Start with a college teacher

Chapter 346 Olympic Games

Chapter 346 Olympic Games

Shen Guanglin thought and thought, and the one who took them was either somewhere else, or Shen Guanglin's laboratory.

Because there are quite a lot of collectibles displayed here, if Shen Guanglin didn't mention it, no one would have thought that these were all genuine products.

As for Tiangong No. [-], try not to expose it as much as possible. After all, Shen Guanglin is not very familiar with them, and he doesn't know their character.

After all, people don't hurt a tiger's heart, but a tiger hurts people's.

Tiangong No. [-] is Shen Guanglin's collection for many years, and it is his old nest. If he is attacked by someone, it will be too late to cry.

Now this era has not allowed private museums to be opened. In a few years, Shen Guanglin plans to build his own museum, not for making money, but for showing off.

Now, the most important thing is to eat first. After so long here in Wanchun Garden, everyone is hungry.

Shen Guanglin promised to honor the treat, but it is not a meal at the Great Wall Biology, it is also possible to have a meal in the laboratory.

The four of them were queuing up for dinner with their classmates in the cafeteria of Shen Guanglin's laboratory. Looking at the students around them, they were all students from Capital University. To be honest, the three of them still felt a little inferior.

Among the three, Wang Shuo's girlfriend, Shen Xujia, has the highest academic qualifications. She is a junior college student at Beiwu, and she will graduate in one year.

Followed by Wang Shuo, he joined the army only after graduating from high school. Because he didn't study hard, he simply didn't take the college entrance examination.

Ma Dudu had the lowest education, dropped out of school before graduating from primary school, and spent many years in society. Later, because of a novel he wrote, his whole life began to flourish.

"Mr. Shen, this is your work unit? That's great!" Wang Shuo dared not ask this question, and it was her girlfriend Shen Xujia who asked.

As expected of a dancer, she has a very good figure and temperament. Shen Guanglin took a few glances at this girl and couldn't help but sigh that Wang Shuo, the grandson, made a lot of money.

"Yes, this is our laboratory. How is it? Are the environment and food okay?"

There is a TV set in the hall, and there are pots of vegetables in the window, both meat and vegetarian, and there is no shortage of oil and water.

I don't dare to say anything else, but Shen Guanglin is very strict about food and welfare. The whole meat factory mistakenly thinks that he has been doing import and export business.

"It's quite good! It's much better than our unit. Our unit has never had such meals. It's because you didn't specifically tell us to give us extra meals."

The person who spoke was the thin-faced pony, and now Wang Shuo is just Ma Dudu's follower, Ma Dudu is the editor, he is a writer, and currently he doesn't even have a formal job, so naturally he can't talk about his identity and status.

"That's not enough. We have this kind of food every day. You must eat and drink well. If you don't have enough, you can add more. If you like any dish, you can tell the master to cook more. Our master's hands don't shake, and the food is enough. .”

Shen Guanglin explained very carefully, and he also brought a bottle of Arctic Ocean to each of the three.

He himself doesn’t drink Coke very much, and he knows it’s unhealthy, but people in this era don’t think so. Instead, they think that Coke is the only way to relieve summer heat. Some people even buy a bottle of Coke and are reluctant to drink it directly. They have to mix it with water.

Today's meal is indeed very good, but Xiao Ma's mind is not on eating, just like a kitten scratching, he is still thinking about Shen Guanglin's collection.

The owner who can spend money to collect a yard of stone things must have a high-quality stock.

"Mr. Shen, when shall we go to see your collection?" Ma Dudu sat here and waited after a quick meal, bored.

Shen Guanglin was not in a hurry, watched Wang Shuo and the two finish their meal with a smile, and enthusiastically made two bowls of soup for them, and then said:
"Since everyone has finished eating, let's go and go to my office to have a look."

"Did you put the collection in the office?" Ma Dudu was very surprised, and he was not afraid that someone would walk away.

"There is about a little here. Our security here is good, and no one will steal my things."

Shen Guanglin's office is very big. Behind the desk is a row of bookshelves. There are not many books on it. Shen Guanglin will not put the books that are not used on weekdays on the wall for decoration.

One wall of the entire office is a bookshelf, and calligraphy and paintings are hung on the other three walls.

Moreover, most of the bookshelves are decorated with porcelain and other decorations, and someone gave him a pot of fresh Clivia.

Clivia is very expensive in this era, but many people still buy it like crazy.

This trend came from the Northeast. Shen Guanglin himself did not participate, nor did he allow people around him to participate.

However, that's all he can do, and it doesn't matter to him if anyone loses all their money because of the hype.

Don't say it is unpredictable.

The three of them followed Shen Guanglin into the door, and they saw a large painting on a blank wall, and there were several hanging paintings around it.

"Lanting repair picture!" Seeing the stamp and content, Ma Dudu immediately cried out in surprise.

"Well, yes, this is the representative work of Wen Zhengming, one of the four great talents in the south of the Yangtze River. How about the quality of this painting?" Shen Guanglin was very proud, after all, these paintings were really not easy to come by.

Ma Dudu didn't speak, hurried over to look at it for a while, clicked his tongue in admiration, and then looked at the next one: "This is Qiu Ying's "Autumn River Waiting for Crossing"!"

"Dong Qichang's "Yunxi Xianguan Picture"!"

Seeing that he was fascinated, Ma Dudu let Ma Dudu go and watch casually. Shen Guanglin called the two young people to sit down and brewed a pot of Pu'er for him.

Ma Dudu's surprise is still going on, he has left calligraphy and painting, and started to study the porcelain ornaments on the bookshelf.

"Chenghua blue and white porcelain lotus bowl? It's a pity that this is an imitation of the Qing Dynasty. Judging from the year, it should be an imitation of the Yongzheng period, but it is also very precious."

"Famille Butterfly Pattern Strong Jar!"

"Dragon pattern plum vase from the Kangxi period!"

Ma Dudu's voice was full of surprises of discovery.

He has been collecting for some years, and it's not like he hasn't owned any similar good things, but the probability of so many good things appearing together is really too low.

Having been devoted to antiques for decades, some things have only been heard but never seen, and now seeing the real thing, Shen Guanglin can understand this kind of surprise, but Wang Shuo can't.

Wang Shuo and his girlfriend were sitting at the coffee table drinking tea in a restrained manner, not at all like the way they scolded Fang Qiu at the film conference of later generations.

After a long time, Ma Dudu finally got tired of watching.

"I really want to ask if you can give me one or two, but I can't open my mouth." Ma Dudu was reluctant to let go of every treasure when he saw it. They were really good things, but unfortunately they were not his.

Looking at these things, his mouth was dry, and he didn't care if the tea was cold, so he opened his mouth and took a big gulp.

Immediately, he discovered something was wrong again.

"This, this, this teacup, this pot?" Ma Dudu looked at the bottom of the teapot - Yang Pengnian's stone ladle pot: "This is a treasure from the Jiajing period, why are you willing to use it to make tea?"

"Isn't the teapot just for use?" Shen Guanglin smiled triumphantly. He has entertained many guests with this teapot. Ma Dudu was the first person to discover the abnormality, so he has the ability.

Such a purple sand pot is now about the price of a bottle of Moutai, and in later generations, it will be about the price of a bottle of Moutai today.

Life is really lonely as snow.

"Where did you buy such good things? It must have cost a lot of money." Although it is wrong for a literati to talk about money, Ma Dudu couldn't help but want to ask, and everyone was curious.

"That's all I love. After all, this is our traditional culture. I also hope to do my part to protect it. But my vision is not very good. Although I often go to Liulichang, I don't know how to recognize it. Whether it’s true or not, they also like to play tricks on me. So I usually go to the Chinese Bookstore in Wenhua Street or Rongbaozhai to buy genuine products, and I don’t miss out.”

Sure enough, this is the world of the rich!
Ma Dudu couldn't help sighing that Mr. Shen is really wise, as long as he doesn't want to pick up the leaks, he won't be cheated. If I have money, I want to do the same.

The three of them stayed at Shen Guanglin's place for a long time, chatted all afternoon, and had dinner together before reluctantly leaving.

Moreover, Shen Guanglin and Ma Dudu made an appointment to go to Liulichang together when they are free.

Shen Guanglin hadn't been in the laboratory for several days, and this time he watched the news while having dinner with them.

It is being reported on the news: My delegation is going to the No.20 three Los Angeles Olympics.

What?Have the Olympics started yet?
Shen Guanglin has forgotten that this year is still the Olympic year, is it too late to go to the scene to watch the competition?
Shen Guanglin hurriedly asked, when is the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games?
It's July 7th, today's 28th, and there are still 24 days left.

I go!This is the first Olympic Games China participated in after the founding of the People's Republic of China, and the first gold medal will be born soon. If you don't witness this historical moment, you are simply sick in your head.

But, is it too late to mention sponsorship now?How many sponsors does the Huaxia team have?

The more Shen Guanglin thought about it, the more angry he became. How could there be such a mistake?

He couldn't bear it any longer, and he called Su Youpeng, Zhang Peng, and Huang Guangyi in a fit of frustration: Why didn't you sponsor the Olympic Games in advance?Does he have to ask someone, Shen, to find out about everything?

We also engaged in sponsorship during the World Cup, but didn't we get cheated in the end?

Probably because of this reason, Alec Su and the others never thought of sponsoring the Olympics.

I go!It's not the same good or bad.

Shen Guanglin suddenly thought, is this the year when the functional drink was born?

The legendary Oriental Shenshui?

This advertisement was done really well, and the whole world knew it at once.

If it weren't for the gold pot they presented to the Olympic champions for a problem, they should be able to continue to be rampant for decades.

Without saying anything, I quickly applied to the National Sports Bureau, saying that Great Wall Electric wanted to sponsor the Olympics, and asked if they would accept it.

Moreover, even if they don't accept it, the advertisements about the Olympics should be shot quickly, and this wave of enthusiasm cannot be ignored.

Fortunately, the National Sports Bureau is also really poor. There are companies willing to sponsor, and there is no shortage of them. It's just a pity that the athletes have already set off for Citigroup, otherwise they can participate in the shooting of a few commercials.

In fact, there are not many companies that actually sponsor the Olympics in this era. After all, everyone is a state-owned enterprise with little autonomy.

Moreover, now participating in the Olympic Games, the athletes won't get much bonus after winning the prize.

But it doesn't matter, if they don't give it, Shen Guanglin can!

The sponsorship plan was quickly formulated, and it was divided into several steps. In addition to donating part of the money to the National Sports Bureau, Shen Guanglin specifically emphasized that all athletes participating in the Olympic Games must be rewarded.For example, a gold medal can be rewarded with a refrigerator, a silver medal can be rewarded with a TV set, and a bronze medal can be rewarded with a washing machine.

Moreover, Shen Guanglin is also planning to bring cash to the scene to sponsor a wave. The sponsor can be late, but he cannot be absent.

(End of this chapter)

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