Start with a college teacher

Chapter 348 1 passerby

Chapter 348
After the game, Shen Guanglin followed the Huaxia delegation back to the Olympic Village because of the contribution of presenting the flag.

It is inevitable for everyone to celebrate in various ways, and it is a victory.

Happy, then Shen Guanglin drank too much, it was Li Rong who helped him go back, and later, she also helped him in.

Borrowing the energy of getting drunk, Shen Guanglin waved his hand and announced a "big event":
"All the athletes and staff who came to participate in the Olympic Games have worked hard, everyone has made great achievements, Shen has nothing to repay, and can only seek a little benefit for everyone.

Great Wall Electric is actually our own company, and I am their chief scientist. I know this best.

We have always had a heart to sponsor national sports.

Today, someone from Shen replaced Great Wall Electric to distribute a little welfare to all of us.Considering that everyone has a public job, and Great Wall Company is indeed under great operating pressure, it can only provide a triple discount card, and cannot send a full set of home appliances.

All of us participating in the Olympic Games this time can use this discount card to buy a TV, a refrigerator and a washing machine at half price, only one.

However, the rewards for athletes who have won medals are about to be upgraded, so don't have any objections.

Among them, the athlete who won the gold medal can get a refrigerator for free, and the other two can also get half price if they want it;

Athletes who win silver medals can get one TV set for free, and the other two are half price;
The washing machine for the athlete who won the bronze medal is free, and the other two are half price. "

That's all for the benefits.

Excuse me!The range of motion is big enough!Does what you say when you're drunk count?

Everyone has a share?
Does it include ordinary staff and accompanying media workers?

Of course it is included!

Shen Guanglin said again, "Everyone has been honored by the athletes. They have won glory for the country, and everyone has a little bit of glory. We Great Wall Electric have wanted to sponsor the national sports team many times, but we have not been able to find a suitable opportunity. This time The Olympics are just fine, companies get publicity and everyone gets benefits.”

"Xiao Shen, if Great Wall Electric sells so many electrical appliances at half price, won't it lose money? Can the foreign businessman agree?" Finally, some people are still worried about Shen Guanglin. What if his bragging doesn't come true?

But Shen Guanglin said: "It's okay! I'm drunk. If Rongrong is not drunk yet, what I said naturally counts. Isn't this a publicity for the company, and they won't lose money. Moreover, starting a business is to give back to the society. Well, this is corporate social responsibility.”

"well said!"

Everyone in Shen Guanglin was drunk, and he didn't forget to brag about himself.

Indeed, Shen Guanglin's decision is really a big deal in this era.

The products of Great Wall Electric are high-end products, blessed with celebrity endorsements, and have always been in short supply in the market.

Like TVs and refrigerators, the usual retail price is not cheap, but the quality is really good, the functions are more than others, and it should be more expensive than the peers.

Now that there is this half-price event, many people who plan to bring electrical appliances back from Citigroup are not planning to bring them anymore, and it’s good to save the money to buy other things.

In fact, this is a win-win situation!

Shen Guanglin made a big advertisement for Great Wall Electric in the Olympic delegation, and the influence of this advertisement will last for a long time.

Even, when the actual cost of financial accounting was calculated afterwards, I was surprised to find that even though so many Olympic medalists gave away their things for nothing, the general ledger of this wave of transactions did not lose money, but made a small profit with tears in their eyes.

Oops, I'm so hard!
In the next few days, Shen Guanglin haunted every arena where Huaxia people played, and everyone was used to the fact that there were always two familiar and enthusiastic spectators in the stands.

Even, there will be media footage coming here just to find them, and they will even be filmed as highlights, and the ratings are not low.

Later, when everyone wanted to find out the itineraries of Shen Guanglin and Li Rong, they could just look it up on the TV screen, and it would always appear.

These two people haunt each other in couple outfits every day, and the dog food has to be fed far away from the ocean.

Under the witness of Shen Guanglin and Li Rong, the Huaxia Sports Team performed extraordinary.

The shooting team performed particularly well.In the subsequent competition, Li Yuwei won the gold medal in men's 50-meter moving target shooting; Wu Xiaoxuan won the gold medal in women's small-caliber standard rifle shooting.

It's just that these two people won the gold medals relatively late, so no one cared about them, and they just constituted a number on the gold medal list.

Among all the athletes who have won gold medals, the most powerful is the prince of gymnastics.He won gold medals in men's floor exercise, men's pommel horse, and men's rings, as well as two silver medals and a bronze medal.

And this is not his brightest moment.

The most glorious moment of the Prince of Gymnastics was in the 1982 Gymnastics World Cup. There were 7 men's gymnastics events, and he won the championship of 6 of them, and he also had a bronze medal.

What is omnipotence, this is omnipotence.

He is not only good at gymnastics, but also very business minded.

After retiring, the Prince of Gymnastics created a well-known sports brand named after himself, leading the trend for decades, becoming the only sports brand in China that can compete with international big names.

Shen Guanglin thought to himself, he also has a garment factory, should he open a line to produce sportswear instead, we don't need anything else, just use nano-materials, the clothes made are waterproof, stain-resistant, and full of technological content.

But it's still too early to say this, and it would be nice to have a good relationship.

After all, it is still the peak period of the little prince of gymnastics. After encountering Waterloo in the 88 Seoul Olympics, he retired in frustration and then moved to the mall.

The little prince of gymnastics suffered this Waterloo at the Seoul Olympics, and he received no less abuse than Liu Fei later. Even at that time, someone sent blades, which scared the little prince out for a long time.

As the schedule progressed, Shen Guanglin watched the rise of the center, the fencing to win the roost, and the women's volleyball team to win the championship.


Zhou Jihong, the high-end controversial figure who later took charge of China's diving and swimming, is still just a fledgling girl.

The Olympic Games ended, Huaxia team won No.4, the top three were Citigroup with 83 golds, Romania with 20 golds, and Federal Republic of Germany with 17 golds.

That's right, Romania ranks second. This country with a population of only 1500 million is actually a big sports country.

Only when Shen Guanglin saw this did he understand why so many international students are willing to go to countries like Romania and Yugoslavia. Their economic conditions in this era are really good. Although they are not as good as the Democratic Germany, they are also much richer than China.

The Olympics is over, and everyone else has gone back. Shen Guanglin and Li Rong didn't leave. They still have other things to do.

Shen Guanglin didn't come to Citigroup just to watch the Olympics, he also wanted to visit Texas Instruments.

Because, the Chinese scientist is said to have become the vice president of Texas Instruments, let's see if he can be dug over.

Texas Instruments is headquartered in Dallas, Texas, which is not too far from Los Angeles, even by car.

Both cities belong to the southwestern part of Citigroup, one on the west coast and one in the central interior.

Shen Guanglin is relatively familiar with Texas, because the place he often visited when he was in college was Houston Rocket City, which is also one of the important cities in Texas.

Most importantly, Texas has three relatively strong NBA teams, including the Houston Rockets, San Antonio Spurs and Dallas Mavericks.

Dallas is the capital of Texas and the ninth largest city in Citi Country. It was once the home of the San Antonio Spurs.

Later, the Spurs moved from Dallas to San Antonio, and then Dallas did not have an NBA team for a long time. Billionaire Donald Carter and manager Norm Suo built the Mavericks.

Although Dallas had the famous Kennedy shooting in 1963, its urban crime rate is very low and it is a good city.

Shen Guanglin's visit to Dezhou this time has only one purpose, and that is to meet Zhang Zhongmou and see if it is possible to persuade him to go to Huaxia to work or build a factory, even if they are a partner.

The meeting went smoothly. After all, Shen Guanglin is a well-known physicist. We are all Chinese, and we are always eager to meet compatriots in foreign lands.

The two people met in a coffee shop. Zhang Zhongmou was more than 20 years older than Shen Guanglin, and he was no longer a generation. The two had little common language.

Shen Guanglin doesn't know much about semiconductors. He is not a professional, but it is very difficult to fool professionals with his mouth.

It turned out to be the case.

The two of them didn't talk a few words together because there was nothing to talk about.

Zhang Zhongmou had already agreed to be the dean of the Wanwan Industrial Technology Research Institute, and his family was originally a businessman and an official. He was Chang Kaishen's subordinate, and Shen Guanglin and the others were not the same.

(End of this chapter)

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