Start with a college teacher

Chapter 343 Use of Funds

Chapter 343 Use of Funds
The Mercedes-Benz drove at lightning speed all the way, and finally arrived at the downstairs of the joint laboratory.

The Mercedes-Benz trademark already belongs to Mr. Shen. If he builds cars in the future, he will use the trademark "Mercedes-Benz".

What a name, Mercedes-Benz, Mercedes-Benz all the way.

Shen Guanglin was about to arrive, and Zhang Chengcheng was waiting downstairs.

Now that he is no longer distracted by taking care of his smooth forehead, he has shaved his head like a bald head. He is indeed more energetic, and he looks very mature, slightly more mature than Shen Guanglin.

Therefore, he was in charge of the scientific research team at Capital University, and he led the team. The researchers at Nankai University couldn't grasp the reality, and no one questioned his authority.

As for professionally questioning the level of these people in Capital University, it is even more impossible. Even the interns who are seniors, their level is very high.

Many students gave up the opportunity to study abroad. Shen Guanglin said that they can go to Fusang to study and train here, and they can go to Kyoto University for advanced studies. It is no problem to get a master's degree certificate there.

Jointly run schools.

It is also rare for everyone to work in China but study overseas research.

This is only the second year of Zhang Cheng's university graduation, but everyone is still calling Researcher Zhang enthusiastically, because they are waiting for Zhang Cheng's signature to approve the fee.

This big guy who is particularly good at mathematics is also very good at accounting. After years of cultivation and training by Shen Guanglin, he has finally grown into an excellent head dog.

In fact, the establishment of any kind of laboratory is a bottomless pit of spending money, and the process of managing a laboratory is actually a process of considering how to spend money.

The operation of Shen Guanglin's laboratory at Capital University is not difficult, but the process of raising money is definitely painful.

Although 500 million to 1000 million at every turn, the process is definitely not that easy. If the company cannot obtain benefits, they will not continue to invest soon after investing this money.

Shen Guanglin just wants to let them see the future, so that they can have the pleasure of participating.

Moreover, companies with donations have priority in using the laboratory's patents.

Labs are really expensive.

The reason why Shen Guanglin established the tripartite joint laboratory in Jinmen was also because he wanted to spend more money from foreigners, not to waste money.

Moreover, the football ene company did not think about making money, and it was a victory to rely on this company to support the laboratory.

However, Takeda Corporation doesn't think so. They are desperately studying the various functions of footballene, not only in Jinmen, but also in Fuso with a special research group.

In fact, no laboratory can truly be responsible for its own profits and losses. Without government funding and social donations, no laboratory can survive comfortably, unless they do scientific research to make money, which is different from laboratories run by companies. What a difference.

In a laboratory, if you control the money, you control the entire laboratory.Of course, Zhang Cheng also understands this, so as long as the funding is blocked, all researchers will be strangled. Shen Guanglin entrusted him with this responsibility, and he fulfilled it very well.

In fact, Nankai University wanted to do its best to study carbon nanotubes, but Zhang Cheng followed Shen Guanglin's arrangement and deliberately stuck with funding, instead wanting to promote solar cell research.

The result is also obvious. There is no upper limit on the research funding of solar cells, and then the results will come out.

When Shen Guanglin arrived, he was not in a hurry to go upstairs, but went for a walk with Zhang Cheng first, and waited until he had a clear understanding of the situation.

"What stage is your research on crystalline silicon at now?" Shen Guanglin asked straight to the point, and he could make a judgment to see whether it is better to go forward or take a step back, or to take two steps, one step forward and one step back.

Zhang Cheng is also prepared for this: "In the direction of semiconductor research, we have tested the crystal orientation and carriers of single crystal silicon, and we can only say that it barely meets the requirements, but it does not exceed expectations. After all, our It has just begun, and there is still a long way to go, this is only the first step of the long march."

Indeed, if monocrystalline silicon is to be used in integrated circuits, high purity is only the first step, and other requirements are equally important.

Otherwise, semiconductors are difficult to make, and as long as there are some problems, the entire film will be scrapped.

Of course, scrapped cells are not useless, they can also be used as monocrystalline silicon cells.

And they didn't make much progress in the research of monocrystalline silicon cells, because they didn't pay much attention to it and felt that there was no breakthrough, and silicon materials were too expensive and not suitable for promotion.

Shen Guanglin couldn't answer this question, because he didn't know whether it would work or not.

Otherwise, go to Citigroup and dig Zhang Zhongmou to see if it works.

Now he should not have left, right? Is it Intel or Texas Instruments?

This matter will be studied in detail another day, and the most urgent thing now is to see what stage Zhang Cheng and the others have reached in their research.

The two talked while walking, and then entered the laboratory.

Shen Guanglin followed Zhang Cheng into the laboratory, and sure enough, he saw a silicon rod reflecting metallic luster, and asked, "How big is it?"

"Is it the cross-sectional size?" Zhang Cheng smiled.

"Well, otherwise."

"7 inches, if it wasn't for the lower purity, and we do lack some necessary instruments and equipment, otherwise we might have to verify more data."

Shen Guanglin thought for a while, "What equipment do you want and how much do you need?".

"There are a lot of needs, and other professors from Nankai University want to join in. They have professors who specialize in semiconductor research. They have been mixed in the team of researchers studying photovoltaics before, and now they are all exposed."

Sure enough, Nankai in this era is still very powerful, and they have also produced a lot of talents, but as the funds are getting less and less, so the talents are slowly lost.

"Since people are here, we need them, and we can never have too many. But we should give priority to ensuring life. After all, the cost is still small. If it is not enough, let Great Wall Electric take care of the welfare here."

Shen Guanglin felt that Great Wall Electric also needed talents. Did he train some talents for Great Wall Electric in this tripartite joint laboratory?

Since many college students at this stage are unwilling to go to private companies and prefer to wait for the organization to assign work, it is better to recruit more people in the name of the laboratory, and then send them to Great Wall Electric to work or let them be responsible for the development of new products of Great Wall Electric.

Curve to save the country!

this is a good idea.

Next, Zhang Cheng reported on the use of funds.

Semiconductor research really costs money. Whether it is buying equipment or materials, it costs a lot of money. Shen Guanglin looked at the subsequent funding applications and felt that he could no longer approve funds.

"Xiao Zhang, set a principle in the future. The experimental funds used for the research of silicon materials in our laboratory should not exceed the funds used for the study of footballene. Otherwise, I will not be able to explain it to others. After all, this laboratory is mainly funded by Takeda Corporation. Yes, they don’t expect to open a semiconductor factory.”

"Okay, Mr. Shen, I understand, what about the follow-up funds?"

The follow-up funds are really difficult to handle, or let the laboratory at the capital university pay for it, temporarily lend it to the laboratory at Jinmen, and pay it back later when there is money.

Although Shen Guanglin has shares in the football olefin joint factory, it is a joint venture after all. The original intention of the establishment of the enterprise is to make money, not to engage in scientific research.

(End of this chapter)

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