Start with a college teacher

Chapter 342 Crystalline Silicon

Chapter 342 Crystalline Silicon

Deliberately arranging flowers will not bloom, but unintentionally planting willows to make shade.

Shen Guanglin had completely given up hope for the joint laboratory in Jinmen. As long as they can study the physical and chemical properties of carbon nanotubes clearly and produce some results that can write high-quality papers, it will be fine.

The demands really couldn't be higher, and if there were more demands, they would have no time to continue intrigue.

I just discovered a carbon nanotube, and it's not a big achievement. They still have to come here to fight for power and profit with me.

Just this pattern?What else can develop.

Unexpectedly, it was absolutely unexpected that after more than half a year, they actually produced results, and they produced results without Shen Guanglin's participation at all.

It is undeniable that the hardware conditions of this tripartite joint laboratory are really good, because the Soccerene United Manufacturing Company is rich and powerful, and the conditions of the laboratory are also good. At least, various experimental materials are made casually.

However, their personnel composition and the relationship between them are also really messy.

Among all the researchers, they roughly fall into three categories.

The first category is the research group and researchers from Fusang nationality. They are employees of Takeda Corporation, so they are not interested in researching other majors, and they focus on studying footballene every day.

Last time, Shen Guanglin helped them overcome difficulties, proved that football ene is non-toxic, and saved their professional lives. Only then did they gain their absolute trust and dare not challenge Shen Guanglin's authority and status. From this point of view, They are a kind of people who are indifferent to the world.

The second type is the researchers of Nankai University.They have a certain status and are natives of Jinmen, and they really want to win the right to speak in the laboratory.But they are just the scientific research forces that Shen Guanglin randomly pulled over, and the right to use the funds is all in Shen Guanglin's hands, but they are not close to Shen Guanglin.

Therefore, they are the most difficult ones. Whenever the laboratory achieves something, they want to get involved, and no one wants to give up.

Indeed, it is also due to the relatively high pressure to produce results, which also makes their minds not so pure.

The third type is the Shen Guanglin laboratory's own people, who are the direct descendants of the Whampoa Military Academy.

In terms of status, Zhang Cheng here is probably Du Guangting, a student of Chang Kaishen, and the people at Nankai University are probably Feng Yuxiang and Li Zongren.

This joint laboratory also has three open research directions. If you want to do other research, you probably won't grant money.

Now, only the Fuso people are really studying footballene, and they are under pressure to increase production and turn it into economic results.

In fact, there are only two real research topics in Huaxia. One of them is the research on carbon nanotubes. Shen Guanglin allocated 100 million DuPont's donation here, and the other topic is the manufacturing technology of solar photovoltaic cells.

Two groups of Chinese scientific researchers are working on two projects at the same time. There is no unity at all, and competition for power and profit exists all the time, but their results have really come out.

so amazing!
According to Zhang Cheng's report, they actually produced monocrystalline silicon rods with good size and purity in the laboratory.

This is no ordinary single crystal silicon, this is high purity single crystal silicon that can be sliced ​​into wafers.

real or fake?

When Shen Guanglin received this call, the corners of his eyes began to twitch.

Monocrystalline silicon is a good thing!
Low-end monocrystalline silicon can be used to make monocrystalline silicon solar cells, and high-end monocrystalline silicon can be used to make semiconductor wafers.

Semiconductors were a revolutionary discovery of the 20th century.

Speaking of the development history of semiconductors, to a large extent it is the development history of silicon materials.

Unlike germanium and gallium arsenide, which are both rare elements, because silicon is too common and the raw materials are extremely easy to obtain, the development is also the most extensive.

Therefore, in recent decades, silicon has been a hot spot in the development of the times.

It is obviously just sand, but it has become the most value-added product.

In this way, the joint laboratory that is infighting every day can still develop high-purity single crystal silicon?
Shen Guanglin couldn't bear it anymore. After inquiring about some information, he immediately dialed the number of the joint laboratory again and called Zhang Cheng: "You said that the laboratory produced high-purity single crystal silicon, what is this? What's going on? Isn't the monocrystalline silicon you produce the kind used for photovoltaic panels?"

Since Zhang Cheng lost his love in West Berlin, he has finally made great progress and development in his career. Women can only affect the speed at which he draws his sword. Without the fetters of women, he feels that this is the happiest day.

Zhang Cheng is now Shen Guanglin's right-hand man. Shen Guanglin has specific projects that need to be implemented, and Zhang Cheng leads the team to complete them.

Moreover, in order not to treat this general badly, Shen Guanglin even allocated him a house in Tiangong No. [-] in the capital.

Even now that he came to Jinmen, Shen Guanglin gave him the crown that was originally assigned to Wu Xiaoyun in the laboratory.

It's just that Zhang Cheng is not a person who likes material comforts. Although he followed Shen Guanglin to develop a habit of loving food, other material pursuits are gone.

Even after Tiangong-[-] was given to him, he never went to live in it once. He still likes to live in a dormitory. It's nice to have someone to cook and play games with him when he's tired.

Now working in Jinmen, he is the top person in charge, a representative sent by Capital University, and he is exercising power on behalf of Shen Guanglin.

Shen Guanglin did not give him other powers, but gave Zhang Cheng the right to sign the finance.

Without Zhang Cheng's signature, all the expenses of the laboratory would not be paid, and if the amount exceeded a certain level, Shen Guanglin would still need to review it.

In Jinmen, Zhang Chengcheng is the embodiment and plenipotentiary representative of Shen Guanglin's personal will.

Hearing Shen Guanglin's question, Zhang Cheng sorted out his thoughts and reported:

"Mr. Shen, we also went in the direction of producing solar cells at the beginning. Later, we discovered that the better the purity of crystalline silicon, the higher the photoelectric conversion efficiency.

The purity of the silicon rods we produced at the beginning is indeed only 3 9s or 4 9s.Later, our working group was also idle and bored, wondering if we could purify the raw materials to a higher degree.For this purpose, we also use various methods, including the preparation of semiconductors.

Just after we used pickling to dissolve the excess impurities in the polysilicon, and then evaporated the excess gas in the material at high temperature, we actually got 7 9 high-purity silicon materials. "

Zhang Cheng then reported: "I think, if we adopt higher-level production test conditions and adopt stricter management measures, for example, if we build a high-cleanness laboratory, we may not be able to produce higher-purity silicon wafers." .”

After hearing this, Shen Guanglin didn't speak for a long time. After pondering for a long time, he said, "I'll come over immediately. Don't tell anyone about this matter for the time being. I'll see if there is a possibility for us to use integrated circuits."

Indeed, although monocrystalline silicon is used for wafers for semiconductor integrated circuits and silicon wafers for solar cells, their production methods and technical routes are different.

The material is indeed the same material, and their difference is mainly reflected in the purity.


What is this concept?There are 7 digits of 9 after the decimal point, which is extremely difficult.

To meet this requirement, if you think about it, you will know that it is not easy.

Moreover, the wafers used in the manufacture of integrated circuits not only require purity, but also have requirements for their crystal orientation, carrier lifetime, size, and surface defects, and the requirements are also very high.

Making high-purity monocrystalline silicon is only the first step to success. After the wafer is cut, low-concentration ion implantation, high-concentration doped epitaxial growth, annealing, etc. are required before the next practical process can be entered.

The reason why Shen Guanglin came here in such a hurry was because he found that the way to the laboratory was off.

According to Shen Guanglin's original plan, what he thought was whether he could find a way to produce monocrystalline silicon at a low cost. The original intention was to use solar cell modules to generate electricity. As a result, they went another way.

Solar cells have been produced, and the measured data is that the photoelectric conversion efficiency is 17.5%.

However, Zhang Cheng said that it is useless to produce crystalline silicon batteries. Space satellites can’t use so many of them. If we want to produce them, we must produce high-end products, which are more widely used.

This child obviously doesn't understand the future, and the road is narrowed.

Wafers are very good, but until Shen Guanglin crossed over, domestic semiconductor factories produced the most 6-inch wafers, and those 8-inch wafers, 10-inch, 12-inch, and 14-inch wafers were all controlled by Wanwan. The stick is in the hands of Fusang and Citigroup.

As for solar cells, they are almost everywhere in China, and several richest people have been born, and China occupies the main force in the global photovoltaic market.

As a young man in the 21st century, as long as he pays a little attention, he can always see some photovoltaic application products.

For example, solar street lights on the side of the road, such as solar power stations on a hillside.

Now, Shen Guanglin is also a little confused. He originally wanted to be the first Shi Zhengrong in China, but found out that he might grow into Zhang Zhongmou.

But, do you really want to take the semiconductor road?
What about the lithography machine?
Shen Guanglin had roughly heard about how the lithography machine worked when the later generations were carding Huawei's neck abroad.

In fact, the lithography machines in this era are still relatively low-end, and there is indeed a certain opportunity to get involved, but in the future, can I really get involved.

Where is the talent?
In the semiconductor industry, Shen Guanglin himself is also a student. He systematically studied how integrated circuits are made.

To make an integrated circuit, it is necessary to use a stencil to remove the protective film on the surface of the wafer;
Then the wafer is soaked in a corrosive agent, and the part that lost the protective film is etched away to form a circuit.

Then use ultrapure water to wash away the impurities remaining on the wafer surface.

The lithography machine is also an exposure machine, which is a device that uses ultraviolet light to pass through a specific template to remove the protective film on the wafer surface.

 I am adjusting today, I wrote three chapters before, and it is invalid, I wish you all a happy holiday

(End of this chapter)

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