Chapter 344
When Shen Guanglin came to Jinmen, he naturally wanted to solve some practical problems, and what he had to solve now was the development of Jinmen Electric Appliances.

Jingdanan opened a joint laboratory and began to recruit a large number of people!

The focus of the recruitment is people from Jinmen University.

Because only the people in this school do not know the reality of the laboratory, the newly recruited people were not originally for the laboratory, but for the talents reserved by Great Wall Electric.

This time, students majoring in electrical, automation, mechanical manufacturing and other related majors are recruited.

Whether you are a senior student in school or a tool person in the society, as long as you are willing to come to study or want to change jobs after real learning, you can try it.

The problem of establishment is actually very easy to solve. As long as the government is not asked for money, the government is willing to give this convenience.

Great Wall Electric is a joint venture, and the government has almost no shares, so it cannot provide the establishment, but the joint laboratory can.

At the beginning of the year, because of the carbon nanotube incident, the joint laboratory had just launched a large satellite, and newspapers reported their heroic deeds every day.

With the current prestige of the joint laboratory, as long as the recruitment and internship are linked, many college students will naturally flock to it.

They also don't want to adopt the model of forced distribution, because they don't know who they distribute to you. After all, forced twisting is not sweet.

It’s still a matter of direct recruitment. If you come to us for an internship, there is an 80% chance that I will recruit you.

If you don't believe it, hearing is believing, seeing is believing, come and try it.

Moreover, even if it is only an internship, the conditions are very good, and this is a paid internship.

Although the salary is only 50% of that of regular employees, the benefits are the same.

In this way, many students from Nankai and Jinmen University signed up one after another. For this reason, Huang Guangyi specifically asked Shen Guanglin how to deal with this matter.

There are so many people coming from Nankai?Didn't their teachers tell the truth?

Come all want!
In the future, if the Great Wall Electrical Appliances in Jinmen cannot be accommodated, then we will go to the Great Wall Electric Appliances in Shencheng. We are afraid of everything else, except that there are too many people.

After all, college students in this era still have real talents, and they don't know the skills of paddling and fishing.

In this way, many students started to "work" with a high salary, and their salary in the first month was more than that of university teachers.

It made the teachers feel uneasy.

Fortunately, the location of Great Wall Electric is large enough and there are enough dormitories. Zhang Cheng and Huang Guangyi arranged all the interns to study in the workshop.

On the surface, of course, it cannot be said that they will serve Great Wall Electric in the future, but this is what they actually do.

However, there were too many interns, and Shen Guanglin had to decide on the general direction.

Under the auspices of Shen Guanglin, they divided into several scientific research groups, some researched television sets, some researched refrigerators, some researched water heaters, and some researched tape recorders.

Each group has a team leader, and their task is to learn existing product knowledge and work hard to research new product types.

Now is the era of grabbing the market, and there is no need for particularly high innovation capabilities for the time being. First, take Fusang's products to learn, imitate and improve. If you can do this, you can already eat a lot of fat.

As for the matter of crystalline silicon, let's put it aside for now, and wait until Shen Guanglin thinks it through.

You can buy the equipment you need, and if you don’t have money, you can ask Shen Guanglin for it. Let’s make technical reserves first.

As for whether he really wants to take the road of semiconductor manufacturing, Shen Guanglin is still hesitant.

However, the path of monocrystalline silicon photovoltaics can also be explored. Anyway, now that Shen Guanglin has money, he can safely and boldly make some investments.

Moreover, as early as last year, the state has released the permits for wholly foreign-owned enterprises to build factories.

Here in Shen Guanglin, although they enjoy the treatment of foreign capital, they keep saying that they are Chinese enterprises.

The government is also very pleased to hear that this is a patriotic Hong Kong businessman.

Just a while ago, the old man who drew circles in the South China Sea went there again for a stroll.

The old man said something affirming the reform and opening up, and "further opening up 14 coastal port cities including Dalian, QHD, Tianjin, Yantai, Qingdao, LYG, Nantong, Shanghai, Ningbo, Wenzhou, Fuzhou, Guangzhou, Zhanjiang and Beihai and Hainan Island" .

Jinmen has entered the ranks of open cities, so you can make bold investments with confidence.

It was summer vacation in a blink of an eye, and on the eve of the holiday, Li Rong asked him what he had planned for the summer vacation, and also asked him to come back quickly.

Because the Old Summer Palace is finally going to be overhauled, and his house there will also be taken back.

What do you mean, is it the house of Fuyuanmen?

of course not.

There are too many people living here in Fuyuanmen, and there is No. 101 Middle School nearby, as well as the school's family area. There are thousands of people in this community, and the difficulty of relocation is too great. It was not a job that the Yuanmingyuan Management Office could handle, nor was it the focus of their work.

Now, what needs to be taken back is the few sets of courtyards that Shen Guanglin commissioned Su Youpeng to buy casually when he first crossed. Although they are all small farmyards, they are located in the core scenic area of ​​Yuanmingyuan, and they are in a good location. Now they are in the way.

However, after all these years, no one lived in these yards. They used to be the warehouses of Shunzi and others for a while, but later Shen Guanglin felt that speculation was not safe, so he let them move out.

Now, there are some tattered things collected in the early years, most of which have not been put back.

These were all paid by Shen Guanglin, and as Shunzi and Su Youpeng played with them casually, they could not let them go until they were full.

As for what's inside, the devil only knows.

Li Rong asked him if he wanted these things, and if he didn't want them, he just disposed of them casually.

Abandoned furniture, rotten window lattices, stone monuments and statues, and even stones for tying horses.

Porcelain, calligraphy, painting, gold and silver are fine and soft. They are all the work of some stupid and rough guys.

I'll go, how can I not want these things.

Shen Guanglin didn't even know that there was such a thing. It turned out that Su Youpeng Shunzi and the others had kept it at will, and he hadn't checked it, so everyone probably forgot about it.

If it wasn't for the restoration of the Old Summer Palace and the expropriation, Shen Guanglin would have forgotten that he had a house here.

Then check back.

With the arrival of July, the weather began to become hot and dry again.

If it weren't for the fact that those yards couldn't return some good things, Shen Guanglin would never have wanted to leave the air-conditioned room and return to the capital.

Now the ruins of Yuanmingyuan has become a large construction site. The Fuyuan Gate cannot be dismantled. It is still a piece of pure land, but it is also surrounded by people of all colors.

Those who were going to the Yuanmingyuan to dance the "square dance" now all ran to Fuyuanmen.

It was inconvenient for Shen Guanglin to drive around. There were too many people on the road, and it was too eye-catching to drive such a small car.

However, although there were so many people, Shen Guanglin wasn't angry at all, because they really weren't a nuisance, after all, they didn't play music.

"It's better in this era. You don't need to play music when you dance in the square, and everyone can have a good rest." After the road was blocked, Shen Guanglin and Li Rong rode bicycles to and from get off work instead.

"What square dance? What kind of music is playing?" Li Rong was very puzzled, why did she play music.

"It's just playing those dynamic songs, such as 'The boundless end of the world is my love, and the flowers are blooming at the foot of the rolling green hills.

What kind of rhythm is the most swaying, and what kind of singing is the most joyful. '"

When Shen Guanglin mentioned square dancing, he immediately thought of this song.

"This song is quite nice, who sang it?"

"A Mongolian female singer."

Later, Shen Guanglin found out that they were not dancing in the square, they were practicing Qigong, which is a kind of Qigong called Xianggong, which is said to be able to cure all diseases. If anyone dares not believe it, we will attack you.

Now, the Old Summer Palace is being overhauled, and the houses and land occupied by those peasant households will be taken back.

The reason why the management committee of Yuanmingyuan wanted to call Shen Guanglin back was not only to expropriate his house, but also to ask him for help.

Really "beg".

Because how to resettle these peasant households after being demolished is really a difficult problem.

Now, biotechnology companies are hot spots in the job market. Aren't you going to expand the scale of production? Can you help us put some people in.

It's okay to house a few people, but what about the place to live?
Tiangong No. [-] is where Shen Guanglin's "own people" live, and it's not for the government to clean up.

Most of the houses to be demolished this time are near Wanchunyuan, which seems to have been transformed into Wanchunyuan courtyard villa area later, and it is not known whether it is for rent or for sale.

Shen Guanglin made a request. He can cooperate with the recruitment and solve the people's livelihood problems. However, there is a house here for him. He can pay for it and build it himself. There is no problem with matching the style.

The management committee agreed.

Shen Guanglin also readily agreed to demolish his house, it doesn't matter if he gives money or not, he is not short of these three melons.

On this day, when Shen Guanglin was about to come over to take a look at his inventory, two young men who collected rags came to the door on their own initiative.

One has a round face with big eyes, and the other has a long, thin face with single eyelids.

It doesn't look like someone who collects rags, but looks a bit like those unscrupulous literati in terms of temperament.

"Brother, this is your courtyard. It's been locked all the time, and no one is living there. Where are you getting rich?" The thin and long face handed over an Ashima, and was about to light it for him with a match.

Shen Guanglin took the smoke, but he didn't light it, so he stuck it to his ear, thanked him, and stopped smoking.

"Let me introduce myself first. My name is Ma Dudu. This is my friend Wang Shuo. We like to tinker with old things when we have nothing to do. Don't you see that Wanchun Garden is being demolished here? See if there is anything you don't want. For gadgets, we want to collect a little, after all, it is traditional culture.”

Oops, I'm sorry, I'm a cultural celebrity again.

This Ma Dudu has been famous for a long time. A few years ago, he wrote a novel "The Moon is Full Tonight", which tells the story of an ordinary lathe worker in a workshop who falls in love with a goddess. This routine is a bit like a big star falling in love with me , set a precedent for YY, very popular with readers.

Ma Dudu also joined "Youth Literature" as an editor.

This Wang Shuo did not go so smoothly, and he is still Ma Dudu's follower.

This little brother joined the army in his early years, and worked as a salesman for a pharmaceutical company after retiring from the army. After entering the sea, he failed many times in business. At the beginning of this year, he finally entered the literary world with the article "Stewardess".

The novel "Stewardess" is similar to "Tonight's Full Moon". It describes the flight attendant falling in love with me, and only this kind of love story can make readers feel involved, so that it can become popular.

After all, all the judges are handsome, and all kinds of female stars, stewardesses, teachers, and nurses will post them all upside down.

When Ma Dudu was young, in addition to liking literature, he also loved collecting.

However, he has little money, but he has many methods of cheating and abducting, and he likes to pick up leaks the most.

Today, he picked up Shen Guanglin and came here.

(End of this chapter)

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