Start with a college teacher

Chapter 339 The Ghost in the Temple

Chapter 339 The Ghost in the Temple
Gift giving is a science.

Giving gifts to elders is even more of a science.

This year, no gifts will be accepted during the festival, only XXX will be accepted for gifts.

This is not a gift, this is a death.

Shen Guanglin took Li Rong to Xiangshan to visit the old man of the Li family. The number of times he went here was not too many, but he still liked the old man very much.

The old man is the kind of person with a cold face and a warm heart. In Li Rong's words, he just loves to hold it.

This time when he went to the old man's place, Shen Guanglin didn't bring any fancy or impractical things. This time he brought two fat bamboo rats.

This is cultivated by entrusting people from the whole seedlings from southern Shonan, and it is said to be very delicious.

For this reason, he made a simple circle at Fuyuanmen, and then fed them radishes, sweet potatoes and corn every day, making them very fat.

The cubs are already half-baked, and they can rely on inbreeding to breed offspring, and it's time for the bosses to retire.

The capital doesn't have bamboo shoots for it, and even the pandas in the zoo don't get this kind of treatment.

Both species are very cute, one has become a national treasure, and the other has become a dining table.

Bamboo rats have high medicinal value, and as a kind of food, bamboo rats have relatively clean eating habits and very lean meat, which is a very good choice.

These two bamboo rats have been fed for so long, and they have always been seedlings. Before Shen Guanglin ate them, he sent them to the old man. His filial piety is commendable.

The old man of the Li family should have retired long ago. Now that he is a consultant, he has basically left the power center, but if he really wants to speak, he is still very influential.

The two bamboo rats brought by Shen Guanglin are for the old man, and there is also a special gift for the little grandma. This is a real gold and silver gift. Rare is better, vulgar is better, and luxury is fine.

What's more, it's the best thing for people to send back anything casually, which is much more expensive than their little filial piety.

Seeing the two people coming, the old man didn't say anything to welcome them. He was happy in his heart, but he couldn't say anything.

But the little grandma greeted her enthusiastically: "Rong Rong, Xiao Shen, you are here! There just happened to be some big geese at home, and I asked Master Liu to kill them right away. Today we make iron pots and rely on big geese, you don't know , this is raised by grandpa, just wait for you to come and kill it, no one else will touch it."

Although they came here to make a complaint, Shen Guanglin still felt articulate when he heard that the famous Northeast dish, iron pot, was served with big geese.

Now, the relationship between Shen Guanglin and Mr. Li is already very good. After all, they are a family. There is no overnight feud, and they dare not have it.

It's not that Shen Guanglin has a low EQ, and he's not really stupid. If he bites the bullet and argues with Li Rong's family, what good will it do?
Is it like Lao Li who hasn't seen each other for decades?

He is his own son, and he is an only child, of course it doesn't matter, but he is nothing.

Shen Guanglin would not be so obstinate, he has a sweet mouth, and his action is not bad, he is not stingy when it is time to give gifts, and he has a lot of reasons.

Now, the little grandma is proud of Xiao Shen, spreading the filial piety of her grandson-in-law among the wives.

Master Liu is the old man's royal chef, and his skills are quite good. He listened to the old lady's words and went straight to the backyard. Inside the golden nanmu wall, there were several big geese in captivity, each of them was fat and strong. One by one screamed, as if they were singing to the sky.

Master Liu jumped in, and then a big goose stretched its neck and rushed over first, as if it was about to fight, this stupid human being, take your life.

"This is not bad, that's all. It has to weigh 25 jin."

Sure enough, it is impossible to overestimate one's abilities. Master Liu stretched out his hand and grabbed the goose's neck.

As for the other big geese, they are much more honest, and they have to hide away from people like cooks, so they live longer.

Shen Guanglin and Li Rong accompanied the old lady to talk in the yard, and watched Master Liu pluck the goose by the way.

Goose feathers are snow-white and can be used to make various fans.

Of course, I heard that high-end lupines use goose feathers.

"Master Liu, when the goose was stewed, the stew was a bit rotten. Grandpa and grandma have bad teeth. If the meat is not rotten, it is easy to clog the teeth. Besides, let's kill the bamboo rat together. The meat is also delicious."

Shen Guanglin explained it very carefully, mainly because he also wanted to taste whether this little thing was really delicious.

"Such a big mouse, is this also used for eating?"

Master Liu had never seen such a big mouse before. When he lifted it up, it weighed five or six catties.

"Of course it can be eaten. This is a bamboo rat, just like the big goose. It grows up eating bamboo, so it's not dirty."

"Do you want to peel it?" Master Liu continued to ask.

"Ah, you can just remove the hair." Shen Guanglin didn't understand very well, and he was also a little puzzled, why the skins of some pigs were peeled off when selling meat in the capital.

In terms of food culture, the difference between the north and the south is reflected at this time.

Li Rong wanted to complain a long time ago. The last time she went to Jinling, she ate goat meat. It turned out that the meat was skin-on, and it didn't rot after chewing for a long time. She was too embarrassed to vomit.

In fact, there is a history of eating meat without peeling the skin in the south, and there is an allusion in it.

As early as the early years of the Northern Song Dynasty, when the Southern Tang Dynasty was still there, Han Xizai, the envoy of the Southern Tang Dynasty, went to the north.

People in the Song court laughed at the people in Jiangnan who ate sheep with their skins on, so they asked, "Why don't people in Jiangnan eat sheep with skins on?"

Han Xizai replied, "This is because there are so many Luo Qis in the south of the Yangtze River."

It means that the north is cold, and sheepskin is needed to keep warm during the winter. Southerners are rich and wear silk and satin clothes, so they don’t need sheepskin, so they don’t peel it.

Shen Guanglin's home also has a picture of Han Xizai's night banquet in his collection. It was passed along from the old man. Unfortunately, it is a copy of the Ming Dynasty. The original version has long been lost. It is said that there is also a copy of the Song Dynasty. I don't know where it is hidden.

After eating, the food was served, a large pot of goose meat, a small pot of bamboo rat meat, a cold cucumber, and a cold shepherd's purse.

Seeing the old man sitting still, everyone was stunned.

Is it impossible to pray before meals, thank the Lord for giving me delicious food, and thank the Lord for allowing this grandson to accompany me to eat.

Or the little grandma knew what he meant.

"There's only one cup, that means the juniors are here, let's make an exception today."

It turned out that this is to drink.

The little grandma took out a bottle of wine from the back room, it was made of earthenware, and Shen Guanglin's eyes straightened immediately. This was the "Golden Wheel" Moutai wine from the early years.

This is a wine from the early 60s, intended for export.

At that time, Moutai was not considered a brand. After the state-run, all local wineries were called Moutai.

For export, they designed a brand called "Golden Wheel".

Li Rong poured wine for everyone. She first poured a glass for Grandpa, and then filled the glasses for herself and Shen Guanglin.

The little grandma doesn't drink alcohol, she drinks fruit juice, which is the cola brand fruit juice that Shen Guanglin brought back from Xiangjiang. It smells like essence.

Seeing the wine, the old man's expression became vivid, just like a child's.

"How is it? Your work is going well recently, right? A few days ago, people from Li Ban said that you have discovered a new substance, and the future is very bright. It is very powerful."

The old man was still paying attention to him all the time, and his tone was full of approval.

"The work is going well." Shen Guanglin paused, and then said: "Life is not going well. I want to go abroad, and then I won't come back."

"Well, what's going on? Are you even thinking of going abroad?"

The old man turned his head to look at Li Rong, "Did you instigate me? I am very dissatisfied with the second girl going to Fusang. We fought with them all my life, and you still ran over. What are you doing?"

"No, grandpa, I didn't. Brother Guang Lin was wronged." Li Rong hurriedly explained, it was really not because of her.

"Then you talk about it. If you don't say one, two, three, I won't forgive you." The old man knew that this kid had something to do, but it didn't hurt to listen.

Next, Shen Guanglin recounted the words that had been drafted in accordance with the words taught by Commissioner Lu.

The old man was noncommittal.

"You said that you have developed a radar that can be captured by any thermal weapon within 200 kilometers, and the data has been lost? You are not talking nonsense, how far can our cannon be? Can it hit 50 kilometers?"

"Yes, the range of the cannon is only so far, but this radar can not only identify cannons, but also aircraft, missiles, rockets, etc. If it is equipped with a rapid launch system, it can be quickly intercepted .” Shen Guanglin answered honestly.

"You don't need to intercept the planes. Our missiles have already been shot down. Citigroup's U2 is amazing, so we beat you."

The old man's tone was full of pride. This was a pioneering work that the Soviets hadn't achieved.

"I know, the Sam-543 missile, isn't it Unit [-], mine is different, mine is designed according to the one that is being used in the South, and it must be easier to use than the one used by the people of Eagle Country."

Shen Guanglin explained in detail the characteristics of the Eagle Country version of the weapon, and then designed and developed the functions by himself. Unfortunately, these materials were "lost" and damaged.

"Okay, don't be fake, tell me your real purpose."

The old man's eyes were sharp, so he naturally knew that there was a lot of water in Shen Guanglin's words.

Shen Guanglin didn't hesitate, and said directly: "Grandpa, what do I do when I go back to China? Is it purely for the country and the people? That's right, there is this factor in it. I don't make much money, but I do. My name. But the way I am now is equivalent to being stripped naked and thrown on the street. How can I hold my head up in the laboratory? How can I face them? How can I gain a foothold in Beijing University? So , I'm really not joking, if this matter is not resolved, I will really go abroad and never come back."

This is Shen Guanglin's true meaning. He cannot bear this shame. This is really a great damage to his reputation.

"Okay, I see."

The old man was tired, so he went back to rest after eating something.

After eating, the little grandma put the untouched goose meat into a box: "Rongrong, bring it to your dad, he loves goose meat."

Shen Guanglin came back from Xiangshan, and ran to Lao Lu's house to continue asking questions about the next step.

"You don't have to go for the next step." Lao Lu smiled and ate goose meat, because Lao Li didn't eat the things from Lao Li's house.

This goose meat is not ordinary, it was raised and raised by the chief himself, so you have to taste it carefully.

"Because this has already been done." Moutai is also good, and Lao Lu couldn't easily drink Jinlun Moutai in the 60s.

"It's done? It's so simple?" Shen Guanglin made so many preparations, but it didn't seem to be of any use.

Old Lu dipped the goose bone in water. He wanted to dip it in wine, but he was reluctant, so he drew on the table:
"Did you say that Zhao Danyang took the initiative to attack your laboratory?"


"You really developed a super radar, right?"


"A group of people who don't know the origin attacked your laboratory, right?"


"This is the end, this matter must be 'business'! I didn't expect that Mr. Li would be so kind to you, yes, even I can't help but defend you, kid, let alone you are his grandson-in-law. "

"But, how can it be done?"

"I reckon that the best ending for Wu Di is to transfer to another job and retire from the army. After all, he is not deeply involved in the case; it would be good for Lao Zhao to keep his retirement benefits, but Xiao Zhao must be finished. Nothing will happen to him, but his future is definitely not good. gone."

"so serious?"

"It's called propriety. If you don't crack down on them, how can you restore your reputation? But if you act too much, some people will sympathize with them, which is also detrimental to your reputation."

"But I still feel a little unbearable."

"The statue of the saint is made of the bones of Shaozheng Mao. Which temple does not have a dead ghost?"

(End of this chapter)

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