Chapter 338 Value
Shen Guanglin still felt that what Lao Lu said was a bit serious.

"Isn't it?"

"That's not enough! It's only the second day, and the surrounding schools probably already know about it. How about in a few days? The entire academic circle in Beijing knows about it. People won't ask why, they just say the scene was spectacular, All of you were caught counting the tiles on the roof, even you, Shen Guanglin."

"I'm not inside." This was Shen Guanglin's last stubbornness.

"Who cares about this? Isn't this your laboratory?"

Lao Lu really hates iron but not steel: "Now is the critical period for you to gain fame and fame. Now that you are disgusted like this, what will you do in the future?"

Shen Guang really understood.

This is like the Qingliu officials in ancient times, such as Wang Anshi, who took care of him for 30 years before he came out to be a prime minister.

Just imagine, a Qingliu who has been taking care of her all the time, but if someone catches one thing and loses her face in public, that life will be ruined. Probably, this is called a scholar who can't be killed but can't be humiliated.

No matter how wronged you are, others will think of that humiliating time on you.

In this way, Shen Guanglin understood, he was not stupid, it was just that he was not experienced enough.

"Let me tell you a real story, the real thing that happened to my colleague.

At that time, the Soviet Union was still our big brother, and it helped us build a workers' auditorium.It is very luxurious and magnificent. The first floor is very tall and is a stepped auditorium. The second floor is an office area and a rest area. One of the corners is a public toilet.

Because the toilet is equipped with a flush toilet, it looked very advanced at the time.

However, everyone uses newspapers to go to the toilet, which is very hard, easy to get stuck, and difficult to pass.

It was like this once again, it was blocked, and it didn't work no matter what.

At this time, a young guy moved a ladder to the first floor for repairs. When he unplugged the trap, there was a splash, and the yellow solid liquid flowed out of his mouth and face, and he even hiccupped.

Ordinarily, this event was very glorious and great, and he was also rewarded.

But, when people talk about him, they all talk about what he ate, and they don't sit at his table when they eat.

As a result, he didn't get a chance for promotion in the end, and his life was very miserable. "

After telling this story, Lao Lu sighed: "So, people cannot have a bad reputation, it will stay with you forever."

"I'm looking for a chance to fight back, right? The so-called gentleman's revenge, ten years is not too late, there is always a chance."

Shen Guanglin understood, but he hadn't figured out how to fight back.

"No! You can't wait a day! Immediately! Immediately! You have to fight back now. This is the same as meeting an ugly woman. If she does something unbearably wrong, the man is innocent, but still It will be a lifetime of humiliation."

This old man Lu can talk, he has everything in one set.

Shen Guanglin really wanted to understand that this was not about Shen Guanglin alone, it was about the entire laboratory, if he didn't fight back, it would be a blow to the entire laboratory.

They control everyone in the entire laboratory, this is humiliation!

Although they were not physically harmed, they were still seriously injured mentally. What was destroyed was a kind of pride, and once the pride was gone, what would Shen Guanglin be fussing about.

This kind of thing is humiliating when you think about it.

Although he was not the one who was wronged, Shen Guanglin swore that the guard had done a good job, but the guard was beaten when he turned around. If he didn't react, everyone would be chilled.

Old man Lu still had more thoughts, and then told another allusion:
"In short, life cannot be stained, even if it is a speculative stain. Comrade Bannerman was a model when he was young, and he was drawn a few sketches for him, but now he is turned out as a joke. What do you think? Does she not want to die?"

Shen Guanglin was silent.

"Then what should I do?" This is Shen Guanglin asking for advice sincerely. It really is like having an old man in a family is like having a treasure. If Lao Lu's analysis is not so thorough, Shen Guanglin will bear this stain on his back.

"Go make trouble! Make big trouble! Crying children have milk. Do you have anyone with a strong background here? The kind who can support you." Lao Lu began to come up with ideas, he is very good at this matter .

"My father-in-law, Lao Li, you know him too. But he is the deputy director of the Ordnance Institute, and Lao Zhao is his old leader. Yesterday he advised me to calm down."

As the saying goes, if you don't fight, you don't know each other. Shen Guanglin often invites Lao Lu to the biotechnology company for dinner, so he meets Lao Li a lot, and they are familiar with each other.

Hearing that it was Old Li, he actually had such an attitude. Old man Lu immediately lost his temper again: "Boy Li is so short-sighted! No wonder he hasn't accomplished anything yet."

"It's not that my father-in-law has accomplished nothing, he is already a senior leader." Shen Guanglin was a little dissatisfied, saying that Lao Li had accomplished nothing, how capable he must be.

"What? Am I wrong? Why can't I accomplish nothing! If I had a good father like him, what would I be like now?"

Lao Lu knew Lao Li, so he naturally knew the deeds of the old man of the Li family. From this point of view, in fact, there are not many achievements of the second generation.

The old lady Shao Honghong listened to the side for a long time, and finally couldn't help but interjected: "Your father is not bad, well, how rich is the master, there is a street in Chengdu, and he married the twelve-room concubine. Two French ocean horses."

The old lady revealed Lao Lu's old background in an instant. She didn't expect that Commissioner Lu's first half of his life was so exciting, but why is their family living in this state now.

Shen Guanglin immediately admired the couple even more.

"What is a good background for a comprador capitalist? He is so rich, why didn't he join the revolution earlier, I am worried for him. You see, he is old at home and knows how to stand in line. The whole Shaoxing is not as far-sighted as them."

This is a sensitive topic, Shen Guanglin can't answer it, and the author dare not answer it.

"Just tell me what to do." Shen Guanglin continued to ask for advice.

"Stop talking nonsense, take a few steps, you can only consider self-help in this matter, unite the majority of people, and give a thunderous blow.

First, go to Lao Li immediately, and go early tomorrow morning.It's not your father-in-law, Lao Li, but your father-in-law's father.Go to him and cry, just say that you have been wronged, this matter cannot be settled like this, you want to immigrate.Go to Fusang, or go to Citigroup, anyway, it doesn’t matter which country you go to, you just have to go. "

Lao Lu started to come up with bad ideas, he insisted on getting the old man of the Li family to come forward.

"However, I just came back from outside. I still want to build a country. I definitely won't leave. Even if I am wronged again, I won't leave." Shen Guanglin himself was moved when he said this. I really think so, because immigrating now, there will always be a day of regret in the future.

"Who is not like this? I also studied abroad, and I have a lot of relatives overseas, too. If it weren't for our similar circumstances, can I treat you differently?"

Then, Lao Lu talked about his understanding of Shen Guanglin:

"I heard your story, and I also know what you did to the country. I knew you were a staunch patriot, otherwise, you would not have developed weapons at your own expense, donated money and materials, and lived in Beijing. The university built a laboratory at its own expense.

Moreover, I also know that Great Wall Biological Company and Great Wall Electric must be your own company, and I am also from a rich family, I understand.

but!Now, you are about to show your strongest side, and what you bear in exchange for humiliation is still humiliation.

You tell the old man directly that you are going to immigrate, it is not safe here, and your life is not guaranteed. "

This is what Lao Lu said from the bottom of his heart. As a veteran athlete, he feels deeply about this aspect.

"Is that all right?"

"You still need to pay attention to your speaking skills, but that's what it means."

Lao Lu explained very carefully: "Remember, when asked the reason, you said that it was because some strangers broke into the laboratory, but I don't know why. It may be for some confidential research. Fortunately, you were The security personnel stopped it. However, I never expected that the other party would be so frenzied that they would send someone to control everyone in the laboratory, and they turned everything upside down, and then some confidential documents were lost or damaged. "

To be honest, old man Lu's idea was very vicious, and Shen Guanglin was a little scared when he heard it. It might kill someone, or at least lose his future.

"By the way, do you really have any confidential documents or information there? Superconducting materials are not counted. This is too deliberate and a bit fake." Lao Lu said this, and he was a little elated. He felt that he was not old yet, Can be a military advisor for several years.

"Yes." Shen Guanglin replied honestly.

"What information?" Old man Lu regained his energy now, he didn't expect that Boy Shen still had good stuff in his hand.

"A phased array radar, and a computer feedback system."

Instigated by Lao Li, Shen Guanglin has been studying this for a long time. He even bought a phased array radar from Citigroup. This thing is not fortified against Huaxia. You can import it if you want. Shen Guanglin did not import it in the name of a weapon. , was transferred from the laboratory of MIT University.

"Is that the radar that is being used in the Southern War?" Commissioner Lu was really surprised, this kid is really good enough, this is all right,

"um, yes"

"How did you study this? Where did you get the radar technology?"

"I got it from Citigroup, and it was given by MIT. It has infrared heat sensitivity, and it can immediately capture high-temperature and high-speed objects within 200 kilometers." Shen Guanglin said this with pride on his face. This is an anti-missile system. This is the radar used by the later Iron Dome defense system and the Patriot interception system.

"Has the research been successful?" Commissioner Lu looked excited. This is an incredible achievement, and for the country, it has filled another technological gap.

"Of course it succeeded." Shen Guanglin said it casually, he knew the answer, was it really difficult to find the elements that make up the answer?

"Why? Is any technology easy for you?"

"I am a genius."

Lao Lu paused for a while, probably trying to regain his composure, and then continued: "Okay, that's it! But this is not enough, mainly because it is not fast enough, and others don't know the importance of your skills.

You have to act like a dead end, for example, the joint laboratory will be disbanded immediately, all materials will be temporarily sealed, and all personnel will be returned to the original unit. "

"So cruel?" Shen Guanglin was very surprised.

"Yes, if you want the Academy of Sciences, Capital University, and Wudaokou Vocational School to all stand on your side. People are kind and bullied, you have to let them see your determination. If they don't defend you, you won't play."

At times like this, the most fearful thing is not to be hard-headed. It is unacceptable to beat a wolf with a hemp stick, and you must show the momentum of breaking the boat.

"This is the project team led by you." Shen Guanglin didn't expect the old man to be able to reach this stage. This is really a heartfelt statement.

"I value you more."

"And your radar."

(End of this chapter)

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