Start with a college teacher

Chapter 340 Pull List

Chapter 340 Pull List

1984 was a year of change.

In People's Square, more and more young people are breaking dancing with tape recorders in bell-bottom trousers; in barbershops, there is always a long queue of girls who want to perm their hair.

One time when he was idle and bored watching TV, Shen Guanglin also saw an advertisement of his peers, and he was very irritated.

Because, in that commercial, there was actually a boy singing while dancing, "Swallow Dance! Swallow Dance! A song brings a lot of love!"

This is not to steal business.

This year, some major events that can change the times are also taking place in the literary world.

At the age of 24, Yu Hua finally gave up medicine to pursue literature, published "Star", "Bamboo Girl", "Sweet Grape" and other well-known novels, and embarked on the road of a writer;

Mo Yan, who is still studying, wrote his famous work "Transparent Carrot" in three days;
It was also in this year that 32-year-old Wang Xiaobo planned to go to Citigroup to find his wife Li Yinhe, but the most foreign clothes he bought were sportswear.

This year again, Cha Haisheng, who graduated from university and was assigned to the University of Political Science and Law, published his work "Asian Copper" for the first time under the pseudonym Haizi.

Also in this year, the good-looking actress Chen Chong gave up her bright future in China and went to Citigroup to play tricks;
The 29-year-old Yuzhou girl, Xiaoqing, is already so popular. Not only has she been the host of CCTV's Spring Festival Gala, but she was also rated as a "one in 4000" beauty when she visited Xinjiapo. The beauty that I saw once in [-] years is much more powerful.

Shen Guanglin's living conditions have not changed much, and he is still living a life similar to before.

It's just that he was really hurt by being slapped in the face this time, at least many people thought he would be hurt.

Everyone thinks that Professor Shen is a proud person, but he can't do anything about his laboratory being insulted like this. This is very bad, and it really destroys the respected image of intellectuals.

Everyone began to discuss, you see, even for a person like Shen Guanglin, if he is humiliated, he can only behave like this, let's go abroad, the moon is rounder abroad.

On the third day, Shen Guanglin said nothing to the outside world, did nothing, and went to the movies with Li Rong as usual at night.

He had already decided that if the old man hadn't acted in another day, then he would have to act on his own.

Anyway, it's already like this, I still have to go to the movies normally at night, don't keep thinking about these troublesome things.

After all, even at the meeting of 7000 people that year, the big leaders said: vent your anger during the day, watch the theater at night, do two things and one thin, and everyone is satisfied.

There was a movie near Fuyuanmen, an open-air wild movie. Shen Guanglin and Li Rong went to the theater at night, so they had to find a chance to vent their anger during the day.

The movie at night is very exciting. After all, it is not easy to set up a movie screen. You can watch two movies in one night in this kind of outdoor screening.

Today's first movie is "Shaolin Kid" and the other is "An American Pilot".

"Shaolin Boy" is Li Lianjie's first film in Xiangjiang, and it won a good box office. Shen Guanglin's later eyes are also good. Although the plot is not very surprising, this kind of love story still has a wide audience. , It's just a pity that Huang Qiuyan met someone who was not kind.

However, another movie "An American Pilot" is probably purely a promotional film. The content of the movie is about the Citigroup pilot who supported the War of Resistance in China, was bravely wounded, was rescued by the local people, and returned to find his old friend decades later The story of the reunion.

Probably, the actor president of Citigroup is about to visit China. The whole country pays special attention to it, and the media also reports positively. In this era, they are really our good friends. All weapons and various technologies are available. is open to us.

When the time came to the fourth day of the siege of the laboratory, Shen Guanglin decided to go to work normally.

It doesn't matter if you don't go, because today, some leaders will bring the acceptance team to check the infrared phase control radar he developed.

If not, Shen Guanglin would not have wanted to come here at all.

The reason why he came here is also because he received a notice from Li Ban that it is also very important for the leader to investigate the radar, so don't get angry.

All right, firmly cooperate.

In the mountainous area north of Pinggu, the capital city, there is a place called Guajiayu, which is close to Miyun Reservoir and has a picturesque scenery.

If you only look at the natural scenery, this is a paradise, but if you look at the living standards of the people, the people's livelihood is a bit difficult.

What everyone doesn't know is that there is a weapons testing ground hidden in a certain valley in these mountains.

They go in and out on weekdays, and no one knows what they are doing, what kind of secrets and past they have.

In the era of third-line construction, there were many such cases.

The person in charge of this small base is surnamed Wu, and his name is Wu Di.

That's right, it's the Wu Di who is so lonely.

Wu Di has been working here for many years. Although the scenery is picturesque, he is still tired of life here.

He applied for changing jobs many times, and finally he was able to change jobs with the support of the old leader, Director Zhao, and he transferred to the capital, even if the administrative level was lower.

Wu Di has always been a cautious person and does everything without leaking.

Usually, if you entrust him with a matter, he can preserve both the face and face.

Some time ago, helping the old leader out of the siege was his last stroke of genius before changing jobs.

We are so particular about what we do, isn't it beautiful when you hold it up high and put it down gently?
It is enough to only deal with the guards who beat people, so as to save face again, and not offend people who don't know how deep the background is too much. Thinking about it, I feel that I have done a good job.

When a cadre changes jobs, he usually returns to his hometown. He can stay in the capital because he can be a man and do things.

Yesterday, he finally received the latest job change notice, asking him to report to the work unit today. The specific position is to be the station manager of the Houchang Cotton Station in Haidian District.

He is a brick of the revolution, he can be moved wherever it is needed.

The cotton station is a good place, as long as it is in the supply and marketing system, it is a good job.

Wu Di didn't worry about it, he packed his luggage, and then went to report to the new unit.

The scale of the Houchang Supply and Marketing Cooperative is not small. The cotton station is an independent unit of them, and it also has its own warehouse, which occupies a really large area.

It's just that it's a little strange: he is obviously the station master, and he went to work at the cotton station, but he still had to get the key first.

Is there no other staff in the cotton station?The phenomenon of overcrowding is too serious.

When I arrived at the cotton station, I realized that no one went to work, and Wu Di was the only one.

The cotton station of Houchang Supply and Marketing Cooperative has some history, but also because it is too close to the capital, the surrounding farmers don't even grow an acre of cotton.

This situation has been going on for two years, and now, there is not even a farmer who weaves the line of defense.

Everyone divided the responsibility field and went to grow vegetables. After all, vegetables can be sold to the residents of the capital and earn some extra money.

With such conditions, who would want to grow cotton.

In the past, farmers were not allowed to enter the city to sell vegetables. They could only grow some cotton in exchange for some pocket money.

However, at the cotton station at that time, there was no good person at all.

Because it is very bad to collect cotton at the cotton station. The first-class cotton is 29 cotton, and they will not give it a rating. They say that only the cotton in the Western Regions will give this grade; The color is not white enough and the moisture is too much.

Now, Feng Shui has finally turned. The cotton station is indeed still there, but it has been a long time since farmers have sold cotton.

Wu Di is also the first stationmaster to work at the cotton station in the past two years, but anyone who has anything to do with him has already been transferred away.

Knowing this situation, Wu Di was still a little confused.

Alone so soon?

Diagonally opposite the cotton station, it seems to be a joint venture company called Great Wall Biotechnology. Does it have something to do with Beijing University?

In fact, Wu Di's situation is not bad, after all, he has a formal job, but Zhao Danyang is different, he actually disappeared!
Not long after I went to work, I went out and never came back.

Sometimes, Li Ban's style of doing things is simple and rude, without the slightest reason.

Xiao Zhao didn't go home for lunch, and his family didn't care at first, but it was a bit serious when he didn't come home at night. This wasn't the way he should live.

Called the unit to ask, Xiao Zhao had already left the house, and hadn't come to work all day today.

What's wrong?Someone is missing?

Lao Zhao hurriedly called the police, and people from the police station also came. They routinely asked: Has he offended anyone recently?

have!He recently offended some people in a laboratory at Capital University.

 I wish you all a happy Mid-Autumn Festival in advance, I have something to do today, so I will only add so much

(End of this chapter)

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