Chapter 345
Today, people from the management office of Yuanmingyuan came here with Shen Guanglin. Li Rong didn't come over for something, and the others didn't have the key.

The demolition is imminent. If the master is not around, no one would dare to move these things.

As for forcibly unlocking and forcibly demolishing houses, there is no such thing.

Ma Dudu didn't know who Shen Guanglin was, but the person in charge of the office did. He was a professor at Capital University, a young talent.

Moreover, when Shen Guanglin made a big donation, he donated a patrol car to their management office.

With this kind of love, what people are most afraid of is Shen Guanglin making a fuss. As long as he agrees to demolition, he can discuss any reason.

Moreover, Shen is a university professor and will not make unreasonable demands.

If the key isn't there, pick the lock.

Although the lock head is large, it cannot withstand a crowbar.

The door opened quickly, and there was no need to enter the door. The yard was already full of things.

All kinds of stone carvings.

There are carved threshold stones, screen wall stones, stone bats, eaves, window eaves, and all kinds of exquisite carvings are full.

There are both large and small items. You can see that among all the large items, there is an ancient Shimen archway, not to mention, and there is even a huge animal statue that is obviously born of a stone statue.

Where did this thing come from?

In fact, the management office is also investigating the direction of the relics in the Old Summer Palace. Seeing so many messy things, everyone is a little embarrassed. They don't know whether to hold Shen Guanglin responsible.

Fortunately, Ma Dudu liked these things since he was a child, and he took the initiative to stand up and help out. "These are all collected from the outside, and are not the rules that the Old Summer Palace should have. Look at the carvings, which are the configuration of the middle-level official residences of the Ming Dynasty; and this, although this is exquisite, it is folk, and it may be a rich man. House stuff..."

Sure enough, there were not many contraband in the yard, and the people in the management office just said, if there are things in our garden, let us keep them.

As for what else was in the room, the staff in the management office didn't want to look at it anymore. They were very busy, and suddenly remembered that there were other things to deal with.

It's fine if they're not there.

Shen Guanglin also couldn't explain when and how these things came, whether they cost money, and how much they cost.

The hateful Su Youpeng and Shunzi have created a little problem for themselves.

The yard is full of history.

Ma Dudu, Wang Shuo and Shen Guanglin watched for a long time, and they really learned a lot.

What they have studied the longest is actually the archway.

This ancient archway is actually from the Jiajing period, which means that a certain man in Huairou died young, and a certain woman has been widowed since she was 19 years old. She raised her three children alone and has been a widow for 63 years.

This stone statue was interesting when it was born. They didn't know when it was made or where it came from. Shen Guanglin decided to hire a professor from the school's history department or archeology department to take a look at it another day. If it doesn't work, just return it to someone else.

The yard that Shen Guanglin bought at the beginning was not small, but it was actually an ordinary house, and the building was relatively simple, with a brick and wood structure.

The foundation is a circle of bluestone. Looking at the smoothness of the polishing, you don't have to think about it. It is either a stone tablet or a stone pulled from the Old Summer Palace.

The walls are pillars built of blue bricks, and the middle is mud embryos.

Naturally, the roof is not glazed tiles, but the most common gray tiles, but fortunately it does not leak.

After the people from the management office of Yuanmingyuan left, Shen Guanglin was about to open the door and go in to have a look.

The house doesn't look like much from the outside, but when you open it, it's a completely different scene.

It was filled with all kinds of furniture.There are various styles, such as mahogany door lintels, canopy beds, high chairs, Yunlong thrones, dressing tables, and top chest cabinets.

Moreover, Shen Guanglin looked up, the quality of the beams and rafters of this house is really good, it is estimated that this is a good thing, most likely it was obtained from the Old Summer Palace.

In fact, the Old Summer Palace was not burnt down like this.

In 1860, during the first Opium War, "two robbers from Europe broke into the Old Summer Palace. One robber looted property, and the other set fire to it."

However, the first Opium War did not completely destroy the Old Summer Palace, and it was even restored during the Tongzhi period.

Until 1900, the Eight-Power Allied Forces entered the capital again, and they looted all the furnishings of the Old Summer Palace.

However, what the Eight-Power Allied Forces took away was gold and silver treasures. As for the demolition of buildings and the removal of stones and wood, it is probably not the aggressors who did it.

After the fall of the Qing Dynasty, things in the Old Summer Palace were also lost one after another, both official and private.

For example, the copper unicorn at the gate of Changchun Garden and the Danbi stone in Anyou Palace were moved to the Summer Palace in 1910.

The Shuimu Minser Stele was moved to the Summer Palace in 1937.

The Huabiao and Stone Qilin in Anyou Palace, the Xianfa Bridge and Turning Stone Fish in the Western Building, the Plum Stele, the Flower Stele, and the Wenyuange Stele were moved to Yenching University and the old capital library respectively.

Some precious Taihu stones such as the eight-pillar stele of Lanting Pavilion, the railing of Yuanying Guanshi and "Qinglianduo" were moved to Zhongshan Park in 1915.

The stone lions and their pedestals at the East Gate of Changchun Garden were moved to Zhengyang Gate and Xinhua Gate.

Here in Shen Guanglin, the ancestors only used a few beams and some foundation stones to build the house, which seems really not too much.

Even, if he disassembled his house at Fuyuanmen, he might be able to find many old objects from Yuanmingyuan.

"Brother Shen, why do you keep so many broken pieces of wood and broken furniture? My family is just repairing the house, can you give up a few?" Find something to take with you.

Shen Guanglin laughed, this person really hit himself with doctrine.

"It's easy to say, you can take any kind of elm, jujube, wenge, beech, and rosewood, and I don't ask you for money. Don't think about red sandalwood, huanghuali, etc. I don’t know if there are any and how many there are, but after a while, I will find someone to sort it out and repair it, and I will know when I have a look.”


When Xiao Ma heard this, he felt bad, and immediately stopped thinking about picking up the leak.

"Brother Shen, what kind of business do you do, you look like a cultural person."

"Isn't he a poor teacher?" Shen Guanglin was very modest.

"Teaching, which school is ours?"

"Capital University."

"I really don't know Taishan with my eyes. I am the editor of "Youth Literature", and I like this traditional culture the most. You have so many things in your collection here. I have opened my eyes today. I will invite you to my place to have a look at another day." , I won’t bother you today.”

Ma Dudu successfully retreated, and he felt that he could not get any benefits, so he was ready to leave.

Oh, it's rare to meet a historical celebrity, and Shen Guanglin didn't even experience the pleasure.

Shouldn't Ma Dudu be optimistic about an object in this kind of link, deliberately pretending not to care, and want to take it away at a low price, and then be ruthlessly dismantled by someone Shen?

"Editor Ma, in fact, the things here are not collected by me, but the rags collected by my brother. The good things I collected are not here. Among the wooden furniture, there are Qianlong dragon bed and antler chair. Do you want to go and see with me? Ah?" Shen Guanglin sent out a temptation.

The dragon bed is a good thing, he doesn't believe that Ma Dudu won't take the bait.

"Yes, definitely!"

Xiao Ma was really hooked. He has no other hobbies, but likes to engage in these cultural things.

Seeing that it was almost time for dinner, let's go after dinner. Editor Ma said he was treating guests.

Shen Guanglin said no, I have ready-made food there, not only is there enough meat, but it doesn't cost money.

That feeling is good.

Hearing that there was a free meal, Wang Shuo with big eyes went to call his girlfriend.

Wang Shuo's girlfriend has the same surname as Shen Guanglin, she is Shen Xujia, she is a student of the dance academy, her image and temperament are very good, this big-eyed thief is lucky.

However, since this big-eyed thief already has such a good girlfriend, what happened to Xu Talented Girl?Is it so terrible that a beauty with a sunset face and a hero's twilight are so terrible?

Shen Guanglin felt deeply unconfident.

(End of this chapter)

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