, and he certainly won’t accept requests, young man, don’t waste your efforts.

Shen Guanglin looked at the bag on his bicycle with a smile, the two bulging balls, and said with a smile, I didn't bring a gift.

As expected, Lao Lu was at home. His house was on the first floor. Maybe because he was old, the superiors specially gave it to him.

Although he was a committee member, Lao Lu did not live in a villa, and his family's conditions were impoverished, but there were indeed not many valuable things.

Commissioner Lu was very happy to see Shen Guanglin coming.

Seeing that Shen Guanglin took two watermelons from the bag, he didn't stop him: "You big dog, you came to see my old man, but you only brought two melons, do you think I'm a melon?"

Unexpectedly, this old boy is still from Sichuan.

"Why are there only two melons? There are two catties of beef! I grew this myself. If you don't want it, I can take it back."

Shen Guang Lin Xin said, not only did I grow the watermelon, but even the beef.

"Let me tell you, old man Lu, my father-in-law is thinking about my melon every day, and he has no share. I brought it here for you." In fact, Lao Li doesn't particularly like watermelon, but he likes to eat watermelon. Yes, there is a lot of water, not sweet.

"Just because of your talent, I also want to be your father-in-law." Lao Lu and Shen Guanglin are already very familiar, and they won't be angry if they joke with each other.

"Then you must have a daughter who looks like a flower and looks like a jade at the age of twenty-eight, otherwise I will not follow her, and if there are two, I will not object."

"Aren't you kidding me? My old man is over 70 this year. If I have two 16-year-old daughters, then I am not an old girl who has to be 60 years old. I can do it, but my wife can't, You see, she is two years older than me, she has to be 61 to give birth, and she has to be twins."

Lao Lu's wife couldn't stand listening to these words, "Lao Lu, what are you talking about, if you talk nonsense, I'll give you a slap in the face."

What dialect is this, so pure.

Only then did Commissioner Lu get serious, and introduced to his wife, "Hong Hong, this is Xiao Shen. Regardless of his youth, according to foreign media, he is the greatest physicist in the past 100 years."

"Grandma, hello, my name is Shen Guanglin. It's the first time I met you. I made you laugh. Because I'm familiar with Commissioner Lu, so I'm not too old or young."

This old lady had a childlike face and a very temperament. Shen Guanglin respected such an old man whom he met for the first time.

"It's good for you, Xiao Shen. It's nice to be young. There are infinite possibilities."

"Thank you grandma, you look very young, just like 40 years old."

"Stop complimenting each other, sit down and talk, drink saliva, it seems that our family is also polite."

Shen Guanglin hurriedly handed over the snakeskin bag containing watermelon and beef. Grandma took a look at Lao Lu and took it after seeing that he didn't say anything.

It may also be because she was afraid that there should be something in it, so grandma took out the contents of the snakeskin bag in person. It was two watermelons and a piece of vacuum-packed beef, which were still cold to the touch.

"Hey, Xiao Shen, your beef is not bad. It must be imported beef. It's rare to see fat and thin beef. It's even better than Brazilian zebus beef."

Since the old man agreed to accept Xiao Shen's things, it meant that there was no problem, and they were not completely rigid people, they just knew that some could be accepted and some could not.

"Grandma, you know the goods, you are amazing." Shen Guanglin gave a thumbs up. "I went to Fusang to give lectures, and someone gave it to me."

"Are you lecturing? You are holding money! I admire you. Your grandma Honghong is a diplomat, and she has never been to any place." Lao Lu is still very proud of his wife's past. He married a female diplomat.

"Oh, it's all small money. In fact, I admire you even more. You are so old, and you still call grandma 'Honghong', so loving." Shen Guanglin really couldn't help it. "Red" is no longer appropriate.

This is the same as Wanwan's name. He is in his seventies and eighties, and he still calls you boys and us girls.

"Boy, your grandma's original name was Shao Honghong. This is her nickname." Old Man Lu explained that this was her nickname, not a pet name.

The two sat down to eat watermelon, and it turned out to be red soil, with good moisture and sweetness.

It seems that as long as the watermelon is big enough, the chance of it being ripe is very high.

Grandma Shao Honghong's cooking skills are good. She fried two side dishes, and the main dish for dinner was fried steak. Shen Guanglin got a big piece, and the two of them got a small piece. There was no waste of raw materials.

"Xiao Shen, you can bring back the extra beef. Lao Lu and I are both old and can't eat this, so we just have a taste and taste of our youth." Grandma Shao has had a good time and seen the world, but Still willing to be poor.

"No, I don't lack beef." Shen Guanglin cut a piece of beef and put it in his mouth. It was juicy and medium-rare, just right.

"Who can't be short of beef these days." Grandma Shao knew that this was the young man that Lao Lu was optimistic about, so eating a little from him was a way of showing her closeness, but after all, two catties of beef, it's not appropriate to accept all of them.

"He is really not lacking. You can take it when you bring it. You can't eat him. Do you know how much he charges for a class?" Lao Lu pretended to be a joke, showing off to his wife with a proud tone, I know what he is proud of, and it's not him who collects money.

"How many?"

In fact, Lao Lu also collects money when he goes out to give lectures. When he goes to a school to give a lecture, others will reimburse the travel expenses and give him five yuan and ten yuan. Lao Lu may not charge it, but Lao Lu’s colleagues also have to live. , can not break the rules.

"you guess?"

Old man Lu took a sip of wine, it was not Moutai, but Niulanshan.

Shen Guanglin didn't bring any wine, so he must be really begging for help.

"Twenty?" "Thirty?" The old lady felt that this price was already very expensive. It was one thing for young people to be popular, but it was a bit inappropriate to charge so much for a lecture.

"5 million!"

"How many?"

"Fifty thousand! And it's US dollars." Lao Lu raised his palm and stretched out five fingers, indicating that it was fifty thousand, not five dollars.

"Then Beijing University can afford it?" The old lady couldn't believe it. She had never heard of so much money.

"Grandma, I don't need money to take classes at Peking University. My salary is the same as everyone else's, less than 200 yuan. I give lectures abroad, and the labor fee they offer is 5 U.S. dollars."

In this way, the old lady will understand that a well-known professor at Harvard in her day can also get [-] to [-] US dollars for a lecture.

Then it's time to talk about business.

Of course, Lao Lu knew that Shen Guanglin was looking for him because of something, so he ate and drank his food boldly, without showing the slightest courtesy, as he was planning to help.

Lao Lu has already made up his mind, even if it is a problem that violates the principle, he will help him.

"Boy Shen, tell me, if you have anything to ask me, as long as I can help, I will do it, and nothing else, just in the name of contemporary Einstein."

Shen Guanglin was very grateful for the love and love for supporting the younger generation.

Shen Guanglin really started talking, it's not a big deal, but he just feels uncomfortable, and he wants to ask his senior for advice, it doesn't violate the principle.

After all, Shen Guanglin is a teacher, with good eloquence, strong expressive ability, and skillful use of spring and autumn brushwork.

Next, Shen Guanglin said that there was a pretty girl who liked to study in his laboratory, and then a man came to harass him every day. Conflict, the guard beat the man.

As a result, the man's family had a good relationship, so they sent someone to beat up the guards in the laboratory. They felt ashamed, so they came here to ask.

"It's not Li Rong, is it? If a man dares to harass her, she can't beat her to death. I think she can punch well." Old man Lu and Li Rong are also quite familiar. The kids were very impressed.

Shen Guanglin didn't answer who it was, he couldn't say it was Li Rong's younger sister, she was just a girl anyway.

Shen Guanglin continued to ask: "I feel a little bit embarrassed, so I come to ask you what to do?"

"What should I do? Why are you doing it now? When did it happen?" Lao Lu thought for a while, then immediately changed his face, and his tone became severe, as if Shen Guanglin was a primary school student who made a mistake.

"Yesterday. I didn't have time to deal with it yesterday, so I didn't come to you?" Shen Guanglin didn't expect to ask Lao Lu for advice yesterday, so he went to Lao Li, but Lao Li persuaded the big problem to be small, and the trivial matter was resolved.

"In other words, it's been two days, and the public opinion has fermented. Oh, I'm so mad!"

Old man Lu was in a hurry while he was talking, and he didn't say anything.

"What's wrong?" Shen Guanglin didn't understand, what he was doing in such a hurry, wasn't it because he was a little useless, when he first crossed, he encountered much worse than this.

"Ask what's wrong! Young people should cherish their feathers, do you know?" Lao Lu took a few deep breaths before continuing:

"You don't even know the seriousness of the matter, this is not a trivial matter!
You will be a leader in our technology industry in the future. What will people say about you in the future?

What will the gang of turtles say?Back then, I brought them up one by one like grandchildren, and none of them were men."

Shen Guanglin was stunned when he heard what Lao Lu said, "Is it so serious?"

"Is it so serious, still 'what', oops, I am really anxious to death by you. You should respond to this matter immediately, and you must get back the place at all costs, you know, honor is better than life It's still important."

(End of this chapter)

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