Start with a college teacher

Chapter 341 Playing the piano indiscriminately

Chapter 341 Playing the piano indiscriminately

Today, Shen Guanglin's laboratory has an important "reception" task, and the "acceptance" work of the phased array radar is carried out in the laboratory's compound.

This matter was arranged by Li Ban, and even some real big shots came, the kind that can be seen in the media.

The same goes for Lao Li, for the sake of his grandson-in-law, he has no principles at all. We all know that he is good at developing new technologies, but weapon research and development requires accumulation. He is new to the industry, and what results can he produce.

When the lab arrived, there were quite a lot of people.

"We're here today just to play the piano! Isn't Xiao Shen a scientist? Why is he involved in weapon research and development?"

In fact, it is not the case. Then, someone explained to him: "Isn't Mr. Li's son, Xiao Li, engaged in weapon research and development? And it should."

"Playing the piano randomly! Do you still have a sense of secrecy? Even a family can't leak state secrets like this."

"You can't say that, Xiao Shen's father is also an old comrade in our team, and he is reliable. The rocket that has been said to be very useful recently was actually developed by Xiao Shen. Also, the latest rocket used on the rocket The high-temperature-resistant material was actually made in Shen's laboratory."

"Has it been verified?"

"Of course! Xiao Shen's father was carved out of the same mold as Xiao Shen. Their entire family's genetics are very strong. Currently, Xiao Shen has an uncle who works in Jinling, and an aunt who works in agriculture."

These people were originally Li Ban's people, and they knew Shen Guanglin quite well, knowing that both his father and son had made a lot of contributions to the country, so they still recognized and defended him.

"Then why doesn't he go directly to work in the weapon research and development department, why is he still teaching at the university? I heard that he often goes abroad and makes a lot of money."

Another person continued to ask questions. He didn't know much about Shen Guanglin. He only heard that Professor Shen made a lot of money and drove famous German cars.

"This is the money that people earn by themselves. What's the matter with spending a little? Doing civil scientific research can promote the progress of the times, so that it can better contribute to the four modernizations. This is what Xiao Shen himself said. He also made money abroad. In order to better support this laboratory."

"Playing the qin! Isn't there any funding from the state?"

"He refused to take it. The money for his laboratory was raised by some foreign institutions. At the same time, he also had his own lecture fees, plus some dividends from the joint venture company. The research and development of military materials and weapons was just a task imposed on him by Xiao Li. He Personal interest is not here, his interest is to make money, and then engage in scientific research.”

"How much foreign companies can donate to him, we can also donate. What do you do with other people's money? It's not easy to keep it secret."

"That's a lot of money. I heard that Takeda Corporation gave 1000 million for the research on football vinyl; for the research of superconducting materials, Citigroup's Rockefeller Foundation gave 500 million. What kind of carbon fiber tubes are produced this time? Citigroup's DuPont gave 500 million in one breath."

The conversation between the two is not over yet, but the "acceptance" work is ready.

In fact, it is not appropriate to say acceptance. After all, the capital is an important place, of course, you can't randomly fire a shot at you to test the efficiency of the radar.

It can only be a concept display and prospect analysis.

However, in order to cope with this acceptance, Shen Guanglin still made several radar weapons, including vehicle-mounted mobile anti-missile radars, fixed-position anti-missile radars, and of course artillery detection radars like Simberlin radars.

Regardless of the quality of the final weapon, the face project must still be in place. After all, Shen Guanglin came from later generations, and he is still very experienced in doing this.

For this reason, he also specially refitted a workshop, which was filled with computers that looked very advanced, and the appearance of the phase control radar was also sprayed with camouflage colors, and some steel plates were welded for decoration. Looks very "professional".

Everyone is an expert, and their focus is not here, but to see if there is anything special about the research and development of new weapons in the hands of scientists.

After all, the portable rockets designed by Shen Guanglin are economical and easy to use. Many traditional RPG arsenals have begun to complain. The cost is too low, and the factories have no money to make.

The focus of Shen Guanglin's demonstration was phased array radar. In fact, there are phased array radars in China, and they are also studying and imitating foreign advanced radar technology.

The future homecoming of phased array radar is early warning aircraft.

In the just-concluded Falklands campaign, the Eagle State did not use early warning aircraft, so the battlefield suffered heavy losses. Later in the Gulf War, the early warning aircraft used by Citigroup helped a lot.

The members of the acceptance team were well-informed, and they were not surprised to see the components of the phased array radar. They didn't even ask where it came from.

After all, there are many ways to obtain phased array radar modules, and it is not uncommon for many ordinary scientific research working groups to obtain them.

Soon, their focus was on the calculation program and feedback mechanism written by Shen Guanglin, which was a new thing and a sign of high technology.

Shen Guanglin himself will become, he made an open program, mainly set up four signals, namely AI, AO, DI, DO.In fact, it is used to connect different types of actuators.

In the future, the compiled program can be burned into a special chip, which can increase the reaction speed, and can achieve automatic response and automatic interception without human operation.

After reading the program, the next step is to conduct a linkage experiment.

Of course, it's just a joint demonstration to let everyone know that there is such a thing.

If Shen Guanglin hadn't received a special notice from Li Ban in advance, he would not have made such meticulous preparations.

Now, everyone has only one feeling, this little Shen is so professional!

Although Shen Guanglin is not engaged in weapon research and development professionally, but because he has communicated more with Lao Li, he knows the level of domestic weapon research and development at this stage. At the same time, he also knows the weapon development situation of other developed countries in the world.

This is very powerful, open your eyes to see the world, Wei Yuan.

If you don't look at the specifics and just listen to him flickering, even a very professional person will have to admire Shen Guanglin's profound knowledge.

Sure enough, he is a world-renowned scientist. He really knows one way and ten thousand ways.

Shen Guanglin bought several phased radar array components, all of which were provided by Citigroup. Shen Guanglin asked people to use these parts to carry out a series of modifications, and then formed different defensive and counterattack weapon models.

The animation demonstration is still not enjoyable, and there is still a practical stage next.

Of course, Shen Guanglin doesn't need to do this by himself. The students of Capital University have never lacked enthusiasm. The reason why they don't work in this industry after graduation is because although this job looks very important, the income is not high and the status is not high. high.

Fortunately, today's practical demonstration does not lack "props" at all.

Because there are quite a lot of planes flying in the sky of the capital, if you borrow their figures, the flight attendants should not be angry.

You don't have to wait long.

Soon, a civil aviation passenger plane appeared on the computer screen, flying from the northeast direction, heading for the airport. They were going to land, not to bomb.

This phased array radar is not equipped with specific transponders and aviation identifiers, so it cannot determine which aircraft belongs to which country, but the flight speed and altitude of the aircraft can be displayed on the screen.

It is estimated that as long as the parameters of the automatic weapon are input, the next step can be performed.

"If we can link our missile launchers, can we shoot down this plane?"

"Yes, Shen Guanglin answered in the affirmative. Citigroup's Patriot missiles are based on this principle. They are multi-purpose, and we can do the same."

Shen Guanglin knew a thing or two about the Sam 50 introduced by China in the 2s, the beech developed by the Soviet Union later, and the patriots of Citigroup, so he was not at all timid in front of professionals.

Shen Guanglin also said that Maozi's beech is definitely not as advanced as ours.

Everyone is thoughtful.

Immediately afterwards, Shen Guanglin talked about the research and development characteristics and development direction of Huaxia weapons in later generations, which he learned from military parades and public information in later generations.

However, in this era, it is true that some weapons have entered the research stage, but some weapons do not even have a concept yet, but Shen Guanglin brought it up, as if he had seen it before, and he said it clearly and logically.

Benefited a lot!

This is the experience of everyone, and we still need to invite more experts like this to teach in the future, no wonder his lecture fees are so expensive, it is really worth it!
At this moment, there was a loud and loud noise at the door.

Someone came to the door to make trouble again.

It was an old man leading a group of people to make a scene, saying that Shen Guanglin's laboratory had sent someone to kidnap his grandson.

The leaders just wanted to hear Shen Guanglin continue to talk about the current status of weapon research and development in the world. Everyone asked what kind of weapon, although Shen Guanglin may not have seen it, but he can give the working principle and implementation method, which is very powerful.

Then, they were aroused by the noise outside.

"Who is this? What are they doing?"

At the gate, an old man with a Mediterranean hairstyle led a few people to attack the laboratory. Today's security force is relatively strong, and they were unable to rush in.

The leader came to visit in private, loose on the outside and tight on the inside, but he was still disturbed by this group of people. This situation is very bad.

Shen Guanglin remained calm, as if nothing had happened.

Finally, someone still asked, "Xiao Shen, do you know what's going on? Why are they making such a fuss?"

Shen Guanglin called a student out, and then quickly came in: "It's the old man Zhao who said you kidnapped his grandson."

Shen Guanglin immediately understood.

"I didn't know this person at first. Some time ago, his grandson attacked our laboratory for no reason, saying that he had taken a fancy to a girl in our laboratory. Later, they sent someone to smash it up and injured us. The staff of the security department. I called the police, maybe, his grandson was taken to investigate recently, and he thought it was done by people from our laboratory, no, he came here to make trouble again today. "

"How can someone be so arrogant? Does he have any background?"

At this time, the leader who had been helping Shen Guanglin speak up spoke again:
"Probably a retired veteran cadre. Isn't it normal to dote on your offspring? The old man of the Li family also loves Li Rong and Xiao Shen in every possible way. He often praises Li Rong and Xiao Shen in front of us old subordinates, but he doesn't say it on the face, he just holds it."

Everyone laughed knowingly, Mr. Li is really such a person.

But it was too noisy outside, and there was a trend of getting bigger and bigger, so everyone had to go outside to see the situation.

There are indeed a lot of people who came to be on duty today. In addition to the personnel from the laboratory security department, there are also personnel from the biotechnology security department, and there are also full-time protection leaders. Everyone is in casual clothes to keep a low profile.

After all, Shen Guanglin's laboratory is not a weapon research and development laboratory.

The leaders did not come out, let people see if anyone knows this person.

Indeed, a staff officer surnamed Yang knew Lao Zhao, and when he came out, he saw the scene of Mediterranean Lao Zhao leading a few people to make a scene in the crowd.

"Old Zhao, what are you doing here?" He was also puzzled by Lao Zhao's appearance. The person who stormed the laboratory twice could be him.

"Oh, it's Staff Officer Yang, why are you here? My grandson Danyang was kidnapped by their laboratory. If I don't come to rescue him, they will slander my family Danyang for stealing state secrets, and they will make an iron case. "

He loves Sun very much, Lao Zhao's hairstyle can no longer cover his forehead, and his hair has slipped down, covering his eyes instead.

Everyone didn't know the cause and effect, so they looked at Shen Guanglin to see what he would say next.

"Old gentleman, I don't know your grandson, why did you kidnap him? I just heard that your grandson stormed our lab some time ago in order to pursue a girl, and after being blocked, you sent someone to our lab to fight him." Shit, this is already the third time. You have sent people to injure the staff of our laboratory several times, is it because you want to have a friendly exchange? Don’t you think it is illegal? "

"If you hit someone, you must be prepared to be beaten. Give Staff Yang a face today, and I will let you go first. You wait, and quickly release my Danyang, or you will look good."

The old man Zhao is also stern and soft-hearted. The people he brought have been controlled, that is to say, he is old and has not completely restricted his freedom.

Staff Officer Yang couldn't make his own decisions, and reported back to the leaders.

"Just playing the piano!"

(End of this chapter)

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